Tag Archive | lies

Nothing Blooms All Year Long

Blossoming Fruit

When your heart loves someone unconditionally
Then your mind suffers most. Love a person who tries
Their best to understand you. Never make someone
Special in your life who has absolutely none
Of the qualities you value. Open your eyes
To the wonderful loving person you could be.

When a toxic person can no longer control
You they will try to control how others see you.
Let not that behavior cause you any distress.
Strong people don’t have many friends. Your happiness
Is of utmost importance in all that you do.
Get away from whatever’s not keeping you whole.

You bloom with others who understand you. Never
Walk, fight, smile, try, or cry alone. Stop looking back
With regret. Instead look forward with hope. Don’t lose
Your self-respect. It’s a form of self-care. Excuse
Not the bad one’s behavior yet don’t show a lack
Of compassion. It will stick with you forever.

Nothing Blooms All Year Long. Don’t expect yourself to
Nor the people around you. Give yourself a break
From yourself and others by regaining access
To your best self – the one you most want to express
To the world. It’s about time that you come awake
To the manifold blessings set aside for you.

Don’t Let Your Thoughts Control You


The greatest glory in life lies not in never
Falling but in rising every time that we fall.
You can’t go back and change the beginning but you
Can start where you are and change the ending. A new
Way of thinking can get rid of just about all
Of your problems, and thinking of them, forever.

The mind is everything. What you think you become
So become who you want to be. Believe you can
And you’re halfway there. The only way to do great
Work is to love what you do. You get to create
Your own future. It can be more fulfilling than
Your present circumstance – a profound conundrum.

Happiness can be found even in the darkest
Of times if you remember to turn on the light.
The biggest adventure you can take is to live
The life of your dreams. Think of how much you can give
To the world when you feel that everything’s alright.
You know how much you can do when you feel your best.

The mind is the master over the body – not
The reverse. You’re stronger than you seem, braver than
You believe, and smarter than you think. Clarity
Will come to you as soon as you decide to be
Of the attitude that any issue you can
Get yourself through. The way you feel matters a lot.

Listen With Your Heart

Social Conflict

Everything that we know we must know in a way
That upsets and causes people to congregate
And wreak havoc in public. No one can deny
That the world is in trouble and no one knows why
Because it’s complicated. What can be our fate
If in a state of peace we’re unable to stay?

The cause of human suffering is in the mind.
We process information as symbology
That we treat as the truth which is a huge mistake.
Be discerning of all the agreements you make
With yourself and with others continually.
Be grateful for the smidgen of peace that you find.

Learn to be skeptical but Listen With Your Heart.
It’s were truth resides but it can be distorted
By your words and symbols. They turn out to be lies
When within you there’s a tendency to despise
And the peace that you want remains unsupported.
With oneself is where one must be willing to start.

Use the power of doubt to challenge everything
Offered to you but listen to what’s being said.
Mastery of the human mind requires complete
Attention to your inner truth. It’s when you meet
Up with your heart and try to stay out of your head
That you’ll come to some kind of an understanding.

Don’t Believe Me

Truth Teller

If you believe in reincarnation, it’s good
To see you again. If you don’t, noting I say
Will convince you to think the same way that I do.
Everyone has their particular point of view
Which can change significantly from day to day.
Many things people say are replete with falsehood.

Don’t Believe Me because what I’m telling you now
Is a story. It’s how I see life but it’s true
For me only. I can’t expect you to believe
In my conscious experience. How I perceive
Is unique but it need not be proven to you.
Who would want to get inside my head anyhow?

A wild horse is the mind. It takes you anywhere
That it wants to. It’s a thing you must learn to tame.
Listen to what it’s telling you but don’t become
A victim of its many lies. Get away from
Its influence. You have only yourself to blame
For not giving your consciousness its proper care.

Don’t Believe Me or anyone. The sun will be
In the sky every single day. You don’t need to
Believe in the truth for it to be the truth and
It’s available to you once you understand.
Learn to listen to the still voice inside of you.
It’s the only one that speaks to you truthfully.

Urban Renewal

Evolution of Metal and Silicon

Ancient rubble metallic and dark under light
Of a motionless fake moon amid the night sky
Is obliged to be taken control of by man,
Since it’s all that it’s known since the big lie began –
Not the one most apparent too many deny
But the one built in Eden through programming sleight.

The first man to give birth was also the first man?
Take that pill with a grain of saltpeter and die!
Body parts like the trick rib can only exist
In the mind of a story tale maker. Dismissed
Is all sense that is common. It’s the reason why
Men can do what they want to. God says that they can.

First, throw out the old rule book. Then, start a new game
With a storyline truer to life and nature.
But will we ever get to that point on our own
When the twisting of truth into evil is known
To be strong and effective in tainting what’s pure?
What has been done to humanity is a shame.

Metal can be conductive if of the right kind.
All the rest is the substrate of common belief –
Each of us a discrete component built within
The electronic intelligence of our sin.
Lack of truth in the circuitry causes much grief.
It’s perhaps the sole reason folks become maligned.

We Wear The Mask

Human Prfessions of Pretense

Basic forms of humanity all are but one
Yet discordant illusions are what people wear.
I must put on the character act that I know.
As it smiles and pretends, it puts on a smart show.
Keeping up the performance I do in despair
For the way that things are and the harm that is done.

In my home I am no one I’d care not to be
Necessarily so. But the mask that shines through
The bright soul that’s behind it I’m tasked to maintain.
Other people near me is one huge psychic drain.
If my speech become tainted and shocking in hue
May I then be the wiser in all that I see?

Since I am not this body, nor am I the mind
With susceptible subtleties to clouded view,
The costume and the archetype others require
I may use to express my most heartfelt desire
To know what is acceptance. So long overdue
Is the wisdom and logic of being more kind.

Ever resident turmoil, insidious hate…
All the worst of our species along with the best…
Form an intricate fabric stuck fast in the clay.
Let us smile and cry out with a song to betray
Our true selves and our tortured souls at the behest
Of the world dream transparent we’re doomed to create.