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Tapping Into Other Inner Beings

Distilled Consciousness

People are made of spirit essentially so.
We have bodies but they’re just the vehicles for
Interacting with this time space reality.
Human beings are therefore a dichotomy
Of magnificence. Our work here is to be more
Than we are now. The purpose of life is to grow.

Inner beings are our spirits. Each has access
To all others, which means if we can tap into
Our own spirit then we have the ability
To communicate with others psychically.
Your connecting in this way can benefit you
And all others and can lead to your happiness.

The emotional scale determines how far we
Are from our inner being. So no matter where
We may find ourselves we can get to a new place
Where we are more receptive to infinite grace.
All it takes is a willingness to be aware
Of your spirit and trust in it wholeheartedly.

When you’re tuned into your inner being you will
Receive impulses also flashes of insight
Telling you there are others in contact with your
Inner being. You can be absolutely sure
That what you get from your inner being is right.
It takes no time at all to develop this skill.

Tired Of Struggling

Work Fatigue

Be aware of how you feel. It gives you a clue
That your struggle may be useless. Only you know
When it’s time to do something. It’s driving you mad.
Your whole life would have been much better if you had
Never followed your current path. Nothing to show
Have you for all your effort. What are you to do?

Everybody’s working harder than they mean to.
There’s a lot being offered vibrationally
That is counterproductive – like marching in place.
Your world is governed by the thoughts that you embrace.
You can feel your way into how things ought to be.
How you feel about anything is up to you.

Only two choices there are, most people believe:
Either to be a good person by working hard
Or a bad one by being irresponsible.
You don’t want to be one who is disrespectful,
But there are other choices that cannot be barred
From your God given propensity to conceive.

You can be an aligned citizen, as it were,
Of the universe. Your struggle is not in vain.
It’s a wake-up call, if you will let it be so.
It is an opportunity for you to grow.
If you take it as such you’ll have so much to gain.
You are not far from living the life you prefer.

Resistance Free


Life is meant to be fun. Struggle is an option.
You’re never going to get it done, and you cannot
Get it wrong, so embrace the contrasting moments
As part of your journey. Indulge in the suspense
Of good living occurring. Give it all you’ve got,
But do so from the basis of your having fun.

Meditate if you feel like it. Take it easy.
Nothing is more important than that you feel good.
So, if you feel anything less than excited,
Then something in you needs to be reignited.
It’s okay to love yourself for your humanhood.
Do whatever you have to do to get happy.

Change the pace of what’s happening. You have control
Over ill conversation. Simply don’t partake.
If a thought does not serve you, change its direction.
From specific to general is how it’s done.
You will benefit from the decision you make
To be hellbent on happiness as its own goal.

You receive an impulse, in your most relaxed state,
From your higher self. Let it guide you on your way
To more like it. As you get rid of resistance,
Blessings come to you seemingly by happenstance.
Your magnetic achievement is on full display.
There is nothing complex about your feeling great.