Tag Archive | delicious

Every Day

Stone Balance

All that you’ve ever wanted from the beginning
Of your life on this planet and even before
Does exist as vibration not manifested.
In specific detail all that you’ve requested
Of the universe happens to be part of your
Vortex of Creation. It’s constantly spinning.

You’re a vibrational being also but you
Have a physical body with which to perceive
Your environment. You decide what you prefer
From the contrast life offers. All that may occur
Is due to your vibration. Begin to believe
In your Vortex. It’s the wisest thing you can do.

Accept the vibrational manifestation.
You came here with the delicious intention of
Being a deliberate creator. You knew
That the contrast would stir excitement within you.
You intended to line up with all that you love.
You knew this world to be one of fascination.

You came here to add to the expansion of the
Universe in a personally dramatic
And emphatic way. Realize this Every Day.
Your Vortex is only one good feeling away.
There’s no reason for you not to be ecstatic
About all in this world you can have, do, or be.

In The Mode Of Receiving

Wet Fun

You’re there usually but you want to stay there
A lot longer and more often. When you allow
Wellbeing to embrace you then you must achieve
What you’re after. In yourself you have to believe.
You can get to anywhere from right here and now.
You enjoy the freedom to live life without care.

People nowadays talk about calibration.
Calibration is known as segment intending.
It’s preparing yourself for the segment ahead.
You can change how the future will turn out instead
Of just letting it happen and end up spending
Time and energy undoing your creation.

You’re identifying how you want to feel and
Just what you want your point of attraction to be.
What is it that is easiest for you to feel
Really good about? If it’s enough to appeal
To your heart then focus on it wholeheartedly.
In this way your next segment is very well planned.

Look for things to feel good about. Be thankful for
The deliciousness of your life. Be excited
About what’s to unfold for you. Your connection
To your true self points you in the right direction
So that along your path you remain delighted.
Keep yourself open to receiving evermore.

Your Spiritual Essence

Spiritual Pattern

Humankind and injustice are peas in a pod
So it seems from this vantage point. Who can believe
That we’re all made of spirit? If you’re having doubt
That our enlightenment is what we’re all about
Then you’re not alone. Everything people perceive
Has an essence of evil which is a façade.

Everything is of spirit including the one
Who appears to be evil and in this earth school
Nothing matters but spiritual refinement.
Do we each come with a specific assignment?
Perhaps it’s simply to follow the golden rule
Which would mean that everyone should have lots of fun.

Your Vortex of Creation contains all that you
Have been wanting from day one. It’s vibrational
In essence. You access it when you feel your best.
When you do anything you want will manifest.
Feeling is your link to what is spiritual.
That you are a spiritual being it’s true.

You have come forth into this physical body
With the delicious intention of being a
Full-blown deliberate creator. Do your best
To remain in congruence with your happiest
Ever moments. Your expansion happens this way.
Be concerned with your growing vibrationally.

Positive Aspects

Isolated Worth

Finding that golden nugget amid the darkness
Heir apparent is challenging if you believe
Something’s wrong with the planet or with our species
So it’s best to see the way your inner self sees.
In this way many helpful insights you’ll receive
Regarding your misperceptions of hopelessness.

Make lists of Positive Aspects and revel in
The perfection of this planet’s proximity
To others in their own orbits. Be aware of
All that’s good about existence and be in love
With all that you’ve created. You were meant to be
In a happy state and this is where to begin.

When you awaken speak your appreciation
For the new day. Thank the sun for having risen
Whether or not you can see it. “It’s a good day,”
Say to yourself. Then in a good mood you will stay.
Blessings of the universe will follow you when
You acknowledge the goodness of all creation.

You have such a good basis from which to begin.
All is well with you. Source Energy is aware
Of you and has your back. Everything that matters
To you it knows. Be mindful of all that occurs
On your way to more good times and take special care
Of your Point of Attraction. All starts from within.

The Perfect Body

Physical Fitness

A body with a perfect shape may be what you
Really want but you don’t want to do exercise.
Usually this causes enough resistance
In your thoughts and beliefs that you don’t stand a chance
Of achieving what you want. It would be more wise
To proceed with the efforting you have to do.

Why not go for it? It’s just like any other
Thing that you want. There’s no reason whatsoever
That you can’t be, do, or have anything that you
Truly want. The only thing that you have to do
Is to make it a satisfying endeavor.
Treat your spirit as if it were your big brother.

There have been many studies done on people who
Visualize what they want regarding their skill
At some task like throwing a ball through a basket.
If you visualize what you want then you get
More often exactly what you want and you will
Be amazed by the fantastic things you can do.

There’s nothing more delicious than being inspired
Into action then it doesn’t seem like a chore.
You get good results when you’re open to receive
Inspiration and when you begin to believe
In yourself then you’re able to do a lot more.
In the end nothing but your intent is required.

A Vibrational Match

Colorful Frequencies

There exists a vibrational reality.
It has no physical substance yet consciousness
Is its nature because it’s just a state of mind.
Can the term be much more accurately defined?
Probably but the proper way is to access
It firsthand then you will understand completely.

This vibrational reality is as real
As are subatomic particles and their waves.
Our emotions are produced by thought energy.
Waves and particles do their thing rather oddly.
When consciousness is present then each one behaves
As if it knows it’s thought about. This is ideal.

If you’re in despair or you feel disappointment
You’re nowhere near receiving the inspiration
And the insight that will lead you to happiness.
If you’re hopeful then your prognosis for success
Is outstanding. You can solve your situation
By changing how you feel through your conscious intent.

You’ll get to the point where you know your worthiness
Without question. Become A Vibrational Match
To who you truly are and have fun on the way
To your dreams. The waves and particles want to play
With your creative powers. Get ready to catch
All the blessings thrown to you. You’re worth nothing less.

Life Is Like A Vacation Every Day

Serene Summer

There’s a path from where you are to where you want to
Be on every subject because the Source within
You knows what you want, where you are, and how to lead
You to your destination. You really don’t need
To offer so much struggle. It’s time to begin
To relax and let life work itself out for you.

It’s called the path of least resistance. If you’ve got
Some resistance you can’t see the path as clearly
As you would if you didn’t have the resistance.
When you try hard it complicates your circumstance.
Zoom out far enough from it and then you will see
That your work doesn’t yield a whole hell of a lot.

The effort that you’re offering indicates that
You’re tuned to the wrong frequency. If you need to
Explain things until you think your head will explode
It’s a sign that you’ve gotten yourself off the road
To fulfillment and all the defending you do
Of your position is keeping you where you’re at.

Life is meant to feel like a vacation to you
Everyday. Remember that lighthearted feeling
You once had as a child. You can have that again.
What you think needs to be done do it only when
You’ve had time to administer some self-healing
And you’ll find it’s the most enlightened thing to do.

Make Things Come Your Way


Focus only on wellbeing. Calibration
Is what people may call it. Segment Intending
Is preparing for the next scene of your own play.
A small series of segments makes up your whole day.
It’s therefore most advantageous if you’re spending
A few moments for each segment’s preparation.

You want to identify how you want to feel
In the next segment. Write it down on a notepad.
Because writing is a strong point of focus it
Is effective. You gain maximum benefit
In your writing it. It can become your comrade
When it comes to creating a segment ideal.

What’s easy to feel good about? “I’m thankful for
How I feel right now and for the segment to come.
I’m thankful that my point of attraction is strong.
I believe and know that I’m right where I belong.
I’m thankful that I’m getting all my guidance from
The same source that can offer me only much more.”

Talk yourself into wellbeing. Calibrating
To the whole of who you are is done in this way.
You’re soliciting from the environment the
Components that match your calibration, you see.
Calibrate to wellbeing and watch how your day
Will unfold. Be intent on what you’re creating.

Become A Vibrational Match

Colorful Vibration

Everything in the universe is vibration.
Quantum physics explains in explicit detail
How the tiniest parts of things are energy
That vibrate at a particular frequency
And those which operate on a much larger scale
Orchestrate all the universe’s creation.

Conscious intent creates things, and as creation
Is occurring, vibrational reality
Had existed already. What has to take place
Is that the one creating does fully embrace
This vibrational reality one can’t see
At the moment, yet it’s cause for celebration.

The vibrational reality you create
By your living life and having preferences
Is more vivid and real than the reality
That’s apparent. Believe in it wholeheartedly
Even though you can’t use your physical senses
To perceive it. Remain in that positive state.

When you feel negative emotion you’re nowhere
Near your cherished vibrational reality
But if you’re feeling hopeful you’ll come to believe
Then from the universe you’ll begin to receive
Evidence to support your belief and you’ll be
Well on your way to knowing that for which you care.

In The Practice Of Joy

Girl Excited

You came forth into this life with the intention
To be happy. When you’re not, there’s no denying
The uncomfortable feeling you have inside.
You intended to use it as a helpful guide
Toward something that will be more satisfying.
Happiness isn’t beyond your comprehension.

You’re a vibrational being. This you can know
From what science has told you about everything
That exists in the universe. Your consciousness
Is a most powerful force that has full access
To wellbeing and happiness. Your offering
To the universe is what causes it to grow.

Find vibrational alignment with that and soon
You’ll be reaching a tipping point. Your awareness
Of your personal power will inundate you
With a wonderful feeling. There’s nothing to do
But to savor it. This is the key to success.
It is your inner being to whom you attune.

You’re a deliberate creator at your core.
You’re adding to the world in a powerful way.
You should be feeling good nowand in the future.
You do that only when your vibration is pure.
Practice being happy and happy you will stay.
You are offered a rich place in which to explore.

Spiritual Calibration

Vibrational Cleansing

Energy gets polluted. Sometimes we need to
Calibrate the atmosphere spiritually
Of its negative content. Segment Intending
Is a process, and it’s a way of extending
Into the next time period how it should be.
A Segment is anytime change happens for you.

What is it that is the easiest for you to
Feel appreciative of? What makes you happy?
Get a good rampage going. “I am thankful for
This moment, and I look forward to many more.
I am thankful that things are working out for me.”

Can you feel what is going on? I hope you do.

For the very near future, you can calibrate
By your statements of thankfulness and wellbeing.
Speak your way into happiness in the moment.
This way, you form the next by your conscious intent.
You will find that the universe is agreeing
And rewarding you for being in a high state.

You may be calibrated to unwanted things.
A well-practiced belief is a calibration.
When you tune to the frequency of happiness,
Everything else is taken care of, more or less.
You don’t have to ‘do’ anything to get things done.
You have control over near future happenings.

That Was Then

Sad Story Retired

All my manifestations keep going somewhere
Other than where I want them to, which is with me.
I’ve had this conversation with myself before,
And my thinking about it does not give me more
Of an edge on fulfillment. I need to break free
Of the prison created by my lack of care.

That Was Then. This Is Now. I know how to relieve
Myself of the resistance. By my maintaining
My vibration, I can manifest easily.
I am fully in touch with who I’m meant to be.
I know now that there is no use in complaining.
I am responsible for all that I receive.

The path of least resistance is being carefree.
Practicing feeling good until I have allowed
Something to manifest is in itself worthwhile,
But my appreciation goes the extra mile.
To the mission of happiness I am avowed.
I know now what the past has provided for me.

Then, I didn’t know what I know now, and what I
Know now is different from the grief I once knew.
I can better feel the path of least resistance.
Within each moment there exists the perfect chance
To be blissful. To my own self I must be true.
All the laws of the universe here do apply.

Make Peace

Positive Change

Something wants to change. What in the world could it be?
I don’t know, but not knowing what shape it will take
Isn’t driving me crazy. I only know that
This Law of Attraction stuff I do have down pat.
All that is revealed is by the peace that I make
With the present and all that has happened to me.

I got happy. I stand here in my wholeness and
In my full resonance with what I have become.
As I revel in that, changes do make their way
Into my life experience. It’s fun to play
In a world that adores me. My life is awesome.
Of my thoughts and feelings I’ve assumed full command.

I could set a goal, identify a timeline,
And hold to it, but that rarely is fulfilling
Because my awareness of the thing I have not
Ties every expectation into a tight knot.
I don’t like when that happens, so I am willing
To believe in my heart that everything is fine.

Making peace with where I am has helped me to be
More in touch with my true self who is satisfied
No matter what the circumstance. My emotion
From my place of asking, “Why?” is what gets things done.
How I feel about living is my only guide.
I’ll get used to the idea of being free.

Perfect Body

Physical Beauty

I want a Perfect Body without exercise.
Can I do this? Is there some kind of magic trick
I can pull from a hat to make me look my best
To the world beauty hungry? I cannot invest
In a program that can be effort specific.
How can I become a diva in people’s eyes?

There is all sorts of evidence of people who
Without work have achieved a body fantastic.
How they do it is by visualization.
All kinds of scientific studies have been done
Proving that if I’m wanting to look like a brick
There’s no process of torture that I must go through.

The reason that most people resist the action
Is because they’ve been doing it with energy
Not lined up with their purpose. The work that is done
Is grueling. My journey is supposed to be fun.
If I compensate through action, then agony
Will result. There will be energy depletion.

Visualize it first, then enjoy the doing.
I can’t get good results if I am exhausted
In the struggle. I’ve no time for discouragement.
The focus of my mind’s eye is being content
With the present. I’m up for the journey ahead.
Every dream that I have is worth my pursuing.

Fundamentals Of Vibration

Heterodyning Frequencies

There’s this thing called the Vortex. It’s like a whirlpool
Of magnificent, pure, positive energy
That you have been creating since before you came
To this earth. One could say that it feels just the same
As a visit to heaven. It is ecstasy
Definitely, the Vortex is something way cool.

You’re a vibrational being. You can access
Your Vortex of Creation at any moment.
It contains the spiritual essence of all
That you’ve ever wished for – both the big and the small.
It is reached easily through your conscious intent.
You can’t get there if you are in a state of stress.

Find vibrational alignment with your Vortex
By being satisfied in the heat of desire.
Wanting without resistance allows receiving
Of the thing wanted. It is by your believing
That it will manifest, so infuse your entire
Being with knowingness to get the right effects.

A deliberate creator you came to be,
Knowing that there’d be contrast to inspire you to
Want for better conditions. Your Vortex expands
In response to your wanting. You are in good hands
When you realize the much larger part of you
Who is guiding you always vibrationally.

Life Is A Vacation

Relax Into Life

No manifestation can take place in spirit
Because physical substance does not exist there.
That’s why those who are in spirit are focused here
On this leading edge. In this perfect atmosphere
They observe and have guidance they most gladly share
With those who are willing and able to hear it.

Manifestation is the most spiritual
And authentic part of the creative process.
This path of culmination is co-creation
Between ourselves and spirit because anyone
Who is open to spirit will have more success.
It’s sublime if it can become habitual.

That Life Is A Vacation is becoming clear
To me as someone now physically focused.
Blissfulness begets boredom in reality.
That’s why spirit allows for resistance to be
One of our standard choices. We must learn to trust
In our gut feelings always to mitigate fear.

To the things we want the path of least resistance
Is revealed. If you’ve got resistance going on
Then you can’t see the path and put too much effort
On achieving things. Your sweat and tears only thwart
What is coming right to you. Conclusions foregone
Favor this fine vacation within the expanse.

A Perfect Body

In The Best Shape Possible

You are fairly good looking – not perfectly so.
Does your mirror reflection reveal what is fact?
You abhor doing exercise. That’s much to hard.
It’s not like you have plenty of lard to discard
But what people don’t say about you has impact
On the mind and the oversensitive ego.

Can you have that perfection? Can you have a shape
That is supple yet muscular without the work?
Could it be that you’re lazy? Is that an insult
That may stick in your craw and produce the result
Of your moving your body more? Demons may lurk
In the unsettled consciousness without escape.

There have been several studies done already
By science as it looks at mind over matter.
The conclusion is that visualization
Is as effective as the physical action.
Without knowing, people do it to get fatter.
And uncanny device is the human psyche.

The combining of both functions is the best way.
You resist action because without energy
You become exhausted long before you begin.
But if you’re motivated to your getting thin
You prepare for the miracle of your body.
The alignment done first is a small price to pay.

Make Things Come Your Way


Life is so many segments of time on a line
That points in one direction. Each time there is change…
Like a different room or different people…
Each and every piece is planned if one is mindful.
We all have the ability to prearrange
So that each one is crafted to one’s own design.

It is Segment Intending – the calibration
Of oneself to the way one would like things to be
For the next set of moments of one’s existence.
With no effort one can build up ample suspense
To ensure the creation that will perfectly
Match what one has defined the ideal condition.

It’s one’s point of attraction that is created
By the thoughts and emotions expressed in the now.
People, things, thoughts, and places must then coalesce
Into one’s life experience. One can address
The next segment with strong focus and then allow
What is being attracted to come to full head.

Into the next environment take who you are
At your best. Let the whole of yourself be infused
Into the next circumstance. It is a good way
To allow all the segments throughout the whole day
To be much more fulfilling. Be vastly amused.
The next moments that you have are never too far.

Healing Through Alignment

Natural Wellbeing

How does my belief system or my alignment
Affect cells of my body? And can it reverse
Or eradicate a diagnosis given
To me by the good doctor? I’m ever driven
By my mindset and attitude. They are a curse
If I can’t clean them up through my conscious intent.

Everything is about alignment. All illness
Is about resistance, but this path may be least
Resistive in the long run. Within all contrast
Is the clarity needed for joy unsurpassed.
Flow of energy through the body is decreased
By some form of resistance. Typically it’s stress.

Illness is about energy moving faster
Than my body allows it. It is resistance
To the wealth of wellbeing that is natural.
It’s made worse by my having a sick rationale
About living in general. This circumstance
Can make of my life one colossal disaster.

If I summon the energy, I must make sure
That I’m fit to receive it. I need to relax
And release the resistance by keeping ahead
Of such manifestations of consummate dread.
My health is something I can’t let fall through the cracks.
I know that my alignment is the perfect cure.

Every Day

The Refreshing of Each Cycle

Happiness is the vortex of source energy
That consumes all creation. It is such a state
Of superlative joy for no reason at all.
It’s the best feeling ever that I can recall
While in this realm of being. I live to create
And promote my rendition of reality.

My nature is vibrational as are all things.
I’ll accept that the vortex holds the vibration
Of all good that is manifest. My sole intent
Is achieving alignment with all that is meant
To delight and fulfill me. Each new day begun
Is a blessing that only my happiness brings.

I knew long before coming here that I’d partake
Of this physical substance to discover ways
I can offer improvement or at least a voice.
Coming here to be silent was not quite my choice.
I’ve enough energy left for ten million days
If I don’t squander it by not being awake.

I must treat every day of this reality
As if I am one with it because it is true.
This vortex is a real thing, and I have access
Any time that I want. I define my success
By the way that I’m feeling – not things that I do.
Practicing this thing daily is okay with me.