Tag Archive | forking

Becoming Invincible

Bright Day Ahead

So much has come before you. The world has been here
Long before your arrival preparing for you.
You’re Source energy in a physical body
And your purpose is to live your life happily.
All That Is thanks you for your willingness to chew
On the contrast in this physical atmosphere.

All That Is is what Source is and you are the same
Energy that creates worlds. You’re selfish enough
To want to feel good always. You’re fully aware
Of what feels otherwise and you stay clear of there.
You’re prepared for whenever the going gets tough
Because to you this wonderful life is a game.

You have no idea of how worthy you are
So at times you expect choices to be bigger
And harder to make, find, apply, and to achieve.
In such cases you must try your best to believe
That you’re worthy of better. Don’t let it trigger
A downward momentum because you’ve come too far.

All That Is benefits from all that you go through
On your journey but do it for yourself also.
As you do you’ll feel less vulnerability.
You will feel more invincible naturally.
There is no stopping you due to what you now know.
Take advantage of what has been laid out for you.

You Will Never Stop Wanting

Ever Wanting

Do know that life is supposed to be good for you.
You’re Source Energy in a physical body.
So much has come before you. Your inheritance
Is of massive proportion. It isn’t by chance
That you are who you are, and vibrationally,
You’re aligned with your purpose. Each moment is new.

You’re selfish enough to feel as good as you can
By forking in the direction that feels as good
As you can make it feel. You pay more attention
To the way that you feel and to having more fun
Than the chatter of others who say that you should
Be working a lot harder on some noble plan.

You will begin to see physical evidence
That you are queued up to receive wonderful things.
There’s no price to be paid. You are more than worthy
Of the best life can offer. You must be ready
To receive. You will tap into all the wellsprings
Of abundance and spiritual providence.

You will never stop asking for something better.
That was your promise to Source before you came here.
You will understand what’s happening to you and
Why it’s happening to you. You will take command
Of your life. Your outlook will be perfectly clear.
To the universe you are an open letter.