Tag Archive | ornery

Your Best You


You’re a spiritual being with consciousness
In a physical body temporarily
Having a human experience here on earth.
Your legacy of wellbeing precedes your birth.
You came eagerly forth into this world to be
Your Best You. You can’t settle for anything less.

When you stand in your now moment someway somehow
You have practiced yourself into a high flying
Vibration where you’re not ornery or upset
Or grossly overcome with feelings of regret.
Every moment can be very satisfying
When your highest vibration you learn to allow.

You are pure positive energy and when you
Allow that inspiration to flow you become
An invincible being as you’re meant to be
And when you have tuned to your highest frequency
You’re connected to where all good tidings come from.
You’re the energy that makes your wishes come true.

Know that you’re an extension of Source energy.
When you feel clarity and passion you’re aware
Of its presence within you. That’s when you’re your best.
Life is your oyster when Your Best You is expressed.
It’s the You that you should be most willing to share
With the world to ensure that you’ll live happily.

Feel Better Anyway

Reluctant Acceptance

In and of itself, contrast conceptually
Is a good thing although it may not seem so when
It feels like constant struggle while getting nowhere.
Often times it puts you in a state of despair.
Things change into the same things all over again.
Is there any hope of your ever getting free?

Contrast is fantastic. Life is like a buffet
Where there are many kinds of things from which to choose
So you could simply call contrast variety.
The thing that makes it bad is your choosing poorly.
As life happens just take it as really good news
And believe that things are always going your way.

Contrast lets you make choices. You get to decide
How to feel in each moment. You can choose to feel
Good about it whatever it happens to be.
You can experience your contrast happily
By deciding that it’s not that big of a deal.
How you feel you can use as your ultimate guide.

Things get better when you feel better. It’s a fact
So decide to feel better. It’s the only way
To get through what you’re going through confidently.
You evolve to the point where you’re able to see
Only positive aspects regarding your day.
With your higher self always be in good contact.

Love Is Knocking At Your Door

Love Enterance

You want someone in your life to give your love to.
That’s a given. But are you cooperating
Enough so that you’re being drawn into your own
Vortex of Creation? It’s tough being alone
When you want a companion more than anything
But don’t fret. Things are always working out for you.

Your Vortex is where your lover is and it’s where
Everything that you want is. Your vitality,
Clarity, and the answers to questions that you
Have been asking the universe give you a new
Effervescence as you entertain happily
The notion of togetherness with loving care.

Don’t be anxious about it. If you’re ornery
And you keep iterating the fact that you don’t
Have a lover yet you will begin to complain
That it isn’t fair and it will drive you insane.
With all the negative clutter you lover won’t
Happen for you and you’ll remain in misery.

You’re so right about wrongness but don’t focus there
Even though it’s pervasive. Prepare yourself for
Receiving all you’ve asked for – your lover as well.
Let the fairies of the universe cast a spell
That enhances your readiness forevermore.
Of all of your wishes coming true be aware.

Just Hook Up And Point At What You Want

Pointing Upward

The receiving mode never includes negative
Emotion. It is never the pushing against
Mode. It always feels enticing, satisfying,
And expansive. It doesn’t require my trying
Hard until the manifestation has commenced.
I’m ready for what the universe wants to give.

The receiving mode is my most natural state.
It’s appealing. It calls me. It’s fascinating,
Interesting, and clarifying. When I’m out
Of that state I’m consumed with confusion and doubt
And I don’t benefit from what I’m creating
By my asking how I can best cooperate.

I know that things are always working out for me.
I’m supposed to have power. The tantrums I throw
Indicate that within me something has gone wrong.
I can easily get back to where I belong
Which is happy. I’m here to do that and to grow
In the process. It’s everyone’s reason to be.

What do I want? Everything is open to me.
I can ponder the question and find fulfillment
In just doing that. In the mode of receiving
My chances of eventually achieving
Lasting happiness are best. By being content
I remain in touch with who I came here to be.

Starting Your Day

Beginning The Segment

When you first start out your day – anytime, really –
You get to choose which frequency you will tune to.
Things are already moving. Law of Attraction
Picks up right from where you are. If nothing is done
To align yourself with the better part of you,
Then the peace that you would have will not come to be.

If you had an argument with someone last night
Then you start that whole ball of wax over again
By defending yourself and by justifying
Just how wrong they were, then you’re only denying
Yourself of who you really are. You will know when
The events of the present day don’t turn out right.

In the same way, you can’t tune your radio dial
To ninety-seven FM and expect to hear
What’s broadcasted on ninety-five FM because
The frequencies are different. These are the laws
Of the physics of this world. It’s perfectly clear
That you should choose a frequency that is worthwhile.

And that’s easy. You simply have to be aware
Of your point of attraction, and then do something
About it if it’s tainted. You evaluate
How you feel in each moment. You get to create
Your experience, and it’s exhilarating
To behold life improving because of your care.