Tag Archive | religion

Power And Magic

Power In Hand

It’s the oldest religion known to humankind.
Magic is your ability to create and
Connect with universal intelligence to
Access the supernatural essence of you.
Get to know the awesome power you have at hand.
It’s the most valuable thing that you will find.

Power is needed in order to use magic.
Power is nothing but potential energy.
It can be used in billions of different ways.
Negatively it can be used or to amaze
Entertain, and delight people, and it can be
A tool for the creation of things fantastic.

At the same time power is nothing and something.
Energy in the atom is equal to mass
Times a really big number but naturally
It remains a potential form of energy.
Any resistance to this you need to bypass.
Hanging onto it only leads to suffering.

Your power is your spark. It is what makes you shine
Your light in the world. Magic is what you believe
To be possible. You’ve the power to create
Magic in your life. There’s no good reason to wait
This one out. Get yourself in the mode to receive
Information most directly from the divine.

Communicate Best With Others


No matter who you’re focused on there are aspects
About them you could look at that would cause you to
Further widen the gap or make it narrower.
What’s the kind of relationship you would prefer?
What are you thinking of others that’s keeping you
Disconnected from who you are? It’s not complex.

You may disagree on some things and when you do
You cannot get your point across. Split energy
Is what’s going on but if you can maintain your
Connection with who you are then you will have more
Of a reason to focus on where you agree.
Letting them get you goat means that you’re without clue.

It’s never them not understanding or them not
Wanting to agree with you. It’s your letting what
They’re thinking separate you from your clarity.
If you cannot communicate then let it be.
There can be no good reason to slam the door shut.
By all means try to hold on to what you have got.

If you’re having a hard time communicating
Then don’t waste your words. Your words can’t teach anyway.
Clarity by example is what you can teach.
From your place of alignment you’re able to reach
Spiritual agreement. You simply must stay
In control of the vibration you’re creating.

If The Big Bang Is True

First Cause

The Big Bang is a theory. As science explains,
Everything came from nothing including the space
Between things. The expansion is still going on.
From this there are many conclusions to be drawn
All By Faith, however science cannot embrace
Such a notion. Its pseudo logic it maintains.

What exploded? Where did it come from? Why did it
Up and happen? There are many questions to ask
Of the scientist. Such questions are suited for
The spiritual seeker who maybe knows more
About what all the scientists cannot unmask.
But do not call them faithless. They would have a fit.

It’s just like a book is so much more than the ink
And the paper. It has lots of information.
More than just chemicals, a strand of DNA
Holds a library. We are much more than the way
Science sees us. It’s not that it can’t get things done.
It’s just that there’s resistance in how people think.

Some fourteen billion years ago something happened
That brought into existence matter, time, and space.
Did it happen all by itself? Or is there some
Divine consciousness that everything ushers from?
And can logic ever quantify divine grace?
Truth is something that anyone can comprehend.

Stop Trying To Read Other People’s Minds

Colorful Minds

Unless you’re truly psychic don’t take for granted
That what others are thinking are your thoughts as well.
Others don’t think the same way more often than not.
One who’s ill may believe there’s a sinister plot
To undo oneself and it’s the worst kind of hell
To go through. In the mind what’s not true is planted.

So I don’t make assumptions because it allows
Me to hear people, be more present, and not take
Things where they’re not supposed to go. I can be more
In the moment instead of in my head. Before
I jump to a conclusion, mostly for my sake,
To the purest of logic my heart must espouse.

All the sadness and drama that we manifest
In our lives is because of assumptions we’ve made
About others. We can’t read other people’s minds.
We come up with fantastic stories of all kinds
But they’re just that. We’re not on a foolish crusade
To gain knowledge of what people haven’t expressed.

We don’t have the courage to ask questions, so we
Make assumptions. We take things too personally.
We love people therefore we expect them to know
How we feel and think, so learning how to let go
Of our thoughts about it all is one way to free
Ourselves of our self-torment eventually.


Integrated Beingness

Non-Duality means not two, undivided,
And without a second. One is all; all is one.
It primarily refers to an evolved state
Of consciousness. One no longer cares to relate
To the ego and its thoughts of separation.
By the oneness, the seeker of truth is guided.

It’s the state of awareness experienced by
Advanced spiritual beings who have dissolved
The ego’s dualistic ways of ignorance,
And replaced them with that which will greatly enhance
Accessing this awareness. We all are involved
In conscious evolution. Need one wonder why?

True non-dual awareness has been taught by those
Who’ve experienced this state. Descriptions are found
Within all religions and the spiritual
Traditions. This advanced state of consciousness shall
Remain something of great value. It may astound
One to know that one can know what the mystic knows.

The state itself is One. It’s beyond location,
Time, culture, belief system, form, language, concept,
And any such notion of exclusivity.
Oneness is the true nature of reality.
In alignment with God consciousness one is kept
As one experiences full transformation.

Grace And Meaning

Carefree Living

The ultimate source of all life and existence
Is what grace is. It’s an essential quality
Of the being called God. Beyond all forms and names,
Grace and God are synonymous, yet our word games
Are confusing at best. What grace happens to be
Is the way to salvation at no one’s expense.

Grace is the unmerited divine assistance
Given to humans for their purification.
To all those seeking truth it is given freely.
It’s the omnipotent gift of love and mercy.
Often times the soul requires regeneration.
It becomes available in this circumstance.

At the heart of faith is the truth that humankind
Is a divine creation not separate from
God, but lost and confused. Ensnared in the grip of
The ego, we become reacquainted with love
Through divine grace. Everyone is in need of some
On occasion because that’s the way we’re designed.

It’s the source of our guidance, of inspiration,
Commitment, dedication, and perseverance.
God is everywhere, meaning grace is everywhere.
It’s the strength that is necessary to take care
Of the issues of egos. It isn’t by chance
That your own salvation has already begun.

The Scourge

Speak Your Truth

Fear Of Male Obsolescence, the main cause of death
Among women is something that can’t be denied.
Throughout history the scourge of male dominance
Has cursed women worldwide. Does it make human sense
To cling onto a toxic and false sense of pride?
I shall speak about this until my dying breath.

The atrocities happen. They’re always shrouded
In uncertainty. Truth is not meant to be known.
Our technology and media now reveal
Quite enough of what happens. Amid the surreal
Is the feeling of trauma. Women aren’t alone
In their voice of defiance with minds unclouded.

Every state has a caliphate – not just Iran
And a few other nations. Use of religion
To control women’s lives has occurred everywhere.
Our supreme court and congress are a lethal pair
With misogyny blatant – not just a smidgen.
What the hell is so ‘right’ about being a man?

Women are organizing. It comes on the heels
Of the most recent tragic event in the news.
Women will make their voices heard at voting booths.
People are responding to the uncovered truths
Of behaviors that no decent one can excuse.
We are fortunate in what the darkness reveals.

Overcoming Negative Emotions

Dealing With Bad Feelings

Human nature becomes me as I wonder why
I suffer the indignance of feeling this way.
Emptiness, frustration, and inadequacy
Are the demons that devour the cold heart of me.
Am I worthless to this world? Is this why I pay
Such a high price for lowlife? Do I want to die?

That is out of the question. I’ve been here before,
And each time it’s the same tape that I keep playing
That puts me at the precipice. What holds me back
Is my fear of the unknown. Spiritual plaque
Blocks the flow of wellbeing. What I am saying
Is that I don’t want to feel this way anymore.

Negative emotions in one’s experience
Happen when needs are unmet, and poor coping skills
Keep one out of alignment. So, what can one do
To escape the consuming cloud? Give me some clue
So that I can return to a life with some thrills.
What would be beneficial to my transcendence?

I’ll take responsibility for my feelings
After acknowledging that I have them. Then I
Can attempt to identify where they come from
At their core. In this simple way I’ll overcome
The dark cloud that is passed now. If I really try
I’ll succeed at getting back to wonderful things.

Why Is It So Hard?

Questioning The Contingent Difficulty

If I were to say that I’m God in India,
They would say, “But of course. It’s good that you found out.”
But if I said the same thing here, things would go south
Rather quickly. “What heresy comes from your mouth!”
They would shout in resentment. This leaves me no doubt
That it’s hard to express such a strange idea.

“Whatever the hell you may be, you’re certainly
Not the Lord God!”
No one needs that blast in the ear.

The idea, to some, is very dangerous.
Moral standards, they fear, will be superfluous
And diminished if all people do not adhere
To their own rigid religious philosophy.

Dangerous ideas are contained within all
Fundamental religious structures. History
Demonstrates this quite clearly. Who can’t wonder why
It appears we are not God? We can but rely
On our physical senses. Multiplicity
Is our standard perception restricted and small.

What would it be like if you had the chance to see
Everything in its fullness and oneness? Would you
Feel that you were God at least for a little while?
No one need feel that, in this state, one is on trial
And about to be sentenced. The vision is true
And available to all of humanity.

On The Death Of Our Mother

The Demise Of The Feminine

Who would fuck their own mother in praise of Allah?
It’s one hell of a question, yet this is the place
Where the demons of Satan rejoice in manhood.
Anything that a man does is righteously good
But a woman’s existence is mired in disgrace
From the arrogant authors of their dilemma.

But this place is made hell like. Not by her own will
Does she suffer the symptoms of human disease.
She heats up and feels nauseous as the result
Of her virulent sickness so cruel and occult.
Her immune system fights us. She will cough and sneeze
And whatever it takes. She does not mean to kill.

 How on earth does a god make all men so supreme?
Multifunctional women take on their men’s hate
Like the scapegoat, absorbent and obedient.
Animals should be able to take your torment
Until you say they’re sacred? The hell you create
Ripples throughout the species. The pain is extreme.

Take your left hands and lick them ‘til they’re squeaky clean
And then use them as always. Do stick them up far
Where they may reach your sick minds. God Damn you people!
Greater Force is the Feminine, and I’m grateful
That the earth has its systems, as harsh as they are
To the human infection so vile and obscene.

The Women

Those Without Voice

No one else is there visible. Only mad men
Can be seen on the media and network news
Spouting off at the mouth or the weapon in hand.
Is it best that an ignorant world understand
What The Women must go through? It is they who lose
Having been nonexistent since heaven knows when.

Men who pass gas in public where there’s no escape
From their foul perverse intent are of the mindset
That their grossness is power that gives them control
Of most people’s attention. Their psychotic goal
Is to prove to all others that they are a threat.
Sense of smell is the wholesomeness they care to rape.

It’s a crusty old bastard nation in the eyes
Of the world cast upon them. Their arrogant ways,
Centuries in the making, have stale stunk the air.
Women had been breathing some real oxygen there,
And it’s not tolerated. Abusive mores
Among state and religion have integral ties.

It will take generations. New waves of women
With support of those worldwide pries open the door.
Once fresh air has been breathed, there is no turning back
To the ways of abuse and of constant attack.
Once one has tasted freedom, there’s wanting for more.
Women don’t want to breathe fecal air once again.

The Virtue Of Selfishness

Fountainhead of the Fearless

All were born to be selfish. There’s no other way
To live out life experience wholeheartedly.
If we all were not selfish, we could not exist.
To be self-less means breathing would cease and desist.
Fundamental the basis is for me to be
Fully conscious and self-aware most every day.

To extract from experience my own selfhood
Can be done but completely only when I’m dead.
Otherwise, I am in it for all that it’s worth.
Self and how I experience it since my birth
Is my primary focus. I’ll not be misled
By a notion that isn’t that well understood.

Selflessness is absurdity – an idea
That in fact is quite foolish. It has no meaning.
So, the question becomes, “Who does myself include?”
The answer is the key to how my life is viewed.

It can be cosmic or at least global a thing
And perhaps an effective pain panacea.

Redefining what selfish means gives me freedom
To step outside the boundaries placed in the mind
Giving oneself a false sense of separateness.
Universal Identity I can express
In a world that maybe was selfishly designed.
Selfishness is the only place where I come from.

Practice In The Presence Of God

...Through the eyes of the innocent

From the earth God is distant. He cannot be reached.
Direct communication is viewed as evil.
The hijacking of bodies by demons some think
Is no worthwhile occurrence. The soul’s on the brink
Of eternal damnation. The myth does fulfill
Doctrines of separation that holy ones preach.

If divine intercession is all that can be
Then structure is erected to generate need
For a path to salvation. The message implied
Is Original Sickness. God’s grace is denied
To imperfect rule followers weak in their creed.
Blinding faith in the practice is no guarantee.

Ceremony transcendent confounds the belief
That we each are connected to God’s loving light.
Structure is of the cosmos – a perfect mobile.
Representative form exists but for a while
In the practice of worship in manner contrite.
Understanding of our purgatory is chief.

An old man with a scepter.. a censer, the child…
Artifacts to raise spirit are used in the faith
That worldwide congregations will fall into line.
Until eternal judgment we are by design
Too afraid of becoming a hell destined wraith.
Only through other humans are we reconciled?