Tag Archive | amassing

It’s Ready

Daily Bread

Life is a well-stocked kitchen that has every kind
Of ingredient anyone could imagine.
You can pluck from the shelves and make your loaf of bread
Or you may decide that you want a cake instead
But there’s no way you would put tabasco sauce in
What you’re baking. The thought never enters your mind.

You may not like tabasco sauce but do not try
To have it thrown out of the kitchen. If you do
You’ll find that it has gotten baked into your cake.
When you push against something it only will make
Things a lot worse. It can get the better of you.
The rights of tabasco sauce you cannot deny.

Just don’t give the tabasco sauce your attention.
It exists on the shelf somewhere. Leave it right there.
Don’t join groups. Don’t protest. It only creates more
Of the thing you don’t want and as ever before
It will haunt you to the point of utter despair.
You can’t establish tabasco sauce prevention.

Keep your consciousness focused on what you’re baking.
In your imagination it’s already done
So just go through the motions and let life evolve
As it should. Not a problem there is to resolve
In this wonderful kitchen that serves everyone.
Be at one with the masterpiece that you’re making.

Hand It Over

Give It All To God

The Receptive Mode is all that I have to give
To myself and to others. The information
Made available to me includes everything
That my heart ever dreamt. The universe will bring
What I’ve asked for intently. It’s much more than done.
Being open to goodness is the way to live.

When I feel that momentum is working against
What I’m doing, it’s high time that I step away
And let infinite forces take over what I
Am making way too difficult. In err I try
To control life’s conditions to my own dismay.
I control but how my vibration is dispensed.

If my vibration is out of whack, I’ll attract
Twilight Zone kinds of episodes. My confusion
Tells the universe that I like being unclear.
It’s not quite that intelligent. It will adhere
To whatever I’m feeling. I’m the only one
Who can tune my vibration and be more exact.

The Receptive Mode is all about self-soothing.
If I’m angry, or worried, or fearful, I can
Find a feeling or thought that is better than now
And the thing that is troublesome, I can allow
The power that creates worlds to follow its plan.
Handing over what’s difficult makes the heart sing.