Tag Archive | abuse

Are Other People Real?

The Plasticity Apparent

This question that I must ask of my consciousness,
Wide awake and with focus upon humankind,
May be moot to most others who would call insane
Anyone who would ask it. Within their disdain
Is the key to the answer. Relief may I find
In engaging my asking, but not to excess.

People never are as I perceive them to be.
 Each of us wants to mold into specific shape
What we know through the senses. So, reality
Is just how I perceive it. And this I do see
As a fact most confounding. Is there an escape
From the pit of inscrutable uncertainty?

When connected to spirit, I see through the eyes
Of the source of all of us. The realer they are
They may rise to the image I see as their best.
They’re as real as I make them. This begs to suggest
That the eye that beholds others is just as far
From the truth, as imagined. My, what a surprise!

Chains of Pain are created through my observing
What I don’t care to look at, then adding to it
Some more doubt and confusion plus firm evidence
Of a flaw in the fabric of my existence.
The eye of the beholder sees what it sees fit
To be worthy and justified in its being.

The Power Of Walking Away

Moving On

Boundaries are a precious thing. When they’re ignored
People will take advantage of all that we are.
That’s just Human Behavior. We all are guilty.
Even without our noticing, we completely
Take advantage of others. Some will go too far
Such that damage is too complex to be explored.

How does one regain sovereignty after it’s lost
Through one’s need for approval? It cannot be done
Unless one has direction and purpose in life.
If these two are not present one will suffer strife
At the comfort of others. But what of the one
Whose value can be purchased at such a high cost?

When I feel obligated to those I work for,
Or to family, friends, or others I may know,
Then I tell them that my time is worth less than theirs.
I end up in a sick game of musical chairs
Where I’m always left standing with nothing to show.
Is there some sense in pondering why I’d want more?

Some people are real assholes, and some… just a bit.
I can love them just as much as I do the kind-
Hearted angles among us if firmly I stand
In my fullest integrity. None can demand
Self-destructive behavior of me. I shall find
That by Walking Away, true freedom I permit.

On Transforming The Tough Spot

Transforming the Bad Situation

Lessons learned by children who have gone through the worst
One could ever imagine are wisdom for all.
With our lives, our comparisons, uselessly made
To the wrong kinds of people may leave us betrayed
By ourselves through the process. The ones who are small
And erupting with life know not that they are cursed.

In the mid nineteen thirties, the plight of the Jews
That we know as the holocaust, was never known
By a brother and sister – the girl aged thirteen
And the boy, about eight years. Hate would intervene
In their healthy development. Left on their own
At the fate of the Nazis, they’d no right to choose.

Family Separation does damage untold
And creates special karma for those who do wrong.
This level of malevolent behavior brings
Upon its perpetrators appropriate things.
Thankfully, by God’s nature, most children are strong.
Fun and joy are their essence when they’re not controlled.

Taken from wealth and comfort to life in duress,
The young boy did adapt well. A toll it did take
On the teen and with hormones of adolescence.
Just because the boy lost something, she took offense
And belittled her brother who was a headache.
Her truest discontentment she could not repress.

They were then separated. This turn of events
Sent her off to a death camp where she did not die
But was worked to death daily for more than four years.
As the only survivor, she shed many tears
For the loss of her family. And this is why
She avowed to recover from guilt that torments.

She was harsh with her brother. He now was no more.
She regretted those last things she’d said in anger.
She committed to saying only a kind word
To all she may encounter, for it is preferred
Since we know not if this is the last encounter.
Her life blossomed because she found the open door.