Tag Archive | bask

A Call To Wellbeing

Present Joy

Lately I’ve decided that I’m a good person
And that I deserve good things to happen to me
Therefore I have decided that I’m going to
Pamper myself as much as I can. When I do
I feel better. My aim is to live happily.
An important part of my life is having fun.

I’ll look for the ease in every situation
And find satisfaction as I go with the flow.
I feel better than ever. Let the good times roll!
Having given up resistance I’ve gained control
Of my point of attraction. I’m glad that I know
Of my awesome power of instant creation.

I’m going to hang out only with people who
Are exciting and fun to be with. I’m going
To look for reasons to feel good right where I am.
What I follow is a very simple program.
I rely on the provident and all-knowing
Universe to assist me in all that I do.

When I feel myself basking in any moment
I will milk it for everything it can offer.
Life is meant to feel good and I have found a way
To stay focused on feeling good throughout each day.
I can feel good no matter what bad may occur
And it’s done easily by my conscious intent.

Positive Aspects

Isolated Worth

Finding that golden nugget amid the darkness
Heir apparent is challenging if you believe
Something’s wrong with the planet or with our species
So it’s best to see the way your inner self sees.
In this way many helpful insights you’ll receive
Regarding your misperceptions of hopelessness.

Make lists of Positive Aspects and revel in
The perfection of this planet’s proximity
To others in their own orbits. Be aware of
All that’s good about existence and be in love
With all that you’ve created. You were meant to be
In a happy state and this is where to begin.

When you awaken speak your appreciation
For the new day. Thank the sun for having risen
Whether or not you can see it. “It’s a good day,”
Say to yourself. Then in a good mood you will stay.
Blessings of the universe will follow you when
You acknowledge the goodness of all creation.

You have such a good basis from which to begin.
All is well with you. Source Energy is aware
Of you and has your back. Everything that matters
To you it knows. Be mindful of all that occurs
On your way to more good times and take special care
Of your Point of Attraction. All starts from within.

Find Something To Appreciate

Love Swarm

There exists a vibrational reality.
Take the time to acknowledge it. Tune yourself to
The power of it simply by being aware
Of how you feel and by taking absolute care
Of sustaining a more positive point of view.
You can believe in feelings that you cannot see.

This vortex of creation, made of energy
From your feelings of passion, gathers all of the
Components necessary to fulfill your dreams.
This vibrational reality, though it seems
Not as real as the physical, most certainly
Can be felt as you’re living your life happily.

It’s like setting yourself up with a search engine
That has searching and finding capabilities
The likes of which we’ve never come close to with our
Technological prowess. It has the power
To process all that you want with infinite ease.
It’s done this forever. It will do it again.

Line up with it. You don’t have to search the archives
Or do anything other than get yourself in
The receptive mode. Find something to bask about
And appreciate. There’s nothing to figure out.
Just get happy and wonderful things will begin
Happening. It’s the spirit within you who thrives.

Daily Mantras


When I ask it is given but I have to be
In the receptive mode before I can partake
Of the blessings God offers. If there’s resistance
In my asking it’s as if I don’t stand a chance
Of receiving. This habit of mine I must break
And I will get rid of it eventually.

I’m perfect the way I am – the way God made me
So I don’t need to seek perfection anywhere
But within me then everything else is just fine.
I cannot lose my connection with the divine
In fact we are quite an inseparable pair
Though there are certain times when we do not agree.

God is never wrong and anytime that I feel
Negative emotion I know that I’m not in
Alignment with God’s version of what I perceive
And since all good comes from God I have to believe
In redemption from having lived a life of sin.
I do not want to make of my life an ordeal.

I feel that I’m not good enough as I recall
My past insane behavior. It causes me pain
To do so. I’d much rather think that I’m okay.
A life of misery is a huge price to pay
For the past. There’s no goal that I need to attain.
What I contribute to life I pray isn’t small.

Time To Listen

Trying To Hear

The question I’ve been asking I’ve been asking for
Such a long time. I keep asking but the answer
Isn’t coming. Is there something I’m doing wrong?
The intention I have when I’m asking is strong
Still, receiving information doesn’t occur.
Are there some other avenues I could explore?

Yes. There are some. But the thing you must understand
Is that you’re a radar that transmits and receives
Which means you can’t do both at the same time. You must
Be quiet to receive and be willing to trust
That answers are forthcoming. Be one who believes
In this truth and the world will be at your command.

Listen up. There’s a message coming to you from
Deep within you. Make quiet your mind and you’ll hear
What you need for the moment. Need you listen to
The world’s chaos and its negative point of view?
Just get quiet. The message becomes loud and clear.
You have only your noisy mind to overcome.

Find relief from the chatter through meditation
Or something nonresistant yet satisfying.
While you’re not trying and when you least expect it
You’ll receive something that is to your benefit.
You can get the most out of life by applying
Some patience while awaiting manifestation.