Tag Archive | courage

When You Feel Like Quitting


My life is in the darkest of darkest valleys.
At the moment I search for a means of escape
From this grip of reality but for a while.
It’s been ages since I had a hint of a smile
On my face. My life is in deplorable shape.
Why is it that life has brought me to my damned knees?

Beautiful things can come from my broken pieces.
I can give those shards the chance to turn me around,
It’s okay to be scared and it’s okay to cry
But I can’t quit. I have to give it my best try
Until some powerful breaking point can be found
And my will to continue my quest increases.

Everything that I’m going through is preparing
Me for what I have asked for. It’s in the process
Of becoming. I need to get out of the way
Of it coming and put confidence on display
With my person and focus on my happiness.
My work is in the area of self-caring.

I may not see it now but on the other side
Of this current dilemma I’ll see exactly
Why it had to go this way. What I have is hope
Which is all I need in order for me to cope.
I can know that the process exists to help me
To be with this most fettered life more satisfied.



The best choice you could ever make is not to care
What other people think of you. You want to be
The ‘cool’ kid – the one who gets all the attention
And your name is what you want people to mention
All the time, everywhere, but popularity
Is most often a shallow and fleeting affair.

You may think that you’re not enough just because you
Don’t fit in. It means only that you are unique.
A fake diamond ‘appears’ perfect but a real
One has flaws. You want always to be the real deal.
You’re Enough! All the constant approval you seek
Is preventing you from knowing all that is true.

It’s better to be hated for who you are than
To be liked for who you aren’t. Most people judge you
Based on someone’s opinion. You have to believe
In yourself. You have all that you want to receive
Already. Take a more positive point of view.
You can do more for yourself than anyone can.

Don’t trade your dignity for popularity
And don’t dim your light so that others don’t have to
Squint or hide. You were meant to stand out in the crowd.
In a few years you’ll look back on this and feel proud
That you took the time to care enough about you
To allow yourself to live more confidently.

A Message To The World

Earth Rising

All this talk about aliens… What does it all mean?
Many UFO sightings have been reported
In the past few months. Why is this now happening
On the planet? Conspiracies are a big thing
To the ones who need answers amid distorted
Incomplete information. It’s rather obscene.

Some say they’re now among us. Someone you may know
May have had contact with one, or maybe we are
Foreigners to this planet and they are the ones
Who are taking it back. They probably have tons
Of ways of doing that, yet they haven’t so far.
If they were ready, they’d have done it long ago.

What Is Truth? It’s something considered to be real
And there’s such a huge deficit of it today.
If we have enough courage to face the truth in
Our lives, we will meet our fears and we will begin
To live righteously. The message they would convey
To the world is to honor truth as an ideal.

It’s easy to believe in gurus, teachers, and
Our elected officials. If we analyze
What we consider truth, we may find out that it
Isn’t truth and it can’t be to our benefit
To believe it. Our loving alien would advise
Giving up on whatever you can’t understand.


Acceptance Of Grace

Virtue is behavior that displays in someone
A high ethical standard. It’s a quality
Or character trait considered morally good
And desirable in a person, so it should
Come as no surprise that among society
It’s seen as a wholesomely healthy condition.

Virtues are valued as they promote collective
And individual greatness. There are many
Virtues and classifications of them, but they all
Are positive. No kind act is ever too small.
It is taught in some branches of philosophy.
Those who are virtuous have a love perspective.

Virtues are positive actions or traits that aid
In undoing or purifying negative
Karma or sin. They can be practiced outwardly
Or inwardly. One progresses ultimately
To enlightenment. No one tells one how to live,
And the words spoken here are not meant to persuade.

Establishing a higher guiding principle
Or mindset such as right view, right concentration,
Or right mindfulness is the quest of the one who
Seeks the truth of one’s being. Ultimate value
There is in being virtuous. The creation
Of virtue in your life is to all meaningful.

When Things Get Hard

Dealing With Contrast

Life can throw you some curves. We know this to be true,
And it’s not just the things that you can see coming.
It’s the things out of nowhere that can set you back
Far enough that you fear you can’t get back on track.
“Never Give Up!” This beat is well worth your drumming.
When you’ve reached your limit, what else is there to do?

Am I going to make it? This echoing fear
Makes the tight spot a tough knot for my gut to bare.
When faced with the impossible most people will
Give it up. In so doing, they do not fulfill
Their life’s dreams, which may lead to ultimate despair.
Life remains hard while maintaining this atmosphere.

When I’ve reached my rock bottom and I’m depleted
Of my energy, that’s the point where the tide turns.
The pain is what makes me stronger. If I go through
It instead of avoiding it, what I once knew
Cannot matter much. This is how my spirit learns
That in life I am tried but never defeated.

Pain is what makes one stronger. It is the high cost
Of the growth of the spirit. The mentality
Of the victim or victor is what I may choose.
There is winning or learning. This wonderful news
Is a change in my outlook. I don’t have to be
Disillusioned about life, and all is not lost.

Life Changing Wisdom

A Fountain Of Enlightenment

The journey of a thousand miles always begins
With the first single step. Your silence is a source
Of great strength. The best fighter is never angry.
When your are content and most delighted to be
Just yourself and don’t compare or compete, of course,
Everyone will respect you, and everyone wins.

When I let go of what I am then I become
What I might be. If I waste time caring about
What other people think then I will always be
Nothing more than their prisoner absolutely.
Knowledge is the treasure, and patience is, no doubt,
The way to it. This message is not just for some.

Music in the soul is heard by the universe.
Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know.
Time is a creative thing. To say that you don’t
Have the time is admitting that you simply won’t.
Success may be dangerous. Hope is as hollow
As is fear, and it cannot be seen as a curse.

New beginnings are disguised as painful endings.
Health is the greatest possession, and contentment
Is the greatest of treasures. Your greatest of friends
Is your confidence. Recognizing this transcends
Circumstances of conflict that are infrequent.
You are affected also by your offerings.

Life Is No Brief Candle

The Focal Length Of Existence

Do Mondays excite you? Do you anticipate
Getting back to work? Do you look forward instead
To the weekend approaching? Are you unfulfilled
In you life and dissatisfied instead of thrilled?
Do you stick with it because it’s stuck in your head
That security means do something that you hate?

Life is not a brief candle but a splendid torch
That you have gotten hold of. You were not sent here
To wander aimlessly. Your time and energy
Are wasted by your wallowing in self-pity
Obstacles come and go, so don’t hold on to fear.
The fire of your passion is one that will not scorch.

It’s not necessary to be a great leader
Or the head honcho of a big corporation
To consider yourself powerful and mighty.
The street sweeper, plumber, and poet can all be
The creator magnificent in the long run
As long as they are doing what they would prefer.

If you’re stuck at a job that’s not your cup of tea
Then perhaps it is time to put your fear aside.
People may call you foolish for quitting without
A ‘back up plan.’ They will try to introduce doubt
Into your equation. People are not your guide.
Your reward will include happiness and safety.

The One Who Can

The Surprising One

Can’t is the worst word that is written or spoken.
It does more harm than slander and outrageous lies.
On it, many a strong spirit may be broken.
Many good purposes die to not come again.
From the lips of the thoughtless it springs when they rise.
It robs us of our courage – both women and men.

It rings in our ears like a timely-sent warning
And will laugh as we falter and fall by the way.
Can’t is the father of all feeble endeavor
And the parent of terror and the half-assed chore.
It weakens the efforts of artisans and may
Make the most clever toiler an indolent thing.

It poisons the soul of the one with a vision
As it stifles in infancy many a plan.
It greets honest toiling with open derision
And it mocks at the hopes and the dreams of the one
With the gumption to start out by saying, “I can.”
It will put quite the kibosh on getting things done.

Can’t cannot be a word uttered without blushing.
To do so would be but a big symbol of shame.
Ambition and courage it daily is crushing.
It will blight one’s own purpose and make everything
Seem as if one does not have a stake in the game.
Hate the word with a passion. No good can it bring.

Refuse to let the word find a home in your brain.
As a creature of terror, do arm against it.
It’s the foe to ambition. It bows only to
Courage, patience, and skill. These are only a few
Of the things that defeat it. One should never quit.
Say, “I Can” to your life. You have so much to gain.

A Blue Jay’s Visit

Mischievous Messenger

There can be no disturbance like that of a bird
Who’s become a winged messenger of the divine.
Like the clear sky is blue with some whiteness of cloud,
The blue jay’s colors match it. That’s why it is proud.
For your visit I’ve waited. You are a sure sign
That the words that I need to hear soon will be heard.

Petrified am I often of sudden noises
Loud and shrill, they’re a nuisance. I can’t get much done
When the country is high on bombs bursting in air.
I was there once, but this time it wouldn’t be fair
To the brave who have fallen. I celebrate none
Of the grossly ironic that life proposes.

But that damned cackling blue jay is at my front door
Making such a commotion. At first I’m annoyed
At it’s utter audacity at audio.
My first thought is that this frigging creature must go.
But then it occurs to me it must be employed
By the angels in heaven where I’ve been before.

I am told that in boldness I must carry on
And defend my position vociferously.
Time for shyness is over. I haven’t grown meek.
I am guided by spirit by now. All I seek
Is the means to remain open and completely
In the hands of divinity as is the dawn.