Tag Archive | revenge

On Life’s Stage

Still Life Platform

During each stage of life everyone has a friend
But only lucky ones have the same friend through all
Stages of life. Good friends are very important
But not having friends does in no way mean you can’t
Live a happy life. It takes only but a small
Bit of conscious awareness for you to ascend.

Be kind to people without allowing them to
Take advantage of your good nature. Life begins
At the end of your comfort zone. Be not afraid
To act on intuition. The choices you made
In the past strengthen you. As sure as the earth spins
What you give out will come back directly to you.

Time is more valuable than money. You can
Always get more money but you can’t get any
More time than is allotted. You’ll never achieve
Real success unless in what you do you believe.
At your work you can be as happy as can be.
You can make being joyful always your game plan.

Your bad habits are like a comfortable bed –
Easy to get into but hard to get out of.
Trust your gut feelings. Sometimes they can save you from
Making improper choices. Start beating the drum
Of life, liberty, and unconditional love.
Live more from your heart. Try to stay out of your head.

Leverage Of Alignment

Linear Focus

It takes practice to get better at anything.
Can your feeling better be thought of as a skill?
You can feel your way up the emotional scale
To the point where the happiest feelings prevail.
You can train yourself to attain this state at will.
Many blessings to you your alignment can bring.

There’s relief in each piece of resistance released.
From despair to revenge is a step in the right
Direction and from there to anger is one more.
You’re feeling more empowered than you did before.
You can continue until you find sheer delight
In each moment and your will to live is increased.

When you cross the fulcrum into satisfaction
You’ve let go of enough resistance to achieve
An increase in momentum toward ecstasy,
Passion, exhilaration, and life energy.
This is when you’re in the perfect mode to receive
Many blessings to match your point of attraction.

When you’re in the state of satisfaction you’re more
Likely to win the lottery or meet the love
Of your life so you have every reason to feel
Satisfied. As you see your dreams becoming real
You will thank God and angels in heaven above
For a wonderful life that you’ll come to adore.

Momentum And Resistance

Atomic Level

The goal is to move up the emotional scale
Incrementally. It’s all about your control
Of each moment. If you’re in a state of despair
Then revenge feels much better but you can’t stay there
For a long time without doing harm to your soul.
Keep on climbing. To reach your goal you must prevail.

If you act when you’re in negative emotion
Things will only get worse yet there’s simple relief
In each piece of resistance that you let go of.
You want to be in a place somewhat far above
Satisfaction. Let not resistance be the thief
Of your spirit. To how you feel give devotion.

Between letting go of relief and having no
Resistance there’s a subtle and small difference.
It’s a bit of fine tuning but once you get there
You’ll find doors opening up for you everywhere.
The power you gain in your relief is immense.
You can feel the way you want by making it so.

When your in a state of constant satisfaction
Big things will start unfolding. You’ll slip right into
Feelings of passion and pure exhilaration.
Every step of the way is your own creation.
Just jump start the momentum. Your dreams will come true
As you take good care of your point of attraction.

The Fastest Path To Happiness

Happy Wet

The shortest distance between two points is a line
That is straight and The Fastest Path To Happiness
Is a heartfelt rampage of appreciation.
When your moments are those of exhilaration
Then the God force within you is who you express.
Don’t be shy about relating to the divine.

How can you get happy? That’s not quite the question
To be asking if you’re in anger or despair.
You can get to frustration and then hopefulness.
The emotional ladder climb is a process
That may take some time. Whatever can get you there
Fairly quickly remains your loving expression.

Look around for something to feel good about and
Speak about it. When you find something that you feel
A little movement on milk it for all it’s got.
Beat the drum of it. Get rid of thoughts that are not
In alignment with what you want. The ideal
Circumstances happen as if by your command.

Set the tone for your day by appreciating
Anything you can think of or find in your heart
To feel good about. As it becomes easier
To do so notice all the blessings that occur
Through your day. Get it off to a wonderful start
By accepting the wellbeing that’s awaiting.

Look For Things To Appreciate

Picture Perfect

What’s the fastest path to absolute happiness?
Look For Things To Appreciate and when you do
You feel good. It will purify your vibration
And it also leads to the manifestation
Of your dreams. Look for whatever fascinates you.
The world responds to the feelings that you express.

What is going to lead you to happiness that
Is close to where you are that you might recognize?
“What can I use as my excuse to feel a bit
Better as I look at you?”
You can benefit

From your asking these question. The one who is wise
Finds the answers in everything they’re looking at.

Revenge may be the path if you’re feeling despair
And from there into anger and then hopefulness…
Your emotional guidance system can lead you
Up the scale to sheer happiness. All you need do
Is focus on your wellbeing and a lot less
On your troubles and things that you don’t want to share.

Look at this world around you. Its magnificence
Can be quite overwhelming if you let it be
That way for you. Appreciate being aware
Of the things you appreciate. Breathe the fresh air.
Notice birds singing and kids playing happily.
The wellbeing of this world you know is immense.

The Fastest Path To Happiness

Taking In The Goodness

What’s the fastest path right here, right now where I am
To my happiness? This question is a good one
To consider – but not “How can I get happy?”
What’s the surest and quickest way that will lead me
To a state of eventual satisfaction?
The question is part of a consciousness exam.

If I’m in despair, then revenge is the next thing
I should reach for. I can’t get from there to sheer bliss.
What can I recognize where I am that will ease
The bad feeling? In other words, how can I seize
Some relief from the realm of the horrid abyss?
The emotional spectrum is worth traversing.

From revenge into anger, and then frustration
Is the way to move forward toward happiness.
Once I reach hopefulness, I am well on the way
To the joy that awaits me. I don’t want to stay
Negative more than needed. I want to express
The best self that I can offer to everyone.

What can I use as my excuse to feel better
Right where I am this moment? Appreciation
Goes a long way in feeling better here and now.
My awareness of how I’m feeling does allow
Much control in the process. I like having fun.
There is nothing to living the life I prefer.

Things Will Flow

Open Source Abundance

Things begin to start flowing once you realize
That they should, because everything works out for you.
You’re aware that there is an emotional scale.
Your conscious and positive intent must prevail.
There is nothing but goodness from your point of view.
Knowing your guidance system is healthy and wise.

Going from despair to revenge, you are aware
Of relief, even though it is still negative.
You have no control when you are hopelessly lost,
But with revenge, a big psychic river is crossed
Wherein you have decided that you want to live
With enthusiasm and without the despair.

Letting go of resistance is the only way
To crank up your emotion to its highest state.
Relief is no resistance, and satisfaction
Is the best place to be for the simple reason
That a beautiful life you can’t help but create.
For the good life, there is only your joy to pay.

Fast momentum is gathered in your letting go
Of resistance. The leverage in alignment
Is of enormous power. When you’re satisfied,
Then nothing in the universe can be denied.
You’re at one with the provident, ever present
Unseen forces that will allow blessings to flow.


Happy About Life

When a car has its brake off, and it’s out of gear
On a steep hill, it will move and gain momentum
Very quickly downward. In the same way, I can
Go from satisfaction to a place better than
Mere contentment. There’s nothing I need overcome
But my own resistance and corruptible fear.

Satisfaction into ecstasy or into
Love or exhilaration, or into passion
Happens as I have practiced. It gets easier
To live life in a way that I most would prefer.
Finding ways to feel good is always in fashion.
The emotional scale is not something that’s new.

I can feel much relief if I go from despair
To revenge, for example. I have some control
With the latter. I don’t want to stay there too long.
In that state, I will end up doing something wrong.
Feeling better is always the ultimate goal.
Of my emotions I am constantly aware.

There is a fine tuning adjustment to be made.
The relief that I feel is more resistive than
Satisfaction, although relief is a good thing.
When I’m satisfied, doors then begin opening.
There’s no other way but to do all that I can
To stay happy. Before, I had been too afraid.

Listen To The Call Of Source

The Message From Everywhere

Forces that create worlds come from one single source
Which is also inside you. It is all knowing.
Just beyond your awareness impulses received
Are those of constant guidance. Once you have achieved
Consciousness of your contact you won’t be owing
Anything to a thought stream that you can’t endorse.

Listen To The Call Of Source? But how does it sound?
It depends on where you are in aspect to it.
If appreciation is what you mostly feel
You’ll get shivers and goosebumps. You will not conceal
Your enormous excitement, but if there’s a bit
Of despair then revenge is all that may be found.

Only you know where you vibrate on the spectrum
Of emotion. Revenge may offer some relief
From bitter rage and anger. You can reach that place
Where you are most receptive to your source’s grace.
Do not let your analyzing become the thief
Of the life you deserve. That would be kind of dumb.

Get to that place where you are more hopeful than not.
It’s not hard. With some practice you’re on your way there.
Steady streams will be flowing of blessings and more.
Talk about things that feel good. The more you explore
What it is that excites you you’ll be more aware
Of that special connection that matters a lot.

Things Will Flow

Believe In What You Know Is To Come

The emotional scale is a continuum
Of all possible feelings. One end is despair
And the other is ecstasy, and in between
A progression to wellbeing clearly is seen.
If I want to feel happy then I must take care
That I know precisely where bad feelings come from.

From despair to revenge is a positive leap.
I have much more control, and I find some relief
From a cold crippling numbness that eats at the soul.
It’s not healthy to stay there, but I feel more whole
If at least I feel anger. It is my belief
That I can avoid things that my spirit can’t keep.

Between having no resistance and letting go
Of resistance, there is a subtle difference.
Like a car with its brake off and it’s out of gear
Momentum gathers quickly. It’s best I adhere
To the basic psychology. It does make sense
To create my momentum and go with the flow.

From complete satisfaction into ecstasy
Can happen rather swiftly. I’m not complacent
With the way that things are. I’m exhilarated
With the wonderful world that I have created
Wherein I have the freedom to dwell in content.
I have no doubt that good things will flow unto me.


Ascending The Emotional Ladder

In releasing resistance I find true relief.
I must know that this feeling is better by far
Than a hell ever present. The sorrow and pain
That I have caused for others because I’m insane
Now congest the insides of me and leave a scar
On my sense of direction. I am my own thief.

The emotional ladder is what I must climb.
From the bottom abysmal with deepest despair,
The next rung is anger. I need someone to blame.
It’s a much better feeling wherein I reclaim
Some power that I’d lost by not being aware
That there is such a spectrum. It’s here all the time.

Moving up the emotional scale is to feel
My way to satisfaction, and from there, onward
To the freedom and peace that I ask strongly for.
There is only momentum toward that and more.
The resistance I nurture cannot be ignored.
I can only release it in order to heal.

Nowhere near to the top do I find myself now.
Although I feel relief, no vibrational match
Does it make to fulfillment of ultimate dreams.
The increase in momentum between the extremes
Of emotion I’m able to use to detach
From what’s wrong with my present then learn to allow.

Brave Blood

Strongly Principled

When Denahi’s first seen as an old and wise man
Telling stories to young ones, he is as he was
Until death claimed his brother. Good-natured was he.
Most determined and loving, He’d joke playfully.
His innate sense of humor did not take a pause.
He was one happy camper at one with his clan.

The demise of one brother brought on by a bear
Took a toll on his character. He became mean
And ruthless in demeanor. Vengeance was his goal.
In his bitter pursuit he became a dark soul.
His descent into madness was slow and obscene.
Anger grows into hatred and utter despair.

What had happened was this bear, provoked to a fight,
Killed the brother in anger. Indeed self-defense
Was the motive the bear had. The one who had died,
Now from spirit the sibling was able to guide
Denahi to some semblance of having some sense…
Not at first, but he used some spiritual might.

Turning brother to bear, what the spirit had done
Was to teach a firm lesson about forgiveness.
Animals are shamanic as brave people are.
The return to one’s old self is now a memoir.
Brother bears are not obvious… that is unless
One transcends dark emotion. Then peace has begun.