Tag Archive | consciously

Exploring The Contrast

Purple Fog

You’ve been here before. This time it’s not a big deal.
Contrast you’ve become used to. You’re fully prepared
To feel through it. You’ve learned to let go of control.
You now know very clearly what’s good for your soul
So that this time around there’s no need to feel scared.
Make something good of what seems so bleak and surreal.

Tell yourself what you know which is that you’ve done all
That is necessary. All you have to do now
Is to let the momentum carry you along.
With your positive attitude you can’t go wrong.
Through the contrast you can find a way to allow
Evolutions to manifest both big and small.

It’s fun to explore contrast deliberately
Not by default. Contrast gives your life true meaning.
It causes you to want things to be different.
You can manifest change through your conscious intent.
Know that spiritual forces are convening
To offer you their wise assistance lovingly.

All the time feeling good is what you’re reaching for.
To feel better than you do right now is the key.
Any excuse in the world that you can find to
Feel delighted is most beneficial to you.
Exploring The Contrast can be done happily
As you shift your focus to something you adore.

Feel With The Contrast

Triple Exposure

The contrast is apparent. Life in many ways
Is a circus. Performers who can’t get along
Punctuate populations at every level.
People have the propensity to bedevil
One another. Our ability to do wrong
Keeps us in a perpetual negative haze.

How to get better at dealing with the contrast
Isn’t the thing to focus on. Benefiting
From it should be your attitude. You get to choose
From the contrast which elements of it you’ll use
To feel with it which means that you’re now permitting
All of the wonderful blessings that have amassed.

Think of contrast as choices and variety.
You want to get good at selectively sifting
Through the contrast and trending in the direction
Of what’s wanted. The world is for your inspection.
When you’re looking for things that are most uplifting
You approach manifestation successfully.

As you calibrate to the choices that you make
Everything then gets easier. Once you decide
To choose with intention then things happen for you.
What you don’t want defines perfectly what you do.
Everything that you do want is always implied
So feeling with the contrast is a piece of cake.

Relationships Are Forever

Dear Friends

Karmic relationships are connections that are
Very quick to start. Typically they evolve
Into alternating patterns of love and hate.
Constant highs and lows keep the couple a state
Of emotional tension. They cannot resolve
Many issues and life can be rather bizarre.

We move on from one relationship to the next
It would seem but this isn’t so karmically.
Forever we’re connected to those we have met.
Every person you have known you cannot forget.
You are part of the vibrational frequency
Of everyone you know. You should not be perplexed.

The relationship is a thing of reflection
And energy. It need not necessarily
Imply physical contact with the other one.
The relationship continues once it’s begun
It will go on throughout all of eternity.
There is nothing that can sever the connection.

Think in terms of ‘we’ and ‘us’ instead of just ‘me.’
Mutual respect, honesty, and empathy
In your communication will carry you far.
Be accepting of the person for who they are.
Can you learn to trust in each other completely?
Then a wholesome relationship will come to be.

Your Natural Frequency

Colorful Vibrations

We want you to find ways where you can consciously
And deliberately allow your vortex to
Tune you right into Your Natural Frequency.
When you reach this state you most certainly will be
Yodeling down the canyons of life. Now if you
Are not tuned then a rather screwed up world you see.

When you’re not tuned to Your Natural Frequency
You’re complaining. You point out all the injustice
In the world. Although it’s something you can’t deny
To preserve your vibration indeed you must try
Focusing elsewhere. How things are you can dismiss
Long enough to recover complete sanity.

Blame feels a whole lot better than utter despair.
You can say that it’s their fault and feel some relief
But it won’t last a long time unfortunately.
You must let go of any negativity
In your daily routine. Don’t let things give you grief.
About how you feel is the only thing to care.

You cannot get others to behave in a way
That will please you. You have to find a way to be
Pleased apart from what other people are doing.
Your focus on your vibration needs renewing
Constantly. It’s up to you to get yourself free
Of resistance and in a good mood you will stay.

Just Chill Out!

Personal Freedom

There’s so much more to feel good about than to not
And there’s so much more working than not… so much more.
So don’t find things to fret about. Turn off the news
And your phone for a while. You have nothing to lose
But distress and distraction. Take time to ignore
Everything but yourself which is all that you’ve got.

A nice break from your constantly beating the drum
Of the struggle gives you the opportunity
To replenish your energy and clear your mind
Of its clutter. Leave all of your troubles behind
For the moment. Just focus on being happy
And allow the feeling of wellbeing to come.

Feel yourself feeling much better as you release
The resistance and the negative energy.
Feel yourself turning in the proper direction
In the stream of wellbeing through your connection
With your higher self who supports you completely.
This idea alone brings about inner peace.

Just Chill Out! That’s the answer to any issue
That consumes you. You have the freedom to be whole
And wholeheartedly living your life happily.
Pretty soon you’ll get so good at this that you’ll be
One who has mastered the fine art of true control
Which is of how you feel and what motivates you.

Responding To Negative Emotion

Anger Mob

When the natives get restless who should get uptight?
There’s no answer that makes any logical sense
Because it’s human nature. When we do something
That hurts us we keep doing it and it won’t bring
Any change in behavior so at great expense
We ignore any consensus on what is right.

I’m aware of my feelings. They’re moving toward
Something I don’t want happening. I’m asking for
Reassurance that I can get back to a place
Of alignment with who I am. I’m not my race.
I’m a spirit who should be giving a lot more
Attention to the fact that by God I’m adored.

I catch the feeling before it gains momentum
Then I can do something with it rather than let
It take me places that I would rather not go.
How I feel right now is all that I need to know.
Life cannot seem to me to be a constant threat.
My inner being is where all my strength comes from.

If I have an opinion about anything
And I don’t feel well as I’m thinking about it
It means that my inner being doesn’t agree
With what I’m thinking. It becomes then good for me
To be mindful of the vibration I transmit.
Negative emotion I find interesting.

Spiritual Growth Requires Relationships

Matching Pieces

The substance of your interactions with others
Forms the basis of your spiritual growth. You
Need relationships that will help you to become
More emotionally evolved. When you come from
A place of love you have no problem getting through
Difficulties as your own life story occurs.

As you interact with others you activate
Loving and frightened parts of them. They do the same
To your loving and frightened parts. Between the two
You must distinguish and it will benefit you
To choose consciously. You have but yourself to blame
For relinquishing power and not thinking straight.

When you consciously choose love while you’re feeling fear
That’s creating authentic power. It may be
Difficult in the beginning but with practice
You will be in a perpetual state of bliss
And the angry part of your personality
Will diminish and in a short time disappear.

The part of you that’s grateful, appreciative,
Content, caring, and patient is who you want to
Give attention to. Relationships are the key
To spiritual growth and living happily.
People benefit greatly from this part of you
And for you this can be the only way to live.

Healing With The Masters

Sacred Stillness

I am a universal human in training.
I’m one who’s beyond nation, religion, culture,
Sex, and economic circumstance. I give my
Allegiance to life firstly and secondly I
Am a citizen of the earth. Safe and secure
I am in who I am. I need no explaining.

Of the universe I’m also a citizen –
Not a child of it. This is authentic power.
I’m living a life where my personality
Is aligned with my soul’s purpose. In harmony
I am with nature which is obliged to shower
Me with its blessings. It happens now and again.

It’s a life in which I naturally create
Reverence for life, sharing, cooperation,
And harmony. I know that my fear is a part
Of the person that still nurtures a broken heart
Over deeds in the past that I wish were not done.
On the present and future I shall concentrate.

As I begin to recognize the different
Parts of myself I can cultivate the parts that
Come from love. There’s an intimate relationship
Between my choices and what happens. It’s a trip
To be conscious. I have not a foe to combat.
There’s no trick at all to my remaining content.

The Instrument To Heal Is The Soul

Relaxing By The Water

The soul is the instrument that needs to be healed.
But what is the soul? Let us walk up to the door
Of the soul and knock gently. Who answers may be
One of wisdom or ignorance. If you can see
Past your sorrows you’re able to tolerate more
Of life’s contrast wherein your power is revealed.

Think of someone you truly hate and can’t forgive
For the harm they have done you. Now what if they said,
“What a bummer. I’m sorry. I never meant to
Do you harm. Let’s just call it a day.”?
How would you

Feel about it? Would negative thoughts fill your head
And your heart? Can this be the way you’d want to live?

Now let’s change the story a bit. What if this one
That you hate so much came up to you and said, “I
Really screwed up and I did it all consciously.
I knew that it would hurt you. That didn’t stop me
From behaving improperly. I don’t know why
I committed this act. I hate what I have done.”?

Each scenario knocks on the door to the soul.
But which one does the healing? And which causes pain
To resurface. Both victim and victimizer
Can experience healing. Which is the wiser
Choice to make? Which way can net spiritual gain?
In each moment you can play the enlightened role.

This Is Who You Really Are

The Real You

There’s something quite extraordinary going on
Here and many don’t even know what it could be
Nor what it’s all about yet it is happening
All the time every moment. It’s interesting
That people ignore this happening completely.
That their minds are set is the conclusion foregone.

It is Life that is happening. There’s a process
Being undertaken in life by life, and that
Is hugely paradoxical. It’s as if we
Are creating God from the inside out. We see
Evidence that is worth taking a good look at.
Life surrounds us in all the ways it can express.

Life exists in all of its forms and the beauty
Of the night sky, the wonders of nature, or the
Expression of humanity are all part of
All that is and the basis of living is love.
It’s the ultimate act, one of divine glory
Because within everyone yourself you can see.

You take part in it in a brand new way when you
Understand what is happening. Then you become
More aware and on purpose. Intentionally
You will act and you’ll know what it’s like to be free
Of uncertainty concerning where you come from.
You are the miracle that in God’s dream came true.

On Being A Teacher

Group Lesson

A teacher is someone who can share with others
Life experience. It’s of tremendous value
To the student and teacher. One who’s more aware
Of the laws universal and who would like there
To be positive change is the one who will do
What it takes so that maximum learning occurs.

There’s a deep centered willingness to apply the
Laws to life ‘til there’s a consistent perspective
Of the goal having been accomplished already.
Things are moved forward by holding on steadily
To what’s known until the universe has to give
What‘s been asked for with passion and humility.

People don’t care how much you know until they know
How much you care. They can pick up your vibrations
Then pass judgement upon them. Your understanding
Of the nature of folks is perhaps everything
Necessary to develop good relations
Between teacher and student. Each lesson must flow.

Co-creating is done simply for the pleasure
In the doing – not saving the world or fixing
Something broken. The key is in looking forward
Where only possibilities can be explored.
You can start off immediately by nixing
Any thought that stops you from claiming your treasure.

Don’t Look Back

The Look Ahead

Your greatest work comes from your blending with the whole
Of who you are. It’s constantly forward looking.
You’re a teacher. The burgeoning message within
Needs an outlet. Let clarification begin
To free you. You will benefit from unhooking
From the past and the darkness it’s placed on your soul.

Don’t Look Back at the heartache, guilt, desperation,
And unworthiness. It won’t do you any good
To stay focused there. Put your attention instead
On what’s coming. Recover by looking ahead
To the possible future. It’s well understood
That you’re responsible for your own creation.

All day every day, you want to find resonance
With the vibrational version of who you are.
Satisfaction comes from having an intention
Come to life, and it’s not beyond comprehension
That by your own creating you’ve made it thus far.
You can transform any negative circumstance.

You want to be so tuned that you’re ready to hear
The message, even if it goes contrary to
What you thought you wanted to hear. Be receptive
To the guidance within you. Be willing to live
Free of past interference. Prepare for a new
Way of seeing. The future is your new frontier.

Which Voice To Listen To

Wise Choice

There are two voices in the mind. One is of your
Inner being. The other is of your ego.
You can tell which is speaking by the way you feel.
When what you’re feeling is of tremendous appeal
To your spirit, continual blessings will flow.
Doing something should not be something you endure.

Get in touch with what feels good. When you are in sync
With who you really are, you know without a doubt
That when you receive impulses, they’re coming from
Your inner being. Happiness is the outcome
Of your conscious awareness which is all about
Focusing – but not on what other people think.

If what you hear from your subconscious sounds bossy,
You know where it’s all coming from. It will tell you
To do something you don’t feel excited about
So that it can claim full credit for any clout
That you toiled for relentlessly. What you must do
Is to just be aware of its dependency.

Motivation can be born of desperation.
You had better get it done or else there will be
Consequences. When you just feel like doing it
Because it feels good, it is to your benefit
To listen to that voice ever more consciously.
This is the definition of inspiration.

The Larger Part Of You

At One With The Universe

You are so much more than your physical body.
Come to know this because it’s absolutely true.
Before you emerged here in this reality,
You were spirit, but you exist eternally.
Even right now, you and The Larger Part Of You
Coexist as a being that others can see.

This means that you’re not all here. The much larger part
People don’t get to witness, but you have access
To that larger part of you when you meditate
Or find things about your life to appreciate.
It all can lead to your ultimate happiness.
You get to The Larger Part Of You through the heart.

With who you really are you can find resonance
Through your practice. Take care of the way that you feel
In each moment, and the vibrational patterns
You create will eliminate all your concerns.
The wholeness of who you really are is for real.
Your connection can never be a game of chance.

You find resonance with The Larger Part Of You
By accepting that it exists and allowing
It to guide you. In the absence of resistance
You receive it. No matter what your circumstance,
You become able to handle most anything.
Plentiful is the grace that you can tap into.

Love Of Life

Joy Of Being

To turn thoughts into things is why you have come here
To this leading-edge planet. You’re an extension
Of divine energy. You are co-creating
With eight billion others. It’s a wonderful thing
To be living in this physical dimension.
There are so many things within it to hold dear.

This environment is one of diversity –
Not of sameness. The world is becoming much more
Than it ever was. You came to participate
In this mass evolution. You appreciate
Every opportunity you have to explore
The contrast to determine how good life can be.

You knew things that you knew you would not remember
Upon coming here. There is a separation
That you fully agreed to, but you have guidance.
Don’t think that you arrived here totally by chance.
You are part of the magnificent creation
Of a life on earth that most people would prefer.

You love taking your inner being to places
That it has never been before. You’re its tour guide
As it leads you to happiness along the way.
It does not condemn you if you choose to betray
Its influence. You have the freedom to decide
To be receptive to spiritual graces.

Your Work

Fill Your Heart With Love

Feeling Good is your only work. That simply said
Means that there’s nothing else you need to focus on.
You’ve been here before. There are things you have asked for
From a place of not having them, and you got more
Than you asked for. Positive conclusions are drawn
Regarding how your life goes. It’s full steam ahead.

It is fun to explore the contrast consciously
Then sift out your idea, which is better than
The present situation. Then before your eyes
It becomes your reality. Therefore it’s wise
To be happy as much as you possibly can.
When you do that, you can then let everything be.

If you’re not a vibrational match to the thing
That you want, you can recognize that emotion
To be negative, then do something about it.
This is human. It happens, but when you admit
That it does, then you can give proper devotion
To believing that what you’re wanting is coming.

Two components, desire and belief, are needed
To achieve what you want, but desire and anger
Do not mix. You can do it with desire and love.
You begin by keeping your vibration above
That of this world’s obsessions. You much would prefer
Clarity, contentment, and alignment instead.

Perpetual Mantra

The Eternal Ringing

I know that things are always working out for me.
It’s a bold affirmation considering that
My past has caught up with me. I now realize
That I’ve screwed up completely. Does this make me wise?
I cannot listen to my mind’s idle chitchat.
Can I still live my life as I want it to be?

Things often work out for me. Sometimes I’m aware
That they are, and it feels good whenever they do.
I don’t need to focus upon the condition.
All I need is to give myself full permission
To be more worthy of the mantra being true.
It’s a statement that any person can declare.

Things are always working out for me. It is fact.
I’m beginning to trust in my own wellbeing.
I’m not worthy of feeling unworthy of it.
All that is created is for my benefit,
And my inner being is never agreeing
With my self-loathing. That’s not part of my contract.

I can help things to work out by my consciously
Accepting and repeating what has been made clear.
I can smooth out the flow of what’s coming by my
Remembering that I can completely rely
On the mantra perpetual. A new frontier
Of enlightenment is available to me.

Finding A Negative Belief

Looking For Trouble

Belief systems control us. We know that they do.
If I have chosen something that’s dragging me down
And don’t know that I’ve done so, I’m in a bad way.
My actions may confound me, and my thinking may
Be unclear about most things. I don’t want to drown
In the river of my life while absent a clue.

It’s a viable concept that I can accept
At face value. It leads to the question of why
I believe in something that does me little good.
The issue isn’t complex if well understood.
To get to the root of it I’m willing to try
To discover the mystery that is well kept.

I may seek the approval of others like me
Who share the same circumstances and the same ills
Of the spirit and psyche. It’s hard to move on
When the life force within one has picked up and gone
Totally catastrophic with negative thrills.
This cannot be the way that I meant it to be.

Once I know what is keeping me from being who
I am truly, pure nonsense it all seems to make.
Then I can let go of it. To bring to the light
What is eating away at me is only right.
The pathway to discovery that I must take
Is the only one I have. I can make it new.