Tag Archive | identity

Deliberately Doing Nothing

Lazy Day

Choose only what feels best to you. Learn to relax
And do noting deliberately. Doing so
Is still doing something but at least you can say
That it could be the start of a wonderful day
One where into your life many blessings will flow.
Just enjoy whatever you’re doing to the max.

Everything that you’ve been living and asking for
Becomes known by universal intelligence.
It knows you most completely and it adores you.
You can adore it right back by attending to
Your vibration. The things that you need to commence
Are commencing and working for you ever more.

Be inspired to do the things that you want to do.
If it’s something you don’t then block off enough time
To do it without pushing yourself to the hilt.
If you find yourself doing something out of guilt
You may feel that your not doing it is a crime.
Remember that what you do is all up to you.

You can assume the identity of one who
Is on quite a vacation with fascinating
Things to do with all kinds of exciting people.
As you learn how to chill your whole life becomes full
And delicious. Relaxing is stimulating
For the over stressed and over worked parts of you.

Enjoy Deliberately Doing Nothing


My relief is at issue. To not have to be
In control and to not have to put everything
Together would be a welcomed experience.
My heart tells me that I can afford the expense
Of a break from reality. Peace it would bring
To my life and my inner being would agree.

Deliberately doing nothing is doing
Something and it’s the smartest thing that I could do
Because in doing nothing I come to allow
Inspiration to do things to enter my now.
When I decide to pay much more attention to
How I feel it’s my spirit that I’m renewing.

Forcing myself to do something isn’t the way
Of my spirit which knows only joy and freedom.
I instead am concerned with what feels best to me.
When I feel my best my life unfolds perfectly
And the happier I feel the more I become
Energized and prepared for a wonderful day.

It’s about feeling better about what I do
Normally. Life is meant to be interesting
And delicious. This is my new identity.
After such long hard struggle it’s nice to be free
To just be and to not have to do anything.
How I feel reaffirms what I know to be true.


Personal Enlightenment

Self-Realization is the ultimate goal
Of a human being. It’s the liberating
Knowledge of the true self beyond both illusion
And identification with the confusion
That the physical world continues creating.
Reaching this state, a person is said to be whole.

It’s direct knowledge of God. It’s pure awareness,
Pure consciousness, pure being, non-duality,
And pure love. As it happens, changes will occur
In behavior and attitude. Those who defer
Its attainment cling to a false reality
Where life stays punctuated with struggle and stress.

Self-Realization is the greatest service
One can offer the world. It’s the spiritual
Awakening from the illusory ego’s
Self-identity. It becomes wise to dispose
Of all negative behaviors habitual.
Doing so leads one to a constant state of bliss.

An identification from the perception
Of form as objective to one’s coming to know
The purely subjective, it’s always found within.
Life will change as a consequence as you begin
Looking inward. You cannot help but to let go
Of the ego’s distractions until there are none.

Form, Essence, And Identity

The Faces Of Being

“Anything that you can do, I can do better,”
Says one child to the other. We see it play out
On playgrounds everywhere anyone might visit.
Is it normal to act out this way? Or is it
A behavioral glitch? There is minimal doubt
That it is natural, and science does concur.

One can’t say to the child, “Don’t do that because you’re
Emphasizing your basic form identity.”

The child would respond with a perplexed expression,
Having no clear idea of what had been done
To incur such correction. The child is simply
Acting as any child would. Is it immature?

Underneath form identity is the essence
Of who you are. The spiritual dimension
Is where your truest self is. It radiates through
Your form identity – the made up part of you.
Is it good that this is brought to your attention?
If it is not then I can offer no defense.

At some point near adulthood, there usually
Is a shift of attention from ego centered
Explorations of turmoil, toward inner peace.
We find comfort in life as we learn to release
Things of form. Something within the spirit is stirred,
And we focus more on our true identity.

Write It Down And It Will Happen

Put Your Dreams Down On Paper

Is it possible that if you write something down,
Being not too specific, that things will happen
That will match what you wrote down with vivid detail?
Your dream boat, as it’s written, is soon to set sail.
This particular form of magic happens when
Nothing enters the story that will make you frown.

There’s a wonderful story I would like to share.
After reading the book, ‘Ask And It Is Given,’
And doing the processes, one young lady got
A call from a temp agency, she got a shot
At a gig filing papers. This was an amen
And a wonderful answer to her written prayer.

A famous movie star she was doing work for
She was a big fan of his and worked gleefully.
She was also quite a film buff so she enjoyed
Filing movie clips. She was happily employed.
A ‘real job’ he then offered her. Nothing could be
More exciting. Her attitude opened the door.

She is now head of his charity foundation.
She gives out tons of money and has lots of fun
With the interesting people in her domain.
Although she is fulfilled there is much more to gain.
Can this tale be of benefit to anyone?
Whether it can or not, I’ll consider this done.

The Perfect Emotional State

Receptive Ecstasy

When the heart feels and flows as if nothing on earth
Could disrupt circulation of soft butterflies,
It’s a wonderful segment of time to create.
I intend, so I know what true blessings await.
Having trust in that feeling has opened my eyes
To the wellbeing aspect of living in mirth.

If I just ask the question, “Would not it be nice
To meet some special person…?”
It will manifest

In a matter of minutes. This powerful state
Of enhanced contemplation does make me feel great.
Then from there, there’s no kind of a rigid contest
That involves what I’m not willing to sacrifice.

Walking into the next room is a new segment
Just as walking the dog or preparing a meal.
It’s a fresh opportunity to realign
With the true self who wants nothing more than to shine
From the place that is peaceful yet filled with my zeal.
Every new space of time is planned with good content.

I can be more attentive to circumstances
That have changed for the better in this moment now.
Noticing that resistance has lessened, I can
Go ahead with creating a decisive plan
For the episode coming. I need not know how.
In not knowing, it may well improve my chances.

Evolution Through Disruption

The Cost Of Living Buisness

All the worst of my problems alone I create
Through the master controller of identity
On the personal level. I’m doomed to attack.
For the rest of my life here I’ll just watch my back.
Evil doesn’t become me, but insanity
Seems to be what consumes me and authors my fate.

The abstracted part of me – the self not made whole –
Is only form identity. It’s not the same
As the timeless consciousness that I am truly.
Everyone is that essence with none else to be.
With this form I am subject to sorrow and shame
That I feel often times to the depths of my soul.

Oneself can’t be perfected. It’s like whack-a-mole.
Once things are put to order, something falls apart.
Never ending the struggle it is to portray
A complete living model. And I must obey
The aspect of disruption. It strengthens my heart
Just to know of the sick truth I cannot control.

Evolution of consciousness cannot take place
In a world picture perfect with no suffering.
One would dance on the surface of life and not grow.
Compassion and deep insights one can’t come to know.
Disruption in my life is a wonderful thing
If I can learn to trust it as God’s loving grace.

Negative Thought Removal

Remedy For The Common Mood

Negative thoughts are just thoughts. Don’t identify
Them as good ones and bad ones. They all are the same
In that I’m either conscious of them or I’m not.
It is in the subconscious where some become fraught
In the ways they affect me. Yet I cannot blame
Them for my bad behavior, though hard I may try.

Try not to think of monkeys for just a brief while.
The mere thought makes the mind but a monkey machine
Generating more monkeys than ever wanted.
The mind does amplify whatever it is fed.
So, to think not a negative thought is obscene
Because I cannot do it. It isn’t my style.

Understanding that my thoughts are not part of me
Is the key to becoming more fully aware
That my unconscious thinking can get out of hand.
It seduces me to places I hadn’t planned.
If I try to not think them I welcome despair.
This is quite a predicament as I can see.

So, what is the solution? Surely there must be
One that is most appropriate and effective.
Since the mind can’t digest well, it needs to be fed
Positive support by me. Today I’m not dead.
That’s of utmost importance. My will is to live.
Knowing not when life will end is just fine with me.