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Just A Few Laughs Away

Group Happiness

It’s so wonderful to come together with those
Like you who have come to the same understanding.
You’re determined to feel better. Your willingness
To find ways to get happy leads to your success
At most anything. Your presence is commanding
As through you, energy from your higher self flows.

Everyday because of the context in which you
Are focused you acknowledge that things could be more
To your liking. You know how to enter the mode
Of receiving. Your life is one huge episode
Of joyful adventure. More than ever before
You have confidence in knowing what next to do.

How you feel is worth dealing with. Your wellbeing
Depends on it. Find some process that makes you feel
A bit better. Play down anything negative
And play up everything positive. If you live
By this rule you may find that life is ideal.
Difficult situations are worth your fleeing.

You’re Just A Few Laughs Away from letting a whole
Lot of good stuff in. Make peace with where you are now.
Don’t be hard on yourself because you’re not where you
Want to be at the moment. Pay attention to
What you want then get into the mode to allow.
Happiness in life must be your primary goal.

Reality Addiction


What’s it take to jazz up your life experience?
You’re addicted to what’s going on here and now
And you like the momentum. It fascinates you
To be able to do all the things that you do.
Things are working out for you because you know how
To convince yourself that it makes absolute sense.

Your Vortex is incredible. It contains all
That you’ve asked for since day one and even before
You emerged into physical reality.
You can access this treasure vibrationally
Just by feeling good and the more you do the more
Good will come to you. You want to answer its call.

If you knew what was in there and how much it’s grown
Since you’ve been here you would pay much more attention
To your feelings and to releasing negative
Though patterns. You’d do all that you could do to live
In a way that you could enter the dimension
To receive all the blessings that are yours alone.

Your Vortex of Creation is reality
Although you can’t perceive except by your heart.
You get to it by letting yourself let it in.
At the game of life you can most certainly win.
Your Vortex and reality aren’t far apart
When you choose to be the person you’re meant to be.

Your Vibrational Reality

Happy Daydream

Sometimes people worry that becoming aligned
With your higher self means giving up all the things
That are physical – that it’s an airy fairy
Existence and it’s too far from reality
To be of any value. From this notion springs
Myriad excuses of the negative kind.

You don’t have to give up one for the other here.
The worlds of the nonphysical and physical
Are interconnected in miraculous ways.
Only good things can happen to the one who stays
In communication with what’s spiritual.
Keep yourself in an elevated atmosphere.

You create Your Vibrational Reality
By your sifting through contrast. All that you put there
In your ever growing vortex of creation
Is of worthiness beyond imagination.
It’s nonphysical so do your utmost to care
More about it than your having it come to be.

Make the nonphysical your top priority.
When you do blessings will come from out of nowhere.
Everywhere you’ll find things working out well for you.
You’ll have greater success in whatever you do
And it’s all because you took the time to prepare
Your vibration by finding ways to be happy.

Presence Or Absence

Ordered Progression

You cannot continue to focus upon the
Absence of something that you want and let it in.
Its presence and its absence are two different
Frequencies. You must find a way to be content
With the absence then manifestations begin
Happening for you just the way it ought to be.

You may think that you must face this reality
Of the presence of absence so you focus there.
If you do though you continue to hold what you
Want away from you. One simple thing you can do
Is commit to keeping yourself only aware
Of the presence that certainly will come to be.

What is not present is absent but on its way
Of becoming a reality and for now
You must focus your attention on what’s to come –
Not on what is occurring now. Get away from
Any negative thinking. It will not allow
What you want. In a positive mood you must stay.

You can’t see it yet. You don’t know how, when, or where
It will happen but you trust that things are always
Working out for you. If you can be satisfied
With the absence then the presence can’t be denied.
Give the universe its rightful chance to amaze
And delight you in ways that you cannot compare.

Clues Are Being Given

Detailed Search

There exists not a person who’s without a clue
Contrary to the insult that often is used
Against others to make them feel unconnected
From reality. People should be respected.
If someone says, “You’re clueless.”, you’re wrongly accused.
Don’t believe what you know in your heart isn’t true.

You’ve put with great precision details into your
Own vortex of creation. You can’t remember
All that you’ve put there but your inner being knows
Everything about you and it constantly shows
You the way to fulfillment. All that you prefer
It’s aware of. It’s always knocking at your door.

It may be that sometimes you get in your own way
By not keeping yourself more consciously aware
Of the clues as they happen or you may not be
Happy with your most challenging reality
But you must know for certain that the clues are there.
They’re given to you throughout each and every day.

The path of least resistance is offered to you
By your own inner being with whom you’re in touch
At any given moment. You can easily
Find the clues that will lead to your being happy.
When you feel good the universe can give you much
Information and with it a much broader view.

Student Of Life

Life School

I struggled not with English or math as a child
Nor with getting along with others but I did
Have a problem with holding still. I always would
Tap my fingers and fidget. As hard as I could
I would try not to do it. I couldn’t get rid
Of my habit which many a teacher reviled.

I would do it unconsciously. Teachers would say,
“Stop your tapping, Clint. You’re disrupting the whole class.”
I got sent to the principal many times and
Because he wasn’t me he could not understand
My aberrant behavior. In those days my glass
Was near empty. To myself I wanted to stay.

I believe that a single moment in time can
Change a person’s life in a most positive way.
One day my teacher told me to stay after class
And I thought, “This is it for my fidgety ass.”
But it turned out that he had something kind to say
In our time spent together. He was a good man.

“Clint, have you ever thought about playing the drums?”
He asked me. I had never been asked this before.

Reaching into his desk he pulled out my first set
Of drumsticks. It’s a moment I shall not regret
For today I’m doing what I simply adore.
From the kind heart the blessing of upliftment comes.

The ‘When’ Factor

What The Heck?

Timing is none of your business in the sense that
If you can take timing out of the equation
You will see that your alignment is everything.
When you’re in alignment the universe will bring
What you want to you and the manifestation
Will come quickly – almost as fast as an eye bat.

Why it hasn’t come yet is a question only
You can answer because only you can decide
How long you will take to get out of your own way.
Take your mind off the issue and then try to stay
Somewhere close to alignment. Nothing is denied
But you can keep what you want from coming to be.

Your timing is controlled by your vibrational
Alignment. It has absolutely nothing to
Do with anything outside of you – not one thing.
It has only to do with how long you’re taking
To allow what you’ve been wanting to come to you.
The timing of your wellbeing is natural.

Between where you are and where you want to be there
Is a gap which is timing and your resistance
Makes it wider and longer. Talk yourself into
A rampage about all the good coming to you
And appreciate whenever you get the chance.
Of what is working already be more aware.

Just Get In There

Don't Waste Time

I’m addicted to reality. I spend more
Time than anyone should be when talking about
Things as they are, even as they’re filled with despair.
There’s one place I need be. If I Just Get In There,
I can know my wellbeing without any doubt.
Any other way is to live life as a chore.

Feeling what’s coming up in there, I can release
Much of that which is negative and be complete.
The emotional spectrum with ease I ascend.
There is nothing more important than that I tend
To the treasure amassed that is not yet concrete.
I know that when I’m in there, my grace shall increase.

Something tells me that if I knew what I have stored
In vibrational escrow, no time would I spend
Complaining or attempting to right what is wrong.
My old ways I would lose, and I’d sing a new song.
If I just had an inkling, then I would transcend
Negativity and feel that I am adored.

Getting in there gets easier with each new day.
I get plenty of practice amid the contrast.
It causes me to try harder, and it’s worthwhile.
The fact that I can train myself does make me smile.
Defending my position is part of the past.
I’m the only one ever who gets in my way.