Tag Archive | hypnosis

Control The Mind

Brain Machine

Have you ever found yourself deeply engrossed in
A good book or a movie where time seemed to pass
Effortlessly so quickly? This experience
Is a routine form of hypnosis. It makes sense
That it’s called ‘everyday trance.’ It is in a class
Of its own. It is from this premise we begin.

Hypnosis is a normal state that we enter
Many times during the day, and each time we get
Really focused on something. This ability
Can work miracles if it is done correctly.
Self-hypnosis is a valuable asset.
Consciousness is of which the brain is the center.

It involves becoming highly focused in your
Experience while giving yourself positive
Suggestions about ways to reach your goals. It can
Be empowering because in a short time span
You can change for the better the way that you live.
For what ails you self-hypnosis may be the cure.

Find yourself a comfortable and quiet place
To relax using a hypnotic induction
Like progressive muscle relaxation to ease
The tense body and breathe in and out as you please.
You then introduce a hypnotic suggestion.
It may be anything that you truly embrace.

The Life That You Want

Happy Thoughts

If I think about it long enough and I keep
Myself focused there with a picture in my mind
Of my having it, then it has to manifest.
I create from a higher state and do my best
To stay there. I find the universe to be kind.
Things can happen for me even while I’m asleep.

The coincidences of my life I manage.
I can place my attention on what I would like
To create in my life, and with this attitude,
Only pure positive energy I exude.
Getting there is as easy as riding a bike
On the down slope. I could go on a joy rampage.

Higher levels of consciousness can be achieved
Just by sitting and dreaming. I could meditate,
Chant, or fast, or go on a spiritual quest
For enlightenment, but I need only divest
Enough focus upon what I want to create
And be thankful for what I’ve already received.

The reptilian mind meets the neocortex
Where awareness of others can yield empathy
For all those who are suffering. I feel the pain,
But I can’t let the world’s issues drive me insane.
I’m thankful I’ve been able to get myself free
Of the status quo and all its harmful effects.

About Life

Work Woe

Most people are living a kind of hypnosis
Wherein they pledge allegiance to the opinion
Of a vacant society instead of to
What they feel in their hearts they would much rather do.
It can feel like the outer world has dominion
Over their souls. It is a social sclerosis.

The plan and purpose of life is obedience
To one’s inner nature. We are here to express
Life as we instinctively feel it ought to be.
It’s not healthy to be trapped in low energy.
We’re supposed to be in a state of happiness
Fairly often. We are creatures of refulgence.

Everything vibrates and emits a vibration.
Ours consist of our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and acts.
They form an energy pattern which is our vibe.
It remains difficult for someone to describe,
But you know when you feel it. It either attracts
Or repels you. It is a point of causation.

All these vibes come together and form what we know
As the Collective Consciousness. It sponsors war,
Mass shootings, pandemics, earth disasters and such.
It can yield good things also, yet we pay to much
Attention to past horrors, and we expect more
Of the same for the future. How then can we grow?

Change The Story

All Of Life Is Imagined

For the first seven years while under hypnosis
Theta waves are the consciousness’ only game.
With no programming present, young ones will create.
Make believe is a playful and most dreamlike state.
Lower is this consciousness which isn’t the same
As adults’ because children can live in pure bliss.

But within that time period of seven years,
Children get all their core beliefs and programming
From observing their family and those around
Who provide ample input. What science has found
Is that during this time we record everything.
It becomes our subconscious with deep rooted fears.

By the time we are eight years, the damage is done
So to speak of a reference can be worthwhile.
“Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” the story, appears to ring true.
Everything that we’re told when we’re young has to do
With the lives we create for ourselves and our style
Of relating to others or welcoming none.

There becomes an imbalance. As time has its way…
The creative aspect that we had in childhood
Is nearly nonexistent compared to before.
And the consciousness element is grossly more.
Repetition and habit are well understood
To be good for the changing of stories today!

In the subconscious basement there may be some things
That may cause us to self-sabotage any grace
That the universe offers. The story I tell
Can be one of magnificence or one of hell.
And once I tell my story I cannot erase
What the universe hears and what answer life brings.