Tag Archive | reason

Past Trauma And Your Body

Troubled Solitude

Are you easily startled by sudden loud sounds?
Do you feel on edge constantly? These could be signs
That past trauma your body is holding onto.
Trauma deregulates everything about you.
You may have something medical science defines
In provocative terms that may be out of bounds.

Your deregulated nervous system throws you
Into a constant state of hyper vigilance
Or hyper arousal. Every situation
Is a possible threat. The perpetuation
Of unease enters into every circumstance.
That your safety is somehow threatened isn’t true.

Trauma not only changes the shape of your brain.
It interrupts the natural development
Of reflexes by sending you from fight or flight
To dissociative episodes and it’s quite
Difficult on the body. How can one prevent
This from happening? Does this mean we’re all insane?

You can heal your nervous system. Time it will take
And patience. Deep breathing and proper nutrition
Release tension and stimulate the vagus nerve.
The best care of your nervous system you deserve.
By rewriting your brain you can recondition
Its performance. Just think of how much is at stake.

There’s No Waiting For Now

Spontaneous Joy

There’s No Waiting For Now because it’s happening
At this moment. Right now can be more exciting
Than the now right before it. You get to decide
How to feel in each. Easily you’re satisfied
And the world you create is truly inviting.
You’re on top of it all when you’re doing your thing.

You’ve mastered the technique of feeling good right now.
You don’t need the physical manifestations
In order to feel good right now. You celebrate
Everything about this moment. You’re in the state
Of receiving help with all of your creations.
The more receptive you are the more you allow.

There’s a big difference between where you have been
And where you are right now where your power is great.
Where you were is of no use to where you are now.
When you drift away from your purpose you know how
To get right back on track so that you can create
This moment as you want it right now and again.

It’s the ‘means to the end’ thing. You find clarity,
Peacefulness, ease, and satisfaction when you give
Undivided attention to only one thing:
Your connection to right now and what it can bring
Into your life – the one you intended to live.
There’s no waiting for how your life is meant to be.

Deliberately Doing Nothing

Lazy Day

Choose only what feels best to you. Learn to relax
And do noting deliberately. Doing so
Is still doing something but at least you can say
That it could be the start of a wonderful day
One where into your life many blessings will flow.
Just enjoy whatever you’re doing to the max.

Everything that you’ve been living and asking for
Becomes known by universal intelligence.
It knows you most completely and it adores you.
You can adore it right back by attending to
Your vibration. The things that you need to commence
Are commencing and working for you ever more.

Be inspired to do the things that you want to do.
If it’s something you don’t then block off enough time
To do it without pushing yourself to the hilt.
If you find yourself doing something out of guilt
You may feel that your not doing it is a crime.
Remember that what you do is all up to you.

You can assume the identity of one who
Is on quite a vacation with fascinating
Things to do with all kinds of exciting people.
As you learn how to chill your whole life becomes full
And delicious. Relaxing is stimulating
For the over stressed and over worked parts of you.

Inner Guidance

Specific Direction

Facing reality only regurgitates
It in essence. There’s plenty of reality
That you want to keep replicated but then there
Are things that only lead to much grief and despair.
If you focus too much on those things then you’ll be
Not your best self. Indeed you’ll be someone who hates.

Your emotions will tell you exactly what you
Need to know in each moment so pay attention
To what they have to say. They’re your guidance system.
If you choose you can gain much benefit from them.
How you feel cannot be beyond comprehension.
You can always be sure that what you feel is true.

When you’re driving on the expressway and you drift
Off the road then the rough pavement will let you know
That you’re getting off track. It’s an indication
Of that fact only. It’s not a condemnation
Of your action. Your emotions exist to show
How far off track you are. Consider them a gift.

If a thought doesn’t feel good then go general.
If it feels entertaining then get specific.
Milk it for all that it has and be satisfied
That the good feelings you get cannot be denied.
They can guide you to feeling rather fantastic.
You should know that your happiness should be normal.

Accept That It’s Done

No Problem Here

Knowing well that it’s done I can be on my way
Living life to its fullest. No reason have I
To be doubtful that it’s done vibrationally.
From that level is where everything comes to be.
I’ve asked for it and it’s done so I’m flying high.
In the state of acceptance of this I must stay.

Everything that I’ve asked for – a healthy body,
A relationship, money, and people who share
The same values that I do – all of it is done.
As I speak of what’s done momentum has begun
And because it’s done I need only be aware
Of what’s done and continue to live happily.

I don’t have to make it happen because it’s done.
I like talking about it because it feels good
To do so and to think of it incessantly
Is as pleasurable as having it for me.
That it’s done is by me more than well understood.
Because it’s done I’m perfectly free to have fun.

Insignificant is the bit of resistance
I may offer compared to what’s done already.
My vibrational escrow is magnificent
And it’s huge so I remain ever confident
That what I want is done and it always will be.
That it’s done decomposes the notion of chance.

The Vibration Of Trust

Frequency Alignment

The digestion of chaos and uncertainty
Takes its toll on the psyche. The civil cold war
Is ongoing, evolving, and penetrating.
There’s much done to perfect the fine art of hating.
So barbaric a mindset remains at the core
Of the heart of American society.

What a hell of a place to begin breaking free
From the feeling of discomfort. It can be done
By not looking at it and by looking elsewhere.
But by doing so does it mean one doesn’t care?
One does not have control over how things are run.
In order to be happy one must let things be.

I find resonance with what I know to be true.
I’m Source Energy in a physical body.
I’ve come here with the purpose of launching desires.
They can become a reality. It requires
Only focus upon what’s appealing to me.
Then I find satisfaction in all that I do.

The Vibration Of Trust is one of clarity
About what I want and the Law of Attraction.
I trust the unobservable. The unexplained
Works well for me when my Vibration is maintained.
Life for me is all about my satisfaction
And spiritual growth is my reason to be.

The Vibration Of Abundance

Magnificent Sound

Everything in the universe vibrates at its
Own frequency. Colors, chairs, tables, ideas,
And people are in motion continuously.
Scientists have recorded the base frequency
Of most things. It’s believed that they do this because
The mere knowledge of this yields many benefits.

Abundance has a particular vibration.
It’s a signature energy field. One can learn
To resonate in harmony with it and be
Receptive to the blessings of prosperity.
What you want to happen is your only concern.
Keep your focus only on your own creation.

Resonance in electronics is adjusting
A circuit to allow the greatest current flow
At a certain frequency. If there’s impedance
In the circuit then one can’t give any credence
To the full flowing of current. It’s good to know
That analogies about life are worth trusting.

The feeling of abundance is the feeling of
Wellbeing, good attraction, and good creation
With yourself and others. It’s the feeling of ease
And the freedom to prosper and do as you please.
Why not let this be your cause for celebration?
You’re permitted to go for the things that you love.

Blessings Of The Universe

Spatial Horizon

Do you know how much wellbeing is waiting to
Come to you? All you have to do is open the
Crack a little bit and some evidence of it
Will begin to flow in much to your benefit
But so often people have this strange tendency
To resist the wellbeing that wants to get through.

You may be aware of where you are strongly so
And it may not be pretty but if you could just
Change slightly your perception then things would begin
To turn for you. Things will take a positive spin
When in your worthiness to be happy you trust.
Much of this stuff you probably already know.

There is nothing that you cannot have, do, or be.
There’s no reason that you’re not constantly thriving
In measures extraordinary on all subjects.
You were meant to be successful in all respects.
It will happen for you when you’re not depriving
Yourself of the goodness that flows naturally.

You are not here to prove something to anyone.
Rid yourself of the reason to go it alone.
Feel the power of who your are and rejoice in
The creator that you are and you will begin
A new life – one in which you are happiness prone.
Keep yourself occupied mostly by having fun.


Carefree Giving

Just imagine if there were no comparison,
Greed or envy. The world would be a nicer place
To grow up in. If eight billion of us could be
More respectful and loving perhaps we would see
Positive transformation of the human race.
Imagine all the good work that we could get done.

We may never see this kind of thing come to be
In our lifetimes but we can begin with our own
Thoughts and actions. A good example you can set
For others and your doing so requires no sweat.
When your compassion and understanding are shown
To the world around you, you live more happily.

Not matter how well educated, talented,
Rich, or cool you believe you are, it’s how you treat
Other people that ultimately tells the tale.
If kindness and wellbeing are meant to prevail
Then the darkness you see in the world can’t compete
With your wholeness. It’s your goodness you want to spread.

Kindness spreads like a virus. You can influence
Other people to be kind. The difference you
Make in someone’s life is what is most important.
There’s no reason on earth for you to think you can’t
Begin creating a world exciting and new.
All the love that we’re capable of is immense.

Enjoy Deliberately Doing Nothing


My relief is at issue. To not have to be
In control and to not have to put everything
Together would be a welcomed experience.
My heart tells me that I can afford the expense
Of a break from reality. Peace it would bring
To my life and my inner being would agree.

Deliberately doing nothing is doing
Something and it’s the smartest thing that I could do
Because in doing nothing I come to allow
Inspiration to do things to enter my now.
When I decide to pay much more attention to
How I feel it’s my spirit that I’m renewing.

Forcing myself to do something isn’t the way
Of my spirit which knows only joy and freedom.
I instead am concerned with what feels best to me.
When I feel my best my life unfolds perfectly
And the happier I feel the more I become
Energized and prepared for a wonderful day.

It’s about feeling better about what I do
Normally. Life is meant to be interesting
And delicious. This is my new identity.
After such long hard struggle it’s nice to be free
To just be and to not have to do anything.
How I feel reaffirms what I know to be true.

What You Really Want

Spiritual Abandon

What you really want can come right now or within
A few minutes or certainly with a day.
With your mind you can focus on feeling your best.
When you do so your life feels not like a contest
But an adventure where things always go your way.
A new life of wellbeing you now can begin.

Everything that you want is because you think you
Will feel better by having it but you can feel
Better right now and when you do things will turn out
For the better. Try it if you have any doubt
About what the kind universe wants to reveal
To your consciousness. You can accept this as true.

Stop nitpicking over how the happiness comes.
Just accept that you can find it right here and now.
What does not come to you instantaneously
Will become part of your life if you let it be
A fulfilling adventure. You want to allow
Yourself to march to the beat of positive drums.

Just find some touchstone that always feels good to you
When you think about it. Use it as your excuse
To feel good in this moment. Don’t try to figure
It all out. Focus on what you want to endure.
You have nothing to do but kick back and let loose
With your loving all that is delightful and new.

When Spirit Is Speaking

Yellow Cosmic Mind

Spirit speaks clearly to you in various ways.
When you feel good or God you are fully aligned
With your spirit. Your state of health can be expressed
By how you’re feeling. In fact it’s the very best
Indicator of health. Your feelings are designed
To guide you therefore they should be given much praise.

Everything in nature is in spirit. It’s not
Spoiled by ego. Listen to the winds, the critters,
The clouds, the rains, and the oceans. Take it all in.
Because with everything in nature you are kin.
All God’s creatures are vibrational transmitters.
In terms of co-creation they teach us a lot.

Synchronistic events are of spirit also.
When you see the same number show up everywhere
Like the clock, the odometer, or the checkbook
Balance, it simply means that you should take a look
At what spirit is showing you and you should care
About everything that spirit wants you to know.

When folks line up with your thoughts mysteriously
As if your private inner meanderings were
The cause of it, Believe It! You made it come true.
Spirit brings you the people that can offer you
The best lessons – not always the ones you prefer
But they will help you to grow spiritually.

How You Treat People Is Who You Are

Warm Embrace

Imagine what seven billion human beings
Could accomplish if we cared for one another.
If there were no comparisons, hatred, or greed,
Everyone would run their own race without the need
For unhealthy attention. All that would occur
Would be absent of utterly negative things.

Such a world may not happen in our lifetime but
We can start with ourselves by choosing to uplift
And show kind understanding, love, and compassion.
You will succeed in life if you treat everyone
As you would like to be treated. Be a true gift
To the ones you encounter. Embrace from the gut.

No matter how educated, talented, cool,
Or rich you believe you are, how you treat people
Tells the story ultimately. Integrity
Is everything about who you happen to be.
You, your words, and your presence are truly helpful.
Treat others in accordance with the golden rule.

Be the reason someone believes in the goodness
Of humanity. Be the change you want to see
Happening in the world. Always do what is right –
Not what’s easy in the moment and take delight
In knowing that the infinite powers that be
Are supporting you in all the love you express.

Dissolve All Your Worries

Expression Of Worry

A concern is your in-the-moment focused thought
That there’s something the matter. Your inner being
Does not have the same thought that you do here and now.
The feeling it gives you, you don’t like anyhow.
Because your inner being is not agreeing
With your thought, in a world of confusion you’re caught.

No concern is legitimate. You’re focusing
Upon something and using it as your reason
To not line up with how your inner being sees
What you see as a problem. It never agrees
That there is one. It doesn’t have an off-season.
It cares not to play along with your suffering.

Most concern is habitual. People focus
On things that they don’t want happening to them, so
That becomes their attraction point. The universe
Will deliver more of the same or even worse.
People get so used to experiencing woe
That it’s the topic that they most often discuss.

There’s no reality anyone has to face.
You create it with your thoughts and feelings and by
Following the guidance that’s always within you.
Changing your focus will lead to a big breakthrough.
There’s nothing in the world you need to justify.
Do believe in your access to provident grace.

The Life That You Want

Happy Thoughts

If I think about it long enough and I keep
Myself focused there with a picture in my mind
Of my having it, then it has to manifest.
I create from a higher state and do my best
To stay there. I find the universe to be kind.
Things can happen for me even while I’m asleep.

The coincidences of my life I manage.
I can place my attention on what I would like
To create in my life, and with this attitude,
Only pure positive energy I exude.
Getting there is as easy as riding a bike
On the down slope. I could go on a joy rampage.

Higher levels of consciousness can be achieved
Just by sitting and dreaming. I could meditate,
Chant, or fast, or go on a spiritual quest
For enlightenment, but I need only divest
Enough focus upon what I want to create
And be thankful for what I’ve already received.

The reptilian mind meets the neocortex
Where awareness of others can yield empathy
For all those who are suffering. I feel the pain,
But I can’t let the world’s issues drive me insane.
I’m thankful I’ve been able to get myself free
Of the status quo and all its harmful effects.

About Life

Work Woe

Most people are living a kind of hypnosis
Wherein they pledge allegiance to the opinion
Of a vacant society instead of to
What they feel in their hearts they would much rather do.
It can feel like the outer world has dominion
Over their souls. It is a social sclerosis.

The plan and purpose of life is obedience
To one’s inner nature. We are here to express
Life as we instinctively feel it ought to be.
It’s not healthy to be trapped in low energy.
We’re supposed to be in a state of happiness
Fairly often. We are creatures of refulgence.

Everything vibrates and emits a vibration.
Ours consist of our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and acts.
They form an energy pattern which is our vibe.
It remains difficult for someone to describe,
But you know when you feel it. It either attracts
Or repels you. It is a point of causation.

All these vibes come together and form what we know
As the Collective Consciousness. It sponsors war,
Mass shootings, pandemics, earth disasters and such.
It can yield good things also, yet we pay to much
Attention to past horrors, and we expect more
Of the same for the future. How then can we grow?

Perfect Body

Physical Beauty

I want a Perfect Body without exercise.
Can I do this? Is there some kind of magic trick
I can pull from a hat to make me look my best
To the world beauty hungry? I cannot invest
In a program that can be effort specific.
How can I become a diva in people’s eyes?

There is all sorts of evidence of people who
Without work have achieved a body fantastic.
How they do it is by visualization.
All kinds of scientific studies have been done
Proving that if I’m wanting to look like a brick
There’s no process of torture that I must go through.

The reason that most people resist the action
Is because they’ve been doing it with energy
Not lined up with their purpose. The work that is done
Is grueling. My journey is supposed to be fun.
If I compensate through action, then agony
Will result. There will be energy depletion.

Visualize it first, then enjoy the doing.
I can’t get good results if I am exhausted
In the struggle. I’ve no time for discouragement.
The focus of my mind’s eye is being content
With the present. I’m up for the journey ahead.
Every dream that I have is worth my pursuing.

The Vibration Of Trust

At One With Existence

There’s a gap between what I want and where I am,
And it scares me because I don’t know who, when, where
Or how things are to happen. The steps I don’t see
To the outcome that is favorable to me.
It’s too big and to uncomfortable to share
Unless I can make of it a final exam.

To be a deliberate creator I must
Do the work. I cannot operate out of fear
Of the unexplained and unobserved. I must be
In alignment with infinite source energy
And go through the darned process. It will be made clear
In due time. I could use an attitude of trust.

The Vibration Of Trust is an old mystery
Come to life every eon. Spiritual Law
Matches that of the physical at some level.
In the magnificence of the Law I revel
Even though my life is mostly fettered in flaw.
I must believe it like the law of gravity.

I can find that vibration. My expectation
That things will work out for me becomes more and more
Solid as I focus more upon my desire.
I cannot be of my own dream a denier.
I can know that it will happen down to the core
Of my being. This exercise will get things done.

Your Abundance Vibration

The Frequency Of Wellbeing

Vibration is just feeling. What you emanate
Is a signal that is electromagnetic.
Whenever your emotions become energized
Your whole energy pattern will be advertised
To the world and the universe. The fantastic
Power you have, you have so that you can create.

The feeling of abundance is one of pleasure
In the freedom of choosing to your heart’s desire.
It is one of wellbeing and good attracting.
It is not one of unconsciously reacting
To discordant vibrations. It doesn’t require
Anything that would count as a countermeasure.

It’s not just about money. It’s also about
People and ideas flowing, places to go,
And exciting things to pour your focus into.
In your absolute fullness, you are the one who
Is on top of the world as you go with the flow
Of who you really are far beyond any doubt.

You find yourself invincible, sure, and complete.
You know that your point of attraction is enhanced
By maintaining the feeling. The details fill in
Once you have decided that you were born to win.
Feeling your best does not have to be an advanced
Existential curriculum. Living is sweet.

The Meaning Of Life

The Purpose Of Existence

What’s the meaning of life? Is it too much to ask?
What’s the meaning of ‘meaning’ without getting deep
Into confusing language? To ‘mean’ is to be
Of intent to convey. What does life mean to me?
Have I spent too much of it acting while asleep?
Finding right answers to these questions is my task.

Meaning means, “What’s the purpose or reason?” It means,
“What’s the existential basis and the intent?”
The whole purpose of life is joy, and expansion
Is the result. It’s not beyond comprehension.
Freedom is the basis of life. Being content
In my here and now dominates all my routines.

More exposure to more opportunity to
Have more feelings my life offers me. The meaning
Of life is life. The thrill of finding alignment
With my dreams is the source of better refinement
Of my purpose. Indeed, I am living leaning.
Breathing and being open is easy to do.

To feel life pour through me is exhilarating.
Sometimes I’m not right on it. It’s really okay.
I can work my way to it, and that is for me
A miraculous mantra. It helps me to be
More fulfilled in the journey that is underway.
Life’s meaning has to do with what I’m creating.

A Wrinkle In Time

The Art Of The Vision

Do away with your vision boards. You don’t need them!
You do not have to physically write things down
When you know how to do it vibrationally.
You can manifest ever so powerfully.
You know that you cannot attract much with a frown.
Attitude is a part of your winning system.

You have conjured this moment from all that you know
And have known since the very beginning of you.
Things you want to accomplish still trigger your soul.
Let your joy in the journey be your only goal.
There are many exciting thing you want to do,
And the contrast in doing them helps you to grow.

Mix it up. Things don’t always have to be the same.
Life’s full of variety. Meet the vibration
Of you dream not above it and not below it.
You can’t want it so much that you cannot commit
To the process, or you may have little to none
Of a want to pursue it. Desire you don’t claim.

It’s the womb that’s the place where the light enters you.
With a spiritual vulnerability
That allows you to be at peace without knowing
What will happen next, in this way you are growing
Into the person who you always longed to be.
When you’re broken open then the light can shine through.

Reset Your Energy

Get Life Moving Again

I want to feel wellbeing, and I want to thrive,
But I feel weak and vulnerable to disease.
When my body and things around me are unwell
All my passion about life is gone straight to hell.
If someone has an answer give it to me please.
There must be more to living than staying alive.

By my deciding how I want to feel and by
Rendering how I feel now as unimportant
I can help myself greatly. The way I feel
Is the most important thing. In order to heal
I must release resistance. If I feel I can’t
Then it can’t be a problem for me if I try.

I can make an emotional jump. I can feel
Just a little less worried. Relief I can find
By finding thoughts that give me a reason to be
Optimistic. I recover naturally
By asking questions specifically designed
To get me to the place where my body can heal.

It’s an issue of energy and how it flows,
Or does not, through the body. My emotions are
Indicators. I don’t have to figure out how
To feel just a bit better. I need but allow
Wellbeing to take over. I’m not all that far
From an energy reset that I won’t oppose.

The Meaning Of Life

Of Ultimate Purpose

“What’s the meaning of meaning?” someone may inquire
If asked, “What is the meaning of life?” The answer:
Why do surfers take surf boards and go ride the waves?
It’s not to smooth the ocean out, and no one craves
Teaching fish how to swim on top of the water.
They do it just because it’s something they desire.

The meaning of meaning means does it have purpose…
Is there some rhyme or reason for it to occur?
The purpose and the reason for life is the thrill
Of achieving alignment. The key is to chill
And allow things to happen as you would prefer.
Meaning is something that is easy to discuss.

The basis of life is freedom and the result
Is expansion, exposure, opportunity,
And desire for experience in the contrast.
While you are on earth you should be having a blast.
Joyful and triumphant is how you want to be.
To not be who you are is the gravest insult.

Life itself is the meaning of life. Feeling it
Pouring through you is exhilarating and fun.
To see manifestation happen in response
To your proper alignment in sheer nonchalance
Is the meaning of life. Surely you are the one
Who it’s meant for. It is for your full benefit.

Judgement And Self-Hatred

Negative Fixation

We can always recognize what we don’t prefer
But the concept of recognizing doesn’t mean
That we need to invalidate or take up arms
Against what is not wanted. This behavior harms
One’s sublime peace of spirit and mental hygiene.
We can choose in our lives what we want to occur.

From a neutral, observational position,
We can recognize what is not wanted without
Placing negative judgement. Each choice is valid
In its own right, though it’s hard to see this amid
Atmospheric conditions of terror and doubt.
 Judging is not the way to get anything done.

Everything is neutral, but we charge everything
With emotional judgement. Thus we magnetize
Ourselves to situations that may be adverse
To the way that we want things. Indeed it’s a curse
To hold on to resentments, and it is unwise
To not be neutral. Clarity is appealing.

What reason can I have, then, to judge anyone?
From a place of neutrality I have power
Over how things affect me. My freedom of choice
Means that I can always find reason to rejoice.
What I find in myself that is wicked and sour
I will seek out in others as some solution.

If it’s right in our face or some lightyears away
It cannot really matter. We’re not affected
By something someone offers that is negative.
The higher vibration is to learn to forgive
Ignorance for the soul that is truly misled.
But how many can do that in this world today?

A Perfect Body

In The Best Shape Possible

You are fairly good looking – not perfectly so.
Does your mirror reflection reveal what is fact?
You abhor doing exercise. That’s much to hard.
It’s not like you have plenty of lard to discard
But what people don’t say about you has impact
On the mind and the oversensitive ego.

Can you have that perfection? Can you have a shape
That is supple yet muscular without the work?
Could it be that you’re lazy? Is that an insult
That may stick in your craw and produce the result
Of your moving your body more? Demons may lurk
In the unsettled consciousness without escape.

There have been several studies done already
By science as it looks at mind over matter.
The conclusion is that visualization
Is as effective as the physical action.
Without knowing, people do it to get fatter.
And uncanny device is the human psyche.

The combining of both functions is the best way.
You resist action because without energy
You become exhausted long before you begin.
But if you’re motivated to your getting thin
You prepare for the miracle of your body.
The alignment done first is a small price to pay.

Reason And Passion

Table Games

My soul is oftentimes a grotesque battlefield
Upon which judgment and reason wage bitter war
Against passion and appetite. Is there someone
Who could be the peacemaker to get the work done
That my discord and rivalry I’ll exchange for
Melody amid oneness wherein I am healed?

But how shall you address my most troublesome need
Unless I myself make peace with all elements
That my being consists of? Passion and Reason
Are the sails and the rudder. The voyage begun
Without one or the other must lead to events
Unbecoming a vessel. Who could intercede?

Reason ruling alone is a force confining,
And passion unattended is an open flame
That burns to its own destruction. For this reason
Let my soul exalt reason in praise of passion
For without proper guidance it will cause me shame.
As two guests in my home much do both of them bring.

I then treat them as equal. To elevate one
Is to lose the faith and love from both of the two.
Among hills as I sit in the cool shade of trees
I’ll know God rests in reason. From that place of ease
God also moves in passion. I am the one who,
As a leaf in the forest, has only begun.

Your Abundance Vibration

Tuning Into Cash Flow

It begins with the feeling. It all grows from there.
Your abundance vibration is something you own
That no one else could ever. It’s rather unique
And composed of your thoughts and the words that you speak.
It attracts good things to you, and you’re not alone.
Every human alive needs to give it great care.

It’s not just about money. Ideas can flow
Like they have not an ending. Creation is good.
Among things you accomplish you relish the ease
That it is to do business. Life is meant to please.
You have practiced this premise. It’s well understood.
You may now take advantage of all that you know.

Since your point of attraction is mostly enhanced
By your practiced attention, things mostly work out.
You can tune your vibration to where it once was
No matter what the issue that became the cause
Of its loss in the first place. You have learned, no doubt,
Basic skills and are ready for the more advanced.

All is done for the feeling – the motive behind
Every act that’s committed. What you’re offering
Brings together resources, and people become
More involved with your enterprise. There may be some
Who will fill in the details of most everything.
Be surprised and delighted by what you will find.