Tag Archive | yoga

What Is Winning?

Material Success

Like sperm cells that compete for fertilization
Of the egg, we as humans are mostly concerned
About winning. Our lives are all about the goal.
We believe that our winning will make our lives whole.
It’s not true. Yet how can this falsehood be unlearned?
We seem to have a competitive fixation.

Why do some companies run so efficiently
While others are a nightmare? The ones that do well
Are devoted to the process instead of to
Any goal. They take pleasure in all that they do.
They compete not among themselves and what the sell
Is their passion in all that they’re wanting to be.

If you are doing something that you love to do
Then just do it! You must enjoy hitting the ball
More than anything. Then you will be in a state
Of accepting what you are about to create.
But you cannot create victories large or small.
Always wanting to win will not benefit you.

If you’ve one eye on the goal you’ve only got one
To find your way, which is very inefficient.
You need both eyes to take the next step to seeing
That you are a magnificent human being.
Keep loving what you’re doing and get proficient.
Hit the ball and take advantage of the home run.

The Third Eye

Targeted Mind

There’s not much scientific evidence to prove
Its existence yet it has been connected to
The pineal gland which secretes melatonin
And it is thought to play an important role in
Regulating circadian rhythms in you.
Blockages to its functioning you can remove.

Through some kinds of yoga and through meditation
You can get The Third Eye to give up something more
Than its usual substance. You can use it to
Heal and strengthen the body. It can give to you
A resilience that you’d never dreamed of before.
Strength and longevity become your creation.

It can be used to simply create blissfulness.
Like a drug it can keep you intoxicated
To the point where you don’t care about anything
But what your newfound world of contentment can bring.
Benefits of this cannot be overrated.
It’s and effective way to eliminate stress.

With daily practice it enhances perception.
When you’re carefree and joyful you stand in the breeze
And it passes right through you. You’re lighter than air.
In essence, the pineal gland makes you aware
Of your soul’s deep connection with all that it sees.
With The Third Eye your vision is second to none.

You Are A Miracle

You Are Of Divine Essence

You don’t focus your attention on how to get
Your thyroid gland to function just as you do not
Have to give your attention to the sun shining.
Birth and death are both puzzles not worth defining.
Understanding yourself to you matters a lot.
You control everything without breaking a sweat.

Everlasting nonexistence cannot exist.
Consciousness is unending. You never began
Nor will cease as pure spirit. Not in a dark room
Will you be locked forever as some folks assume.
What awaits is all part of an infinite plan.
The miraculous part of you can’t be dismissed.

It’s a yoga – a kind of realization
To consider what it was like after waking
Up after not having really fallen asleep.
In the vacuum of consciousness you get to keep
Your spiritual essence. Remain painstaking
In your quest of true happiness. All else is done.

As a being you’re fantastically complex.
Never having learned how to do all that you do,
You do it with perfection. The same energy
That is you is also all existence, you see.
In a scientific sense you are the one who
Makes it all happen as your consciousness reflects.

Sharpen Your Mind

The Power Of The Brain

There’s a huge difference between confidence and
Clarity. You may feel that you can do something
But you lack proper focus and act randomly.
Confidence – a poor substitute for clarity –
Is not nearly enough that progress it will bring.
There is always room for consciousness to expand.

Crossing a busy highway is life compared to.
Vehicles are moving at a very fast pace.
If your vision is foggy you’re taking a chance.
You could say some Hail Mary’s in this circumstance
But you may get run over. Your ultimate grace
Is in seeing where you’re going and what to do.

The spine is not just a physical organ. It
Is a serious communications network.
Such a complex assemblage requires proper care.
Your perceptions and emotions are processed there
Where negative vibrations are destined to lurk.
There is something you can do for your benefit.

A natural upsurge of energy is gained
By your putting your feet together and squatting.
This will strengthen the back muscles and activate
The lumbar region of the spine. Keep the back straight.
This simple exercise brings instant wellbeing.
Clarity of brain function can thus be maintained.

You Are Special

No One Else Should Compare

I so want to be special. It’s my biggest dream…
To have everyone point to me and know that I
Am unique and outstanding. It’s an addiction
That I have. But is it something that I should shun?
Such a mindset disturbs me, and I wonder why.
Does it have something to do with my self-esteem?

When I socialize, instead of my enjoying
The experience, I want popularity.
I must be the most likeable one in the crowd.
I like hearing people saying my name out loud.
I’m ecstatic when people find favor with me.
I feel more alive when embraced by that feeling.

How do I let go of the temptation to be
Better than everyone else wherever I am?
What is at the heart of all this? Relationship
With my innermost being. I keep a firm grip
On my soul. It’s not for others to give a damn
How much of my most inner self agrees with me.

I’ll let myself feel what is best. I can adjust
And fine tune this a little. I’m not wrongheaded.
It’s not something that I must ‘get over,’ indeed
When I am feeling special my spirit is freed.
I am ever delighted in what’s just ahead.
There’s no one more than myself who I need to trust.

Anxiety And Depression

Personal Hell

The Dead End I have reached. There is nowhere to go
That is not without torment. “Struggle is okay,”
Would say friends if I had them. “We all can relate
To the bitter taste life has. When in a lost state
Know that you’re not alone although it seems that way.”

Could there be a ‘friend’ inside me who I don’t know?

What I feel is reality, and it is now.
Contemplating ending it all, I find relief
In the knowing that doing so may curse my soul.
What if it is already too much less than whole?
My own negative thinking I know is the thief
Of my spirit. I’d feel better if I knew how…

So we all go through hard times, and I would do best
To be patient with myself. I deserve a break.
Some rest and relaxation and good exercise
When I’m feeling much better is proper and wise.
I must move this damned body while I am awake
Whatever that may look like and rightly expressed.

I must force myself off the couch and on a walk.
I can create something from the pain that I feel.
Things that make me wonderful, blessed, and unique
And the things I appreciate counter the bleak.
I become all the better throughout the ordeal.
Therapy for the psyche is positive shock.

The Real Me

The Self Undefined

I pretend to be someone significantly small
Compared to who I really am. Poor little me
Is afflicted with beingness. Can I awake
From this dream of my selfhood? Was it a mistake
That the universe carelessly caused me to be?
My flirtation with waking up leads to my fall.

What the whole universe is doing I do too.
Waking up is the realization that I
Am something that the whole universe does just as
The wave is something that the ocean does. Life has
Dualistic convergence. I exemplify
All there is as one being with one point of view.

Not like being locked in a dark room forever
Will it be when I die. That’s not experience.
Nonexistence everlasting is so absurd.
Only from fearful people is such a thing heard.
When I wake up from this life the next will commence,
And this self that I am now will exist no more.

Consciousness is continuous. As people die,
More come into existence. I am every one
But can only experience one at a time.
As I am this one now, my awareness is prime,
And I know that I will never get it all done.
I’ve respect for the laws with which I must comply.

It Starts Now

There Is No Past Or Future

No past ever existed except in the mind.
When the universe was created, it was now.
It still is now and will be forever, you see.
Like the wake of a ship, now trails off completely.
But the ship is the one place where I can allow
Now to guide my existence. Without it I’m blind.

The wake can be used to explain things in detail
Before it becomes nothingness. Such is the past.
It resides in odd places – not reality.
All the answers to questions I’m finding to be
In the ultimate present that I can make last
Quite as long as I want. Let the moment prevail.

Needed transformation of human consciousness
When done through meditation can get frustrated
By untidy spiritual one upmanship.
I may not need a teacher. I’m on my own trip.
My awakening moment is long awaited.
All I need do is trust in the simple process.

I can always look over my shoulder and say
That my issues result from some past condition.
I can’t blame anyone or thing outside of me.
What I can do is decide who I am to be
And remember that in this life all that is done
Occurs right in this moment, all day, every day.

From Wine To Divine

High On Life

To be drunk like a guru is simply divine.
May the Buddha be bubbly as spirits above
Who have left their old bodies within the earth’s crust.
Totally out of context, I’ve no need for trust
In the world’s condescension, for I am in love
With the true self within me. I always feel fine.

Look into my eyes deeply. There’s someone in here
Who is present and balanced. Life overflowing
Is the essence your senses pick up instantly.
It is truly my pleasure. I’m happy To Be,
And the fact that I’m with you just makes my heart sing.
I imbibe life abundantly and without fear.

Always it’s my intention to freely let go
And indulge my fine senses in really nice things.
This can be therapeutic for any ailment.
The nice thing about it is it don’t cost a cent.
I have no doubt regarding the joy my life brings
To myself and to others. I hope you will know.

Life is wine to be drunk on. Three bodies align –
Physical, energy, and mental – properly,
They compel the bliss body to full expression.
I am here for the purpose of having much fun
In all that I partake. I’m so glad to be me.
There is nothing more important than feeling fine.

Can Bugs Mess With My Mood?

Microbes That Control Us

There’s a ‘brain’ in my gut? Someone say it ain’t so.
If it’s true then it means that what goes on down there
Is of its own intelligence and has control
Of my thoughts and emotions. Yet it has no soul.
I thought I was the smart one. Now I must beware
Of the microprocessor that resides below.

It can’t generate thought but affects those of mine
In a way that science is beginning to see.
But for eons before now the yogis have known
Of this brain in the fuel tank. In fact, it’s been shown
That the vagus nerve, when stimulated, can be
Good for one’s mood adjustment by nature’s design.

Nearly one hundred thousand neurons all along
The canal alimentary form a network
Linking lifeforms that live there. The ‘vagabond’ nerve
Is the pathway they use to get what they deserve.
When they don’t, they can cause people to go berserk.
Neither they nor others know what the hell went wrong.

Managed mood modulations are magnificent.
Enhanced neuroplasticity and happiness
Comes about through the practice of yogic technique.
All those microbes we live with need their way to speak
In support of their function. Their will to express
Is for us the most vital and true of intent.

Up Your Base Chakra, Buddy!

Flagrant Freedom of Expression

Cosmic energy flows through the base of the brain
And the spine to the chakras then out to the nerves
So that we can fulfill our basic daily needs.
But the mind is drawn outward also, and this leads
But to mundane attainment. The body deserves
Alternation of current to stay somewhat sane.

We are much like bar magnets with positive ends
At the tops of our heads. The connection to God
Is made through the top organ. The base of the spine

Is our grounding to earth. We may reach the divine
Through techniques that are yogic. That we may be awed
By the raising of consciousness has dividends.

Selfishness, unawareness, and general fear
Pull the energy downward and drains it away.
But the mind draws it upward to higher ideals
Unless otherwise fettered by how pleasure feels
In our normal reality which will betray
Any trust in the unknown. What’s seen is what’s dear.

A force called Kundalini resides at the base
Of the spine. When awakened alignment occurs
  All throughout the nervous systems, then it will rise
Through the body’s main cable to open the eyes
Of the spirit to worlds it knows that it prefers.
Up Your Base Chakra, Buddy! Your heath do embrace.

Controlling The Mind

Science Courts Telepathy

Do I want to control it or liberate it?
If I want it controlled, then religion works fine…
Or a group with a mindset that feeds on control.
To engage in mind trolling is bad for the soul.
What the mind needs is freedom that it may align
With the pulse of existence. I must recommit.

Simple methods like yoga can offer relief.
…Nothing way too complex for the mind to take hold
Of the purpose of process and what it can do
To delete all the thoughtware and make the mind new.
With the mind clear of clutter, what then can unfold
Is a life of experience absent of grief.

If the best cannot come from me, then what is wrong
Is that I’m disconnected through my tainted view
Of my place in the universe with humankind.
Mind control is a myth that can be redefined
By releasing the mind from what I put it through.
Processes of alignment can make my mind strong.

Not The Body; Not The Mind

Detatchment From the Notion of Self

The breath does not mean air. This must be understood.
Can I speak from the point of my experience
In a flesh and blood body equipped with a brain?
What now binds me to both simply can’t be more plain.
My own breath holds my frail life in utter suspense.
Yogic practices surely can do me some good.

Whatever I am suffering is of the mind
Or else, it’s of the body. There’s no other place
I will find maladjustment. I am neither one.
Once I get this completely, true growth has begun.
I can breathe my own living in well-deserved grace.
Can I master alignment? Am I so refined?

It’s a living experience just to observe
What takes place all around me. My thoughts are not real.
Never mind that I think them. They change with the air
And to think that I breathe them could cause me despair.
Breathing is connected to the way that I feel.
Need I learn some techniques? Can I get up the nerve?

I am not the body, nor am I the vast mind.
That which binds me to both is each breath that I take.
My thoughts are not dependable… useful, perhaps
But they tend to play life like a cheap came of craps.
It is truth that I’m after. And for my own sake
The process of my breathing I’ll see as more kind.

Cosmic Geometry

Cosmic, Geometric Unity

It is not about twisting the body in ways
That resemble a pretzel. It is not about
Getting thin, fit or healthy. It’s Geometry
Of the body and cosmos. The nice perks will be
Granted to us by nature when there is no doubt
That our attunement with her has enhanced our days.

The cosmos is a big engine… powered by what?
Surely it can’t be diesel. The enormous roar
And the huge carbon footprint would kill us outright.
Does the Engineer chuckle as our minds take flight?
The body made of flesh can be just a bit more
When the door to our cosmos can remain unshut.

Being each a small cosmos, in replicate we
Are much like the antennas of old TV days.
Such contraptions must be moved to just the right spot.
If no right spot is found, then no signal is caught.
We may download perfection in ways that amaze
And delight the small cosmos, quite as it should be.

Become A Powerful Human Being

Union of Human and Cosmic Power

Human hands hold potential. They are the control.
Like the mouse to computer, they do many things.
When the energy system is tuned properly
We can know this in ways we don’t usually.
As we use our hands rightfully, good things this brings.
The slightest movement of them will touch every soul.

One whole fifth of our energy goes to the brain.
There, it can dissipate through our incessant thought
And reactions to living and anxieties.
If we spoke less and meditated, this would ease
The poor brain of its workout. When no longer fraught,
It will stop wasting energy much to our gain.

So, do that which is necessary and with grace
To oneself and to others. Power, we can know,
Is about being empowered. Domination,
Often taken for true power, truly has none.
It takes only some practice and patience to grow.
Notwithstanding my station, power I embrace.

Can A Building Do Laundry?

How a building can enhance the quality of life

Can A Building Do Laundry or take out the trash?
If it did its own windows, would that make the deal
Even sweeter? If so, can our dwellings foresee
How its occupants fit geometrically?
To some people, a building must have sex appeal
So much so they’ll become flowing fountains of cash.

Everything that is physical – a blade of grass,
Or the body, our planet, or vast galaxy –
Is a work of geometry. Nature, for earth,
Is the capable architect of immense worth.
How we build where we live and work, one would agree,
Is The thing of importance. What nature is class?

Need a building be classy? It is a class act
If indeed it’s designed well. We’re crafted by God.
Yoga is geometric. The body improves
In the ways we are conscious of how well it moves.
If our architecture is in any way flawed
Yoga can realign it as matter of fact.

Geometry is seen in the things that we wear.
So, our fashion would ask of us conscious intent.
We may wear any odd thing or live in a place
That is not to our liking. But what a disgrace!
Ancient structures of burnt brick and not of cement
Remain standing to this day, as if people care.

We behold any structure as whole and complete,
Self-contained in its beingness… made into form.
We have been in survival mode up until now.
A new way of existence is best to allow
Our behavior to sharply depart from the norm.
What is done with one’s dwelling can make the life sweet.

Watch The Miracle Happen


It’s a miracle that I have made it this far
In a world of much color and lots of fresh air.
And the sound of my breath can put me in a trance.
I don’t think that I’m random and placed here by chance.
As I focus my breathing, nothing can compare
To the peaceful state I will reach. I’m up to par

When it comes to escaping… I will do my best
With so simple a process of power supreme.
God grows me from the inside and works his way out
So it’s easy to find him, not having to shout.
Could the miracle be to live life as a dream?
That would be the whole point, as through him, we are blessed.

Miracles are a normal thing. They are not rare.
It is when they don’t happen that something is wrong.
I just need to make myself aware of such things
And the blessings that time out for deep breathing brings.
Afterwards I will feel that I truly belong.
One who lives by the miracle lives without care.

Can Yoga Cure Disease?


There are two types of ailments. Infectious is one.
That means something outside of me made its way in.
It may act with a consciousness all of its own.
Pharmaceutical treatments may make me drug prone.
Logic would seem to dictate that’s where to begin.
Both enter from the outside to make an end run.

Chronic ailments, however, occur from inside.
In this case, it’s the body that makes itself sick.
Why on earth would my body attack me this way?
Has my mistreatment of it caused it to betray?
There’s some misunderstanding. To be specific,
On a cellular level, something is denied.

All it needs is some balance. It gets that within.
Everything that the body needs, it has on store.
If it doesn’t, it makes it from things that I eat
And from infinite wisdom. Indeed, I’m complete
In the sense that my body is its own doctor.
The best cure for most ailments is under my skin.