Tag Archive | quiet

Dealing With Neediness


Some people are so important in our lives, not
Because we enjoy their company but because
We feel so lonely in their absence. Never care
So much for one that you couldn’t possibly bear
Their rejection of you. The relationship was
Built upon an illusion that you clearly bought.

When someone starts avoiding you just let them be.
Never again disturb them. It’s time to move on.
Don’t chase, don’t beg, and don’t become a spectacle.
Don’t do something that you know is irrational.
Benefit from the truthful conclusion you’ve drawn.
Get them out of your heart and your mind completely.

Life has its ups and downs and it’s natural for
There to be good and bad moments but they don’t last
Forever. Getting over it is difficult
But you must otherwise distress is the result.
What was once but is not now belongs in the past.
Be open to the blessings that may be in store.

You feel good when you focus on yourself instead
Of comparing yourself to others. Concentrate
On your dream moving forward. Courage it will take
To get past the rejection. The peace that you make
With it all leaves you plenty of room to create
A new point of attraction for good times ahead.

What Should I Do Today?


First and foremost I cherish the freedom to be
Easygoing about my life. There’s nothing worse
Than entrapment by negative news of the day.
In my own personal world things are quite okay.
I believe that the power of the universe
I can access at any time and easily.

When I woke up this morning there was nothing to
Pull me out of alignment with the expanded
Part of me which is always on top of this world.
Its blanket of confusion cannot be unfurled
By my worthy attention and to be candid
Paltry little is there of the things I can do.

Do I know what’s in my Vortex of Creation?
I can answer that by asking myself how I
Feel in this moment. All that I’ve been putting there
Is immense and specific. I wouldn’t know where
To begin sorting through it all yet I can try
And in so doing be in appreciation.

This day is one where I receive inspiration
Before acting. My goal is to quiet the mind
Several times throughout the day. I can achieve
What I want. There’s no problem because I believe
In a world where most people are gentle and kind.
What I do today will be my own creation.

What Comes Next?

Happy Surprise

Your inner being knows everything about you.
It adores you. It knows what you’ve been asking for.
It knows the fullest state of your evolution.
To your every issue it knows the solution.
You must do what you can to keep open the door
To your inner self in everything that you do.

Imagine a wonderful world where more and more
All of our inner beings guide us in our ways
Of behavior with one another. It would be
An ideal world in absolute harmony
With wellbeing. One can only hope for those days
To transpire. The condition is worth striving for.

Satisfaction comes from one place – one place only.
When life causes you to expand and you go there
You feel uplifted. You’re meant to be satisfied
With your life and its journey. You get to decide
What comes to you which means you must take proper care
Of your point of attraction by getting happy.

What Comes Next is the next escapade on the way
To the next. It’s a never ending adventure.
You are supposed to get to move from here to there
With much ease by simply becoming more aware
Of how you feel. Your exuberance must endure.
In alignment with your inner self you must stay.

Your Daily To Do List

Focus Moment

Since this morning you’ve had a chance to meditate,
Change your thinking, and get up to speed with who you
Really are. You know that quieting your mind will
Stop your resistant thinking. When your mind is still
You can come out of it knowing just what to do
With your day – one in which only you can create.

When you quiet your mind you stop resistant thought.
This will cause your vibration to rise. When you run
Or take walks or interact with those who you love
Your vibration increases. It’s way far above
What is normal for most folks. You can be the one
Whose true sense of wellbeing can never be bought.

Anything that will move you in the direction
Of who you truly are will put you in a place
Of receiving direction on how to proceed
With your day. Any method that you use will lead
To a day characterized by provident grace.
Your appreciation strengthens your connection.

So, get on rampages of appreciation.
Make lists of positive aspects. Quiet your mind
Several times throughout your day as you set goals,
Offer effort, and make plans. Be one of those souls
Who has found the best way to keep yourself aligned
With your higher self. It’s cause for celebration.

Free Yourself Of Negative Thoughts


There are many parts of your personality.
There’s the part who is scared and the one who protects
The one who is fearful. They both serve the ego.
There are others about which you don’t have to know
Except that when they’re unified in all respects
Then you will have evolved much spiritually.

To be well integrated is to be aligned
With your purpose in such a way that all the parts
Of your person are present and on the same page.
How you feel in the present moment is your gauge
Of success. The beginning of your journey starts
With a step into a different frame of mind.

Once you’ve made the commitment to free yourself from
That scared person inside you you’ll notice that there’s
A clear decision point at which your growth takes place.
Spiritual growth happens when you can embrace
The alternative that most effectively spares
You of misery. You don’t want to beat that drum.

Relax and lean away from that dastardly thing
That upset you. Give it room to pass right through you
Without stopping to fester inside of your mind.
With all parts of the personality combined
In one functional being you’re more able to
Deal with whatever in your life is happening.

What Comes Next?

Perpetual Magic

There’s a being who knows everything about you,
Everything you’ve been living, and all you’ve asked for.
It knows what you have become vibrationally.
It adores you. It knows well where you want to be
At all times. It knows the path that will lead to more
Evidence of alignment in all that you do.

You could call it your spirit. It is the one who
Watches over you from a perspective beyond
This physical dimension. It also exists
Deep within you. In times of despair it assists
In your fullest recovery. It will respond
To your prayers. It is the most sacred part of you.

Your spirit knows the same things about others too.
The paths of least resistance to all of the things
Everyone wants it knows. We’re all being guided
To those things, but sometimes, what we are provided
We ignore or don’t notice. It too often brings
About failure. It feels like there isn’t a clue.

You are meant to be satisfied. Life causes you
To expand due to contrast. Cooperative
Components culminate to make what you dream real.
It will always come down to the way that you feel.
There’s no reason on God’s green earth that you can’t live
Every moment with a positive point of view.

Be Silent!

Keep Psychically Still

Many times throughout life it’s best not to express
Verbally. There are obvious circumstances
Where silence is the answer. If you feel no one
Understands your feelings, speech is no solution.
If you have doubts about your thoughts then the chances
Of your making sense are significantly less.

Remain quiet when others are judging someone
Negatively. You will get sucked into a mess.
When someone screams and yells in anger and hatred
Being silent will calm this person. If instead
You respond with words you will accomplish much less.
Petty and useless dialog now has begun.

Try to keep quiet when someone else is sharing
Some event in their life quite emotionally.
Interrupting shows them that you really don’t care
Being silent shows them that at least you’re aware
As they are providing you their testimony.
What you think about it is not worth declaring.

A smart person solves a problem, but the wise one
Avoids it altogether. As much as you know
That you don’t know that you don’t know you become more
Than you were in the moment you were just before.
Being silent is often the best way to go.
What you don’t say cannot enter the equation.

The Meditative State

The Peace Of Total Alignment

Should I meditate more often than I do now?
My business I have time for but also for me.
If I’m not happy all the time I must conclude
That I must meditate more to heighten my mood.
I can be much more consistent if I need be
In knowing what I’m doing – also knowing how.

I’m not trying to receive a message before
I am ready. I just want to quiet the mind
Of its clutter filled chatter and engineering.
My intent is my letting go and allowing
My vibration to rise until I am aligned
With my innermost being who can but adore.

Meditation is the way that I can let my
Innermost being teach me about alignment.
It is always there. When I am not, it’s okay.
Reconnecting is easy enough. I can’t stay
In that state forever, but I can find content
In how my life unfolds, and I need not know why.

Letting go of thought is my only intention.
In the absence of resistance I can allow
My vibration to raise. Resonance will happen
With my innermost being. Enlightenment then
Is the logical outcome. I need not know how
The whole process works. My life cannot be undone.