Tag Archive | crises

What Conflict Really Is

Eruption Of Tension

What about human nature makes us want to fight
To the bitter end? Why do egos get enflamed
And combative? What’s to become of humankind?
Why are answers and solutions so hard to find?
Our unwillingness to make peace is to be blamed
For conflict. Each one thinks only they can be right.

What we all want is to find our own inner peace.
It exists in each one of us but the ego
Who defends the persona will do anything
In its power to keep you from recognizing
Any civil solution. It wants you to know
That your hold on your position you can’t release.

Our egos spend a lot of time and energy
Avoiding failure. It causes inner conflict.
No room exists for reasonable conclusions.
Those who can’t accept failure indeed are the ones
Most susceptible. No one on earth can predict
Their behavior and that’s not the way it should be.

The elusive solutions become apparent
When the circumstance is looked at objectively
Without inflamed emotions. From the perspective
Of your higher self who knows how you want to live
You have kissed and made up quite emotionally.
Your higher selves have reached a perfect agreement.

A Crisis Of Experience

Caution Needed

Beliefs that are contrary to the basic Law
Of Attraction
cause me to express a desire

For a better understanding of how it works.
I’ve heard tell of the many and wonderful perks
That come with such wise knowing to which I aspire.
There are no negative conclusions I can draw.

My inner being knows well the path I should take
That is most pleasing for me. It knows my value
And power, and it is calling me constantly.
It will keep calling until eventually
A Crisis Of Experience just happens to
Slap me upside the head so that I come awake.

“I’ll go out on the leading edge,” I said before
I arrived in the physical. “I’ll discover
Things that cannot be discovered unless I’m out
On that edge.”
With this promise, there can be no doubt

That I am here to be an all purpose lover.
Sifting through all the contrast is what I adore.

I know that my limiting beliefs are the cause
Of my problems. I know there does not need to be
An intermediary between me and my
Inner being. On it I’ll completely rely.
Alignment with what I’ve created consciously
Is my infinite goal, and to heck with what was.