Tag Archive | serve

What Conflict Really Is

Eruption Of Tension

What about human nature makes us want to fight
To the bitter end? Why do egos get enflamed
And combative? What’s to become of humankind?
Why are answers and solutions so hard to find?
Our unwillingness to make peace is to be blamed
For conflict. Each one thinks only they can be right.

What we all want is to find our own inner peace.
It exists in each one of us but the ego
Who defends the persona will do anything
In its power to keep you from recognizing
Any civil solution. It wants you to know
That your hold on your position you can’t release.

Our egos spend a lot of time and energy
Avoiding failure. It causes inner conflict.
No room exists for reasonable conclusions.
Those who can’t accept failure indeed are the ones
Most susceptible. No one on earth can predict
Their behavior and that’s not the way it should be.

The elusive solutions become apparent
When the circumstance is looked at objectively
Without inflamed emotions. From the perspective
Of your higher self who knows how you want to live
You have kissed and made up quite emotionally.
Your higher selves have reached a perfect agreement.

Serving Others

Pleasant Discourse

“How can I be of service?” This question comes from
Deep within the heart. It’s most fulfilling to be
In a position of service to everyone.
Never mind competition. If you’re having fun
Serving Others then you live your life happily.
To people who serve others many blessings come.

You need not ask the question, “What’s my purpose here?”
It will always be found in service to others.
Put your attention on making life better for
Someone else. The more you uplift others the more
You’re uplifted. A warmth in your spirit occurs
In your heart when your mission is perfectly clear.

It’s an ancient concept but it’s still relevant.
To touch someone’s life is more valuable than
Any amount of money. If you believe you
Need what you don’t have then you’ve gone a bit cuckoo
Regarding how you function in life but you can
Overcome many issues you think that you can’t.

The message of the morning is about what you
Can and can’t do but after the afternoon shift
It’s about service and knowing that everything
Is all taken care of. Be content in being
Of service to others. It’s a most precious gift.
Take this message to heart in whatever you do.

From Ambition To Meaning


What happens when we move from the ambition stage
Of our lives into wisdom? The aging process
Isn’t well accepted by our society.
It has not a grasp on spirituality.
This materialistic world wants to suppress
Any sign of decline having to do with age.

Thoroughly unprepared we take this step into
The afternoon of our lives. Worse still, we take this
With the presupposition that our ideas
And our truths will serve us hitherto but because
This is false the most evident truth we dismiss.
We’re attached to whatever’s exciting and new.

But we can’t live the afternoon of our life by
The same program we used for the morning. What was
Plentiful in the morning by evening will be
Very little. We enter that stage hopefully
Knowing that it is governed by different laws
Than the one before it. There’s a good reason why.

What was true in the morning is in the evening
A falsehood. What was marked by ambition is now
Redirected to service. Life has more meaning.
It’s a time of reflection and one of weaning
Oneself from the ego. It’s the time to allow
What’s to come with no worries about anything.

Shut Up And Trust!


“I’m in a very difficult situation.
Let me try to explain it so you’ll understand
Clearly what I’ve been going through.”
Please don’t do that

Because nobody gives the behind of a rat
About your situation. You cannot demand
Others’ attention regarding your creation.

That you want to feel good is a given and you
Can feel just a bit better than you do right now.
You can choose in each moment a better feeling
Way of thinking. Instead of constantly dealing
With the issue forget about it and allow
And effective distraction to change your world view.

You have got to find something else to feel about
For a while until you do it naturally
Without thinking. Reacting to what’s happening
In the moment only frustration will it bring.
Forces are helping you throughout eternity
To get through life. You’re the only one who has doubt.

All the things that don’t feel good to you will never
Peter out as long as you give them attention.
They’ll keep saying, “Here’s where you left me. We know you
Don’t like it, so here’s more. What are you going to
Do about it?”
That’s why you don’t want to mention

Your issues. It’s always a foolish endeavor.

Purpose And Meaning

Life's Target

Nobody needs to ask the enormous question,
“What is my purpose?” It can be found in service.
Put your attention on making life better for
Someone else. To touch someone’s life is truly more
Valuable than a fortune. You can find bliss
By making life just a bit better for someone.

That’s how God thinks. You can achieve God consciousness
Through a number of practices or none at all.
You don’t need anything more than your willingness
To serve others. Your divine nature you express
As you share love with others. No kind act is small.
Do not be concerned with material success.

The day shift is about what you can and can’t do,
And you’re judged by society in many ways.
When the shift is over, it’s time to reconnect
To the energy that handles every aspect
Of existence. In this way, you consciousness stays
In alignment with the expanded part of you.

Surrender to that something that’s bigger than you.
Whatever you may call it, it is in control.
In so doing, the meaning of life is made clear.
You want to make someone’s life better while you’re here.
We each are a part of a magnificent whole.
Let the God source within you tell you what to do.

The Power Of We

Stronger Together

Where two or more are gathered in anyone’s name
Or where two or more just want to get together,
They are called ‘we’ if we are they, so the word ‘we’
Is a most powerful one. Within it we see
Potential to be organized. That is whether
They are people or particles. It’s all the same.

Behind every milestone, important endeavor…
Every hard won achievement is found the word ‘we.’
We accomplish more together – less when alone.
Positive reinforcement is by now well-known
To exist among plurals. Most definitely,
We can muster the power to do whatever.

We are the organization of healthy lives,
Of new skills, safer havens, and stronger first starts.
Giving voice to the voiceless is what we do best.
Any manner of problem is fully addressed
By The Power Of We. What’s closest to our hearts
Is found only in others. It’s all that survives.

We’re an unstoppable force for good everywhere.
We are changing the story to one that includes
Everyone on the planet. Civilization
On the rise is through all folks’ participation.
The word ‘we’ has the power to change attitudes.
The future is inherited by those who care.

Purpose And Meaning

The Reason For Existence

Until now my existence is like a pinball
Being bounced ever wickedly. The difference
Is that no points accumulate. Is this okay?
Is the rest of this mad world living quite this way?
I keep wishing that my life would make perfect sense.
I believe that my thinking needs an overhaul.

My purpose will always be found in service to
Other people, and if I can just for one day
Concentrate on making life better for someone
I’ll feel fulfilled because of this thing I have done.
Providing service to others, wise people say,
Is the key to my happiness, and this is true.

To touch someone’s life is more valuable than
Any amount of money. This ancient concept
Is still relevant now. People are best fulfilled
In their service to others. Most people are thrilled
To do that. It is best that illusion is kept
To a bare minimum. I believe that I can.

To believe that I need what I don’t have is not
Sane and healthy. Connecting to the energy
That takes care of everything is all that I need.
Living this way, my creative spirit is freed
To grow into the person who I want to be.
I still have some time left to give life all I’ve got.