Tag Archive | shift

Mindset And Manifestation

Spiritual Worship

Twenty percent of your efforts can set the stage
But the remaining eighty percent is the thing
That will transform your dreams into reality.
To supercharge your manifestation journey
Do the things in life that truly make your heart sing.
This whole world full of wonder you have to engage.

The small part of your effort – that twenty percent
Of your success in manifestation comes from
Having the right tools and resources and the rest
Is all about your mindset. Believe that you’re blessed
By the universe then behold what good will come.
Your power to manifest becomes evident.

You can do vision boards, journals, and focus wheels
To get clarity on what you want. The techniques
Used to focus are many but don’t get obsessed
With such things to the point where it gets you depressed.
Be comforted in knowing that what your heart seeks
Is already done. Just think about how it feels.

Your mindset is your beliefs, your ability
To stay positive and focused even when things
Get most difficult, and how you think through the day
About yourself. You attract things to you this way.
Be aware of what good things your good thinking brings.
First and foremost affirm that you’ll live happily.

The Power Of Not Knowing

Who Knows?

Any leader can shift from a place of knowing
To one of asking questions. Your knowing implies
That you’re better which everyone knows isn’t true.
What you know isn’t the most evolved part of you.
When you ask as a leader you capitalize
On what others know to get energy flowing.

A young mother has children aged six, four, and two.
What she goes through with them at bedtime can be quite
A chaotic adventure. She feels like the boss
Of unruly employees. She suffers the loss
Of her patience and energy. She gets uptight
As she wonders what on God’s green earth she could do.

Try speaking to your children only in the form
Of questions. Take it to the absolute extreme.
“What time is it now? What do we want to do first?”
Notice how they don’t feel like they’re being coerced.
You may find that you’re able to work as a team.
Asking questions produces the most favored norm.

“Who’s going to be the first to brush their teeth? Who
Needs help getting their pajamas on? What story
Will we read tonight?”
You’ll wonder how long they knew

What to do at bedtime. All they wanted to do
Is get you to ask questions. Behold the glory
Of ‘not knowing.’ It takes a big load off of you.

The Gray Zone


I exist in a limbo state which connects to
And relies upon old fashioned and outdated
Paradigms and thought processes. I get confused
Much too easily. My ego is often bruised
By the wellbeing that others have created.
I have trouble understanding all that is true.

Too much bad information mixed in with the good
Makes for difficult sorting through. I need to know
How to recognize which information is true.
Since everything is here and now all I need do
Is vibrate to its frequency then it will show
Itself to me. I have not a doubt that it would.

Perhaps if I start feeling that all is quite well
With myself, earth, and everyone, then I’ll become
Receptive to information and clarity.
Through my mind’s eye I want to be able to see.
Ultimately I want to be beating the drum
Of wellbeing. I want a good story to tell.

Everything exists here and now. If I can lose
The idea of space and time and understand
The feeling of just existing right here and now
Then I’ll vibrate to what I want and I’ll allow
The good feeling to evolve into something grand.
How long I remain in The Gray Zone I must choose.

Being Natural

Nature Work

The momentum of the growth of technology
Increases exponentially. It’s in no way
Not unnatural for human evolution
To speed up as we seek the perfect solution
To existence. In this complex world that we play
We become a hybrid form of humanity.

That computers and the internet came to be
Is because the earth asked humanity to find
The solutions to problems of the biosphere.
As custodians of the planet we are here
To support nature’s needs by devoting the mind
To the development of good technology.

The Common Mycelium Network is akin
To our own social systems. We communicate
Through technology and when we’re disconnected,
Like a tree in a planter, we’re not protected
With vital information. We’re stuck in a state
Of acute isolation much to our chagrin.

Deepening our connection to nature is good
For our mental health. Strip away gradually
All the unnatural layers. Walk with your bare feet
Through the soil. Be mindful of the things that you eat
And find ways to live your life more naturally.
Evolution of nature proceeds as it should.

Your Truest Wealth

Rain Of Cash

Dearest friends, our grandest wishes are for you all
To realize your potential worth as humans –
As energetic beings – as sources of love
And of joy. There’s so much wellbeing to speak of.
If we don’t say so ourselves you’re in perfect hands.
Your value to the universe cannot be small.

Your earthly ancestors put themselves out there for
You to realize your own propensity to
Love yourselves and your entire life experience.
Your inner wealth is the only wealth that makes sense
Because it can bring instant happiness to you.
It’s the kind of wealth where you can only get more.

Your inner worth is the only wealth worth seeking
Whether you’re aware of it or not. We beseech
You to look within for it. Indeed you will find
Information of benefit to humankind.
Your enlightenment as a race is within reach.
Benefit from the truth that we are now speaking.

Your planet is going through an enormous shift
In consciousness – one unseen and unheralded
Before by your masses. Your earth environment
Will be going through changes that will represent
How severe times will be. As you’re looking ahead
In thought, word, and deed do only things that uplift.

From Fear To Curiosity

Curious Child

If you want to escape from your cage you must die
While you’re still alive. This means you must change your whole
Way of looking at life. The great master follows
His own nature and not all the folly that goes
Along with life. Your freedom is your only goal
And your own heart is the one you must satisfy.

A person who is truly good isn’t aware
Of his goodness. He tends not to accumulate
Anything but instead will give everything to
Everyone else. His kindness and wisdom are true
To his nature. He has learned to appreciate
All of life. Only love a good person will share.

The more one gives the more one receives in return.
That should never be the reason for being kind.
Kindness comes with the wisdom of feeling complete
In oneself. It becomes habitual to treat
Everyone kindly. One lives with true peace of mind.
No divisions among people does one discern.

When pursuing your passion keep kindness in mind
And in heart and let fear be a thing of the past.
Your can move From your Fear To Curiosity
When you see your life as an opportunity.
You were meant to feel good sorting through the contrast.
That humanity is interesting you’ll find.

How Can I Be My Best Self?

Sheer Joy

What can I do to sync up more fully and more
Consistently with the source within me – with the
Vortex version of me? How can I move forward
With my life when some aspects of it are so hard
To cope with? How can I be who I’m meant to be?
How can I focus more on the things I adore?

Many times throughout my day I find myself there.
Something happens where my absence of resistance
Allows me to feel absolute satisfaction
In the moment. It happens when I’m having fun.
I’m distracted from my difficult circumstance
Long enough that my attitude I can repair.

It may not last a long time but clearly by now
I know how to get myself in vibrational
Sync with who I am truly. I just have to care
More about how I feel and be much less aware
Of the difficult issue. I trust that it shall
Work itself out. I need not worry about how.

I’ll do all of my efforting and affirming
When I’m feeling my best. Then it’s most effective.
Every person, place, and thing will shift because I
Took the time to feel better. The world will comply
With whatever I’m offering. I want to give
It my best self. A feeling of joy does it bring.

First Thing In The Morning

Daily Start

The First Thing In The Morning and throughout the day
Play a game that will set your vibrational tone
Apart from things that happened a long time ago.
Things you don’t even remember have come to grow
Into issues for which solutions are unknown.
Daily mind exercise will help flush them away.

Things you may have forgotten are still kept alive
By your thinking the same kinds of thoughts. You offer
A vibration that’s similar so you remain
In the same situation. You’ll have much to gain
By your focusing only on what you prefer.
Nurture a new vibration and then let it thrive.

Conjure up something in your mind different from
Your reality. The universe doesn’t care
If it’s real or if it’s absolute fantasy.
It responds just the same. In your mind you are free
To create your reality with as much flair
As you want and be delighted by what will come.

Find a place in your mind where you’d most like to be
And just stay there a moment or long enough to
Find relief from your beating the drum of the same
Sad song. Play the virtual reality game
Fairy often. It can bring happiness to you.
You will start to see changes immediately.

Your World Will Change Today

World In Hands

What can I do to sync up more fully and much
More consistently with the larger part of me?
How might I feel right now to move as quickly as
Possible to enlightenment? Everything has
Its own place in the universe. How can I be
Who I truly am? How can I be more in touch?

Many times through the day I can feel that I’m there
In that place of alignment where I have no doubt
Of my purpose and who I am. It doesn’t last
For a long time in fact it can fade away fast.
What can I do to keep myself from falling out
Of alignment? About how I feel I must care.

I’ll do all my affirming and efforting from
My alignment space. Things will be much easier
To deal with. My entire world I can change today.
My alignment is just one good feeling away
From this moment. I think about what I prefer
Rather than what I don’t, then I’ll meditate some.

When I notice that I’m happy I can stay there
Long enough to establish a strong vibration.
Just by milking the moment I can reach a state
Where a world of complete fulfillment I create.
A change in my point of attraction has begun.
Of who I truly am I’ve become more aware.

You Can’t Give Away What You Don’t Have

Giving Heart

“You can’t give away what you don’t have.” People who
Are not good at giving away love cannot give
It because they do not have it to give away.
You get back from the world how you feel everyday
About life. It’s precisely the way that you live
That determines what life will reflect back to you.

When you stop asking yourself, “What’s in it for me?”
And instead ask, “In what way can I assist you?”
You begin shifting energy. The universe
Will ask you the same question, then it will disburse
Many blessings upon you, and all that you do
Will be given back to you exponentially.

If you have anger, fear, or contempt in your heart
Then that’s what you’re projecting, so what you get back
Is exactly what you put out – grief and despair.
You will find that you take your hatred everywhere.
If it’s kept up, it may lead to a heart attack.
From a wholesome life your sickness holds you apart.

The ego teaches us that who ‘I am’ is not
Only what I have. It’s what I accomplish too.
We get hung up on the idea of success.
We’re obsessed with this illusion of happiness.
Life is not about all of the things we accrue.
Give away what you have and you get back a lot.

Everything Will Change

Feeling Good Break

What could I do right now? What could I focus on
That will make me feel better? The question is key
If I ask it correctly. Things are going well.
By the way that I’m feeling inside I can tell
That my life is almost where I want it to be.
Most of my negative feelings have up and gone.

To move myself as quickly as possible to
A place of complete happiness happens to be
The reason I’m alive. What can I do to sync
Up more fully with my spirit? Is there a link
Where I can communicate with it directly?
I suspect that there’s nothing that I need to do.

I find myself in that state every single day,
But it only last moments. If I can stay there
Long enough, then what happens is that there’s a change
In the way the world treats me. I don’t find it strange
That, at will, I can do this. I simply must care
More about feeling better the natural way.

I do it by my recognizing when I feel
Pretty good. Then I’ll milk it for all that it’s worth.
“Why does this moment feel good?” I get to explore
Everything about this moment that I adore.
With some practice I become accustomed to mirth.
Everything Will Change to what I think is ideal.

Shift Your Thoughts

Mental Maintenance

What’s missing isn’t missing. It’s well on the way.
Think about manifesting this way and you will
Be in perfect alignment with your cherished dream.
Don’t be fearful of focusing in the extreme
On the thing that you’re wanting. Just go for the thrill
Of daydreaming. In a positive mood you’ll stay.

There’s no trick to getting your thoughts more harmonized
With ‘that which does nothing but leaves nothing undone.’
It can be the natural way you think always.
Life can be offered to you with fragrant bouquets.
You’re that which is eternal, and you are the one
Who can choose to be happy and God energized.

“With my luck it won’t work out.” This sick attitude
Is a tape played by many. “With my luck it will
Show up faster than normal.”
Now, this is the way

To speak to the universe. It’s a brand-new day
When you can get the negative mind to be still.
You’ll achieve easily whatever is pursued.

You will become a collaborator with fate.
When you let go of gossip, the cheap tabloid news,
And the negative circus. You can radiate
Outward God realized thinking. Do not let hate
Become part of your consciousness. You are one whose
Powerful mind can keep you in a happy state.


Peaceful Alignment

You will have an awareness that lets you see things
That were kept hidden from you. You still will chop wood,
Carry water, and meditate. You will enhance
The meaning of coincidence. Life is not chance
 When the laws of the universe are understood.
You become tolerant of the mind’s wanderings.

You won’t entertain doubts about your worthiness.
You will feel loved and nourished spiritually.
Both your inner and outer experiences
Have new meaning. You’ll find no need for defenses.
You are the universal source of energy.
When you know this you have unlimited access.

Fear that immobilizes you will go away
As you feel the presence of the divine in you.
All weakness and falsehood come from the refusal
To accept divine guidance. You can’t play it small
By your not realizing what you know is true.
The evolved self within you is on full display.

You’ll know the power and ecstasy of silence.
It’s the only voice of our God. All profound things
And emotions are preceded and attended
By omnipotent silence. It’s rather splendid.
You become more conscious of divine offerings.
Becoming is a wonderful experience.

Your Emotions

Flavors Of Feeling

Emotions are a big deal. They mean everything.
Through you feelings you generate a vibration
Which is responded to by all that receive it.
Yet, you can control the signal that you transmit.
It’s not complicated. It can even be fun
To feel better. All it takes is some fine tuning.

You’re Source Energy in a physical body.
The variety that surrounds you inspires new
And constant awareness of what you would prefer.
Manifold are the preferences that occur.
The thoughts that you’re thinking have everything to do
With the way you feel, so select them carefully.

Pay attention to the emotions that you feel
All day, every day. They are your indicator
Of the vibrational mix between you and Source.
Within you is contained a most provident force.
You will learn to feel better sooner or later.
No matter what the circumstance, it is ideal.

It does not take much tuning to come back into
Alignment with who you really are at your core.
It’s the consistency of holding yourself there
That brings things that you’re wanting from out of nowhere.
Shift your thinking. You can enjoy life a lot more.
There is not anything else that you need to do.

I’m Sick Of My Life

A Severely Depressive Episode

I’m so sick of my life. I am forty years old.
I am single. I make less than minimum wage,
And I live with my mother. I have not a clue
As to what on God’s green earth I’m able to do.
It’s not wise, but I find myself prone to engage
In self-pity. My displeasure I’ll not withhold.

Where am I on the standard emotional scale?
Somewhere south of frustration but not quite despair?
It feels mostly like anger. If I reach for blame,
Will I feel some relief, or will I feel the same?
My emotional journey is taken with care
Blame feels better than anger, so I will prevail.

The economy sucks, therefore, I remain stuck
In a huge rut without any room to advance.
Had I been guided differently as a child,
Then much better prepared I’d have been for this wild
World of infinite contrast. I don’t have a chance
Due to circumstance. I remain straight out of luck.

Now, that feels a lot better. I have shifted my
Vibration just a little. A different place
I’m now in. Opportunities are within reach
That were not a short while ago, and within each
Journey of feeling taken, there can be found grace.
There’s so much to gain as I give this thing a try.

Your World Will Shift Today

Change Is Inevitable

What questions would I ask if I stood before God
And were granted the privilege of the answers?
What would God ask of me were our places reversed?
Either way if the session was quite well rehearsed
Then I shall be content with whatever occurs.
This kind of enlightenment cannot be outlawed.

What might I do right now to enhance my chances
Of as quickly as possible feeling better
Than I feel at this moment? That is the question.
When it is asked then enlightenment has begun.
If it’s not asked then I become the begetter
Of a life full of unwanted circumstances.

What can I do to sync up more fully and more
Consistently with the source that is within me?
I must be aware and care about how I feel
And to act only when I am feeling some zeal.
When I’m there I can milk the feeling easily.
I can sense more connection than ever before.

I can stumble into a state of feeling good
Quite by accident. It’s an opportunity
To keep up that momentum by just finding more
Of the good thoughts and feelings that I most live for.
I can shift in a moment and be completely
In a new world of wonder in all likelihood.

Matching Your Vibrational Abundance

Aligning With Source

How can I be a vibrational match to all
That is in my vibrational escrow? Am I
Lining up with abundance, or shortage and lack?
For my doing things I don’t like, what I get back
Is a bad taste for living. I must satisfy
My intention by not focusing on the small.

I must see things as they really are. Abundance,
Financial wellbeing, and money are all just
Like the air that I breathe. They are not hard to get.
I can learn how to keep my soul frequency set
To that of my heart’s wanting. It does require trust
In the guidance within me in my circumstance.

I can tune my receiver to the frequency
Of what I have in escrow. By focused intent
I choose thoughts that feel better than those I have now.
In this way it is best that I trust and allow
Better feelings consume me that will complement
Everything that I’m wanting my nowness to be.

Excuses to feel happy are many indeed,
And I need but to find them. As I look around
At this planet, there’s something bigger going on.
Universal forces are conclusions foregone
That our sun and its system are perfectly sound.
Thinking in this way much of life’s tension is freed.