Tag Archive | method

Wouldn’t It Be Nice If…?

Positive Consideration

Wouldn’t It Be Nice If I won the lottery?
With a huge sum of money the things I could do
To help others and myself would be off the charts.
What I really want to do is touch people’s hearts
With my sense of wellbeing. I’d have many new
Ways of expressing my love for humanity.

Wouldn’t It Be Nice If… is a game that I play
With myself and the universe quite frequently
About big things and small then I just let them go.
I know that the provident universe will show
Me the signs of my asking sometimes instantly.
Sometimes they come with a little bit of delay.

“If I only had it…” or “I wish that I had…”
Are sentences that inherently imply lack.
Modify what you’re saying. “Wouldn’t It Be Nice
If I had it?”
This way of speaking will suffice.

If you speak out of absence you won’t receive jack.
Wouldn’t It Be Nice If your faith were your comrade?

The reason that it’s so powerful is that it
Is soft and easy. Not out of desperation
Do you want to speak. Cling not to what you desire.
Happiness is the only thing you need acquire.
Keep on paying attention to your vibration.
Things that happen reflect the vibe that you transmit.

Stop Your Mind’s Chatter

Mental Confusion

“That concert was exciting. Did I feed the dog?
This weather is depressingly cloudy today.
Has my daughter reached school safely? I really care
About who wins the election. I don’t know where
I put my driver’s license. That was a nice play
By the quarterback. Why is there such a dense fog?”

Many people experience the monkey mind.
It chatters on endlessly. Not even for one
Second can it remain silent. Out of control
It appears to be because you’re not feeling whole
But you can get a handle on how thoughts are spun
In your mind when with ultimate truth you’re aligned.

Here’s a technique that will put your mind well at ease.
Close your eyes. Watch your thoughts as they constantly flow
Through you mind but do not try to stop them and don’t
Get involved with them. Trust in your heart that you won’t
Think about your thoughts. Just think them then let them go.
They’re not worthy of your conscious analyses.

Now ask yourself one important question. “What will
My next thought be?”
Then wait for the next thought to come.

Keep on waiting. You may ask the question again.
“What will be my next thought?” Thoughtlessness happens when
You keep waiting. You will have gotten away from
All the chatter. Indeed your mind has to sit still.

Sacred Geometry

Eternity Symbols

Since the old days of Plato and Pythagoras
Sacred Geometry has spurred speculation
And wonder. Skeptics insist finding these common
Patterns throughout nature that reflect the Brahman
Are of happenstance. In contrast, adoration
Is given to these symbols by the mystic mass.

The Cave of Brahma can activate a wide range
Of new abilities and states of consciousness.
The daily practice of Sacred Geometry
Will increase your physical and mind energy.
Staring at these symbols can eliminate stress
And the mystics insist that your whole life can change.

Various traditions believe these symbols make
Up the building blocks of our reality. So
Basic and ornate shapes common throughout nature
Each have meaning and power. Their nomenclature
Is of elegance. It’s as if they want to show
That our not noticing them would be a mistake.

Meditators use Sri Yantras and mandalas
As objects to focus upon to further hone
Their mindfulness ability. It’s a fine way
To express your spirituality each day.
 You can do this with others or when you’re alone.
You will never go back to the way that it was.

Are You Worthy?

Pretty Please

Good things can come to you easily if you’re not
So hung up on not having them. Feeling worthy
Of receiving them may be the issue at hand.
The forces that deliver only understand
How you’re feeling. They respond to the energy
You’re emitting. Your attitude matters a lot.

If you’ve struggled then failed many times to achieve
What you want then you may feel you’re not good enough
To receive it. As negative stories begin
To flow into your psyche you’re skating on thin
Ice in terms of fulfillment, and you’ll have a rough
Time of getting back into the mode to receive.

Change your focus completely. When you redirect
Your attention to things that are working out well
In your life, you release your attachment to the
Outcome and its timeline. You want to become free
Of the angst which has cast such an ominous spell
Over you. With your higher self you must connect.

So just feel good. Your focusing on the outcome
Leads you far from what you want. Look at what’s thriving
In your life instead of what you don’t have right now.
It’s the only way on earth that you can allow
What you want to come to you. Be only striving
To feel better. We hope that this will help you some.

Expectation And Co-Creation

Otherworldly Adventure

Interactions with people in my life are such
That they have expectations of my behavior.
The reverse is true also. This co-creation
Isn’t always a good thing. Some harm may be done
To one’s feelings of worthiness. I can’t be sure
If my placating people matters all that much.

So, I’m trained into acting the way that I do
By the people around me. I can’t hope to change
That momentum of habit, but I can don the
Perspective of my inner being who can see
My path of least resistance. I do find it strange
How the mind works. Everyday I learn something new.

I can get into that place of neutrality
By some method like meditation. Then I can
Tune to the expectation of God almighty
Who sees all things about my life differently
Than I ever could. So it’s my ultimate plan
To become the evolved one who I’m meant to be.

If I don’t have a good encounter with someone
Then I’ve not tuned myself to my inner being
Beforehand. I give no one the credit for my
Misalignment. I don’t have to ask myself why
I behaved in a certain way, and it’s freeing
To the spirit to celebrate the work I’ve done.

The Simple Secret To Happiness

Joyful Leap

I’m happy to be happy. It’s my decision,
And it’s made in an instant. I don’t have to wait
For conditions to be how I want them to be.
Everything that I need for joy is within me.
I decide in this moment that I will feel great.
My outlook on life doesn’t need a revision.

What are the blocks to happiness? It’s believing
That they are my reality. Then I create
What is needed to have them. Now I’m quite aware
That there are no beleaguering big blocks out there.
It’s not hard to remain in a positive state
When I know that my thinking can be deceiving.

I felt so undeserving because of my past
Misdirected behavior. How’d I let that go?
I decided that it’s better for me to live
Than to self-flagellate. It was hard to forgive
Myself for my wrongdoings. I did manage though.
I had found the relief I needed at long last.

I’m not searching for happiness. I bring it to
Whatever I am doing. I am happiness.
In the absence of pleasure I can find it there
Because it’s totally an internal affair.
In this moment, I chose to have complete access
To that high flying feeling that is ever new.

Embodying Stillness

Meditation By The Sea

If you go to visit a Zen monastery,
Where they call meditation ‘sitting,’ one may ask
“How long you have been sitting? I’ve been sitting for
A few decades or so.” “Doesn’t you butt get sore?”,

May be one’s response who is not up to the task
Of doing the work that is most necessary.

Sitting in meditation, one is familiar
With a method, but don’t confuse it with the state
You are in while you’re doing it. Meditation
Is a state of pure presence. You can be at one
With the universe, and you do not have to wait
To become more aware of who you really are.

The method is designed to facilitate the
State of consciousness, but at some point every one
Must be dropped so that you can be right in that place
Of immaculate presence. Its welcome embrace
Is available to you through meditation.
Method is simply the way of coming to be.

One evolves to the point where no method at all
Becomes necessary to be in alignment.
If you get too attached to your method, then you
Will defeat your intention. What you may go through
To get there may be subject to some refinement.
It cannot be for you an impossible call.

Stop The Chatter

Mental Noise Reduction

When you contact a company by telephone
What you get is a lengthy recorded ordeal
That tells you to push buttons and listen with care.
“Menu options have changed,” so you’d better beware.
There’s no choice but to listen to what you are told.
They’ll treat you like a robot for reasons quite known.

Similar is the commerce in the atmosphere
Of the world of your thoughts. They’ll not leave you alone,
And you just can’t ignore them. The seeming power
Of the ruthless thought engine threatens to devour
Your reserved psychic energy. You can postpone
All the negative chatter until you are clear.

Would it be nice to be in a thoughtlessness state
At your own will and easily with every try?
Benefits are enormous for spirit and mind.
When your mind is relieved of the chatter, you’ll find
Peace and utter contentment. There’s no reason why
Not to try this method. There’s no reason to wait.

Close you eyes and just watch your thoughts as they drift by.
Do not stop them. Just watch them, and don’t get involved.
Ask yourself this question, “What will be my next thought?”
Then do nothing but wait. Not an answer is sought.
Now the issue of noise in your mind is resolved.
The mind that is in waiting thought can’t occupy.

The Biggest Joke Of All

The Illusory Duo

Jokes I play on myself are imaginative.
If it weren’t for my trick self, I’d have none at all.
Some say I should get rid of it, But I cannot,
Because it thinks like I do. I’m all that it’s got.
Mostly it takes the big roles. I’m left with the small.
I ask myself if this is the right way to live.

But, alas, it can’t answer. It thinks everything
Is an intricate puzzle it only can solve.
When it can’t, it’s frustrated, as if it exists
As a viable entity. On it persists
In its ‘it-centric’ world where all things must revolve.
Onto some sense of purpose this person must cling.

So, there’s no getting rid of this subsequent dude
Come about like a tattoo etched over decades
Of abuse of his surface – a time tapestry
Of eternal becoming. The ink runs through me
But shows up not through thick skin. Freely it pervades
And presents as my ego. As such, I am screwed.

I end up doing nothing and leaving it to
That which is ever conscious and omni aware.
I can’t grasp nor rid myself of all I become.
I alone cannot get it. The getting comes from
Consciousness Universal which is everywhere.
There’s no need to get anything but a damned clue.