Tag Archive | baby

Naivety Trouble

Funny Together

Women want to know different things about men
Like how tall they are, what they do for a living,
And perhaps how well they are at conversation.
If you find yourself in a love situation
Then you know that it’s all about what your giving
To the relationship so that it will strengthen.

Women want men who they cannot manipulate
First and foremost. They don’t want someone who’s naïve.
If a man believes everything a woman says
Then it’s probable that he will make poor choices
Regarding life in general. One can deceive
Such a man easily. It’s a negative trait.

Even if she’s planning to cheat on you she still
Wants to know that you can wake up to this and show
Your righteous indignation. If you can’t see through
Her conniving then something’s the matter with you
In her mind. This is something that you need to know.
People will take advantage of their own free will.

A man who can spot threats in his environment
Is attractive to women. When you show you care
For her safety and comfort she will honor you
For your wisdom and valor. In all that you do
Make sure that compromise and affection you share.
Tending to your relationship is time well spent.

Stop Looking For It And It Will Come

Big Looking

Something’s lost. You can’t find it. So what do you do?
You start looking all over the place once again.
Still it’s not showing up. Now you’re in panic mode.
At some point you approach a decisive crossroad.
You give up and forget about it which is when
Information about where it is comes to you.

When you know that the universe knows where things are
Then you know that the knowledge of their location
Is available to you. You have to chill out
And stop entertaining thoughts of worry and doubt.
Searching further will only lead to frustration.
Anything that is lost cannot be very far.

When you’re not spending so much time worrying where
It could possibly be you become open to
The impulse to look somewhere you wouldn’t expect
Otherwise. This information you can’t reject.
You’ll be stuck in eternal search mode if you do.
There are many things found in your life. Focus there.

There’s nothing outside of your reach. You just have to
Train yourself to the frequency of it and be
More trusting of the universe to deliver
What you need to know to you. It is the giver
Of all knowledge. Your goal is to live happily.
All that’s lost will then make its way to finding you.

Love Is The Basis Of All

Colorful Hearts

I watched a documentary featuring bears.
Mother bear and her baby were taking honey
From a hive. The bees paid no attention to them.
Could it be that the bees had no will to condemn
The bears maybe because the bees had quite plenty
Not minding that the hungry bears took what was theirs?

As the bears lapped up honey they got honey all
Over themselves, so mama bear started licking
Baby bear. Then I wondered if the mother bear
Loved her baby or the honey. Did the bear care
More about one than the other? Is nitpicking
The issue really worth it? Are these questions small?

Last night I had a dream about these bears and me.
In it I was that baby bear. I felt profound
Love for me from my mother. I experienced
Nothing like this. This natural love she dispensed
Echoes throughout the universe and it’s unbound.
It’s how everything in existence came to be.

Sometimes I don’t allow the love in because I
Have chosen to take in all the terrible news
Then I think that love isn’t the powerful force
It’s made out to be. This is fallacious of course.
In each moment I have the wherewithal to choose
Love over fear and hatred. Love I can’t deny.

Stop Looking For It

Futility Of Searching

Everyone loves a good story. Here’s a nice one
Where the Law of Attraction is the basic theme.
A lady with her baby went shopping for shoes.
There were many boutiques and shops from which to choose.
They later stopped at a place for cake and ice cream.
The whole day was one filled with excitement and fun.

She bought shoes for her little one. They were not cheap,
Yet she purchased them for sentimental value.
The shoes went onto the baby’s feet at the mall.
Seeing her in them was the best feeling of all.
When they got home, one shoe was missing. Not a clue
Did she have of its whereabouts. She did not weep.

But she did search the whole mall the very next day
Hoping she’d come across it. She searched high and low
Trying to retrace her steps, but it was useless.
She was disappointed, but she didn’t express
Feelings of desperation. No woe did she show.
Only her optimistic self was on display.

After days having gone by, she decided to
Go back to the mall with the one shoe on her child.
She found it to be odd, but she went with her gut.
People would think that she was some kind of a nut,
But her own intuition rendered her beguiled
By the provident universe’s point of view.

When she got to the mall with her child with one shoe,
She was in the right mood for receptivity.
Ignoring her self-consciousness, she went along
With the knowing inside her that nothing was wrong.
Then some teenaged girls approached her excitedly
With the lost shoe’s location. This story is true.

Once You Stop Looking For It, It Finds You

Stop Searching

A baby with just one shoe… now that’s an odd thing
To behold in a stroller at the shopping mall.
What is this mother thinking? Is she not aware
That the child’s shoe is missing? Indeed she must care
That it is. It’s apparent that she’s dropped the ball.
What is she doing to well protect her offspring?

A few days ago actually it’s been gone.
She was at the same mall, and she search everywhere
She could think of without any kind of success.
In a while she decided to give up the stress
It was causing her. By her not choosing to bear
Any blame, she has her spirit to rely on.

No longer in a negative state, she received
And impulse to return to the mall with her child
Wearing only the one shoe. This seemed to her strange,
She went with her gut. The universe did arrange
But the perfect encounter, and she got a wild
Stoke of luck that would otherwise not be believed.

A group of teenaged girls wondered by, and one said
With excitement upon seeing the little one,
“The other shoe’s in the lady’s room at Macys.”
Then one offered to get it. Events such as these
Are available to everyone. Do not shun
What comes to you by impulse. Act on it instead.