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Worthy, Loved, And Blessed

Revealing Light

Sometimes heaven feels like a place of peacefulness
And sometimes it feels like sheer appreciation
That wells up inside. Often it’s like being in
Love with someone. It feels like you want to begin
A crusade in the service of world elation.
There’s so much pure enthusiasm to express.

As you hang around there in that positive range
Of emotions the more you’re able to maintain
Your vibrational frequency there and the more
Often you’ll reach that level. As ever before
Simply by knowing of your wellbeing you gain
And effective advantage for ultimate change.

That ‘on top of the world’ feeling comes easily
Then it goes but just feeling a deep sense of peace
Puts you in the vicinity of ecstasy.
You were meant to pursue your life passionately.
When you do you’re queued up for the steady release
Of resistance and all negative energy.

Know that you’re Worthy, Loved, And Blessed. You can sustain
That feeling in your heart from moment to moment
Then you’ll spike into moments of heavenly bliss
Fairly often. It doesn’t get better than this.
At your lowest point you’re simply feeling content.
The best part of it’s that nothing is done in vain.

Reality Addiction


What’s it take to jazz up your life experience?
You’re addicted to what’s going on here and now
And you like the momentum. It fascinates you
To be able to do all the things that you do.
Things are working out for you because you know how
To convince yourself that it makes absolute sense.

Your Vortex is incredible. It contains all
That you’ve asked for since day one and even before
You emerged into physical reality.
You can access this treasure vibrationally
Just by feeling good and the more you do the more
Good will come to you. You want to answer its call.

If you knew what was in there and how much it’s grown
Since you’ve been here you would pay much more attention
To your feelings and to releasing negative
Though patterns. You’d do all that you could do to live
In a way that you could enter the dimension
To receive all the blessings that are yours alone.

Your Vortex of Creation is reality
Although you can’t perceive except by your heart.
You get to it by letting yourself let it in.
At the game of life you can most certainly win.
Your Vortex and reality aren’t far apart
When you choose to be the person you’re meant to be.