Tag Archive | comfortable

On Life’s Stage

Still Life Platform

During each stage of life everyone has a friend
But only lucky ones have the same friend through all
Stages of life. Good friends are very important
But not having friends does in no way mean you can’t
Live a happy life. It takes only but a small
Bit of conscious awareness for you to ascend.

Be kind to people without allowing them to
Take advantage of your good nature. Life begins
At the end of your comfort zone. Be not afraid
To act on intuition. The choices you made
In the past strengthen you. As sure as the earth spins
What you give out will come back directly to you.

Time is more valuable than money. You can
Always get more money but you can’t get any
More time than is allotted. You’ll never achieve
Real success unless in what you do you believe.
At your work you can be as happy as can be.
You can make being joyful always your game plan.

Your bad habits are like a comfortable bed –
Easy to get into but hard to get out of.
Trust your gut feelings. Sometimes they can save you from
Making improper choices. Start beating the drum
Of life, liberty, and unconditional love.
Live more from your heart. Try to stay out of your head.

Delegate To The Universe

Spiritual Group

People put way too much effort into living.
Busy schedules and deadlines keep us in a state
Of anxiety constantly. Is it okay
For the body and soul to go on in this way?
One can live well by learning to appreciate
Everything in existence that is life giving.

Set some time aside to pay more attention to
The spiritual part of you. Get away from
The chaos and confusion for just a short while.
You can do this no matter what kind of lifestyle
You may have. Meditation can help you become
More relaxed. It’s one of many things you can do.

This intelligent universe knows all about
Who you are down to the most explicit detail.
It knows your thoughts and feelings and what excites you.
It wants to help you in everything that you do.
When you look at your life in this way you can’t fail
But you must not harbor any lingering doubt.

Delegate To The Universe. It doesn’t mind
Taking some of the load off of your busy day.
Tell the universe exactly what you want done
Then go off and have all kinds of outrageous fun.
Your workload will diminish for you in this way.
It’s the best orchestrator of things you will find.

Finding Ease

Nature Soft

I like ease. I like knowing that all is okay.
I want to have that feeling of satisfaction
And contentment that I had when I was a child.
Then I had the freedom to let my thoughts run wild.
As I thought them I had a point of attraction
That was powerful in every natural way.

I like ease. That’s the best word. I want to feel ease.
I want to feel at ease. I want to feel easy
And comfortable. I like feeling confident.
I like feeling that I can be fully present
In the moment. I like being where I should be
At all times. There’s no one else who I need to please.

I like feeling certainty so much that I know
That things are taken care of. I love to relax
And feel good about being alive on this earth.
I acknowledge the feeling of sunshine and mirth
Earth can offer. The feeling of performing acts
Of kindness to others is what I want to flow.

It just feels good to feel good. I like slowing things
Down a bit so I can have a conversation
With myself. I like mitigating the frenzy
With rest and relaxation. I love being free
To be free of resistance. A celebration
Is in order as the happy heart of me sings.

Try Less

All Is Done

All I need to know is that it’s already done.
I’ve identified something that I want and I
Can maintain my alignment. I’ll build momentum
So that all the sooner that which I want will come.
But a wise inner voice says that I ought to try
A lot less and to trust in the process begun.

Constant trusting that the process works without fail
Is all that it requires. I have put it all there –
Everything that I want. I can’t keep focusing
On the absence. I will not accomplish a thing
But a blocking of that which is going nowhere.
They exist in my mind’s eye in vivid detail.

It is not about thinking about it a lot.
Too much of that will lead me into depression.
To accept that the process is worthy and real
There must be some passion in the way that I feel
For the thing that is wanted, and I am someone
Who can maintain a blissful state absent of thought.

I Must Chill. That’s the bottom line. Just let things be.
Everything is accomplished. I need to relax
And allow things to happen. It is not okay
If I’m feeling discomfort. I must steer away
From diversions and self-sabotaging attacks.
I let myself move toward what I want to see.

Finding Ease

The Pursuit of Inner Peace

Absence of difficulty, struggle, or effort
Is what I want to feel at this moment in time.
Can I talk myself into it from where I am
Without changing my usual feeling program?
I want so much that there not be tough hills to climb.
Fear grips me so completely that I may fall short.

Life means handling the contrast as best as I can
Without ill will to others, self-loathing, or pain.
Lightening up on myself would feel really nice.
It’s high time that I take nature’s helpful advice.
When resistance is created there is no gain.
All I’ll do is come up with another bad plan.

The best word I can find for what I’m wanting now
Is the word ‘ease.’ I want to feel satisfaction
That I’m ever in the right place at the right time.
That warm feeling of confidence is most sublime.
I want comfort in knowing that everything’s done.
All I need to do now is relax and allow.

To get into that centered place is all I need.
Where my natural comfort and worthiness lies
Is my point of attraction. To feel good feels good.
I like slowing the frenzy down. It’s understood
That the self who is fettered is just a disguise.
“All Is Well.” In this statement my spirit is freed.

A Call To Deep Rest

Requirement For Detachment

I must use the word ‘I’ but I does not exist.
And it baffles the rational mind easily
To consider who I is at any moment.
Characters we must play; the body may resent.
If we just keep on acting and show no pity
We may need to befriend a good psychiatrist.

I am not the performer. The roles that I play
Represent parts of myself who act out of fear.
I am not the damned poet that I’d love to be
Nor am I my well crafted personality.
What I am truly is something sacred and dear.
I am that which is programmed to stand in its way.

Sadness happens to everyone once in a while
And is brief in duration, whatever the cause.
Depression is a different animal, though.
It’s my body informing me that it wants no
More to do with my avatar. So it withdraws
Into a state of disease to where I can’t smile.

When the body says, “Screw you,” and it is ignored,
Then in retaliation it will be depressed.
Depressed means that a Deep Rest is clearly called for.
I must answer that calling. My act is a chore
That I use for survival. Yet there’s no conquest
That is of more significance than self explored.