Tag Archive | responsibility

Guilt And Responsibility

Justice Street

It can impact one’s self-worth but guilt can also
Slip into life dressed as responsibility.
When you’ve done something awful you feel guilt and shame
And it’s difficult because you’ve no one to blame
But yourself. Your true self you’re not able to be
Even if what has happened was so long ago.

People go through a long process of letting go
Of their guilt and shame before they’re actually
Willing to allow themselves to experience
Responsibility in a positive sense.
You know that you’ve acted out of integrity
But let not that prevent you from wanting to grow.

Why wallow in self-judgment? By doing so you
Hold yourself in a place where you cannot allow
Energy to flow through you to get you aligned
With the next proper action. Don’t be so unkind
To yourself. Remember, that was then. This is now.
Keep yourself focused now on the right thing to do.

Burdensome is the feeling of negative space
In your soul. Guilt and shame are self-sabotaging.
Accept responsibility for what you do
And get on with your life. The evolved part of you
Will guide you in doing the appropriate thing.
What you will do from now on is what to embrace.

Daily Mantras


When I ask it is given but I have to be
In the receptive mode before I can partake
Of the blessings God offers. If there’s resistance
In my asking it’s as if I don’t stand a chance
Of receiving. This habit of mine I must break
And I will get rid of it eventually.

I’m perfect the way I am – the way God made me
So I don’t need to seek perfection anywhere
But within me then everything else is just fine.
I cannot lose my connection with the divine
In fact we are quite an inseparable pair
Though there are certain times when we do not agree.

God is never wrong and anytime that I feel
Negative emotion I know that I’m not in
Alignment with God’s version of what I perceive
And since all good comes from God I have to believe
In redemption from having lived a life of sin.
I do not want to make of my life an ordeal.

I feel that I’m not good enough as I recall
My past insane behavior. It causes me pain
To do so. I’d much rather think that I’m okay.
A life of misery is a huge price to pay
For the past. There’s no goal that I need to attain.
What I contribute to life I pray isn’t small.

Just Be


You can set time aside to let your daydreams flow
Just like when you were little. Remember when you
Felt so free in the moment? You didn’t worry
About things and had no responsibility.
You had nothing to get done. No one even knew
Where you were half the time. You were like a shadow.

You were born to experience joy. How do you
Carve out time to get back to that good feeling place
Of vibrational purity? Many demands
On your time there are. There’s no one who understands
More than you. There are too many issues to face.
Difficulty with trying is not something new.

You can do it by looking for it everywhere.
Even if it requires getting up earlier
Before anyone knows where you are, you can find
Time to daydream and get yourself fully aligned
With your inner being who indeed would prefer
That you keep giving yourself the utmost of care.

Remember what it was like when you could Just Be
With no urge to prove worthiness? Be there right now
In this moment because it’s the best way to start
A new life where your thoughts are driven by your heart.
True happiness depends on how much you allow
Your daydreaming to soothe you perpetually.

The Strangest Secret

Keep It Quiet

You know how to get something, but to Be something
Is the essence in all things whatever they be.
You must Be health. You mustn’t be trying to get
It from pills or your doctor who may be a threat.
You must Be the thing you want most absolutely.
Your mindset determines what your asking can bring.

Human beings become whatever it is they
Visualize themselves to be. It’s no secret,
But it’s strange to imagine that it would become
Information that people would be shielded from.
Imagination is a powerful asset.
It can get anything you want to come your way.

You were taught not to see yourself as confident
As a child, but it was for your own protection.
You were not encouraged to take risks, but you must!
There’s no one or no thing in this world you can trust.
When you are focused in the proper direction,
Then no one can knock you out of your alignment.

The subconscious mind does not distinguish between
What is real and the images you’ve created
With your conscious mind. You can change reality
By imagining and expecting it to be.
Any dream unfulfilled can be celebrated.
Many things you can do about how life is seen.

Daily Mantras

The Best Of All Starts

There’s no gain worth discussing when you are in pain.
You are holding yourself in the resistant stance
That does not allow healing nor the receiving
Of spiritual insight. You’re not achieving
Anything but more torment. When offered the chance
By spirit to release it, don’t fret and complain.

Life causes you to ask, then vibrationally,
It is given. You have to find some way, somehow,
To come into alignment with what you’ve asked for.
Your deserve everything that you want and much more.
Decide that it is high time for you to allow
All the good things you want in life to come to be.

Look for reasons to feel good. Keep a diary
Of good feelings. Trust in the Law of Attraction.
Hang around with people who are fun to be with.
Your creating with others is truly the pith
Of good living. Your life is supposed to be fun.
Of your own life take full responsibility.

Cue yourself up for happiness. Your alignment
With who you really are is your key to success.
Break the vibrational chain of pain by changing
Your thinking about it, or indeed anything
That will lead to relief from the moment’s distress.
Happiness is achieved by your conscious intent.

Practice Wellbeing

Abundance Of Heart

Everything that happens is a co-creation,
And when I decide I’m going to blame the one
Who seems most at fault, nothing much will have been gained.
My part in the whole matter must be ascertained
And acknowledged by me, then progress is begun
Toward healing an unworthy situation.

Cooperative Components we are to one
Another – not to do bad things and not to teach
On another life lessons. We’re here to sift through
The abundance of contrast. We could form a new
Coalition of countenance, lest we beseech
The mindset of confusion in getting things done.

The source in me has a different opinion
Often than I do. It sees the world as sublime
In its essence. It values the variety.
It is the source of all my creativity.
There is nothing better I can do with my time
Than to find ways to be happy and have more fun.

As I do, I begin to tune my vibration
To my source. There can be nothing accidental,
As everything is vibrationally aligned.
If I practice this, in a short time I may find
That my happiness in life is fundamental.
I shall know the meaning of appreciation.

Immutable Advice

A Serious Message For Modern Times

This is the land of plenty in so many ways
That are not paid attention to nearly enough
By enough of the people for a solution
To be had. People look upon with derision
Those severely in need. We all know life is tough
For the many. With oneself is where concern stays.

Generations of the past faced problems galore.
Some advice is well taken, but most is ignored.
Those who will carry on will have challenges too.
Global warming and homelessness are but a few
Of the issues they will face as they move toward
A world that is more peaceful than it was before.

Lasting peace is based on the concept of oneness
Of all eight billion humans. I am a person…
Not a race or a country or a continent.
The human race is all that I can represent.
Epidemics and climate change make the world one
Albeit by brute force. Will they have some success?

We are one huge community… not several
Entities independent of one another.
The illusion of separateness causes war,
And the root of all evil corrupts evermore.
A big blast of enlightenment has to occur,
And it’s up to us only to say that it shall.

The Vibration Of Wellbeing

Everything that happens is a co-creation.
If I decide that I ought to blame the one who
Seems to be the most at fault rather than to take
Full responsibility for what I make
Of my life I’ll feel awful. So what I must do
Is be a component of cooperation.

We have all come to this earth not to do bad things
To each other and not to teach others lessons.
We’ve come here to experience the awesome joy
Of alignment. To do that it’s best to employ
Conscientious observance of situations
Where we can feel much better such that the heart sings.

The divine source within us has an opinion
Which is usually different from our own.
Vulnerability physical senses know
But our nonphysical senses would have us go
With our strength. It’s the only thing they will condone.
The divine spark of wholeness is with everyone.

Decide that you will feel your best no matter what
The conditions may be. Savor thoughts that feel good.
Look for reasons to feel good wherever you are.
As you practice you won’t have to look very far
For your purpose in life. It will be understood.
In a short time your view will be pure and clear-cut.

Powerful Statements

Words Of Motion

Despite all that I’ve done and the hate that I’ve known,
All the pain is of no use while wallowing there.
I’m becoming more racist with each passing day.
God in heaven, did my spirit plan it this way?
Why am I so responsive and what should I care
That I’ve chosen to work this one out on my own?

I never held the thought that my race is supreme.
Hatred is like a chess game. I’m prodded to move
In some awful direction. I don’t play that well.
I end up believing that I’m living in hell.
Just because I am hated that does hardly prove
That I’m stupid enough to go to the extreme.

Now the veil has been lifted. There’s no more pretense
That can make of the stomach and bowels a disease.
It makes it so much easier to sort them out.
I’m at war but my mission is without a doubt
To pay more attention only to things that please.
I don’t care for the illness so this does make sense.

I can know who I really am no matter what
The state of my surroundings may happen to be
And from there I’m in touch with a peace that is real.
There is nothing more important than how I feel.
I have much control over what happens to me.
I cannot learn to live with a heart that is shut.

Get Out Of The Way

Be Invisible To Life

Your true self is in heaven and is always high
In vibration, but your lesser self may not be.
Yet the contrast is forever in your control.
If you let go of worry, You will feel more whole.
As your frequency rises, much more you can see.
The emotional spectrum is what we live by.

The rise in your vibration defeats the contrast
And the lowering of it makes living more tough.
Our beliefs come from thought forms that we’ve practiced well.
By the way we are living most others can tell
What our nature of thinking is and other stuff
We’d prefer to keep private and ever bypassed.

Meditation is helpful. It quiets the mind
By your focusing on something neutralizing
Like your breathing or rainfall. It’s not difficult.
You will know a new wholesomeness as a result.
You could also just appreciate. Daydreaming
Is another fine method if you’re so inclined.

Do feel blessed enough to let yourself feel good.
You can trust the nonphysical out in deep space.
Why not trust those in spirit who guide us along?
Getting out of your own way, you cannot go wrong.
Let the universe show you its infinite grace.
That self which is your truest knows well that you should.

The Choice

The Easiest Of Decisions

Life is ripe with variety, and it’s the spice
That makes it so engaging. Digesting is fun,
Yet the mere act of choosing which things will enthrall
And consume my attention is part of it all.
I believe in a process that will get things done
In a world made abundant. Life is paradise.

Ancient teachers like Rama and Buddha were heard
In their time by the fewest. Today anyone
Can speak volumes to everyone across the globe.
The least used body part may be the frontal lobe.
Privilege of technology is the reason
That our acts can be fortunate in thought and word.

So, among all our choices, the words that are used
To convey what the soul speaks are significant.
We become the world’s teachers in ways that we speak.
Influence we may have on those minds who are weak.
Just because we are listened to, we may enchant
The behaviors of others through mindscape perused.

This platform wasn’t possible decades ago.
I’m amazed still that I have extended this reach.
I broadcast with no borders imagined or real.
I’m concerned with the way I cause people to feel.
Being responsible for the tone of my speech,
With a fresh set of choices, it’s on with the show.

Clear Bad Karma

Spiritual Shortcut

The word Karma means action. Whose? That would be mine.
The most dynamic way to exist as beings,
Karma I live through is responsibility
That I have for my own life, and naturally,
It extends as far outward among offerings
As my strongest vibration. With this I am fine.

My life is my own making. That’s what the word means.
My successes and failures are all but my own.
Anytime I can see this in full clarity
Is a time for the crafting of my destiny.
Actions past for which my unclean soul must atone
I can safely call fated as important scenes.

Since my life is my karma no one else takes charge.
The word ‘blame’ has no meaning and is a poor game.
Those who think that their lives are caused from the outside
Have it fairy assed backwards. Were I they, I’d hide
For the lame act that they perform only brings shame
They’re likely to encounter while roaming at large.

My thoughts and my emotions, actions, and focus
Are then orientated to get me where I
Need to go in the business of daily living.
Life is lived from the inside, and in its giving,
I embrace all the drama and not wonder why
I have less time for negative things to discuss.

Daily Mantras

Cyclic Retuning

Life is meant to feel wonderful. That’s why I came –
For the bliss and the harmony in the contrast.
I will carve out that feeling every single day
Of my life here on earth. There is no other way
To engage this phenomenon. I am steadfast
And determined to feel good without any shame.

When I say, “This is hard; I can’t figure it out,”
I should then hear the voice in the back of my head

Saying, “Do something different – any damned thing
That frees you from your vibrational offering.
Break the chain-of-pain curse, and do something instead
That will alter your mood and relieve you from doubt.”

There is no gain worth talking about while in pain
Because when I dwell dead in the heart of it all
I hold myself in absence of what I desire.
Unseen forces benevolent live to conspire
To support all I’m feeling. No wish is too small
Nor too large for their liking. All I may attain.

I’ve decided I’m worthy no matter what stain
Of a curse ever present. I know what I’ve done.
There’s no time left for guilt tripping, but for release
And of thoughts and behaviors that bring inner peace.
No longer shall I live with my soul on the run.
And my mood is the only thing I need maintain.

Problems Create Solutions

Every Piece Is Important

Things are meant to go through changes. That is the way
Of this physical universe. All that takes place
That is seen as not wanted provides the answer
To the realization that I would prefer.
It supplies all desire, this particular space,
And the Law of Attraction I can’t disobey.

The only choice I have is between abundance
And the lack of it. At once, not both can be done.
Plastic in the world’s oceans causes much distress
To the creatures and my conscience. If I express
Enough comment about it, then work is begun
By the infinite forces on the circumstance.

Such an issue can become fuel for the future.
The notion is not farfetched given we’ve evolved
First through coal, then through steam, then to jet engine fuel…
Nuclear, then to solar. Desire is a tool
That can be used to get most of our problems solved.
How this universe functions we can know for sure.

I believe in infinity – not the finite,
And that there is more than less. I know that something
Occurs more than does nothingness. I’ll take the thrill
Of the answers forthcoming, if I learn to chill.
Can I practice the joy that my wanting will bring?
It is best that I see that my future is bright.

The Meaning Of Life

Fundamental Purpose

If one has but a ‘why’ one can bear any ‘how.’
As suggested by Nietzsche, life is very hard.
Does this mean I am tested in all that I do?
Certainly! There is darkness I must look into
For the purpose of healing whatever is scarred
By neglect of my visiting outside of now.

In the darkest of places, if I can still find
A faint glimmer of something, I’ll know it’s real light.
Life’s malevolence is ineradicable.
The intent and extent is unfathomable.
I need Sustaining Meaning to keep me alright.
If well-armed with some virtue, then I am aligned.

A life instinct is meaning. I need a reason
To get out of bed even on terrible days.
Nobleness in one’s purpose is not optional.
If one has not, then one is most vulnerable
To the clutches of evil and all of its ways.
Clutching on to some purpose, true life is begun.

I’ll get out and do something. It may turn out wrong,
But at least I’ll have learned then correct my mistakes.
My remaining in stasis leads to getting old
And decrepit from laziness. Purpose is gold.
Life is hopelessly woven in fear and heartbreaks.
Pointed in some direction, I am somewhat strong.

In Memory Of James

Maker of Cherished Moments

Your actions and ideas influenced loved ones
Most profoundly. An inspiration to them all,
You were thoughtful, hard-working, and fervently kind.
A responsible husband and father resigned
To the love of your family, no time was small
In the warmth of their company. They loved you tons.

 Working double and triple shifts to make ends meet,
You did so without showing real signs of fatigue,
Yet always greeting your daughter with your great smile.
Your dream of restaurant ownership was worthwhile.
Difficult circumstances put you in a league
Of unfulfilled achievers e’er doomed to defeat.

World War One and the enemy would intervene
In your life that was happy with what you needed
Which were gifts of the spirit and simple pleasures
That were of most importance. Your message endures,
And the ones who survive you continue ahead
As you had prepared them so the dream may be seen.

In your service to others you knew not restraint.
Giving all that you had was indeed part of you.
Gallantry is rewarded for service combat
And honor to the family indicates that
Your true heart of gold still beats for everyone who,
Holding love in their hearts, consider you a saint.