Tag Archive | laws

Create Big Things

Think Big

Things that are insignificant you can create
Easily. It’s the really big things that are so
Difficult at least that’s the way it seems to be.
It’s true that you create your own reality
But between big and small things it’s good that you know
That there’s no difference. This should make you feel great.

It’s as easy to create a button as it
Is to create a castle. The button is more
Easily believed by you. That’s why it’s easy
To create it. A castle it might as well be
To the universe if that’s what you’re aiming for.
You can create most anything as you see fit.

Ten million dollars is just as easy to make
As ten thousand or twenty. You’re using the same
Application of the Law to three different
Intentions. Only your resistance can prevent
It from happening. Any amount you can claim
As your own. Just believe that it’s a piece of cake.

There’s a mindset that tells you that you’re not worthy.
Try your best to ignore it because it’s not true.
By the power of your wanting you arrived here
To create in this state of the art atmosphere.
You need not justify the creating you do.
Set your sights on the big things and live happily.

You Can’t Stop Existing

Outer Vision

Everything is but one thing. You, me… everything
In existence is of but one intelligence…
One existence, one self-awareness, one being.
All the representations that you are seeing
Are illusions. You try hard to make them make sense
But you find it sometimes futile and frustrating.

Time is a side effect of your own consciousness
Shifting through billions of different parallel
Versions of this reality every moment.
Everything is here and now. You cannot prevent
It from being so. You have your story to tell
Of all that is, which is all that you can express.

You don’t have to learn to attract what you need. Be
The vibration that you prefer – in alignment
With your truth. Let go of the things that are blocking
What you want from becoming because it’s knocking
At your door. Make your happiness your assignment.
What’s to be manifested is done already.

You exist and You Can’t Stop Existing because
Existence is your fundamental quality.
You can never become nonexistent. You can
Change from one form to another but other than
That you can’t not exist. Throughout eternity
You exist according to spiritual laws.

The Impossible Dream

Urban Depression

What you’re seeing and hearing right now is nothing
But a dream. At this moment you’re dreaming with the
Brain awake yet the dream of the planet prevails.
It’s a dream with myriad explicit details
And it’s lived out by all human society.
Onto this way of being you were taught to cling.

The dream of this planet and of society
Is one of rules, beliefs, laws, religions, cultures,
Social events, schools, governments, and holidays.
People come up with grossly elaborate ways
Just to be here as humans. As the dream endures
You believe that it’s the only reality.

You did not have the opportunity to choose
Your beliefs. As a child they were forced upon you
And your domestication brings you suffering.
The emotional drama is a constant thing
To be dealt with in this world. So what can you do
To live your life correctly so that you won’t lose?

Your own personal dream does not have to become
An ongoing nightmare. It can be otherwise.
You’ve made tons of agreements with who, what, and where…
But the ones you make with yourself give special care.
Do whatever in your dream that most satisfies
Your fulfillment. Your heart is where it must come from.

Decide To Get Happy

It's To Laugh

Life is not complicated but we make it so
Because we don’t remember the promise we made
To ourselves before we were born to be happy.
It’s so simple yet we can’t do it easily.
For decades we’ve been on a survival crusade
And we’re weary due to all the pain and sorrow.

Many books have been written about feeling good
But there isn’t anything that you didn’t know
The day you were born. You’re just being reminded
Of what you have forgotten. We’ve all been blinded
By the bright light of reason that won’t let us grow
Into happiness as easily as we should.

Getting happy means making peace with where you are.
In most cases you need not take any action
But do whatever it takes to get yourself there.
About how you feel you must give your utmost care.
In this universe it’s all about attraction
And a state of contentment is never too far.

Being glad to wake up and being excited
About life is delicious. You were meant to be
Happily ever wandering this wonderland.
Simple happiness isn’t hard to understand.
Even in a most fragmented society
You can find a way to always be delighted.

Society’s Laws And Rules

Legal Institution

Laws and rules are a good thing most generally.
Agreements are made to do things a certain way
That is most beneficial to all those involved
But we’re nowhere near having all our problems solved.
Even though they keep us from utter disarray
Lots of them are outdated or wrong completely.

The path of least resistance would be to obey
All the laws and rules anyway. Life insurance,
For example, is something that society
Finds important. It activates uncertainty
In the psyche which complicates the procurance
Of wellbeing, so in a state of fear we stay.

Once fear is activated a predicament
Is created. How to remain law abiding
Is important. Vibrational integrity,
However, is more so, and the more you can be
In alignment, the more you’ll be coinciding
With behavior expected in any event.

The path of least resistance is also the one
Most open to allowing true justice to come
On the heels of alignment and empowerment.
On the way, you remain in the ever present.
You’re the only one who is keeping yourself from
What you want. Within you is the sole solution.

Choosing The People Around Us

Mutual Suspicion

I create my own reality. Does this mean
That I choose those around me like friends, family,
And acquaintances? Their vibrational essence
Is what I choose, and if I should take great offense
To their being in my life, then it’s hard to be
In alignment because my vibration isn’t clean.

I’m creating a vibrational version of
Everything in each moment. The universe fills
In the details. Cooperative components
Are assembled along with the kinds of events
That are like my vibration. The thought gives me chills.
Somewhere in this equation there has to be love.

Love is like getting hungry again long after
A most satisfying meal. I think I’ll never
Be hungry again, but I will. I don’t freak out
When I’m hungry. I don’t keep my mouth shut and pout
Like I used to. I’m open to the endeavor
Of living a life of abundance and laughter.

Contrast is like the next meal and eternally
I will hunger. There’s always going to be more
Right along with more choices. I get to decide
Who I take along on this continuous ride
Through existence. Respect for myself is called for.
To attract what I want is my reason to be.

Law Of Attraction Theory And Practice


For the logical, practical kind of person,
It’s good knowing that the laws of the universe
Are precise, accurate, eternal, unerring,
And unbreakable, so it’s a wonderful thing.
When you think about it, there could be nothing worse
Than chaotic existence where no good is done.

When you trip, it makes sense that you basically
Are in your own way. When it comes to allowing
The process of manifestation to unfold,
You do things unintentionally that will hold
You in place. The vibration that you’re offering
Ultimately turns into your reality.

Make the association between what’s going
On vibrationally and what is taking place
In your life. It can never be a mystery.
You’re a deliberate creator and to be
Where only your creation you care to embrace
Is to be where abundance is overflowing.

Most people don’t have any awareness of their
Creation until it manifests. Negative
Thoughts yield negative outcomes, and positive ones
Lead to positive outcomes and great solutions
To your issues. Is this not a great way to live?
How you feel must be given the utmost of care.

Love Of Life

Joy Of Being

To turn thoughts into things is why you have come here
To this leading-edge planet. You’re an extension
Of divine energy. You are co-creating
With eight billion others. It’s a wonderful thing
To be living in this physical dimension.
There are so many things within it to hold dear.

This environment is one of diversity –
Not of sameness. The world is becoming much more
Than it ever was. You came to participate
In this mass evolution. You appreciate
Every opportunity you have to explore
The contrast to determine how good life can be.

You knew things that you knew you would not remember
Upon coming here. There is a separation
That you fully agreed to, but you have guidance.
Don’t think that you arrived here totally by chance.
You are part of the magnificent creation
Of a life on earth that most people would prefer.

You love taking your inner being to places
That it has never been before. You’re its tour guide
As it leads you to happiness along the way.
It does not condemn you if you choose to betray
Its influence. You have the freedom to decide
To be receptive to spiritual graces.

Get Happy!

Positive Message

So, sing alleluia, and then just Get Happy!
Many books have been written that say just as much,
Yet it’s not complicated nor too difficult
To get there. You’ll be delighted with the result.
You were meant to be one who is warm to the touch.
Be one who folks want to have in their energy.

Do whatever it takes to Get Happy. If you
Have to run away from home or go to the beach
Everyday, then do it. No action is required
Necessarily. Focus on what is desired
Which is happiness. It’s not too far of a reach
From where you are. There’s nothing that you need to do.

Make peace with where you are, then the gap you will close
Between you and your happiness. Your vibration
Emanates directly from how you think and feel.
The power of your happiness can often heal
The problems of the present. Your having more fun
Brings more of it. By now, this is how your life goes.

Find some reason to feel good. Be interested
In something. In you living be fully enthralled.
Be receptive to spiritual energy.
Where you’re going is the place you’re wanting to be.
Do remember that you are the one who is called
And is chosen. Happiness is looking ahead.

Create Big Things

Magic Hands

It’s not more difficult to create a castle
Than it is a button. The same Law applies to
Big things and little things, yet most people believe
That significant things are hardest to achieve.
But the Law of Attraction is not something new.
One can learn all about it without much hassle.

Those who know need not prove a thing to anyone
By their words. Their example is in how they live.
People find them uplifting. They don’t justify
Any good that comes to them. One may wonder why
Such folk don’t get angry nor are they combative.
 Among everyone, they radiate like the sun.

We have all long been programmed into believing
In our unworthiness. To prove ourselves worthy
Is our purpose for living. This cannot be true.
 We are already worthy. All we have to do
Is believe it completely and wholeheartedly.
We can replace doubt with the art of receiving.

We are here to create – not to regurgitate.
By the power of our intent, we’ve emerged here
In this space-time dimension. By our focusing
And allowing, we can manifest anything,
Big or small. So, it then becomes perfectly clear
That our living is never a product of fate.

A Call To Deep Rest

Requirement For Detachment

I must use the word ‘I’ but I does not exist.
And it baffles the rational mind easily
To consider who I is at any moment.
Characters we must play; the body may resent.
If we just keep on acting and show no pity
We may need to befriend a good psychiatrist.

I am not the performer. The roles that I play
Represent parts of myself who act out of fear.
I am not the damned poet that I’d love to be
Nor am I my well crafted personality.
What I am truly is something sacred and dear.
I am that which is programmed to stand in its way.

Sadness happens to everyone once in a while
And is brief in duration, whatever the cause.
Depression is a different animal, though.
It’s my body informing me that it wants no
More to do with my avatar. So it withdraws
Into a state of disease to where I can’t smile.

When the body says, “Screw you,” and it is ignored,
Then in retaliation it will be depressed.
Depressed means that a Deep Rest is clearly called for.
I must answer that calling. My act is a chore
That I use for survival. Yet there’s no conquest
That is of more significance than self explored.