Tag Archive | brain

The Science Of Gratitude

Giving Love

By adopting an attitude of gratitude
You improve your wellbeing, increase happiness,
And promote healthy interactions with others.
Anyone who’s had sisters, brothers, or mothers
Knows one thing about gratitude – it relieves stress
And it does wonders for elevating one’s mood.

People who purposefully appreciate more
Have reported that they have higher self-esteem
Than those who don’t so much. The science doesn’t lie.
For this reason you should give gratitude a try.
You’ll have blessings coming to you in the extreme.
Think of all the many things that you’re grateful for.

People who capture grateful thoughts before they sleep
Will sleep better than those who don’t. Why is this so?
Gratitude actually does rewire the brain.
Chemical interactions therein help you gain
Some momentum so that you’re allowing the flow
Of feelings and memories that you get to keep.

The good feeling neurotransmitters activate
The bliss center of the brain. Regular practice
Of being happy trains your prefrontal cortex
In a manner that often seems very complex.
Say to yourself, “It doesn’t get better than this!”
Gratitude is a wonderful way to feel great.

Have A Talk With Your Cells

Raw Blood

It’s an inaccurate assumption that the brain
Is the center of all thinking ability.
It’s not just the brain that transmits and receives thought.
Every cell of the body does this but we’re caught
In the mindset that the mind controls the body.
It’s a concept that you wouldn’t want to maintain.

If you don’t make decisions about what you want
Then the cells of your body receive influence
And direction from whatever mass consciousness
Is speaking. If they’re hearing nothing but distress
Then they’ll feel bad. You know that this makes common sense
Yet the propensity is to be nonchalant.

After climbing a mountain the body may be
In the morning sore and stiff from the exercise.
Speak this way to your body before the next climb,
“Listen up, cells. Indeed I’ve decided that I’m
Up for climbing this mountain. I pray that you guys
Get the perfect amount of blood and energy.”

“Tomorrow when I wake up I want to feel fine
And well rested.”
When you speak to your cells this way

They respond positively. You can override
Old beliefs. Remember that you get to decide
How you feel. In the best of health you want to stay.
You are meant to be healthy by nature’s design.

A Brain Meditation

Mind Flow

There are two points of focus that always exist.
There’s the nonphysical part of you who remained
Nonphysically focused, and then there’s the part
With a flesh and blood body and a beating heart.
An ideal blending of the two can be attained
Although the human brain sometimes wants to resist.

During meditation when you quiet your mind
Your vibration rises and the gap between you
And your higher self narrows. When you meditate
Your brain naturally reaches the alpha state.
You come out of it with a more positive view
Of yourself and the condition of humankind.

You may be standing in a place where you’re feeling
Embarrassed, unworthy, or incapable, but
Your own higher self will never go there with you.
That’s why you feel the negative way that you do.
You have a guidance system. It’s known as your gut.
What it has to say is totally revealing.

Your thoughts may introduce into the equation
Resistance so you’re not at the top of your game.
That’s okay. You can get there now that you know how.
Take the time necessary for you to allow
You and your higher self to be right on the same
Frequency, and it is all about vibration.

The Neuroscience Of Mindfulness

Color Brain

Mindfulness is the practice of being aware
Of all the elements of the present moment
Without getting lost in the future or the past.
One can simply take in what’s perceived as contrast
And not be triggered by it. Be in the present
Where your power is. In inner peace you must care.

Mindfulness changes the neurobiology
Of fear by how the brain processes stimuli.
The brain stem and the limbic systems operate
Out of fear. They will too often try to dictate
What’s important in the moment and this is why
They will lead us right smack dab into misery.

What happens when we’re stressed is that information
Doesn’t reach the frontal cortex. It remains stuck
In that part of the brain that’s in survival mode
Constantly. And if no information is flowed
To the thinking brain then behavior runs amuck.
Mindfulness therefore is helpful to everyone.

The subcortical looping can be overcome.
Mindfulness strengthens the activation in the
Frontal cortex. If we can name the emotion
Then it’s deactivated. What will have begun
Is a process of rational activity
And the angst of the moment you will be free from.

Control The Mind

Brain Machine

Have you ever found yourself deeply engrossed in
A good book or a movie where time seemed to pass
Effortlessly so quickly? This experience
Is a routine form of hypnosis. It makes sense
That it’s called ‘everyday trance.’ It is in a class
Of its own. It is from this premise we begin.

Hypnosis is a normal state that we enter
Many times during the day, and each time we get
Really focused on something. This ability
Can work miracles if it is done correctly.
Self-hypnosis is a valuable asset.
Consciousness is of which the brain is the center.

It involves becoming highly focused in your
Experience while giving yourself positive
Suggestions about ways to reach your goals. It can
Be empowering because in a short time span
You can change for the better the way that you live.
For what ails you self-hypnosis may be the cure.

Find yourself a comfortable and quiet place
To relax using a hypnotic induction
Like progressive muscle relaxation to ease
The tense body and breathe in and out as you please.
You then introduce a hypnotic suggestion.
It may be anything that you truly embrace.

Defining Who God Is

Changing Sky

In the present moment you have total access
To the power of life itself. Need you define
What it is that keeps energy flowing through you?
People need to have some kind of rational clue
To deal with the ineffable, so we align
With a standard that represents our righteousness.

We spend God awful time defining the divine
When we could be experiencing it always.
‘It’ becomes a real consciousness that is within
And without. When your mind is quiet you begin
To experience ‘It’ in ways that will amaze
And fulfill you because you are of ‘Its’ design.

This continuum of life, from our perspective,
Is a bit screwy. We believe that we come here,
Live our lives, and then pass over into spirit.
But we’re always in spirit. Our lives we don’t quit.
After ‘death’ we are focused on what is most dear
To the heart. We are all a spirit collective.

Our belief is only a poor substitute for
The reality itself. No mental concept
Can compare to the feeling of divinity.
We are meant to experience ‘It’ consciously.
In the heart is where much of our knowing is kept.
Our intention is what always opens the door.

Calm And De-Escalate

Dealing With Stress

The intense sense of threat or fear, if left unchecked,
Can cause harm to the body. The brain, in this state,
Goes into survival mode. Reason and logic
Are switched off, and the primitive portion will kick
Into high gear. That’s why people cannot think straight
When they are escalated. Good sense they reject.

This part of the brain’s job is to keep one alive.
Harm or danger ignites it. When we are angry,
Stress hormones then start flowing. Blood pressure will rise.
Inconceivable madness is seen in the eyes.
Cues nonverbal we tend to read negatively.
All this part of the brain wants to do is survive.

So, how does someone deal with someone who’s irate?
Empathy is the best way. People have to know
That their feelings are valid, and it is okay
To express them in safety. You can in this way
Have a calm interaction. The care that you show
For their tough situation can de-escalate.

Regulate their emotions. Do not educate.
Stay with what they are feeling, and validate it.
Slow down your body movements, and lower your tone.
People relax when they know that they’re not alone
With regard to their feelings. They will benefit
From the nurturing atmosphere that you create.

Abide In Me

Give Me Your Unending Trust

Remain stable and fixed in a state of oneness
With all things because they exist all within you.
When you see yourself as no longer separate
Or in isolation, you will appreciate
A newfound sense of freedom. How can this be true
If one’s life is the epitome of distress?

Consciousness is a shared phenomenon. No one
Is apart from it. From the level of spirit,
Human beings can feel much less isolated,
But because of our nature we’re easily led
To hold fast to the notion of self. We submit
To belief in separateness in the long run.

It’s not natural for us to see everything
As One thing. A unique person standing apart
From all others is how the self must be perceived
Unless some kind of enlightenment is achieved.
Individual expression is at the heart
Of the purpose of all that is now happening.

As you abide in me as I abide in you,
Something magical happens. Connection is made
With the consciousness of everything that exists.
We can meditate on how each person consists
Of all others and everything. Be not afraid
To explore this most enlightening point of view.

Making Tough Decisions

Difficult Choices

A few decades ago scientists came to know
Of a cluster of specialized cells in the heart
Configured so they create a neural network.
It turns out that this brain in the heart is a perk
For our being on earth, and it plays a big part
In how we make decisions as the data show.

This brain thinks independently and is apart
From the brain in the cranium. It also feels
And remembers, so that every experience
Is recorded in two places in present tense.
There’s intelligence to what the heat brain reveals
To the big brain that may think that it’s pretty smart.

If I try to heal trauma by only thinking
About it in my mind without dropping below
To the little heart brain, it will feel incomplete.
Of our earthly existence the heart is the seat.
Only through it is my spirit able to grow.
The heart brain and the big brain are worth my linking.

Touch Your Heart. Your awareness will always go to
The place where you feel the touch. Slow down your breathing.
“You are safe,” is what your body is telling you,
Or “You’re not.”  In that case, you know just what to do.
The decision you make then is satisfying.
Get in touch with the much wiser version of you.

Become Happy

Joy Is In The Mind

It is said that the average person loses
Their attention many times in just one minute.
Cumbersome are the thought patterns of people who
Fail to concentrate adequately. What they do
Is done with some anxiety mixed into it.
The heart may guide the way, but the mind refuses.

Researchers have done studies with monks who know how
To focus their attention. Their experience
Is substantial. Brain scans on them revealed a lot
Of frontal lobe activity when these monks thought
Of things like compassion and love that is intense.
They are also well trained in living in the now.

A control group of folk considered average
Were given the same brain scans. The shocking result
Indicated no activity in the brain.
With this bit of knowledge there is something to gain.
To acquire the monk’s brain is not that difficult.
There are practices in which we all can engage.

Thinking of unconditional love, compassion,
Or divinity, when they are focused upon
On a regular basis, will make one feel good.
Pay attention to life. It’s better understood
When the causes of fear, hate, and doubt are all gone
Thinking with emotion helps to get the job done.

Facing Your Fears

Handling Life Anxiety

Deep down everyone is afraid. When you don’t face
What you fear, much of life you are missing out on.
That you could have, or should have, or would have is the
Saddest way to sum up your life. Don’t let it be
The thing that holds you back until your life is gone.
 Take each step at a time as you steady your pace.

Life can be overwhelming especially when
You are not in a good place to handle it well.
Each little success will increase your confidence.
Break humongous things down so that they make more sense.
It is not good for you to remain in your shell.
This applies equally to both women and men.

Get professional advice. To yourself be kind.
Get whatever support you need. Accentuate
What is going well. You can rewrite your story
To exactly the way that you want things to be
But you must face your fear in order to create
Any further. You must be with yourself aligned.

When your brain is not well oxygenated things
Will feel much worse than they really are. Helplessness
And paralysis keep you in the negative
Reinforcing mentality. Decide to live
To your fullest. You intended for nothing less
Than to live upon this earth as do queens and kings.

Train Your Expectation

Life Is Wonderful

Will my big chunk of wonderfulness come to be?
My heart says that it’s on its way. No doubt have I
That I will be fulfilled. I need only believe
That I am worthy of what I want to receive.
Knowing that it will manifest, I need not try
To make anything happen. My spirit is free.

I have tricked my brain into accepting that my
Dream has come true already. I tell quite a lot
Of stories most heartwarming to myself, and I
Train my expectation so that it will comply
With the wonderful feeling. Nothing more is sought
And the universe shows me that it isn’t shy.

When I want something different than what I’ve got,
It is clear that I must move my expectation
To something that is different. Logically
To withdraw my attention from reality
I can do and also show appreciation
For a life that is more satisfying than not.

I can feel it in my heart. My dream will come true.
I have conjured the feeling from deep inside me.
Finding the right vibration is a feeling thing
And if I can maintain that it surely will bring
Things beyond expectation and most rapidly.
Flowing with the good feeling is all that I do.

Ping Pong Brain

Half Brains At Play

Do I not have a whole brain contained as one piece
Of the bodily puzzle? They say that it’s split
Down the middle. Each half has its ways to process
Cognitive information and how to express
Its version of reality. When they are fit
They can play well together. Good health can increase.

Constant communication defines how this pair
Can fit two sets of focus in one frame of mind.
It’s the corpus callosum that bounces the ball
Back and forth through the consciousness. If it should fall
Neither side takes a hit. Their game is of a kind
That will only continue. There’s always a spare.

We are binary beings – bipolar to some.
Separate are the functions among the same mass.
Mastering much of meaning, the mind mitigates
Or adds to our illusions as social primates.
Both the artist and scientist are of one class.
We may pray that the game never has an outcome.