Tag Archive | marriage

Understanding Spiritual Partnerships

Job Well Done

Spiritual partnership is a partnership
Between equals with the aim of spiritual
Growth. Friendships aren’t spiritual because friends don’t
Want to rock the boat which is the reason they won’t
Help you get past the surface of your rationale
That’s afflicted. In essence, they don’t give a rip.

Friends will try to console, empathize, and relate
To your issues. They’ll try to make you feel better
When you’re not feeling happy. But they’ll never try
To get down to the nitty gritty and ask why
You’ve allowed your illusion of fear to fetter
Your spirit and the will within you to create.

A spiritual partner will help you look at
Where your bad experiences are coming from.
They won’t say, “Things will get better so don’t worry.”
A spiritual partner is likely to be
An annoyance at times and you may hate them some.
Sometimes friendships and marriages don’t go for that.

Friends will huddle together to keep from being
Buffeted by the winds. Spiritual partners
Want to know where the wind comes from. Never are they
Critical or judgmental. In truth they will stay
In compassion which is what the hurt soul prefers.
Spiritual partners aren’t always agreeing.

Ideal Wife?

Pre-packaged Perfection

A young woman may ask of someone who may know,
Like a guru or grandma or her closest friend,
What it takes for a girl to be an ideal wife.
The advice most would give her would mess with her life.
Girls of one generation should never depend
On those not of their age group. Times change like a flow.

Marriages made in heaven work well only there.
Firmly here on God’s earth is where we’re all alive.
People screw up a wet dream when God is involved
As we make life a puzzle that needs to be solved
By struggle through devotion that love will survive.
That does feel somewhat alien, and we should care.

The way to a man’s heart used to be through his gut.
Nowadays, that is meaningless. Guts have become
For some, sports… others, mental things. All are fulfilled
In ways that are too numerous. All are distilled
Into one common substance with no zero sum.
Knowing this keeps a couple well out of the rut.