Tag Archive | great

Don’t Let Your Thoughts Control You


The greatest glory in life lies not in never
Falling but in rising every time that we fall.
You can’t go back and change the beginning but you
Can start where you are and change the ending. A new
Way of thinking can get rid of just about all
Of your problems, and thinking of them, forever.

The mind is everything. What you think you become
So become who you want to be. Believe you can
And you’re halfway there. The only way to do great
Work is to love what you do. You get to create
Your own future. It can be more fulfilling than
Your present circumstance – a profound conundrum.

Happiness can be found even in the darkest
Of times if you remember to turn on the light.
The biggest adventure you can take is to live
The life of your dreams. Think of how much you can give
To the world when you feel that everything’s alright.
You know how much you can do when you feel your best.

The mind is the master over the body – not
The reverse. You’re stronger than you seem, braver than
You believe, and smarter than you think. Clarity
Will come to you as soon as you decide to be
Of the attitude that any issue you can
Get yourself through. The way you feel matters a lot.

On Life’s Stage

Still Life Platform

During each stage of life everyone has a friend
But only lucky ones have the same friend through all
Stages of life. Good friends are very important
But not having friends does in no way mean you can’t
Live a happy life. It takes only but a small
Bit of conscious awareness for you to ascend.

Be kind to people without allowing them to
Take advantage of your good nature. Life begins
At the end of your comfort zone. Be not afraid
To act on intuition. The choices you made
In the past strengthen you. As sure as the earth spins
What you give out will come back directly to you.

Time is more valuable than money. You can
Always get more money but you can’t get any
More time than is allotted. You’ll never achieve
Real success unless in what you do you believe.
At your work you can be as happy as can be.
You can make being joyful always your game plan.

Your bad habits are like a comfortable bed –
Easy to get into but hard to get out of.
Trust your gut feelings. Sometimes they can save you from
Making improper choices. Start beating the drum
Of life, liberty, and unconditional love.
Live more from your heart. Try to stay out of your head.

Wouldn’t It Be Nice If…?

Positive Consideration

Wouldn’t It Be Nice If I won the lottery?
With a huge sum of money the things I could do
To help others and myself would be off the charts.
What I really want to do is touch people’s hearts
With my sense of wellbeing. I’d have many new
Ways of expressing my love for humanity.

Wouldn’t It Be Nice If… is a game that I play
With myself and the universe quite frequently
About big things and small then I just let them go.
I know that the provident universe will show
Me the signs of my asking sometimes instantly.
Sometimes they come with a little bit of delay.

“If I only had it…” or “I wish that I had…”
Are sentences that inherently imply lack.
Modify what you’re saying. “Wouldn’t It Be Nice
If I had it?”
This way of speaking will suffice.

If you speak out of absence you won’t receive jack.
Wouldn’t It Be Nice If your faith were your comrade?

The reason that it’s so powerful is that it
Is soft and easy. Not out of desperation
Do you want to speak. Cling not to what you desire.
Happiness is the only thing you need acquire.
Keep on paying attention to your vibration.
Things that happen reflect the vibe that you transmit.


Casual Day

Your Vortex of Creation is filled to the brim
With specific requests that you’ve been putting there
And that you are deserving of coming to be
Manifested in your present reality.
To gain access to it you simply have to care
About how you feel. Your future is never dim.

It’s about time for those realizations to
Begin flooding into your life experience
At a rate that will astonish those around you.
Be receptive of all the blessings coming due.
Let your wonderful dream of a lifetime commence
In this moment. Embrace the exciting and new.

We in spirit observe you. We see that you still
Don’t know who you are truly and for the most part
You don’t understand the important role you play
In the expansion of all that is. Don’t betray
Your own purpose by holding hatred in your heart.
Exercise as you must your God-given free will.

You came here to do business and have lots of fun
In the doing. Life isn’t so complicated
When you know where you came from and what you could be,
Do, or have here in this time space reality.
Allow now what you know has been long awaited.
Watch for evidence of your new journey begun.

Your Greatness Awaits

Happy People

Your species wants for itself to be more aligned
With the principles of peace and understanding
And of joy unimaginable and you’re near
The achievement of this. But for hatred and fear
You would know of your greatness. No one’s demanding
That you do so but true happiness you may find.

It’s your imagination alone that will bring
About these pleasures, joys, and wonders of your hearts
To explore and to cherish. We understand your
Hopes for true guidance. You’re more than ever before
Ready to become masters of creative arts.
Your intention to be happy means everything.

You’ve been seeking your inner worth with earnestness
But when you strive toward anything you push it
Away from you. By wanting less you will gain more.
This conundrum perplexes you right to the core
Of your beings. It would be to your benefit
To look inward where you will have better success.

Your capacity to love is great. Once you know
This you’ll see yourself above earthly existence.
Your inner spirit will rise as you’ve commanded
Because your consciousness will have been expanded.
As your teachers we have unyielding confidence
In your love and in your propensity to grow.

The Power Of Non-Resistance


Some people are outrageously wicked and mean.
How could one give them the time of day let alone
Try to love them? Despise them I do with every
Part of me. Indeed I can’t see objectively.
I cannot find a place in my heart on my own
To accept them and thus keep my vibration clean.

But it’s my nature to love. I know this to be
So because I can feel it and I recognize
It in others. I don’t see it in everyone
As I should so I know there’s some work to be done
On my part. What would my inner being advise?
I believe it knows very well what’s best for me.

When I’m not loving it’s not that I’m wrong about
How despicable they are. It’s just that I must
See the value in what they’re presenting to me.
Though there are areas where we cannot agree
In their links to their inner beings I must trust.
Loving truly does not leave any room for doubt.

Those who aren’t all that lovable are my greatest
Advantage because they cause me to realize
My emotions and also what I would prefer.
My life would be less complicated if I were
More accepting of all that I know to be wise.
When I am nonresistant I’m my happiest.

The World Is Your Kitchen

The Hearth

What is the purpose of your life experience?
Surely you know the answer if you have any
Sense of how this world operates. You’re here to be,
Do, or have anything you want. Naturally
You create every bit of your reality.
There is a special reason for your existence.

Into this physical dimension you have come
Because you’re a creator who wants to express
That while being here. Your work here is to define,
Discern, and decide, then to properly align
With your wishes and your ultimate happiness
In this world. There is nothing to get away from.

This world is a well-stocked kitchen with every kind
Of ingredient one could imagine and it
Has an infinite supply of each and you are
An astute master chef. Do you feel up to par?
Yes You Do! Everything is for your benefit.
Don’t let thoughts of negativity cross your mind.

Your work is to put some of those ingredients
Into different combinations to create
Whatever you want to. You’ve the freedom to be
As creative as you want and most happily.
On the meal that you’re making you must concentrate.
Let your role in your kitchen here and now commence.

The Great Secret

Fantasy Forest

Perhaps you should go to a university
And take that fifty-K a year job like all those
Many who’ve gone before you. But are they fulfilled?
Chances are the spirit within them has been killed
All because of the unworthy path that they chose
As they learn to face up to their reality.

This insane world teaches you that you’re limited,
That the world is a tough place, and that you must play
It safe always because there’s a finite amount
Of resources. This world teaches you to discount
Your own worthiness in a very subtle way.
Shortage consciousness among people is widespread.

But the truth is that you can achieve anything
That you want. There’s no limit –  no separation
Between you and the universe. You can allow
Wellbeing to become you as soon as right now.
Every moment is ripe for a new creation.
Be receptive to what the universe can bring.

What you think you deserve you will always attract.
This world is a canvas made especially for
You to paint on with your own imagination.
You’re the artist. Get to work. You’re the only one
To decide you can do it. Keep open the door
To your source of creation and make an impact.

Allowing What You Want

Many Gifts

Your idea of heaven would have to include
Everything you’ve ever wanted since you were born
All prepared and granted especially to you.
It would be a place where you’d have nothing to do
But be happy. You’re able to toot your own horn
Without worrying that someone may think you’re rude.

It’s a real place. It exists vibrationally.
It’s made up of all wishes, desires, hopes, and dreams
Of all people while living their lives here on earth.
Heaven is the place that propels us into birth
Yet the issue is that on this planet it seems
People aren’t receptive to its reality.

Those in heaven are the beneficiaries
Of our yearnings because they become instantly
Manifested there, but again heaven is made
Of spirit and vibration. Who comes to our aid
When we ask? We can count on the ‘powers that be.
We do not have to cower and beg, “pretty please?”

“As above, so below.” Heaven on earth can be
A reality that you can experience
In its fullness. You can watch for the evidence
Of wellbeing happening in the present tense.
You’ll find that the power that it has is immense.
You can be in heaven just by being happy.

What Is Winning?

Material Success

Like sperm cells that compete for fertilization
Of the egg, we as humans are mostly concerned
About winning. Our lives are all about the goal.
We believe that our winning will make our lives whole.
It’s not true. Yet how can this falsehood be unlearned?
We seem to have a competitive fixation.

Why do some companies run so efficiently
While others are a nightmare? The ones that do well
Are devoted to the process instead of to
Any goal. They take pleasure in all that they do.
They compete not among themselves and what the sell
Is their passion in all that they’re wanting to be.

If you are doing something that you love to do
Then just do it! You must enjoy hitting the ball
More than anything. Then you will be in a state
Of accepting what you are about to create.
But you cannot create victories large or small.
Always wanting to win will not benefit you.

If you’ve one eye on the goal you’ve only got one
To find your way, which is very inefficient.
You need both eyes to take the next step to seeing
That you are a magnificent human being.
Keep loving what you’re doing and get proficient.
Hit the ball and take advantage of the home run.

The Great Song

Celestial Song

Sometimes a song keeps playing inside of your head.
It may be happy or sad depending upon
How you feel in the moment, but you have control
Over which one you’re hearing. You’re playing the role
Of the maestro. To you all attention is drawn.
 And by you the awaiting orchestra is led.

There’s a much greater song reverberating through
The whole universe. It keeps things in harmony
So that planets that have life are safe and secure.
The Great Song is a vibration that shall endure
Through eternity. Know the exquisite beauty
Of existence especially that which is you.

Some say that life’s a sad song. They experience
What they sadly sing then they expect things to change
For the better or they just stay in a foul mood
Constantly. They develop a bad attitude.
The notion of their changing their song is too strange
So they put up destructive walls of self-defense.

Those who say it’s a happy song are the ones who
Know that it’s not the song. It’s the way you’re singing
That brings meaning to life. How you sing The Great Song
Is your freedom. Do know that you can’t get it wrong
If unto the main melody you are clinging.
May the music bring everlasting joy to you.

Authentic Empowerment

Color Fist

Who are you? What do you want to do with who you
Truly are? You’re a treasure. Do not be afraid
Of your power to create your reality.
You have limited time here. Who you’re meant to be
You must be without shyness. Don’t let your dream fade
Into nothingness. Do what you’ve been born to do.

We live in a fame culture. Fame is the basis
For your being known in the world because people
Wouldn’t hear you unless you came with some swagger.
You do not want to be considered a lagger
In pursuit of your purpose so just be grateful
Having found in the desert your own oasis.

Ask the questions in life that really matter to
Get people thinking about what really matters
In their lives. You can tell if you’re on the right track
By internal knowing and external feedback.
Don’t listen to the busy mind as it chatters
Constantly. Give it something important to do.

You have access to Authentic Empowerment.
Everyone has a purpose. Yours is to figure
Out what yours is. Align your personality
With your soul’s purpose. You’ll create powerfully.
No one can touch you because your essence is pure.
You can do anything through your conscious intent.

This Is Who You Really Are

The Real You

There’s something quite extraordinary going on
Here and many don’t even know what it could be
Nor what it’s all about yet it is happening
All the time every moment. It’s interesting
That people ignore this happening completely.
That their minds are set is the conclusion foregone.

It is Life that is happening. There’s a process
Being undertaken in life by life, and that
Is hugely paradoxical. It’s as if we
Are creating God from the inside out. We see
Evidence that is worth taking a good look at.
Life surrounds us in all the ways it can express.

Life exists in all of its forms and the beauty
Of the night sky, the wonders of nature, or the
Expression of humanity are all part of
All that is and the basis of living is love.
It’s the ultimate act, one of divine glory
Because within everyone yourself you can see.

You take part in it in a brand new way when you
Understand what is happening. Then you become
More aware and on purpose. Intentionally
You will act and you’ll know what it’s like to be free
Of uncertainty concerning where you come from.
You are the miracle that in God’s dream came true.

The Heart Field

Cardio Magnetic

Everyone has an electromagnetic field
And the earth has one also, in fact everything
That is living has this current running through their
Nervous systems. It’s the same energy we share
With the earth. Those who would find this interesting
Feel that this information should not be concealed.

There are satellites in space that actually
Test the electromagnetic field of earth. So,
After planes had crashed into the Twin Towers, they
Took some measurements and the energy was way
Off the charts. Much more scientists wanted to know
About this phenomenon of heart energy.

They hooked up machines to the heart and what they found
Was that it’s the emotions we experience
That causes this current to flow through our bodies.
Group healing can be done and with relative ease.
When one or more are gathered it makes perfect sense
That with this energy one must not fool around.

When more folks are gathered together they create
A grater energy force in this world. As we
Have our thoughts we must move into the emotion
That’s behind them. We must give proper devotion
To clearing out all of our negativity
And to remaining in a more positive state.

His New Story


In the midst of despair, not a question have I.
It would take too much energy for me to know
What to ask, yet the answers I feel all too well.
I partake of the numbness to counter the spell
Cast upon me. I wallow in consummate woe
As existence itself prepares for me to die.

I don’t want to go through this. Somewhere in my soul
I know that the solution to this life of hell
Is not to cut it short nor to waste it away
Wondering how I’m going to get through each day.
How can I come up with a new story to tell
Of this person whose life has been out of control?

Under the influence of misunderstanding
I escaped. Temporary relief it gave me.
I performed not the way others wanted me to.
All my character defects were clearly in view
Of the world, but it took all that for me to see
A new story that is constantly expanding.

Enough time have I spent focusing on what’s wrong
With my character and other things about me
That can’t change in an instant. I have no regrets
Over what I can’t change. This reality sets
Me free from my own bondage. By now I can see
My new self in a world where I truly belong.

Love Thine Enemies


There was a young soldier in the German army
During World War Two. He was opposed to the war
Because he was a Christian. He knew it was wrong
What his country was doing, but he went along
Because he had no choice. He had zero rapport
With fellow soldiers. On nothing they could agree.

He was not enthusiastic. Officers knew
Of his sentiment. They made his life difficult.
“Who among us does not have bright and gleaming eyes?”
They would ask. “Here’s an old man whom we should despise.”
They’d find any opportunity to insult
This person, and there wasn’t a thing he could do.

On a cold winter evening, it was Christmas Eve.
He was standing guard duty alone as he heard
People singing Christmas songs which made him feel sad
Because his thoughts were with his loved ones. So he had
A deep sense of frustration. His heart was interred
In a hell whose grotesqueness was hard to believe.

The next morning a young woman called to him from
A window. She did not speak German, and he spoke
Not her language. She offered him something to eat
And some drink. Her country had fallen in defeat
To the Germans. What kind of love does this evoke?
From where does this kind of pure benevolence come?

They invaded her country. They were enemies,
But that didn’t much matter. On that Christmas day,
Both received something special. Christ said that we should
Love the ones who would hate us. It does the soul good.
What she did was most certainly the Christian way.
Is it worth it to see the way that Jesus sees?


Communication Of Ideas

Behavior is the actions and mannerisms
Of the individual in conjunction with
Themselves and others within their environment.
Behavior is the product of conscious intent.
That it cannot be changed is a popular myth
Among people susceptible to social whims.

It includes a person’s conduct, nature, presence,
Attitude and demeanor. They all are shaped by
Psychological traits. The personality
Type varies from person to person. There can be
Manifold motivations. The main reason why
One behaves is a matter of psychic suspense.

Behavior is acceptable depending on
Social norms. Regulated by social control,
Human behavior is studied by the social
Sciences. Their insights are in fact precocial
Birds of wisdom that fly deeply into the soul
Of the psyche from where information is drawn.

The ego mind is a learned and programmed set of
Behaviors. The ultimate spiritual goal
Is to transcend the conditioning by virtue
Of the power within the self that is most true.
Higher levels of consciousness can make one whole.
All of existence is integrated with love.

Things Are Working Out

Realization Of Contentment

We all here are extensions of Source Energy.
There is not one of us who does not have access
To infinite intelligence. All we need do
Is be well in alignment and receptive to
Information that could lead to our happiness.
We were meant to live our days in relative glee.

We can translate nonphysical information
Into what we call intuition and insight.
We have a solar plexus. It is the center
Of emotional responses. What may occur
Can be analyzed for if it feels wrong or right.
This guidance is available to everyone.

In your joyful state of being, you may receive
An Impulse to change lanes while you’re driving so that
You avoid something hazardous and unforeseen.
Universal forces are giving you the green
Light to safety, no matter where your mind is at.
We all have the fine ability to perceive.

The entire universe is always conspiring
To work things out for you. You are more than worthy
Of your dreams coming true in a fantastic way.
Our asking and receiving can be as child’s play.
Self-imposed limitations do not have to be
Part of your life. Your attitude is everything.

Allow What You Want

Open Access

Your Vortex of Creation is filled to the brim
With specific requests that you’ve been putting there
From the first time you were able to know desire
Up to this moment, and from it you can acquire
Any part or all of it. You need only care
How you feel, which is not something done on a whim.

Remember what you’ve put there. You are deserving
Of its realization in your everyday
Life experience. Know your appreciation
For who you are, for you are a powerful one.
You must understand the important role you play
In the expansion of all that is occurring.

You can be the recipient of all those things
You have dreamed of because that was part of the plan.
Before coming here, you told yourself you would be
An adept co-creator. You naturally
Manifest through your wanting. Believe that you can
Get accustomed to what true contentment can bring.

Your life is changed forever once you come to know
The vastness of your Vortex. Watch for evidence
Of the universe helping you. You can Allow
What You Want
or deny it. The time is right now

To partake of your treasure which is now immense.
Into your life may wonderful things start to flow.

Look For Good Things

Positive Outlook

What is the purpose of my life experience?
Knowing I’m a creator, I want to express
In this physical setting. I’m here to discern,
Define, and decide. There is so much here to learn.
My ability to focus gives me access
To a whole new arena of magnificence.

So, attracting is easy. When I have a thought
That brings forth strong emotion, the awesome power
Of the universe is prepared to yield to me
Evidence of the things I want to come to be.
In this moment, my life can begin to flower.
I am confident I’ll get whatever is sought.

I’ll look everywhere for things that I want because
I can then merge the data into a picture
Explicit in its detail of how life should be.
Only then am I certain of what pleases me.
The feeling of ecstasy I want to procure.
I’ve become a student of spiritual laws.

I’ll set forth the intention to notice only
Things that I find uplifting. I’ll study those who
Are successful and imitate their energy.
It can be exactly how I want it to be.
It becomes for me a transcendental breakthrough.
Only the best things are meant to happen for me.

You Came To Love

Heavenly Hearted Earth

You came here to love one another and to be
In alignment with nature. You came to have fun
On your fabulous journey through life. You came here
To learn all about love – the opposite of fear.
You are love, so the learning that needs to be done
Is of yourself which is in others what you see.

It’s your nature to love – even the rotten one
Who always manages to get on your bad side.
That one is a big advantage to your growing.
Are you moved to focus on your inner knowing
When you can’t love the bastard despite having tried?
You can do nothing with the momentum begun.

It’s not that you are wrong about the awfulness
Of this person. It’s that you’re misunderstanding
Their value to you in helping you to decide
How you want things. In this way, you are not denied
The thoughts that lead to your consciousness expanding.
Negative feelings you do not want to express.

You came here to love. You did not come to surround
Yourself with loving people. You knew there would be
People who make it difficult. These are the ones,
Who through your attention to them, will offer tons
Of resistance, but you can respond lovingly.
Where you least may expect love is where it is found.


Sweetest Spices Of Life

I can create realities, each different
Than the other, and I don’t need anybody
Else to kindly agree with me. That’s up to me.
Satisfied I am mostly with all that I see.
Life has caused me to tell it just how it should be
In the way that it keeps me just shy of content.

Life, I know, hears what I say and feels what I feel,
Having had my acquaintance for so long by now.
Yet the question is always, Where am I in all
That I’ve asked since I’ve been here?
It hasn’t been small.

All that I need some help with is how to allow
Earth’s bounty to consume me in ways that are real.

All that I want I do not have, and it’s okay.
In the purest vibrational form they exist.
This day has been a good day. I learned a bit more
How to look at life not as a hard karmic chore
But a marvelous mission where souls may enlist.
Tomorrow I’ll do better than I did today.

Tonight’s rest is forthcoming. As I drift to sleep
I’ll attract nothing thought wise. This shell I vacate
To let forces of nature do as they are meant.
There’s no reason why I can’t be much more content
Than I was for today and maintain such a state.
I’ll start off on a good foot. My wholeness I’ll keep.