Tag Archive | physical reality

Alien Perspective

Alien Encounter

How the universe sees us is something that’s known
By the aliens. Coming from somewhere in space
They’re among us and they have our story to tell
To our faces. Don’t worry that it won’t go well.
Actually it may put a smile on the face
Of the weary to which some relief can be shown.

We’ve chosen to forget who we are so that we
Rediscover ourselves from a new perspective.
With forgetting comes the ability to choose
Negative ways of thinking. Our limited views
Of existence determine the lives that we live.
So in living why do we have difficulty?

We buy into certain ways of understanding.
We’ve forgotten that physical reality
Is a mental projection such as in a dream.
We tend to take things then to the very extreme.
Reinforcement of our negative energy
Keep us stuck. Our consciousness isn’t expanding.

We are master transformers of thought energy
And as such we’re a master class of very strong
Spirit beings who can change darkness into light,
Limitation to freedom, and wrongness to right.
At the rate we’re going will it take very long
For us to remember who we came here to be?

The Third Eye

Targeted Mind

There’s not much scientific evidence to prove
Its existence yet it has been connected to
The pineal gland which secretes melatonin
And it is thought to play an important role in
Regulating circadian rhythms in you.
Blockages to its functioning you can remove.

Through some kinds of yoga and through meditation
You can get The Third Eye to give up something more
Than its usual substance. You can use it to
Heal and strengthen the body. It can give to you
A resilience that you’d never dreamed of before.
Strength and longevity become your creation.

It can be used to simply create blissfulness.
Like a drug it can keep you intoxicated
To the point where you don’t care about anything
But what your newfound world of contentment can bring.
Benefits of this cannot be overrated.
It’s and effective way to eliminate stress.

With daily practice it enhances perception.
When you’re carefree and joyful you stand in the breeze
And it passes right through you. You’re lighter than air.
In essence, the pineal gland makes you aware
Of your soul’s deep connection with all that it sees.
With The Third Eye your vision is second to none.

I’m Sick Of My Life

A Severely Depressive Episode

I’m so sick of my life. I am forty years old.
I am single. I make less than minimum wage,
And I live with my mother. I have not a clue
As to what on God’s green earth I’m able to do.
It’s not wise, but I find myself prone to engage
In self-pity. My displeasure I’ll not withhold.

Where am I on the standard emotional scale?
Somewhere south of frustration but not quite despair?
It feels mostly like anger. If I reach for blame,
Will I feel some relief, or will I feel the same?
My emotional journey is taken with care
Blame feels better than anger, so I will prevail.

The economy sucks, therefore, I remain stuck
In a huge rut without any room to advance.
Had I been guided differently as a child,
Then much better prepared I’d have been for this wild
World of infinite contrast. I don’t have a chance
Due to circumstance. I remain straight out of luck.

Now, that feels a lot better. I have shifted my
Vibration just a little. A different place
I’m now in. Opportunities are within reach
That were not a short while ago, and within each
Journey of feeling taken, there can be found grace.
There’s so much to gain as I give this thing a try.

Communicate With Non-Physical

Spirit Is Among Us

Since my mother has passed she’s been blinking the lights
Everywhere I go to let me know she’s around.
I’m surprised and delighted to know that she can.
She communicates now with me much better than
She did when she was physical. What we have found
Is continued relationship and grand insights.

But is she or is she not communicating
With me? Or is my wishful thinking making me
More susceptible to exotic episodes?
If I ask these questions the connection erodes.
She exists still, and I am most grateful to be
Receptive to the truth. Peace of mind it does bring.

There can be no resistance in that vibration.
She is passed, and she’s not doing anything strange
Or upsetting. It’s best for me to understand
That the soul never ceases. This knowledge is grand.
It makes me more receptive to positive change
In my outlook which is of my own creation.

My mother is no longer the human being
That she was. Resistance, fear, and doubt are released.
Everything that we fought about no longer holds
Any interest so that whatever unfolds
Is of value. My feel for life is then increased.
I’ll adhere to this wonderful way of seeing.

Outside The Box

Try Something New

Each one of us on earth is a facet of the
Multidimensional Crystal Of Creation.
Consciousness we are given to make us aware

That we are that, but some folks are caught in the snare
Of a box of beliefs that could well weigh a ton.
It allows not the creative mind to be free.

Thinking Outside The Box means thinking in a way
That expands creativity and consciousness.
It is a permission slip to experience
Getting close to the higher mind in present tense.
Balance and connectivity one can access
Any moment. One gets better with each new day.

Move your consciousness so that it exists halfway
Between your higher mind and your physical one.
From this vantage point you’re in a specific state
That allows understanding. From there you create
Brilliantly without effort and with lots of fun.
The Crystal you’re part of is a psychic bouquet.

Our belief systems are needed to reinforce
What we call our reality. Nothing exists.
In the physical universe. It’s all spirit.
Hold only those that are to your benefit.
One is trapped by what one’s belief system insists.
Take a really good look at those that you endorse.

Navigate The Splitting Prism

Handling The Coming Change

Everything in the universe operates on
Resonance of energy, and the transmission
Is from the higher mind. The body receives it
Like an antenna. It hesitates not one bit
To turn it into passion for getting things done.
The conclusion that it’s a good thing is foregone.

Energetic transmissions from the higher mind
Occur often throughout our entire time here.
Each of us is a prism that changes white light
Into visible spectra and novel insight.
When one becomes excited the vision is clear.
Creativity, love, and passion one will find.

Physical action is needed to seal the deal.
It completes the circuit, and the actions you take
Are aligned with the reality you prefer
Instead of wishing and hoping things will occur.
Your translation of pure light can never be fake
But the action is needed to make the dream real.

This is how you Navigate The Splitting Prism.
By acting on your passion you will become whole.
Everyday you move closer to what is ideal
But along the way you have the option to feel
The wonderfulness of life deep down in your soul
Where the purest of everything you need comes from.

Soul Trap

Caged Consciousness

Through the contrast that happens here, it is easy
To be thoroughly obsessed with horrible scenes,
And what complicates things is the creative mind
That comes up with stories of the scariest kind.
Contact with what is unknown by any known means
Can be vague and fallacious to a high degree.

There are no negative beings with the power
To influence a person to do something wrong.
They’re contained in their own world and can do no harm.
If you’re having bad luck there’s no need for alarm.
There’s a practical reason, and it won’t be long
Before you’ve figured it out… far less than an hour.

We create our reality through our actions
Which are driven by our beliefs, and our systems
Of logic produce evidence that we perceive.
This will reinforce what we already believe.
There’s nothing in the real world that either condemns
Or administers sorrow for we wicked ones.

So, a trap is something that only works when you
Don’t know that it’s there. That’s how you fall into it.
The real trap is the story you are being told.
If you do not believe it you can’t be controlled.
You can use logic for maximum benefit
To dispel horror stories that some people spew.

Pain Relief

Dealing With Resistance In The Body

All pain is resistance to the natural self.
Everyone has one that is in excellent shape,
But that self is a counterpart of your body.
If you stub your toe, the message may simply be
‘Watch your step’ because it was a narrow escape.
Sadly, the only word that rhymes with ‘self’ is ‘shelf.’

Let’s say you have an expectation that something
Will occur but it doesn’t and then you resist
The process that’s unfolding which causes you pain.
You act on it, but everything done is in vain.
The intensity of it cannot be dismissed.
You are caught in the trap of overreacting.

You are not buying into the natural flow
Of how things unfold in your life, understanding
Not that things are occurring to give you the chance
To know more about yourself, so the circumstance
Of the pain that is present is an offering
Of a wonderful opportunity to grow.

Whether your pain be physical or of the mind
Know that in it there is a magnificent clue
Regarding what is needed for your wellbeing.
Pain can sometimes help us toward better seeing
Things we do to ourselves without our meaning to.
This message is designed for all of humankind.

Attend To Your Passion

Engage Your Heart's Desire

Many multi-dimensional realities
Can be known in the same way your inner being
Can perceive all extensions that are part of it.
Accepting higher frequencies, we benefit
From acting on our passion. It’s truly freeing
To delve into your treasured psychic mysteries.

The language of our physical reality
Is physical action. It is not about words.
Your excitement about something will bring you more
That will lead you to what you are passionate for.
Ideas and insights inundate like the birds
But the language of your soul is pure energy.

Your soul communicates with you only this way.
The body translates energy into passion.
Act On It! You are answering the higher mind
In the affirmative. Once that you are aligned
With your purpose you can get a lot of things done
More efficiently. You attain more with each day.

If you are not acting on your passion you will
Not receive any clues or opportunities.
Pay attention to what your passion is about.
All that keeps you from acting is lingering doubt
That you’ll prosper. Life can be an absolute breeze.
You have only your most cherished dream to fulfill.

Hollow Earth?

Geocentric Doubt

Hollow Earth is the product of the hollow mind.
That is just my opinion, but let me be clear.
If I loathe my reality, I will create
One that is with the exception of fear and hate.
It would stay just that way until humans appear
To defile what exists there as we are inclined.

We’re a conqueror species. When we ‘colonize’
We wreak all kinds of havoc on everything there
Killing off those that were there before the onslaught
Of new civilization thinking we have brought
A better way of living. The pretense of care
Is disgusting to those who would call themselves wise.

Existential dilemmas produce psychoses
Of variety infinite. If there’s a place
That is better than this one we must stay away
Until our consciousness raises. It may someday.
We are crippled by issues within our own race
And we’re overcome by the compulsion to seize.

Many theories and legends come from Atlantis.
Mermaids, dragons, and other creatures do exist
But at higher frequencies. We are not aware
Of the world they inhabit, and we cannot share
Their reality. It’s hard for us to resist
Conjuring fantasies most would surely dismiss.

The Conundrum

Engaging The Illusion

A finite number of finite universes
Is a thing one can ponder without much headache.
Would then a finite number of infinite ones
Stretch the mind even further because there are tons
Of delightful conclusions anyone can make?
One becomes enthralled by what the mind disperses.

Infinite numbers of finite universes
Can be thought of as thoughts of the others subside.
Then there are infinite numbers, as one would guess,
Of infinite universes one can address.
By the time one is finished one may be cross eyed
But it can be good exercise if someone says.

So, who says that the thinking of such thoughts can be
Beneficial? It matters not where it comes from.
You do not seek an answer. Simply contemplate.
Practicing this a while, you may open the gate
To unknown understanding. Just speculate some.
Thinking outside the box will indeed set you free.

And you’ll find that there’s no box – only a façade
Intertwined in enigma. Those realities
That exist despite our ignorance can be known.
After time you will realize how much you’ve grown.
There exists only your consciousness to appease.
Do not fear that you are thinking the thoughts of God.

Breaking News

Alien Faces Of Spirit

They are coming. Some are already here by now.
Why they’ve come is a learning and teaching exchange
Exercise in the making. It’s kept top secret.
Humankind can’t accept its own, and with regret,
Populations in general can’t deal with strange
Off the earth kinds of beings. Our hearts won’t allow.

Cultural shock, social disorientation…
Would compound the psychoses that eat at our souls
If we were to gain knowledge of all that goes on.
If our hatred for one another could be gone
Then no threats are perceived, and we could play the roles
Of galactic ambassadors second to none.

While we’re in waiting for all things to be revealed
May it be beneficial to inventory
Our spiritual assets? Our changing our ways
May happen or may not. They’re not here to appraise
For the purpose of conquering. To let them be
Is the wisest decision that must be concealed.

Those who’ve gone further into the darkness may find
That eventually they’re able to see light.
There’s some benefit to having experienced
Suffering the delusion of for and against
And the confounding issues of what’s wrong and right.
In that they are not hostile we find peace of mind.