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Mostly Vibrational

Blended Realities

You are Mostly Vibrational. Your frequency
Is determined in any moment by how you
Think and feel. It creates your point of attraction.
When you’re in a state of complete satisfaction
Then you’re able to let what you wish for come true.
Your vibration is best when it’s resistance free.

You can manifest what you want if you’re willing
For a little while to let it be about how
It feels to have what you want. Feeling enhances
Your desire so that much better are your chances
Of receiving what you want. This way you allow
Your life to be rich, wholesome, and most fulfilling.

Abstract nouns are that way because they’re vibration
As is everything yet the distinction is made
Between vibration and physical beingness.
Nothing comes into being in this world unless
It is first a vibration so don’t be afraid
That it isn’t the proper start of creation.

You exist in this physical reality
Which is Mostly Vibrational so that you can
Sift and sort through the contrast and practice your skill
At bringing things into existence by your will
And your conscious intent. They’re more powerful than
Your resistance to living your life happily.

Being Happy

Pure Happiness

There’s no mystery to it. It’s simply a choice
That you make to be happy. All it takes is your
Willingness to look forward – not where you have been.
Many doors of opportunity open when
You get happy. When you do you get a lot more
Out of life. This is probable cause to rejoice.

People may ask you, “How are you doing?” But you
Don’t want to answer that question. Where you’re going
Is what you want to tell them so answer that way.
They may not understand anything that you say.
The only thing they’re interested in knowing
Is if you’ve been successful in all that you do.

Where you are now and where you’ve been are not where you
Want to focus. You cannot have been and you can’t
Be as good as you’ve become vibrationally.
Where you’re going is really where you want to be.
When you feel it’s appropriate go on a rant
About it. Always maintain your positive view.

The larger part of you has already gone where
You have pointed it. Follow it and you will be
Delighted on your journey. To not go is to
Deny yourself of the blessings offered to you.
It’s not difficult to live your life happily
When with how you are feeling you fervently care.

The Direction Of Your Thoughts

Good Thinking

If you’re in the middle of a conversation
And it’s taking you down, smile and end it. If your
Body feels stiff and tired, get up and move around
Whatever the problem some relief can be found.
Any issue that you may have has its own cure
And your thoughts are the basis of your creation.

In the same way that if you’ve been sitting too long
You want to get up and stretch, sometimes you’re involved
In a thought that’s not serving you. What can you do?
Change it to something that’s more uplifting to you.
You must know that your problems will not be resolved
In an instant but know that nothing can go wrong.

Life is meant to be fun. Embrace the contrasting
Moments as part of your magnificent journey
To the things that your wanting then life will be sweet
For the most part. The world and its people will treat
You much better. You’re meant to live life happily.
It’s possible for it to be everlasting.

Change The Direction Of Your Thoughts anytime you
Feel discomfort with what’s going on in your mind.
Nothing is more important than your feeling good.
Everything is working out for you as it should.
Your emotional guidance system is designed
To direct you toward where you want to get to.

Living In The Now

Momentary Midday Pleasure

Make it your highest priority to live more
In the present if you want to live happily.
You don’t need lots of money and all the nice things
It can buy. What’s found in the present moment brings
You the insight to experience ecstasy.
Within you is all that you ever have need for.

All unhappiness is formed when you get away
From what is most important – this present moment.
Disappointment and anger come from focusing
On the past. Fixation on the future will bring
Worry, stress, and anxiety. Conscious intent
Is required so that you in the present will stay.

Use this moment to appreciate anything
You can think of – the breath of abundant fresh air
That you’re taking in – the energy inside you –
How the cells of your body know just what to do
To keep you in the best of health. Just be aware
Of the goodness and wellbeing that’s happening.

When the things you do are infused with your presence
Everything you do is done with more quality,
More connection, and more love. There’s greater success
On all levels. The measure of your happiness
Is how connected to the present you can be.
Happily ever after you live your life hence.

Incremental Unfolding

Plans Laid Out

Things go smoothly when you’re in the receiving mode.
Many exciting ideas come to you when
You tune into that on a regular basis
In the desert of life you find your oasis
As good things happen for you again and again.
Unto you many blessings of living are flowed.

Discover what non-resisted thought will bring you.
It’s the focus that actualizes all things
That you deem wonderful about your time and place.
Know that there’s nothing in the world you need to chase.
Just relax and allow what the universe brings
Right to you without your having a thing to do.

You have access to the energy that creates
Everything in existence and when you become
A vibrational match to this vast energy
Then you will come to know how happy life can be.
Take pride in the fact that you’re beating your own drum
To the tune of the satisfaction that awaits.

You’ve practiced yourself into alignment with it.
You’ve withstood all the harassment from people who
Can’t see what you can see from your place of knowing.
What you know will assist you in further growing
As a spirit. The most extended part of you
Exists solely for your personal benefit.

Your Ego

Self Awareness

It talks to you constantly and to everyone
You may meet in a language that usually
Conveys physical presence. It feels a great need
To protect itself and this too often can lead
To miscommunication. You cannot agree
On a viable spiritual solution.

It’s a good thing but sometimes it gets in the way
Of spiritual progress. It can however
Be aligned with your spirit. When this happens you
Are fulfilling your purpose in all that you do
Yet sometimes the spirit and ego don’t concur
And it can put a terrible cramp in your day.

From your higher self you receive information
About what to do, where to go, and who to meet.
This in fact is your ego. It’s that part of you
Who knows everything that you’ve paid attention to
Your whole life. It knows what will make you feel complete.
Your ego can be your cause for celebration.

People have been trying to make the ego this
Physical part of you that is trying to learn
Its way back to connection with eternity.
It can be lost easily unfortunately.
Nothing about the ego should be of concern
As you focus on being in a state of bliss.

Time Has Come

Consumption Of Spirit

We are standing at the threshold of a nightmare
Or the beginning of a whole new way of life.
Artificial intelligence is promoted
By a few folk who are only interested
In pure profit. How can it eliminate strife?
When you’re down on your luck how could a robot care?

Are they themselves the result of what a human
Being will evolve into when disconnected
From the real force of the universe? Is there light
Within the human heart? Do they know wrong from right?
There are some whose hearts will never be affected
By the feelings of others. It’s not in their plan.

Yet the kingdom of heaven is within us all.
Difficult it is to see how this can be true
Nowadays but we must remember who we are
And what our purpose is. We have strayed way too far
Off the right path. Is there anything we can do?
Will our ignorance ultimately be our fall?

We are light beings with access to the greatest
Medicine. It is the light consciousness within.
We can radiate wholeness, love, and compassion
Rather than fear and hatred. We will have begun
Something worthy of passing to our next of kin.
In the future of our species we must invest.

Looking Forward

In The Distance

You have to begin telling the story of where
You are going – not where you are or where you’ve been.
Looking Forward is looking where your spirit knows
You should be and you must go where your spirit goes.
You’ll find satisfaction with yourself only when
You decide that you’re going to get yourself there.

If someone asks, “How are you?” you want to hear that
And then translate that into, “Where are you going?”
In your own mind. You don’t want to answer the way
They’d expect so to them you can truthfully say
That your cup of abundance is overflowing.
You can put meaning into your idle chitchat.

“How have you been?” You don’t even want to go there.
How and where you’ve been isn’t where you want to be.
Say to them, “Everything’s unfolding as it should.”
This response from you may not be well understood
But you can coax them into your reality.
All about where you’re going is what you can share.

The much larger part of you has already gone
To where you want to be. Somewhere along the trail
You’ll get stuck but don’t fret. Just remember that you
With your conscious intention can think something new.
Be content in knowing that your truth will prevail.
It’s one thing that you can always depend upon.

The Power Of Nonresistant Thought


Discover what nonresistant thought will bring you
In the way of wellbeing and all you desire.
Take the time to remember who you really are
Deep inside. You may find that you’re not very far
From that being who you know will never require
A thing from you. This part of yourself is most true.

As you blissfully daydream you find yourself there
In that space where your thoughts aren’t contradictory.
Nonresistant though is thought that doesn’t hold back
Due to feelings of unworthiness or of lack.
You don’t doubt that what you’re thinking could come to be.
Only of what you want are you fully aware.

Because you’ve practiced yourself into alignment
You know it when you feel it so you can get there
By your consciously choosing to be there. If you
Want to be in alignment the thing you must do
Is give up the complaining and give utmost care
To your purpose and spiritual refinement.

You become a vibrational match to that part
Of yourself that is most evolved and the most wise
By allowing your thoughts to flow freely without
Contradiction, anxiety, or hint of doubt.
The journey becomes easy once you realize
That it is from the thinking mind back to the heart.

Moving On From The Past

Boring Moment

“With my past I’m unhappy. I deeply regret
Things that I’ve done to others. I’m disconnected
From my true self. The gap between me and what I
Mostly want keeps expanding. I cannot deny
That perhaps I deserve being disrespected.
I’m a fool to incur such emotional debt.”

Anytime you feel strong negative emotion
And it’s chronic it means that your thinking is wrong.
If you can learn your lessons and feel true remorse
You can get past it and get your life back on course.
Take your mind off of what you did. Sing a new song.
To your now moment you must give full devotion.

You can’t do much about the mess you left behind.
You just have to let it go and accept that you
Did it all then move on. Your point of attraction
Is enhanced. Don’t pay penance for what you have done
In the past. To the present your heart must be true.
Find the best feeling thoughts to recover your mind.

A new mindset is needed. You’re moving toward
Something better – not away from something not right.
What prevents you from experiencing wholeness
Is your focus on ‘what is.’ It causes you stress.
Pay attention only to what brings you delight.
Any thought contrary to it must be ignored.

Your Only Work

Daily Pleasure

Your desires are already in place. Are they not?
And you did put them all there arbitrarily
And with explicit detail. How well things work out
When of your vibrational escrow you’ve no doubt.
Culmination of your desires happens to be
What it holds. Do believe that there’s an awful lot.

The good job, the relationship, the piece of mind
And wellbeing that you want are all on their way
Into your life experience. Your work is now
To relax. Put yourself in the state to allow
Things to manifest for you. You know how to stay
In alignment. The good feeling thoughts you can find.

Your job is to get within the vicinity
Of your wanting. Do Not focus upon its lack.
Everything that you’re wanting is ready for you.
The more appreciating and loving you do
Then a whole lot more of the same you will get back.
You have done most of your work. Now just let it be.

Laugh more, play more, cruise more, bask more, and meditate
More. Do the things that soothe you into alignment.
Treat yourself as you would treat your very best friend.
The only thing of importance is that you tend
To your point of attraction. Your time is well spent
Having fun. Do it right now. You don’t have to wait.

Moving On From The Past

Staring At Time

When you feel chronic strong negative emotion
About something you’re nurturing a flawed premise –
And untruth – a big lie. Your inner being knows
All about you. Nothing is left in the shadows
And it loves you. Now what could be better than this?
Worthiness is a self-reassuring notion.

If you’re not happy with yourself for not being
Able to connect with yourself, your awareness
Of the feeling of emptiness keeps you apart
From all that you hold sacred and dear to your heart.
If it’s the past that’s causing you all the distress
Then you need a much different way of seeing.

Moving On From The Past means you’re moving toward
Something better – not away from something that’s bad.
Your awareness of what is keeps you in a place
Where you’re ornery and have a frown on your face
Constantly and no one wants to be your comrade.
The cost to your consciousness you cannot afford.

If it feels horrible to go there, Let It Go!
If it’s messing with your now and what’s coming next
Then you have to decide which is better for you.
Shift your focus to something positive and new.
Let the past go and give it its proper respects.
The releasing of baggage will help you to grow.

Shift Your Attention Inward For Answers

Inward Looking Head

Instead of looking outward look inward to find
The answers to your questions. When you look outside
Of yourself then control and manipulation
Enter the picture. How is looking inward done?
Is there some kind of process that can be applied
To look inward? What if one is not so inclined?

What you want to create is authentic power.
Looking inward accomplishes that easily.
It’s not difficult and there’s no special technique
To follow. If it’s answers to questions you seek
Then just go there. Your focus is necessary
For ideas planted to begin to flower.

There are two worlds – the outer world and the inner.
What happens on the inside is more important
Than the external drama. The world you perceive
With you physical senses will make you believe
In its absolute reality and you can’t
Shake that notion. The mind must completely concur.

Multi-sensory beings we’re all becoming.
The soul wants harmony and cooperation.
In a world ruled by external power we can
Find the time to look inward. This is the best plan
To be focused on for your soul’s evolution.
Shifting your attention inward means everything.

Spiritual Growth Requires Relationships

Matching Pieces

The substance of your interactions with others
Forms the basis of your spiritual growth. You
Need relationships that will help you to become
More emotionally evolved. When you come from
A place of love you have no problem getting through
Difficulties as your own life story occurs.

As you interact with others you activate
Loving and frightened parts of them. They do the same
To your loving and frightened parts. Between the two
You must distinguish and it will benefit you
To choose consciously. You have but yourself to blame
For relinquishing power and not thinking straight.

When you consciously choose love while you’re feeling fear
That’s creating authentic power. It may be
Difficult in the beginning but with practice
You will be in a perpetual state of bliss
And the angry part of your personality
Will diminish and in a short time disappear.

The part of you that’s grateful, appreciative,
Content, caring, and patient is who you want to
Give attention to. Relationships are the key
To spiritual growth and living happily.
People benefit greatly from this part of you
And for you this can be the only way to live.

What Is Authentic Power?

Triple Pairs Of Hands

When the personality comes fully to serve
The energy of the soul, that’s called Authentic
When you allow your soul to be your guide

Is when you’re your most powerful. When you decide
That it’s natural then life becomes a picnic.
Most of it is experienced in joyous verve.

Some have called it the sweet spot. We’re all meant to be
In that place where we feel confident and alive.
There has been a huge shift in human consciousness
For the better. We have some issues to address
But the hate isn’t nearly enough to deprive
Those who aren’t ill of happiness and liberty.

What’s the energy of the soul? It’s undefined
At the five sensory level. One can discern
What it is by engaging in meditation.
Once it’s found then a search for the truth is begun
And you’ll be more enlightened upon your return
To your normal state. You’ll have clarity of mind.

I am not I. I am this one walking beside
Me whom I do not see, who sometimes I manage
To visit and whom at other times I forget.
The one who remains silent while I talk is yet
The same one who forgives and who wants to engage
Me in laughter. My fulfillment can’t be denied.

Find Your Purpose

Intense Focus

It’s not something you look for by magnifying
What’s in front of you or anywhere else for that
Matter. Your purpose can only be found within
You. It can be found easily when you begin
To use your inner guidance. You’ll get better at
Finding what to do that is most satisfying.

You know that what you resist only shows up more
In your life so the difference between knowing
When to let go and do nothing and to push on
Is the guidance within you. When all hope is gone
You can rely on what your guidance is showing
To you clearly as ever it has done before.

The intuitive voice within you tells you when
You’re not honest with yourself so it’s your conscience
Telling you that you shouldn’t have done this or that.
You cannot turn it off so what you’re looking at
Is what keeps your wheel turning yet at the expense
Of your ego but you can make it whole again.

It’s the voice that you don’t want to hear but you must
Listen to it and do what it tells you to do.
Give it your best shot and let go of the outcome.
Anything that you want to do has to come from
Deep within you. When you access that part of you
You’ll find your purpose. In the process you must trust.

Laws And Tools

Mystical Contact

Many laws of the universe there are and they
Are consistent. The physics of gravity and
Inertia are examples of laws that apply
To all physical objects. No thing can defy
The power of such laws. All one can understand
Is that they are a big part of everyone’s day.

There’s one which has been called the Law of Attraction.
There’s not all that much to it. It’s not a huge deal
For the one who is ready to take full command
Of one’s life. First and foremost one must understand
That attracting is all about feeling with zeal
One’s desires until they’ve reached manifestation.

The law of deliberate creation is not
A law. It’s an activity. It’s a focus
And a tool for fulfillment of one’s heart’s desire.
It takes no effort at all for one to acquire
The mindset that is needed for a glorious
Transformation which can never cost one a lot.

The law of allowing is not actually
A law. It’s the accomplishment of something called
A vibration which is one’s point of attraction.
If it’s done well it leads to one’s satisfaction.
Life is awesome when one is completely enthralled
And consumed with creating their reality.

Momentum In Every Thought

Thought Under Construction

Long division is simple, that is if you know
Your times tables. If you don’t, it can be a bear.
Any third grader knows this and that it’s required
To get through mathematics. They often get tired
Of the memorization aspect. They don’t care
For the work involved. Progress may be rather slow.

This is similar to the Law off Attraction.
There are fundamental concepts one must master
To allow things to work themselves out correctly.
You can manifest anything if you can be
In the state of receiving. It can come faster
If you stop treating it like a complex fraction.

Your emotional guidance system helps you to
Sift through contrast. You’re in a situation where
There’s a shift in the current. As it picks up speed,
Know that you have everything in the world you need
To live life to its fullest. The more that you care
About how you feel, the more good things come to you.

Negative emotion means you’re not connected
To your higher self and to all that you desire.
Recognize when you’re there. Do something about it.
The creative process is for your benefit.
Manifest the next thought that will take you higher
Than you are now. Your whole life will be affected.

Once You Get This

The Moment Of Profound Inspiration

Remember long division? It was such a bear
Because nobody does it but kids and teachers.
Calculators were invented to do that work.
We insist still on driving our young ones berserk.
It’s because they must graduate with full features.
It may be rather daunting and lead to despair.

So you’re stuck doing homework your child cannot do.
Long division’s a killer. He’s not good at math,
And his grades do reflect it. You give it a shot
And then check it hoping that you will not be caught.
He may guess that his teacher is some psychopath
Who believes mental torture is healthy for you.

When you spend some time with him, you come to find out
That he knows not his times tables. He just guesses.
Once this fault is corrected, then math is a breeze.
First Things First is the lesson here, then the child sees
That he can do his math work once he addresses
What is needed in order to mitigate doubt.

This is just like the Law Of Attraction in that
One must master the basics before anything
Of significance comes to manifestation.
Every problem then has only one solution.
Feel yourself into having. This one thing can bring
What you’re after. You must have the basics down pat.