Tag Archive | easier

The Power Of Non-Resistance


Some people are outrageously wicked and mean.
How could one give them the time of day let alone
Try to love them? Despise them I do with every
Part of me. Indeed I can’t see objectively.
I cannot find a place in my heart on my own
To accept them and thus keep my vibration clean.

But it’s my nature to love. I know this to be
So because I can feel it and I recognize
It in others. I don’t see it in everyone
As I should so I know there’s some work to be done
On my part. What would my inner being advise?
I believe it knows very well what’s best for me.

When I’m not loving it’s not that I’m wrong about
How despicable they are. It’s just that I must
See the value in what they’re presenting to me.
Though there are areas where we cannot agree
In their links to their inner beings I must trust.
Loving truly does not leave any room for doubt.

Those who aren’t all that lovable are my greatest
Advantage because they cause me to realize
My emotions and also what I would prefer.
My life would be less complicated if I were
More accepting of all that I know to be wise.
When I am nonresistant I’m my happiest.

Speed Things Up

Great Speed

Anytime you think something in an asking way
What happens is there’s a natural momentum
That’s begun and cooperative components
Start assembling. You can delight in the suspense
As things happen. You understand how thoughts become
Things of value without a whole lot of delay.

So what you’ve asked for is already underway.
Things become clearer as momentum increases.
Go with the flow of that. Just don’t do that thing you
Do that keeps you from having your big dream come true.
As you feel your best the universe releases
What you’ve asked for. Your heart cannot lead you astray.

How can you Speed Things Up? It’s by taking the stick
From the wheel so it spins freely. Satisfaction
Speeds things up in an instant and what slows things down
Is your choosing to wear a perpetual frown.
If you do the universe has a reaction
That is certainly not what you’d call a picnic.

What you don’t want speeds up with dissatisfaction.
What you do want speeds up when you’re feeling at peace
With it not having happened yet. Be satisfied
And the floodgates of abundance will open wide
Then the speed at which you manifest will increase.
All because you’ve attuned your point of attraction.

Don’t Take Life So Seriously


How to love oneself almost no one really knows.
You may have been running around trying to find
Other people to love you. You stand on your head
In all different kinds of ways but you instead
Of love from them get nothing. Then you are inclined
To feel badly and keep yourself in the shadows.

“If I’m like this will you like me? What if I do
This for you? Will that matter? What more can I give
To attain your acceptance?”
Don’t act in this way

Unless you want to live life in utter dismay.
You need nothing from others in order to live
A fulfilling life. Nothing’s the matter with you.

So you kind of lose track of who you are truly.
The more you look to others to love you the more
Out of sync you become with your own beingness.
Neediness is something you don’t need to express
When the core of yourself is who you’re looking for.
Think always about how wonderful life can be.

Don’t take the biggest issue and try to make it
Work out for you. Relax and take life easier
And just try to become lighthearted about things.
Focus only on things that tug at your heartstrings.
You can have things occurring the way you’d prefer.
Keep your vibration one that you want to transmit.

Speed Things Up

Fast Movement

There’s a stick in the wheel. There’s a foot on the brake.
How can I Speed Things Up then? It makes perfect sense
To remove the foot from the brake or the stick from
The damned wheel. It’s your mind that you must overcome.
When you know what not to do then why the suspense?
To get things to speed up should be a piece of cake.

It can’t come any faster than you allow it.
Your desire you’ve already set into motion.
The momentum gets stronger as you attune to
What you want. It’s how things are attracted to you.
You could say that your inner being’s devotion
To your wishes is to your greatest benefit.

Speed Things Up by not slowing them down. Easier
Said than done you may say but that just isn’t true.
You Speed Things Up with satisfaction. You slow things
Down with dissatisfaction. Your vibration brings
Things to you so it matters a whole lot when you
Are contented as you would most likely prefer.

If you want something but you have lingering doubt
That you’ll get it you’re offering mixed signals to
The benevolent universe. Be more aware
Of when you feel resistance. Indeed you must care
About how you feel always. To thyself be true
And don’t be surprised about how things will turn out.

Receiving The Movie

Ready For The Show

What I visualize sometimes out of the blue
Is the sun as my heart in a spinning vortex
Of pure love and abundance. Everything is there.
It feels stable, indeed I become more aware
That the world’s problems are not so hard and complex
That love cannot resolve them. I know that it’s true.

Moving into a segment of meditation
I can feel the connection again. I adore
The feeling of alignment. I like Receiving
The Movie.
There’s no harm done in my believing

In its coming. I want to be open to more
Reception of what isn’t of my creation.

I expect to get into that place where something
Will occur to me. I can’t receive and project
At the same time. I’m in the receiving mode now.
I have asked for the Movie, now I must allow
It to happen, but it’s something I can’t expect.
It would be nice if it would commence happening.

I love being in that place of not worrying.
I’m eager to watch the Movie if there is one.
If there is, I’ll enjoy it. If not, that’s okay.
What’s most important is that I’ve learned how to stay
Pretty much in alignment, and in the long run
I’ve a better understanding of everything.

It’s Not The Other Person

Mutual Accusation

We are all co-creators with Source Energy
And among one another. It feels easier
To create something that doesn’t have anything
To do with another person. Understanding
That you have control over all that will occur
In your life, you’re prepared to live life happily.

You decide to become a vibrational match
Then that experience or object comes to you.
That feels cleaner and easier because you feel
Not another opposing you. The most ideal
Situation is when you create something new
When alone while with all distractions you detach.

There’s never another person opposing you.
It’s always a piece of you that isn’t aligned
With your true self. You can’t assign attributes to
Other people then use them to block your own view
Of the path least resistant and true peace of mind.
Everything happens in response to what you do.

You have much control over what you reflect back
From a circumstance. It’s up to you to decide
To stay focused on what you want. Don’t give away
Your power to an argument. It’s best to stay
Clear of it absolutely. You can’t be denied
What you want when you keep your vibration on track.