Tag Archive | deep

What Is The Meaning Of Life?

Mixed Meanings

Maybe it’s just a dark phase or maybe it’s true
That the soul of humanity cannot be healed
Of its hatred, conceit, and insatiable greed.
If life has any meaning then why is there need?
Why is human behavior such a battlefield?
Life is twisted. We have a narrow point of view.

Everyone has a task that they came to complete.
Unempowered personalities aren’t aware
Of the soul and its calling. They take refuge in
Getting external power. They think they will win
The big prize. It’s a big challenge for them to care
About injustice as long as their life is sweet.

But it cannot compensate for the lingering
Sense of inner emptiness. Something is always
Missing in life. Be at one with what you’re doing.
Your soul lets you know what you should be pursuing.
In your bliss you do not have to deal with this phase
Of extreme darkness. Continue to do your thing.

When you’re aligned with your soul then you’re empowered.
You feel energized and alive doing what you
Love to do. It doesn’t have to be some big thing
Like curing cancer. It can be simply learning
Something new and exciting. So keep your hart true
To your soul’s calling. Passion within you is stirred.

A Better Version Of You

Change Of Appearance

It’s a dream never ending. A beautiful scene
In a wonderful movie is co-creation.
Your concern is with being who you really are.
As momentum increases, you’re not very far
From alignment. You maintain a high vibration
As your guardian angels so often convene.

How can you be a better version of the one
Who is you incarnated? By not giving so
Much attention to it. Don’t think that you’re not there.
Your inner being would have you be more aware
Of yourself as magnificent. It’s good to know
That is stubbornly holds on to that opinion.

You can’t ask the question and receive the answer
At the same time. You can’t be the problem and the
Solution. The more you keep asking, the more you
Keep the answer form coming. Be receptive to
Intuition and insight. The more you can be
Happy with yourself, the more good things will occur.

Get your attention off yourself. Start looking for
Things that are praiseworthy, and when you find something
That delights you, you are being the whole of you.
You are better already. Believe that it’s true.
Be aware of the vibration you’re offering.
Look within. You will discover blessings galore.

Whatever It Takes

Focused On Success

Greatness has its cost. It can take you to the brink
Of a breakdown. It puts your friends and family
On the back burner. It will reschedule your plans,
And at times your promoting won’t win any fans.
It makes you feel misunderstood to the degree
That you learn not to care about what others think.

Greatness demands everything from your mind, body,
Spirit, and your soul. Many will talk about how
They hate losing, but they do nothing about it.
Greatness means that you’re ever willing to commit
To doing Whatever It Takes and to allow
The free flowing of your positive energy.

Winners will show up early, stay late every day,
And talk to anybody that will help them to
Get ahead with their project. They have confidence
In themselves and what they’re doing, so it makes sense
That success is the outcome. The more that they do
To support their agenda has to be okay.

Some would say life’s a dog fight. With that point of view
One may win certain battles through much grief and pain.
Focus on what your doing. Do not be concerned
With a fighting world wherein nothing can be learned.
In the long run the fruits of your effort you’ll gain.
The only fight to win is the one within you.

The Depths Of Who You Are

The Naked Self

Every life form is an expression of the One
Timeless and formless One life. Beyond anything
That’s subject to destruction, it’s not opposite
Of what’s called life. It’s good to remember that it
Is the opposite of birth. Death is depressing
From the surface perspective where all life is done.

Births and deaths apply to the forms that appear on
The surface of reality. Its perspective
Is dreadful, but from knowing that all life is One,
One will find that one’s death is not something to shun.
Timelessness is the realm of the most subjective
Part of you. It’s the self that will never be gone.

The transcendent dimension you have access to.
There you will realize that you are much more than
You appear to be on the surface of it all.
The physical part of you is limited and small.
From the deathless dimension you know that you can
Know that part of you that is eternal and true.

All of life is a temporary expression
On the surface of being. With deep compassion
We behold all the madness perpetrated by
Those who don’t know who they are. We cannot deny
The harshness of reality. In everyone
Is the spark of divinity ever begun.

Think Through Your Body

The Marriage Of Mind And Body

There are manifold bodies contained within one
Integrated completely. No such thing as mind
Can exist independently from other ones.
Each one has its own mind, so the whole can have tons
Happening simultaneously if inclined
To reach that state of consciousness. It would be fun.

Some can operate at once on many channels.
Others don’t seem to notice and take for granted
That these folks are amazing in what they can do.
Anyone can achieve it. Sadly, only few
Give it some attention. Then they’re disenchanted.
The spirit may be strong, but the body rebels.

It’s not just in the head. Thinking through the body
Has one sure benefit. One can’t get a headache.
The thousands of things that are always going on
Are by no means confusing. Relying upon
What the cellular presence provides for one’s sake
 Is the path to enlightenment naturally.

There’s a deeper dimension in everybody.
We are each just as capable as anyone
To attain such alignment that brings total peace.
One will notice at first a gradual increase
In the general feeling of wonder and fun.
Get to know all your bodies. Indeed, they’d agree.

Forget Talent

Skill Is Not Everything

If you feel you have talent that’s worthwhile to share
Yet the absence of feedback is too much to take,
Then perhaps perseverance and passion alone
Make talent less significant. People are prone
To be harshly judgmental. They’ll cut you no brake.
The resistance is futile if you really care.

To get anything done that is truly worthwhile
And it’s meaningful to you and any others
You must have a deep interest in what you do,
And your practicing to the edge makes it come true.
Perseverance and passion cut through your druthers.
Practicing until it’s perfect must be your style.

If it means so much to you, then it also means
That there are others waiting to hear what you say.
Just as surely as cricket sounds in the still void
You cannot let your message get lost or destroyed
By a lack of self-confidence. Do not betray
The power and magnificence locked in your genes.

To have grit is important. When getting knocked down
Through the process of living, the spirit gets strong.
It withstands all the negative and maintains hope.
Success shouldn’t feel like you’re walking a tightrope.
Keep your vibration high and you cannot go wrong.
In a short time you will be someone of renown.

A Call To Deep Rest

Requirement For Detachment

I must use the word ‘I’ but I does not exist.
And it baffles the rational mind easily
To consider who I is at any moment.
Characters we must play; the body may resent.
If we just keep on acting and show no pity
We may need to befriend a good psychiatrist.

I am not the performer. The roles that I play
Represent parts of myself who act out of fear.
I am not the damned poet that I’d love to be
Nor am I my well crafted personality.
What I am truly is something sacred and dear.
I am that which is programmed to stand in its way.

Sadness happens to everyone once in a while
And is brief in duration, whatever the cause.
Depression is a different animal, though.
It’s my body informing me that it wants no
More to do with my avatar. So it withdraws
Into a state of disease to where I can’t smile.

When the body says, “Screw you,” and it is ignored,
Then in retaliation it will be depressed.
Depressed means that a Deep Rest is clearly called for.
I must answer that calling. My act is a chore
That I use for survival. Yet there’s no conquest
That is of more significance than self explored.

Evolution Through Disruption

The Cost Of Living Buisness

All the worst of my problems alone I create
Through the master controller of identity
On the personal level. I’m doomed to attack.
For the rest of my life here I’ll just watch my back.
Evil doesn’t become me, but insanity
Seems to be what consumes me and authors my fate.

The abstracted part of me – the self not made whole –
Is only form identity. It’s not the same
As the timeless consciousness that I am truly.
Everyone is that essence with none else to be.
With this form I am subject to sorrow and shame
That I feel often times to the depths of my soul.

Oneself can’t be perfected. It’s like whack-a-mole.
Once things are put to order, something falls apart.
Never ending the struggle it is to portray
A complete living model. And I must obey
The aspect of disruption. It strengthens my heart
Just to know of the sick truth I cannot control.

Evolution of consciousness cannot take place
In a world picture perfect with no suffering.
One would dance on the surface of life and not grow.
Compassion and deep insights one can’t come to know.
Disruption in my life is a wonderful thing
If I can learn to trust it as God’s loving grace.