Tag Archive | insecurity

The Emotional Journey

Sheer Bliss

What you want can be found wherever you are and
When you look where you are for it ‘til you begin
To show it to yourself, now you’ve the potential
To find it in other places. What you want shall
Happen for you. You’ll see your life as a big win.
Of your fantastic journey you’ll take full command.

Don’t take action before you’ve lined up energy.
Things will work out much harder for you if you do.
Take The Emotional Journey first and you will
Allow all that is necessary to fulfill
Your desire. The only thing that’s required of you
Is your intention to live your life happily.

How you feel indicates your point of attraction.
Focusing on it consciously helps you to be
More able to control it so visualize
What you want in much detail and it would be wise
To avoid any kind of negativity.
This will lead to your ultimate satisfaction.

You’ve so much leverage in the time that you spend
Meditating, daydreaming, and making lists of
Positive aspects about your life rather than
Bitching and complaining. You must know that you can
In any given moment get yourself above
Where and how you are now. On this you can depend.

What Is The Law Of Attraction?

Within The Matrix

Do you kind of get the idea of how the
Law Of Attraction works? When you focus upon
Something, you offer a vibration, and the Law
Of Attraction
responds to it. If there’s a flaw

In your feeling don’t worry that all hope is gone.
Be aware of where you are vibrationally.

You do get what you think about whether or not
You want it. Know that you get what you’re offering
By vibration. You could be saying that you’re sure
Of yourself when you’re not. If you feel insecure
Then you will attract circumstances that will bring
Evidence proving that you are of a bad lot.

So you can’t fool the Law. It responds to how you
Are feeling. Pretending will do you little good.
Instead feel the power of what you’re offering
By your vibration. Indeed it means everything
When attracting. When this Law is well understood
There’s no limit to what your vibration can do.

Sometimes you feel worthy and loved. Sometimes you feel
Useless and insignificant. The universe
Responds only according to your vibration.
Your life can be a magnificent creation.
Your negative emotion only makes things worse.
You know what in your life you want to become real.

Getting Over A Relationship

Broken Heart Repair

“What has been put asunder will never again
Come together. How painful this truth is for me.
I’ve tried everything but I can’t get over this.
I recall with much sorrow the laughter and bliss
That we shared. My life has become a tragedy.
I wish I could return to the way things had been.”

The dilemma is common. The pain is immense.
There’s a present tense active dynamic at play
That you can’t walk away from. It’s hard to let go
And forget about all the good you’ve come to know
Through your coming together. You must find a way
To recover from the emotional expense.

Every relationship is eternal. A lot
Of what you really wanted came as the result
Of that relationship. You want to find a way
To get from the experience all that you may
That will help you and perhaps even catapult
You into feeling better. A joke this is not.

People feel incomplete unless they have someone
To be happy with. That’s not what you’re looking for.
With your inner being you want companionship.
Then you’re guaranteed to have a much better grip
On your love life. There’s no need to say any more
About this, so embark on the new path begun.

Happiness Helps

Life Is Fun

What you want can be found wherever you are, and
When you look where you are for it until it shows
Itself to you, your potential for finding it
In other places will be increased quite a bit.
Happiness brings one money. This everyone knows,
And there is really nothing else to understand.

Unhappy in the bondage of work people are.
Freeing themselves, they only will find it elsewhere.
One must shift one’s vibration before moving on.
When resentments and feelings such as that are gone,
One can act with the feeling of floating on air
While fulfillment of one’s dream is not very far.

When you act before you’ve lined up the energy,
There’s some downtime and struggle. To get up to speed
Take the emotional journey first. Be aware
Of the positive aspects. Above all else care
About how you feel. Consciousness is all you need
Of the goodness of your life and all it could be.

The stakes keep getting higher as you persevere
In a tough situation, but your desire grows
Directly in proportion to your discontent.
Happiness is the way to complete fulfillment.
On the way, you need not remain in the shadows.
Your passion for life is your concurrent career.

The Luck Of Alignment

Divine Providence

As you look at ‘what is’ in the physical sense,
You offer most of your vibration about it
So that what really is doesn’t make its way through
To the psyche. What you can count on to be true
Is that you’re worthy and powerful. Benefit
From your own built in guidance. There is no expense.

You are bridging the gap between where you are now
And where you want to go. Point in that direction
And delight in the journey. Accept where you are
At the moment. You can practice how to look far
Ahead to where you’re going. This knowing is fun
To partake of. You have but to learn to allow.

Feeling better is the goal. It’s not the money
Or the new job or lover. You can feel good by
Simply imagining or looking at something
That is pleasing to you. This one action will bring
About feelings of happiness. You need not try
To feel better. It can happen most easily.

Hold yourself in alignment with the wellbeing
That abounds. It floods into your experience
Easily when you’re positive. Strive for the best
Feeling you can have in this moment. Leave the rest
To universal sources. Let good times commence.
Take command of the practice of forward seeing.

Feel Better Instantly

Joyful Innocence

We adults have our aliments, especially pain
That comes on rather suddenly causing distress.
We also have discomforts in the gut and chest.
Competition is fierce to provide what is best
To address our conditions as we acquiesce
To the real life of rigors and of constant strain.

There is not an emotion associated
With a feeling of stuckness within the body.
It’s just sluggish and present. It comes and it goes.
It is good that children do not suffer the woes
Of the unevolved adult who happens to be
The student in this instance. Much more can be said.

But this poem is finite in length. We can find
Relief from pain and discomfort most easily
By relaxing into it letting the mind drift
While thinking only thoughts that will soothe and uplift.
One can then ask the question, “Is this good for me?”
Coaxing oneself in this way is much more than kind.

Reaching for feelings of relief are we always…
From fear, hatred, revenge, anger, worry, and doubt…
And a half a mile other ways of resistance.
It’s good to be happy in any circumstance.
Being free like a child is what it’s all about.
Their example is certainly worthy of praise.

Your Only Work

Be Happy!

What you want can be found wherever you may be.
As you look where you are for it you will begin
To find it in other places. Your potential
For finding it is increased. It’s most essential
While at work not to let your vibration wear thin.
Any downtime use to line up your energy.

What you do for a living is dull and mundane
To your physical senses that are part of you.
Unhappy with the bondage you must find a way
To work on your vibration all throughout the day.
You can find happiness in the work that you do
Through your innermost being. There is much to gain.

The vibrational journey is emotional.
Take that one first before acting on anything.
The path will keep unfolding while you attend to
Your acquired income maker. You can remain true
To your positive dream. Your alignment will bring
You results that you will see as sensational.

Visualizations and dreaming that you do
Are your primary focus. Your leverage lies
In the positive aspects found while on the way
To the dream of a lifetime. You just have to stay
At the top of your main game. You will realize
That the universe totally agrees with you.

Feel Better Instantly

Capture The Moment

In my gut there’s some stuckness. My lungs, chest, and heart
Feel a little too heavy. Is there something wrong
With my processing of life? Is this atonement
For bad acts of the past? Does my body repent
Through its not feeling right? Does my asking prolong
The process of recovery? I’m not that smart.

I ask too many questions, so thank God for those
Who have knowledge sufficient. I’m not feeling pain
And I need not describe it with an emotion
Even though at its core there probably is one.
Psychoanalysis would mean that I’m insane.
Must I rely on everything everyone knows?

Relax into your pain. If you are lying down
Pretend that there is a big sponge underneath you.
Your pain will be drawn out, and the thoughts that you think
Should be simply uplifting and not on the brink
Of your sinking right back into your feeling blue.
Pain ignores the fact that you are wearing a frown.

Sensations of discomfort and deep unsettling
You are reaching relief from, and negative thought
Keeps you in the emotion of blame, doubt and fear.
Your relief from resistance comes when thoughts are clear.
Nothing else but your feeling better can be sought.
You are the perfect master of your wellbeing.

Let Go And Relax

It'll all be over soon.

Off a cliff I am falling. What else can I do?
My death is clearly eminent. Fear have I none
For the probable outcome, so I’ll just relax.
If I hold on to something it will only tax
More than ever an emergent situation.
It will not change what happens, for all that I knew.

There are many debris that are falling along.
In the past, I had clutched them. Brief is our time here.
Things and I are important, but to let them go
Finds relief in life’s pressures and consummate woe.
Alibis are abundant to mitigate fear
That the things in my life are not where they belong.

I have responsibilities. People depend
Upon me for their purpose, and I upon theirs.
Things put in proper perspective cannot be wrong.
Insecure about living, how can I be strong?
By surviving compulsively, all my affairs
Are of careful avoidance of what must transcend.

Off the edge we are all thrown. Nativity gives
Each of us a good push into gravity space.
It’s above and below us, and there’s little time
For my messing with words trying to make them rhyme,
But it’s kind of a fetish. All that I embrace
On the way to the ending is not that which lives.