Tag Archive | rampage

Decide What Comes To You


You’re a magnet to all things that happen to you.
This statement will be challenged by those who believe
That things just simply happen without any rhyme
Or reason. All the victims of violent crime
Naturally find it difficult to receive
This kind of information. They feel it’s not true.

Respect for that perspective is given to all
Who believe otherwise. Karma plays a big role
In what happens to folks individually
And within larger groups. Throughout eternity
We experience things to enlighten the soul.
Nothing that one goes through can be considered small.

A rampage of selective sifting helps you to
Set the tone for attracting the circumstances
Your prefer. Look for any good thing you can find
About all that you focus on. Get more aligned
With the positive aspects of things. Your chances
Of achieving wellbeing will increase for you.

Don’t get into the ‘fixing things’ mode. When you do
You attract misbehavior, mistakes, and all kinds
Of things going wrong. This isn’t quite the rampage
You want started. With wholeness you want to engage.
Stay focused on what you want and watch for the signs
Of more than what you expected coming to you.

Ask Your Inner Being


Get in touch with your inner being every day.
Ask it questions. It knows the answer to them all.
It has its own opinion about everything
That you’re thinking. The vibration you’re offering
Emanates from your thinking. Both big thoughts and small
Can affect how you feel in a very huge way.

Isolate something that you really want to know
About your negativity. Get specific
With your rampage about how things are going wrong.
Keep it up and you’ll notice before very long
That the thing that you’re doing is making you sick.
Then you’ll know the importance of letting things go.

When you feel positive emotion what it means
Is that your inner being feels just the same way.
Your thought is in agreement with what your inner
Being thinks of your thought. It knows what you prefer
In any situation. Try your best to stay
Receptive to its call in your daily routines.

When you’re feeling anything other than delight
In the moment about something it means that you
Are not in agreement with your inner being.
What you think and what it thinks are not agreeing
Because it always has a most positive view
So it’s probable that everything is alright.

The State Of Allowing

Artist At Home

I acknowledge the perfect place in which I stand
And I’m here to express it. Appreciation
I have much for my freedom to co-create here
In this time space reality. Things that are dear
To my heart give me so much gratification
That there’s nothing about life I need to demand.

I’m now in The State Of Allowing all the things
That I’ve been wanting to come into existence.
I’ve identified many things that I want and
I’ve received them. By now I can well understand
That I am a creator in the purest sense.
I appreciate life as my happy heart sings.

I know that allowing means basking, frolicking,
And acknowledging the positive aspects, so
I do it quite a bit and it yields unto me
Good results. In this world I’m delighted to be
In the way of the universe’s gracious flow
Of abundance, true happiness, and wellbeing.

It’s exhilarating to be physically
Focused here in this world. I’m appreciating
All the contrast. It leads me to what I believe
Would be better. I allow myself to receive
What I want by the idea I’m creating.
If I want it then it surely can come to be.

It’s Done! Chill Out!


Would a new BMW interest you?
Things like this you’ve been manifesting easily
Just by maintaining a pure state of alignment.
You’re on top of your vibrational refinement
As you chill out and look for fun and clarity.
You delight in witnessing your dreams coming true.

It may feel like you don’t really want what you get.
It just happens and that’s such a nice place to be.
You associate wanting with worry and stress.
Certainly you know this won’t lead to happiness.
It’s important that you keep your vibration free
Of resistance yet you don’t see it as a threat.

When you find pure alignment with who you’ve become
By your identifying something you desire
Then the universe just begins yielding to you
Shovels full of manifestations. You need do
Not a damned thing but wait for it all to transpire.
You know where all the good in existence comes from.

Looking for fun and clarity happens to be
The best way for preparing yourself to receive
Anything that you want. You must know that It’s Done
So Chill Out! A new chapter in life has begun –
One in which there’s only happiness to achieve.
Good things come to you when you live life happily.

Decide What You Want To Attract Today

Pensively Considering

While it feels as if things are happening to you
It’s not so. By you it’s all being invited.
“Why would I invite rude people and why would I
Invite suffering?”
Your focus on it is why

It continues. Your hope may be unrequited
If your being aware of it is all you do.

You’re the inviter of everything that happens
In your life. As you give your attention to things
They become more. Is this a blessing or a curse?
You decide that along with the whole universe.
You invite what you want as your happy heart sings.
You can look at your life through a positive lens.

A rampage of selective sifting you can do.
Find ten favorite things about everything that
Is a part of your life now. Start orienting
Yourself to looking for all that’s complementing
To your fancy and after you get that down pat
Then only things that you prefer will come to you.

Everything in your experience begins to
Reflect the center from which you are attracting.
When you’re feeling low nothing can turn out your way.
When you’re happy you live life as if it’s child’s play.
Be aware of the vibration you’re transacting
So that you know exactly what’s coming to you.

Ask And It Is Answered

Glowing Question

If taking that big leap sounds intimidating
Then don’t take it right now. Get it out of your mind.
Pay more attention to your point of attraction.
Focus on things that bring you deep satisfaction.
Action can wait until you’re properly aligned
With your true self which for you is advocating.

Your Vortex of Creation is a feeling place.
It contains every answer to every question
You’ve been asking since day one. It knows everything
That you want. Your knowing that it’s able to bring
It all to you should keep you the confident one
Even though it exists now beyond time and space.

Negative emotion tells you that you’re nowhere
Near alignment with your true self. It lets you know
That it’s not in agreement with the thought that you
Are now thinking and since how it sees things is true
It’s most wise that you allow it to run the show.
Be receptive to everything it wants to share.

Ask your inner being questions like, “Am I good?
And if so am I worthy of all I desire?
Am I morally bankrupt and good for nothing.”

When you ask each be aware of what you’re feeling.
If it’s not good can you be a truth denier?
Answers to all your questions will be understood.

There’s More Than One Prize

Many Gifts

If you have your eyes on a particular prize
Nothing else makes a difference especially
When you feel competition. If you want something
So badly that it hurts then what you’re offering
To the universe is something that’s completely
Out of sync with the thing you want to realize.

There is not only one prize so don’t get attached
To the one thing you’re focused on. Be thankful for
Your desire. Let it blossom into a rampage
And let the infinite universe set the stage
For receiving what you want and a whole lot more.
It will be such that the surface hasn’t been scratched.

“You appeal to me in all of theses ways and I
Am going to draw the essence of you to me.
Thank you for being here for me to observe you
And for being the focal point of my brand new
Version of you.”
If you pray this most sincerely

You’ll attract just that without your needing to try.

Keep yourself in a state of relief. Think as much
About what you want as long as it feels alright.
And when it crosses the line just give it a break
And allow the universal forces to take
Full control of the circumstance. Utter delight
Can be yours if with your spirit you keep in touch.

A Co-Rampage

Sound Off

At this moment, where all of my power is, I
Have a knowing. Wellbeing continually
Is available to me. It’s been underway
For a long time. I feel more with each brand new day
Confident that goodness is the majority
Of existence, though contrast I cannot deny.

The momentum that I’ve planned and practiced is now
Paying off, and I live for that feeling of trust
In the universe and in the essence divine
Which tells me that my life and the world are just fine.
If I don’t have that feeling I need to adjust
My vibration. I’m glad that by now I know how.

It’s not urgent that I always stay out ahead
Of every situation. If I slip away
From that sense of wellbeing I can easily
Get right back to it. I do it naturally.
There’s no reason that in a bad mood I should stay
When I can reach a state of happiness instead.

The blending of myself with the best part of me
Is delicious, and nothing else will ever do.
There’s no regression. I can’t go back to the way
That I was. In that place of alignment I’ll stay.
I must release the old to embrace what is new.
From the chains of my troubled self I’ve broken free.

How To Ask

A Sea Of Asking

If you feel good when you’re imagining the things
That you want most in life, then the spirit in you
Is in lock step agreement with your daydreaming
Because your inner being is always beaming
The highest of vibrations. That’s all it can do.
It’s in tune with your happiest mind wanderings.

Anytime that you feel negative emotion,
It means that your inner being is nowhere near
In alignment with the thought that has put you there.
Whatever the thought is, your spirit doesn’t share
The same view. It believes that everyone is dear.
It will consider not any other notion.

You can tell negative thoughts from those that are not.
How they feel should be noticed so you can decide
Whether or not to continue. Be more aware
Of your thoughts and emotions. The more that you care
About feeling your best, the less you are denied
Life’s blessings. Your vibration does matter a lot.

“Do you think that all things are possible for me?”
“What would you think if someone called me something bad?

Just keep asking questions of your inner being.
If you feel good when asking, then it’s agreeing
With whatever it is. You can only be glad
That you inner being is with you completely.

Chill Out!

Don't Sweat

It’s not as if I wanted a car that badly.
I simply had a daydream about having fun.
I heard someone speak of their BMW,
Then I thought it would be nice if I had one too.
I perfected the feeling of my having one,
Then it happened. What I had wanted came to be.

I look for fun and clarity – not the new car
Necessarily. What I want is alignment
With how my inner being perceives everything.
Only more fun and clarity can it all bring.
I’m convinced that there can be no better time spent
Than finding evidence of how lovely things are.

Finally, I’m experiencing the power
Of the leverage of alignment, where before,
I would think about it, then try to rein it in
Like a fish on a line. It was wearing me thin.
Life does not have to be such a painstaking chore.
I can have life the way that I most would prefer.

When there is a vibration that becomes a thought,
That’s a manifestation worth celebrating.
Momentum gathers quickly with no resistance
Such as worry or doubt. I must give it a chance.
With each thought and emotion, I am creating
My own narrative with its spectacular plot.

Decide What You Want To Attract

Consider Carefully

How come I’m not enjoying the life of my dreams?
Life has nothing against me. I firmly believe
That if I can desire something, it can become
A reality. The place I operate from
Is one where I’m not always prepared to receive
Inspiration. I’m in a conundrum it seems.

Nothing is happening to me. I invite it
Through my attention to it. What I need to do
Is prepare a rampage of selective sifting
Of all things that are to me truly uplifting.
After that, I should be feeling more than brand new.
I can improve the vibration that I transmit.

Orienting myself to looking for those things
That are already positive will set the tone
For more like them to become my experience.
The momentum that is gathered can be immense.
With some practice, can I get myself to be prone
To be open to universal offerings?

Only things like my favorite things can enter
My vibrational circle if I concentrate
Mostly on things I favor. Things that I find wrong
About life and its living will only prolong
Attitudes that are based mostly in fear and hate.
I operate from my spiritual center.

You Get To Decide

The Freedom Of Choice

Nothing’s happening to you. You bring things about
By your conscious attention upon them. Nothing
Comes to you by assertion. You attract it all
By your focus. The big things as well as the small
Manifest by the vibration you’re offering.
Rest assured that this is truthful beyond all doubt.

You can then sift selectively. You can decide
Where to put your attention. You can think of things
That are already pleasing, then you can expound
On why they bring you joy. Much fulfillment is found,
And your practicing of it ultimately brings
Happiness. Let your truest spirit be your guide.

Start orienting yourself to looking for
Favorite things about things of value to you.
Be amazed by the many things that come to mind.
You would not be alive here if you could not find
Something that trips your trigger. What you love to do
Is the thing that you have the freedom to explore.

Set the tone so that only your favorite things
Can come into your vibrational atmosphere.
Do not find things to fix because there’s nothing wrong.
Activate a vibration that is ever strong
So that the things that you want begin to appear.
Be aware of your vibrational offerings.

Decide What You Want To Attract

The Freedom Of Choice

While it may feel like things are happening to me,
I invite them by default through my state of mind.
Why would I invite rude people and awful things
Into my life? My attention on something brings
It into my reality which is defined
By me totally and rather unconsciously.

Since I am the inviter, logic would dictate
That I choose only good things. I can do my best
To think only of things most delightful to me.
A selective sifting rampage for me could be
The best way that my wildest of dreams are accessed.
There’s nothing more important than my feeling great.

When I ponder my mother or visit a store,
I can think of ten favorite things about each.
When I think about my work and integrating,
Thinking of ten novel things about each can bring
On a feeling of power one only can reach
By accepting all the good there is to explore.

I can orient myself. I can set the tone
To the blessings already existing. If I
Look for errors to fix, I’ll create a rampage
Of undoing. In that, I don’t want to engage.
My center of attraction is the reason why
I experience, yet I don’t do this alone.

You Get To Decide

What You Create Is Truly Your Own

While it does feel like things are happening to you,
That is not the case. All is being invited
Often unconsciously by you. Your attention
To things in general within you dimension
Generates a vibration. When you’re excited
About life then your dreams are likely to come true.

You are the sole inviter of all that occurs
In your life. A rampage of selective sifting
Where you find things about life to appreciate
Is the way for you to successfully create
A vibration that is wholesome and uplifting.
You attract only the things that your heart prefers.

You can orient yourself to looking for those
Things that are already positive. Write them down
And review and update them. It will magnetize
You vibration, and then you will capitalize
On life’s blessings and rarely be seen with a frown.
The symphony of your life you get to compose.

Set the tone. Focus only on that which you know
To be pleasing. A rampage of finding error
And of fixing what’s wrong brings about discontent
With what you’re attracting in the moment present.
Ultimately you must know that you’re the barer
Of your dreams or your constantly living in woe.

It’s Finished! Now Chill!

Leave Alone What Is Done

That fine piece of walnut has been coated with stain
Just the way that you wanted it. Now let it be.
You can polish it later and give it a buff.
One would think that by now you would know all this stuff
But sometimes you forget alignment completely.
That’s okay. There’s no super status to attain.

People think that if they have their sights on something
They must think of it all the time and reel it in
Like a fish. That’s not how it is. Your work is done
Once you set your intention, so go have some fun.
As you do, circumstances in life will begin
To get brighter. It really is astonishing.

Your main job is to chill. You need not figure out
What the path is. It’s already been shown to you.
You can be receptive to the information
That your path reveals to you. You have become one
With the process evolving. Your work amounts to
Keeping up your vibration and banishing doubt.

Things begin manifesting in your life because
Finally you’re experiencing your power
Of alignment and leverage. Now celebrate
All that you know will happen. True blessings await
The contented one. The universe will shower
Them upon those who understand its basic laws.

Ask Your Inner Being

The Cosmic Spirit Within

How does one turn a nightmare into some relief
From the ongoing struggle of living on earth?
This indeed is the quandary. If I’m allowed
By the spirit within me to feel well endowed
In the ways of alignment and relative mirth
Then most rarely will I be overcome by grief.

Truly grateful I am for a number of things,
But among them my feelings are of most value.
By them I can determine precisely just where
I agree with my spirit or not. With great care
I can lean toward fulfillment in all that I do.
And by asking the questions good answers it brings.

Do I think that I’m bad or do I think I’m good?
Each one conjures a feeling that can be assessed
Easily with some practice. The more that I ask
Then the more recognizable becomes my task.
Surely it beats the hell out of being depressed.
With my spirit, benevolence is understood.

Do I think that all things are possible for me?
Do I think that I’m morally bankrupt and sick?
Do I need to figure it all out this moment?
Is there time left that I may relieve my torment?
Can the walls I’ve made be dismantled brick by brick?
I can feel my way to the way things ought to be.