Tag Archive | harmony

Tapping Into The Energy

Energy Source

Feel Your Worthiness. That’s the key to everything
About life. The way for you to feel it is by
Focusing on something you want to manifest
Without any resistance. Believe that your blessed
To receive it. By expressing the reasons why
You deserve it you’ll get what will make your heart sing.

Find an interesting thought and follow it out.
Let it please you just because it feels good to be
Contemplating something that brings pleasure to you.
Keep on thinking it. The universe caters to
The one who has learned how to live life happily.
That you’re worthy there shouldn’t be a hint of doubt.

If good things happen for you but not under your
Conscious awareness you might call it luck or fate
Or something outside of you but this isn’t so.
Nothing is outside of you as long as you know
Very well how to stay in a positive state.
Of your capacity for joy you can be sure.

Witness things falling into place all around you
And look for positive aspects in everything.
Start deliberately finding things you adore
Then the provident universe will bring you more
Things just like it. The vibration you’re offering
Is the determining factor in all you do.

Delegate To The Universe

Spiritual Group

People put way too much effort into living.
Busy schedules and deadlines keep us in a state
Of anxiety constantly. Is it okay
For the body and soul to go on in this way?
One can live well by learning to appreciate
Everything in existence that is life giving.

Set some time aside to pay more attention to
The spiritual part of you. Get away from
The chaos and confusion for just a short while.
You can do this no matter what kind of lifestyle
You may have. Meditation can help you become
More relaxed. It’s one of many things you can do.

This intelligent universe knows all about
Who you are down to the most explicit detail.
It knows your thoughts and feelings and what excites you.
It wants to help you in everything that you do.
When you look at your life in this way you can’t fail
But you must not harbor any lingering doubt.

Delegate To The Universe. It doesn’t mind
Taking some of the load off of your busy day.
Tell the universe exactly what you want done
Then go off and have all kinds of outrageous fun.
Your workload will diminish for you in this way.
It’s the best orchestrator of things you will find.

What Is Now And What’s Coming

Group Surprise

You don’t need anyone else to agree with you
About what you want, and of course, that sounds absurd
But your focus should only be on your desire
So some discipline on your part it does require.
It must not feel at all like fulfillment deferred.
You do whatever your heart is inspired to do.

What you want is still in its vibrational state
Which means you can’t perceive it but you can feel it
And attune to its frequency. You can be one
With the thing that you want then consider it done.
You attract by the energy that you transmit.
You want always to deliberately create.

When ‘what is’ holds your attention then you’re not in
The receiving mode. You don’t pick up on the clues
Laid out for you. Your timing’s off. You can’t relate
To most people and you cannot appreciate
Possible blessings coming. Your attitude screws
With your purpose. At the game of life you can’t win.

You must be satisfied with what’s coming although
It’s the vibrational version. Know that it will
Manifest. What Is Now And What’s Coming are two
Different frequencies and what’s waiting for you
Is a wonderful life. Can’t you go for the thrill
Of what’s coming especially since you don’t know?

Reaching For Satisfaction

Totally Relaxed

Freedom, growth, and joy are the three reasons that you
Decided to take part in this experience
As a physical being. You satisfaction
Is dependent upon your point of attraction.
Reaching For Satisfaction boosts you confidence
In your doing the things that you’ve chosen to do.

You’re so free you can choose to hold yourself apart
From the blessings you have coming as you decide
To remain in a bad mood. If you choose to stay
Satisfied in each moment then throughout your day
The floodgates of wellbeing will be opened wide.
You’ve the freedom to give each moment a fresh start.

Growth happens naturally because the contrast
Causes you to ask which causes the expansion
Of the universe. The whole creative process
Cannot exist to your satisfaction unless
You make joy your priority. By having fun
Many blessings begin to accumulate fast.

Joy is easy to get to once you’re in a state
Of complete satisfaction with where you are now.
Life is supposed to be satisfying for you.
Your feelings are worth your paying attention to.
Find delight in your journey and learn to allow
All the wonderful things in your life that await.

Feel Your Best

Simple Happiness

Find just one simple thing that always makes you smile.
It can be something big or small or in-between
But your focus upon it must bring you delight.
That you can be joyful always only seems right.
Happiness is your own spiritual hygiene.
Every feeling and thought that you have is worthwhile.

Let the good feeling thought resonate within you.
Let it gather momentum. It’s most important
To stay with it and milk it for all that it’s got.
What comes true is what you do think about a lot.
There’s no law in the universe that says you can’t
Feel Your Best. It’s something easy for you to do.

We all have those things in our life experience
That can make us feel better as well as those things
That upset us. Which way to feel would you prefer?
If you want happiness in your life to occur
Then be receptive to the infinite wellsprings
Of wellbeing. The power you have is immense.

“I’ve asked and it’s been given. So won’t it be nice
When I rendezvous with it? I’m really going
To enjoy it and I’m gaining more clarity
About how I can live my life more happily
Ever after. I trust in my inner knowing.
I can count absolutely on its wise advice.”

Remain Stable

Ominous Horizon

There’s always something coming to you. The questions,
Because you can’t turn off your point of attraction,
Are, “From where is it coming?” and, “What influence
Am I under as it’s coming?”
Does it make sense

To search hard for the answers with but a fraction
Of a clue and oblivious to suggestions?

People rise or lower to the expectations
Of others. Learn to not to let people train you
Through their behavior or through their disappointment
In their own life experiences. Discontent
In others will eventually make you blue.
Get yourself out of unhealthy situations.

Their best selves are what you want to tune yourself to –
Not their egos who always want to criticize
But you must first find harmony from deep within
Your own heart. Blessings come to you when you begin
Treating others – even the ones who you despise –
With compassion and love. It’s the right thing to do.

If you fear going to some places because you
Feel uneasy when you’re there then you haven’t tuned
Yourself properly. Don’t let the environment
Determine how you feel. You’re one hundred percent
In control of your feelings. You can heal the wound
Of perceived consternation and come out anew.

Freedom, Growth, And Joy

Street Happy

Into this life experience each of us comes
With a triad of intentions. They are freedom,
Growth, and joy, and they are intended equally.
To reach for satisfaction you’re perfectly free
And in doing so all kinds of blessings will come
Showering down upon you in infinite sums.

Expansion or growth happens as you’re reaching for
Satisfaction. The contrast of life causes you
To ask for something better. That is expansion.
You can grow while you’re having a whole lot of fun
In fact joy is required to get the other two
Activated. Your energy tends to be more.

Satisfied with the potential of things getting
Better, you energize your point of attraction.
That’s enough for you. Just feeling good is okay
Because you know that good things are coming your way.
It all happens because of your satisfaction.
You are free to feel your best in any setting.

Why do you think you want whatever it may be?
It’s because you think you will feel better but you
Can feel better in the present. You’ve already
What you want though it exists vibrationally.
Tapping into you true self is all you need do.
You intended to live your life here happily.

Satisfaction And Joy

Happy Children

Each of us comes into this life experience
With three equal intentions. You came for freedom,
Growth, and joy. You are your own point of attraction.
From reality you could use some distraction.
You’ve the freedom to even cut yourself off from
Happiness but you do so at major expense.

You’re free to find alignment or not. You’re free to
Think this or that. Your freedom is an absolute
Promise to you and you cannot help but to grow.
Through the creative process you can come to know
Satisfaction And Joy. You will have an acute
Understanding and clarity in what you do.

Even though you see no direct route to what you
May be wanting you’re satisfied in the knowing
That there is one. The satisfaction indicates
Your alignment with your source. Indeed it creates
The very vibration that gets good things flowing
Into your life all due to your positive view.

Reaching for Satisfaction And Joy is the way
To find alignment with freedom and expansion.
Unless your intention is to find harmony
With yourself you won’t be the person you could be.
Do believe in the practice of having more fun.
You’ve no one but your inner being to obey.

Shift Your Attention Inward For Answers

Inward Looking Head

Instead of looking outward look inward to find
The answers to your questions. When you look outside
Of yourself then control and manipulation
Enter the picture. How is looking inward done?
Is there some kind of process that can be applied
To look inward? What if one is not so inclined?

What you want to create is authentic power.
Looking inward accomplishes that easily.
It’s not difficult and there’s no special technique
To follow. If it’s answers to questions you seek
Then just go there. Your focus is necessary
For ideas planted to begin to flower.

There are two worlds – the outer world and the inner.
What happens on the inside is more important
Than the external drama. The world you perceive
With you physical senses will make you believe
In its absolute reality and you can’t
Shake that notion. The mind must completely concur.

Multi-sensory beings we’re all becoming.
The soul wants harmony and cooperation.
In a world ruled by external power we can
Find the time to look inward. This is the best plan
To be focused on for your soul’s evolution.
Shifting your attention inward means everything.

Soul To Soul

Face To Face

What’s the soul? It’s that part of you that existed
Before you were born and that will exist after
You have died. It’s the highest most noble part of
Yourself that you can reach for. It is of pure love.
The almighty is known as the master crafter
Of all souls and it is all done unassisted.

Unlike things in this earth school the soul has no weight
Or volume. These are characteristics of this
Dimension of time, space, matter, duality,
And amnesia. The nature of reality
Is something that the physical body will miss
Unless it can be in a meditative state.

All souls have the capacity to be great souls
And our job while we’re here on earth is to align
Our personalities with our souls. We do that
By intention. It’s worth taking a good look at
That part of ourselves which is in essence divine.
We can all make it one of our primary goals.

Many levels upon levels upon levels
Of compassion and wisdom beyond our knowing
Has the universe which is sacred and holy.
Reverence for life, loving, sharing, harmony,
And cooperation are all overflowing
In the one who in every circumstance revels.

Healing With The Masters

Sacred Stillness

I am a universal human in training.
I’m one who’s beyond nation, religion, culture,
Sex, and economic circumstance. I give my
Allegiance to life firstly and secondly I
Am a citizen of the earth. Safe and secure
I am in who I am. I need no explaining.

Of the universe I’m also a citizen –
Not a child of it. This is authentic power.
I’m living a life where my personality
Is aligned with my soul’s purpose. In harmony
I am with nature which is obliged to shower
Me with its blessings. It happens now and again.

It’s a life in which I naturally create
Reverence for life, sharing, cooperation,
And harmony. I know that my fear is a part
Of the person that still nurtures a broken heart
Over deeds in the past that I wish were not done.
On the present and future I shall concentrate.

As I begin to recognize the different
Parts of myself I can cultivate the parts that
Come from love. There’s an intimate relationship
Between my choices and what happens. It’s a trip
To be conscious. I have not a foe to combat.
There’s no trick at all to my remaining content.

Too Much Daydreaming?

Lap Of Luxury

Can my daydreaming get to a place where I may
Be living too much in a world of fantasy?
I suspect people think that I’m lazy and vain.
How on earth can I ever expect to attain
What I dream of? Well, the answer is, easily.
In a state of allowing I happily stay.

Whether too much or not enough, the decision
Is made by the daydreamer. There’s some resistance
If I must ask the question. Deep inside I know
That the world I imagine is the way to go.
I would daydream forever if given the chance,
And there’s no interference with getting things done.

A daydream is a focus. All focus is good
If it brings about good feelings. My attention
To what pleases me is what is most productive.
Life can be wonderful if I’m willing to give
More attention to my grand inner dimension.
I am perfectly free to daydream as I should.

I am less likely to bring resistance into
The equation than if by my observation
Of reality I unconsciously allow
The prevailing vibration to enter my now.
Absolute control I have of my creation.
I’m excited by all that I can make come true.


Cosmic Net

The ultimate reality underlying
And within all forms, Oneness is undivided
Non-duality. The Supreme Being is an
Infinite field of consciousness. Anyone can
Commune with the divine if properly guided
Through the process. Does your view need modifying?

All of existence is a manifestation
Of the one infinite field. Conscious awareness
Is the very ground or substrate of empty space.
Many spiritual teachings fully embrace
This notion of oneness, and they often express
The importance of mercy, grace, and compassion.

This universe is an appearance within the
Mind of God. This awareness is the very light
And life force within all sentient beings. We are
Manifestations of this insanely bizarre
Physical dimension, and we’re given insight
As it’s asked for from ultimate divinity.

Love for others is love for self, and to forgive
Is to be forgiven. It’s the narcissistic
Ego that veils reality and keeps us trapped
And deluded until we are gracefully tapped
On the shoulder by spirit. Be realistic
In your choosing for yourself the best way to live.


Grateful Heart

Gratitude is the fresh feeling and attitude
Of appreciation or thankfulness for the
Benefits we’ve received or expect to receive.
All religious traditions preach it and believe
That its practice uplifts us spiritually.
It’s a wonderful virtue we can thus conclude.

As the Law of Attraction states that what we hold
In our minds tends to manifest, the feeling of
Gratitude opens the channels for more goodness.
More abundance comes to us the more we express
Gratitude for what we have, especially love.
Benefits of being grateful are manifold.

For the awakening spiritual seeker,
Practicing gratitude is the most important,
Beneficial, and powerful of intentions.
It’s a way of accessing higher dimensions
Of consciousness. If one needs a feeling transplant,
Gratitude puts the kibosh on the critiquer.

A major spiritual opportunity
For consciousness to evolve, our lives are a gift.
Treasure the opportunity with gratitude,
And your faith in humanity will be renewed.
Gratitude has the awesome power to uplift
Anyone, and it happens immediately.

Discipline Your Thinking

Emotional Mind

If you are what you think about, then you have to
Start getting really careful about what you think.
You do this by being cautious about every
Conversation you have with others who may be
Of a negative mindset. You don’t want to drink
From the well of confusion whatever you do.

Don’t focus on what’s missing in your life and speak
To others all about it. That will amplify
The vibration of lack, and you will attract more
Of the same situation. It slams shut the door
To receiving. There are certain laws that apply
To the art of attaining all that you may seek.

You can only act upon your thoughts, and as your
Thoughts become higher and higher, you’re more aligned
With the things that you want. You will then act upon
Only those thoughts. Your sense of confusion is gone,
And it’s all done by the power of your own mind.
Of its wonder you can be absolutely sure.

Don’t believe that the world is a terrible place.
It’s a wonderful schoolhouse with lots of contrast.
You don’t have to buy into a sickened world view.
You are only either a host to God or you
Are a hostage to your ego. Screw the newscast.
Do anything that will keep a smile on your face.

Calibrate To Wellbeing

Taking In The Wonder

My foundation does not start with this body or
With my parents or anything. It is the whole
Of who I am. With eagerness I came into
This contrast and variety. My life is new
And exciting. I have no particular goal.
Everything about this world I came to explore.

A thought that thrills me is one worth my pursuing,
And one that disappoints me is one that is not.
There’s no way I can feel unworthy of the bliss.
My feelings are my guidance. I’m glad I know this.
What I’m thinking and feeling does matter a lot.
I find fulfillment in whatever I’m doing.

I do not want to behave ‘appropriately’
By accepting the notion that life is supposed
To be hard and that suffering is a virtue.
Pardon me, world, but that is not my point of view.
‘Socialized’ people have hearts and minds that are closed
To the idea of living resistance free.

It’s easy to calibrate to ‘what is,’ but it
Takes a master to calibrate to what is not
Yet apparent. It does take determination,
Focus, and clarity. I am here to have fun.
I try to remember what most people forgot.
Everything I learn must be to my benefit.

Everywhere, There You Are

The Sameness Of Change

Someone came to a new village relocating.
He was wondering if indeed he’d like it there.
So he went to a Zen master and asked him how
People were in that town, thinking this would allow
His decision to come easily and with care.
This issue he was actively contemplating.

“What are people like in the town where you come from?”
Asked the Zen master, and the newcomer replied,
“They are nasty and greedy. They lie, cheat, and steal.
Having to be among them is such an ordeal.”
“That’s exactly the kind of people who reside
In this town,”
said the master. “They simply are scum.”

The next day another person came into town
With the same motive and question, so he went to
The same Zen master. “What are the people like where
You come from?”
asked the master. “They have loving care
For each other. They’re seekers of all that is true.
I have never seen one put another one down.”

“That’s exactly the kind of people we have here.”
Said the master. But how can the same people be
Different in behavior? That’s not really so.
You will take yourself with you wherever you go.
How you feel about this world is what you will see
Everywhere, so the message is perfectly clear.

Satisfaction Made Easy

The Ease Of Feeling Good

How do I make much shorter the time to get there?
There’s a certain condition that I want to change.
By my trying to feel my way through the issue
Perhaps I’ll get a clue as to what I should do
To feel some satisfaction. I need to arrange
My emotions thoroughly and with utmost care.

What emotions would I feel if I had this thing
That I have been wanting? How indeed would I feel
If it were right before me? I’d be satisfied,
Happy, contented, fulfilled, and worthy inside.
Harmony in the knowing that this is for real
I behold, and it takes not my analyzing.

I’m right there now without having the condition
To put me there. This is a phenomenal feat.
If I keep practicing this I’ll know the power
Of attraction and wellbeing each waking hour.
I must recognize the fact that my life is sweet
No matter the condition. It’s how life is done.

Focusing on something that’s not yet come to be
From a place of alignment and not from wanting
Or needing it desperately, I overcome
The resistance that is surely keeping me from
Creating and receiving. No longer daunting
Is the path that I travel. I’m finally free.

Discipline Your Thinking

Doctor The Brain

If I am what I think about then I’d better
Be extremely careful of what I think about.
So, every conversation I have with others
I should have only if it completely concurs
With my soul’s prime directive. I have not a doubt
That I’m not here to be a toxic begetter.

What is missing in my life is not worth telling
Everyone that I know about. I will attract
Only more evidence that things are not okay.
Universal forces support all that I say
No matter what the vibration is. This is fact.
I know that positive talk is more compelling.

I can only act upon my own thoughts, but I
Can think whatever thoughts I choose. It then follows
That what I intend to create is primary.
World news, gossip, and idle chatter are for me
Detrimental even if I’m holding my nose.
My thoughts must keep me on a perpetual high.

I don’t have to fill my head with violent things
Or issues of concern in the world. They tell me
That the world is a terrible place. It Is Not!
To be quite well informed is to suffer a lot
The trials and tribulations of society.
I am grateful for my positive offerings.

The Ego

The Ego is nothing other than the focus
Of one’s conscious attention. It’s like a radar
On a ship. It behaves like a troubleshooter.
If there’s anything ‘out there’ changes will occur
In the ego’s behavioral patterns which are
A completely and woefully weak part of us.

Don’t identify with your radar because you
Will be in a state of constant anxiety.
You’re the whole organism. When you realize
That you are then the ego is not a disguise
But an asset of value in this raging sea.
Each radar is designed to give its point of view.

The body is a miracle of harmony.
Systems function together to keep life afloat.
Yet corpuscles have creatures at battle always.
This must happen. It is how the whole body stays
In balance. The war supports the health of the boat.
A magnificent work is the human body.

What is discord at one level of your being
At a much higher level is perfect order.
Energy is behind physical existence.
Between them there’s a dance of powerful suspense
Your ego is no more than a tape recorder.
Don’t let it put untruth into what you’re seeing.

Follow These Steps

The Pathway To Freedom

Can I make the time shorter? If so, tell me how.
Manifestation is a game for many folk.
They’ve become absolute masters of creation
Being able to reach the state of elation.
The steps to my salvation are never a joke.
I can focus on them rather clearly by now.

I can feel the emotion of how it would be
If my dream were already true. Quite satisfied
With wellbeing and rightness, I would feel content
Yet excited about each upcoming event.
Anything that I ask for cannot be denied.
I now know what it is like to be truly free.

I’ll stay there for a moment. The satisfaction
That I feel is of steady balance and control.
I can milk that perfection of feeling without
The thing having happened. I can harbor no doubt
That without the condition I still can be whole.
I like getting there through the laws of attraction.

Having gotten there is quite an accomplishment.
It feels good to be sure and secure in knowing
That without having what I want I can feel fine
And if I keep on doing it then by design
Forces of the universe will conspire to bring
The condition I’m after through conscious intent.

Every Morning

Daily Routine

Pretend that you have a staff at your beck and call
Who include top professionals in every field.
They can orchestrate and deliver anything
That your heart could imagine. Indeed they could bring
It as fast as you want it. All truth be revealed,
Such a team does exist to excite and enthrall.

Tell this staff what you want them to work on today.
Be specific or general. It matters not.
You may write it down. This will enhance its power.
With their infinite talent your team will shower
You with all that you’ve asked for. This matters a lot
Because they want to help you in every which way.

You can tell your staff things like, “Bring me ideas.
Help me to rendezvous with others much like me.
Guide me to thoughts that are in harmony with all
That is wholesome in nature. Help me to stand tall
Through the challenges I may face. Help me to be
In the most blissful state there can be just because.”

Delegate to them. They are good at what they do.
They’re the engine in your vehicle as you drive
And the road that you travel and the scenery.
Every piece of your existence wants you to be
A master at receiving while you are alive.
Talk to them every morning. It is good for you.

Self-Love And Appreciation

Personal Ecstasy

Know that your inner being loves and adores you.
You need not feel conceited or shy in the least.
You come into connection with all that it knows
By thinking thoughts that feel good – not those that oppose
The ones that your true self thinks. Much can be released
That is causing resistance in lieu of a clue.

As you think thoughts that beat up on yourself, others,
Or the circumstances in your life, you vibrate
To those energies and attract more of the same
Situations. Then you have no one else to blame,
But you have full control over what you create.
Your true self is at peace with whatever occurs.

You can keep a journal of positive aspects
Which is nothing more than a notebook called the same.
Write down in it all good things you happen to be.
If you’re not finding many, eventually
They will come. It takes practice. So make it a game
And delight in the feelings your true self reflects.

Absolutely imperative it is that you
Come into alignment with who you really are
Which means you must adore yourself. Do find a way
To uncover your worthiness without delay.
Being in love with yourself is not that bizarre
Compared to all the negative things people do.

Satisfaction Brings Your Dreams To Reality

Satisfaction Guarantees

The best word I can use to describe how I feel
Has to be ‘Satisfaction.’ The joy that I know
Is both now and eternal. The balance between
The me that is most pure and the one that is seen
Is a space of expansion where good feelings flow
In response to the wonder that I won’t conceal.

Who I am before coming here is pure spirit –
Disembodied and formless yet full of life force.
I have grown since that moment to who I am now,
And by nature and instinct I tend to allow
Subtle life changing guidance directly from Source.
I must be of the right mind to clearly hear it.

That part of me that is real, expanded, and whole
Is my true inner being – evolved and at peace.
When the person I must be aligns with that part
Then a feeling of blissfulness enters my heart.
As my practice makes perfect I will find release
From the self become human and flesh and blood soul.

In this moment, my thoughts and beliefs I can choose
To be in complete harmony with who I am.
My desires are not doubted but well understood.
It is my wish that all folk would feel as they should.
Feeling ease and contentment working my program,
There’s no way that in this life I’m destined to lose.

The Ego

The Personal Clutter Magnet

The ego is nothing other than the focus
Of attention. It’s like a radar on a ship.
It’s a troubleshooter telling what’s in the way.
Don’t identify with it. You’ll welcome dismay,
In that if you indulge it, you may lose your grip,
Thinking that you are better than the rest of us.

Once we cease our identity with the ego,
We become aware of the whole organism.
The corpuscles and creatures constantly at war
Means that we are quite healthy. The process means more
At the much higher level. There is no schism.
Harmony is the master who directs the show.

Zooming Out is a spiritual exercise.
Not only is it wholesome and therapeutic,
It also yields a view that is truthfully clear
All the discord that haunts and that seems so austere
Is as it simply must be. Ego is slapstick
In its clumsy performance in confident guise.

It’s a hard thing to say that this world is ok
When one looks at the chaos amid the control
Of the forces of egos upon so many.
In the long run of time, can we muster any
Sense of heartfelt connection with our deeper soul?
Thoroughly it must be searched for a better way.


Can I speak of world peace from a heart that may doubt
It could come about ever? For granted it’s true
That I must feel harmonious from deep within
Before I go crusading to cast away sin.
Even if I could do that, it belittles you
In a way that my fervor renders me devout.

Do not look up to anyone and don’t look down
On another who’s made of the same stuff I am.
Don’t put folks on a pedestal where they may fall
And do not disrespect others I feel are small.
If it’s such a tall order, is it an exam
Where I am to be noticed should I wear a frown?

I can get really pissed off and livid with rage.
Other folks also have the volition to fight
In acute preservation of identity.
Does an eye for an eye cause each other to see
That our precious illusions can never be right?
Habits formed over decades are so hard to change.

We can all live in harmony. There’s no such thing
As a global solution. All begins with me
And with each of my species. We’ve evolved thus far
Toward potential magnificence. That’s who we are.
And often I forget that. Well… Oh, golly gee.
May my emancipation help make the world sing.