Tag Archive | lack

The Way You Think


You can change the way you feel by changing The Way
You Think. Simply by thinking thoughts that uplift you
You remain in a state of sublime contentment.
Happiness is achieved through your conscious intent
To stay focused on the things that you love to do.
Let the good things going for you brighten your day.

Remember that sometimes The Way You Think about
Someone isn’t exactly how they truly are.
Think about The Way You Think and find clarity
In your own logic then you’ll be finally free
Of false judgments. You don’t have to look very far
In this world to see examples of people’s doubt.

No matter how badly someone treats you never
Step down to their level. Be calm and walk away.
Don’t become weak by thinking that you’re all alone.
Rather stand firm and be proud that you’re on your own
In a world that sometimes causes utter dismay.
Let what happened leave your consciousness forever.

Not everyone is proud of you. They’re just surprised
At how you keep on going. Ultimate success
Is achieved through repeated failures and by not
Giving up. What you think about matters a lot.
No one can be a better judge of your progress
Than you once your true worthiness is realized.

The Only Thing Of Lasting Value

Happy Heart

Love is the only thing that prevails. When you see
Your immense capability to love you will
Realize that your true worth is inherently
Within you. You have so much divine energy
Flowing through you that it can most easily spill
Onto others as you live your life happily.

You are loved beyond human measure for love in
And of itself cannot be measured but of course
People try to put it on a pedestal. They
Covet it, hide it, and do whatever they may
To believe that it’s some kind of mystical force
Or a game where only certain people can win.

You are love itself. The energy which is love
Pervades all of existence no matter whether
Or not you can feel it. When you feel it you are
Effervescent, joyful, buoyant, and not too far
From your dreams and wishes all coming together
Like a symphony composed by heaven above.

Not allowing yourself to feel love causes you
To swallow yourself up in psychological
And physical pain expressed as misery, lack,
And depression. Love remains the primary hack
For a life unfulfilled. Truly it’s natural
To feel love. It’s the only thing you want to do.

Earning Versus Attracting


Most of us believe that we have to do something
In order to justify money coming in.
We think that suffering and hard work is the key
To accumulating huge amounts of money.
We believe that only lucky people can win
At the game of life. It’s rather fascinating.

We who think about dollars approach it more from
The lack of them rather than just allowing them
To flow in and out as if we were breathing air.
There’s so much air that we couldn’t possibly care
That so many are breathing. We’d never condemn
Anyone for the taker of air they’ve become.

Think about the ten dollars in your wallet now.
Is it too little or enough? What can you do
With ten dollars? Answer these questions truthfully.
You can think negatively or positively.
Be delighted about all the dollars that you
Have already. This way more of them you allow.

Always you get what you give your attention to.
If you give it to lack of money then you’ll get
Only more lack of money but if you give it
To your feeling good you’ll train yourself to permit
Money coming. Your mind is your biggest asset.
Think of reasons to feel good is all you need do.

Acknowledge The Blessings

Lakeside Joy

As soon as you acknowledge a burning desire
You’re also aware of the probability
Of the lack of the thing that you want. Focusing
On the lack doesn’t get it. In order to bring
It to you, in a state of receptivity
You must be. Nothing else does your wanting require.

It’s so easy to give far much more attention
To the lack of what you want. Its reality
Is apparent and visceral but it does not,
In terms of your own vibration, matter a lot.
Keep your focus on the way you want things to be.
In your self-talk, the lack you don’t have to mention.

The way you know the difference between whether
You’re focused upon what you want or on its lack
Is by the way it feels when you think about it.
If it doesn’t feel right you don’t have to permit
Negative thought to knock your whole game out of whack.
Do the best you can to keep it all together.

Look for positive aspects in all that you do
No matter where you are or in what circumstance.
Everywhere doors will open. You’ll be recognized
By the universe as someone who’s realized
That the good things in life do not happen by chance.
Look around for all the good that’s coming to you.

Magical Day

Purple Passion

A new day has begun. Once again you’re awake.
You have reemerged back into the physical
From a place of pure spirit. Just lie there a while
And ponder anything that will put a big smile
In your heart. Decide that today is magical.
Bask in comfort as you usher in the daybreak.

Offer thoughts such as, “Today, no matter what I’m
Doing, it’s my dominant intent to feel good.”

Then throughout your day look for exactly those things
That feel good and be eager for what the day brings.
That you want to be happy is well understood
By your spirit who’s known you for such a long time.

There will be moments throughout your day when you feel
Negative emotion. It means only that you
Are focused on something you don’t want but you can
Ask yourself what you do want. It’s easier than
Not asking. The answer from your spirit is true.
Shift your focus to something that’s more ideal.

As you move through your day look for more reasons to
Laugh and have fun. Don’t take things too seriously
Then you’re not likely to notice the lack of things
That you want. Your detachment ultimately brings
It all to you. Pure joy is your reason to be.
May the day be an absolute pleasure for you.

Don’t Chase After Money

Money Chase

In the morning do you go outside and breathe in
All the air that you’ll need for the day because you
Fear that others will suck it away completely?
In a world of continued psychosis you’d be
If that were so and this is especially true
About money. It isn’t the root of all sin.

You breathe in and breathe out. You don’t worry about
Where the next breath will come from. Much in the same way
There is an unlimited amount of money.
There’s enough to where everyone can be happy.
Being happy rather than being in dismay
Makes it happen. There must be no lingering doubt.

At the same time both lack and abundance exist.
Which of these probabilities do you give more
Attention to? Your society teaches you
That in order to be worthy then you must do
Certain things such as hard work and things you deplore.
Any notion of abundance then is dismissed.

If you feel good about money then it will flow
Easily into your life. You don’t have to chase
After it like a rat. Be thankful for what you
Have already. The only thing you need to do
Is keep yourself receptive to infinite grace.
Be open to what the universe has to show.

Words Fail Me

Expression Of Unknowing

I don’t know how to put this into words, but I
Will try my best. Perhaps it’s not that words fail me.
Maybe I’m out ahead of them. Still the answer
To the question in my mind I most would prefer.
If I could iterate things vibrationally
I would communicate without having to try.

I have knowledge that I haven’t coined the phrase for.
I know stuff that I can’t say because if I did
No one would understand me. Should my perspective
Include how I’ll be heard? It’s more my objective
Not to do what my circumstances would forbid.
What I know is that there is much room to explore.

I can focus upon the feeling of what I
Know beyond doubt. I know that my inner being
Has a much broader view. The Law of Attraction
If well practiced will lead to my satisfaction.
From the bondage of speechlessness what is freeing
Is the knowing that understanding can’t deny.

I can’t define it accurately in a way
That it’s understood even by myself. I know
That love is ever more dominant over hate.
I can make that a fine reason to celebrate
All the knowledge that can help my spirit to grow
In the moment and throughout each and every day.

At The Heart Of Attraction

Royal Flush

Most people who are thinking in terms of money
Are approaching it more from the subject of lack
Than from just allowing the dollars to flow in.
They wind up wishing forever for their big win.
If you feel that you put out more than you get back,
Then it may be that you’re off vibrationally.

You don’t rise in the morning and breathe all the air
That you’ll need for the whole day before others can
Suck it up. You breathe in and breathe out as you need.
When it comes to your breathing, there’s no need for greed.
You don’t worry at all if someone has more than
They deserve. So, how to money does this compare?

Through our programming, we’ve learned to believe that we
Are not worthy enough to receive anything
Without hard work and struggle. We must justify
Every bit of good luck that happens to come by,
And we’re promised rewards for our hard suffering,
But this universe operates differently.

If you consciously focus upon the value
Of the dollars you do hold, then you’ll receive more.
Feeling good about the money you’ve got going
Is the best way that is known to keep it flowing.
The main difference between the rich and the poor
Is the feeling about all that money can do.

Open Doors

Unlocking Destiny

Anytime that you want something, it matters not
What it is, in the moment you launch the desire,
You acknowledge the not having of it also.
If there’s one, then the other is something to know.
So, how do you get to the point where you acquire
What it is that you’re after? This matters a lot.

Having done all your wanting, and as you begin
Or continue to give your thoughts to your knowing
That it will manifest, you are in the best place
For receiving the blessings of infinite grace.
Concentrate on the ways you can keep it flowing.
Be thankful for the wonderful state you are in.

The balance of the universe is all about
What you’re adding to each side of the equation.
If you’re focusing more on the lack of something,
Then only disappointment your wanting will bring.
You are now more receptive to the pervasion
Of abundance in your life. You know beyond doubt.

Acknowledge all the positive aspects of what
You’re living. You will open the doors, in this way,
To utter satisfaction in the here and now.
You have noting to do but relax and allow
Universal forces that are always at play.
Only your own resistance will keep the doors shut.

Be Silent!

Keep Psychically Still

Many times throughout life it’s best not to express
Verbally. There are obvious circumstances
Where silence is the answer. If you feel no one
Understands your feelings, speech is no solution.
If you have doubts about your thoughts then the chances
Of your making sense are significantly less.

Remain quiet when others are judging someone
Negatively. You will get sucked into a mess.
When someone screams and yells in anger and hatred
Being silent will calm this person. If instead
You respond with words you will accomplish much less.
Petty and useless dialog now has begun.

Try to keep quiet when someone else is sharing
Some event in their life quite emotionally.
Interrupting shows them that you really don’t care
Being silent shows them that at least you’re aware
As they are providing you their testimony.
What you think about it is not worth declaring.

A smart person solves a problem, but the wise one
Avoids it altogether. As much as you know
That you don’t know that you don’t know you become more
Than you were in the moment you were just before.
Being silent is often the best way to go.
What you don’t say cannot enter the equation.

Open Doors

Many Opportunities

The balance of the universe vibrates between
What exists and the lack of it. If I’m able
To identify something I truly desire
Then the absence of this thing I want to acquire
Does exist. It’s important to remain stable
And to practice some positive mental hygiene.

From the point of my saying that I want something,
Through my thinking about it, one or the other
Side I give more attention to. What comes to be
Then depends upon which one feels better to me.
Only it or the lack of it can but occur.
This concept does not have to be mystifying.

Feeling lack about what I want only delays
Its arrival in my life. I’ll give attention
To my reasons for wanting it and my belief
That its coming is imminent. I’ll find relief
In my trusting the universe to get things done.
I can maintain my balance in myriad ways.

But the best way to open doors to everything
That I find most delightful is to acknowledge
Now the positive aspects of what I’m living.
The universe is intent on its giving
Whatever is asked of it. On this leading edge
Of creation, I find my life most fulfilling.

Do One Simple Thing

Changing Life's Story

In the moment one recognizes a desire
There are two simultaneous acknowledgements.
One is having that something. The other is not.
People put their focus on the latter a lot.
When this happens it brings on the worst of events.
This duplicity about things does life require.

The balance of the universe lies though therein.
All creation is twofold. Each has within it
The potential of the thing not manifesting
And, of course, the good feeling that having does bring.
Knowing which is the better requires not much wit
And to choose to feel bad is a terrible sin.

I add to one side or the other through the day
As my thoughts become random and infiltrating
Which do I want to focus on? That is easy,
But I act to my detriment unconsciously.
I can pay attention to what makes my heart sing,
Then to negative emotion I won’t fall prey.

I’ll acknowledge the positive aspects always
As my life keeps unfolding. It opens the door
To every opportunity. Doors remain closed
If I keep on thinking the thoughts that are opposed
To the thing that I want more than ever before.
I can change my life story to one of some praise.

You’re Not Earning, You’re Attracting

With Every Waking Breath

You get up in the morning then go rush outside
To breathe in all the air that you’ll need for the day.
Others will suck it all up if you hesitate.
It would be a disaster if you had to wait
Until air is replenished. To live in this way
Is absurd, most atrocious, and undignified.

Paranoia is normal in times of distress
Where the most basic needs may be subject to threat.
But reality dictates that all is quite well.
In the mind of the not aligned much fear does dwell.
When you think about money and feel some regret
You grow into the circumstance of having less.

It’s your aspect of beingness that you engage
Much more than tons of hard work to make yourself feel
Justified in the having of a salary.
You don’t feel that you’re quite worthy enough to be
In reception of good things without the ordeal
Of the quid pro quo contract for a decent wage.

With ten dollars you can do so many good things.
As you embrace that feeling you appreciate
Everything that you do have. Then you will have more.
Look for reasons to feel good, and learn to explore
All the things that excite you. What you then create
Is a life of abundance and many blessings.


Deadliest of the Seven

In the life of pure spirit no need has the soul
To provide for its sustenance. Life is a breeze.
There’s no concept of distance or speed as is here
Where all substance is heavy and laden with fear.
All can manifest instantly what e’er they please.
There’s no need to find oneself because one is whole.

From that mystical paradise all enter earth
With subconscious impressions and faint memory
That will dissipate slowly in early childhood.
By the time we’re adults it is well understood
That this world is a harsh one and that we must be
Rational in our outlook to manage our birth.

We’re preprogrammed for pleasure. Our feeling sublime
In ourselves and with others comes naturally.
But in this world, resistance to all that feels great
Is weaved into the fabric defining this state
Of a learning existence where nothing is free
But the spirit within things that take up our time.

Student souls become weary and lost in their ways
Of achieving their balance. A feeling of lack
Overwhelms their sensations. The instinct to kill
We have learned from the animals, but with free will
That is guided by spirit, all can stay on track
And find peace and abundance through most of our days.