Tag Archive | skill

Four Commandments

Group Devotion Session

Be impeccable with your word. That’s number one.
Stop complaining and gossiping. Don’t criticize
People and situations. Your word is one of
Your most powerful tools. You must use it to love
One another. Partake of these words of the wise.
Use your word to uplift and to shine like the sun.

Don’t take anything personally. Imagine
That someone who hates people says something to you
That’s offensive. It only means that they’re not well.
It has nothing to do with you so do not dwell
On the matter. You have much better things to do
With your energy. Detach from it with a grin.

Don’t make assumptions. If you’re in a position
Of authority and something doesn’t get done
Don’t assume the worst and react negatively.
Have the courage to communicate and you’ll be
In a much better alliance with everyone.
All assumptions are clearly worth your dismission.

Always do your best. Your best from one moment to
The next will change but under any circumstance
Simply do your best. Self-judgment, self-abuse, and
Regret are not necessary. Do understand
That your best in each moment will always enhance
The next moment as each one is crafted by you.