Tag Archive | encouragement

A Meditation Question

Spiritual Alignment

I find that when I meditate there are times when
My thoughts come and go. They are all over the place.
I see that as no problem. It must be okay
Because I can start over if ever I stray
From my focus on nothing to enter a space
Of alignment. I can get back on track again.

When I’m there in that sacred space everything makes
So much sense. I’ve a sense of infinite knowing.
When I come out of meditation I forget
Everything that had happened. I feel some regret
That the access to the knowledge that was flowing
Is no longer. Somehow am I making mistakes?

Meditation is a process which allows your
Vibration to rise. When it does, you have access
To infinite intelligence. When you are there
Just take notice of how you feel and be aware
Of it all happening. Recognize your progress
In the process and in time it will reveal more.

Meditation is the gateway to alignment,
And alignment is when you’re open to receive
Information. You can get to a point where you
Can record your experience. You don’t have to
Get all bothered about it. What you can achieve
Through alignment will bring you enormous content.

Righteous Surrender

Submission To Existence

My desire is not what I am surrendering.
It’s only the resistance that keeps me unsure
Of what I am surrendering to. There’s some doubt
That I will be happy with the way things turn out.
If I want something, my vibration must be pure.
Not onto petty battles am I meant to cling.

Life has caused me to ask, and I want to believe
What they say about asking. It will manifest
If I know I’ll receive it. The energy of
Being in the receptive mode is far above
That of doubt, lack, and discord. It would suit me best
That a positive outlook I strive to achieve.

Trying too hard, defending myself constantly,
Justifying, and rationalizing will bring
Only much disappointment. If I can let go
Of such things, then much better things I’ll come to know.
To surrender in no way involves torturing.
It’s about my alignment with source energy.

The first manifestation is an emotion.
If it feels good, I’ll welcome it. If it feels bad,
I’ll look elsewhere to find something to focus on.
The conclusion that I will do well is foregone.
My emotional guidance is my best comrade.
To my inner being I give much devotion.

Make An Impact

Be A Positive Influence

On my last day of living I won’t be concerned
About money, prestige, or power. I will know
That it was all a game – a grotesque illusion.
The impact that I had on others is the one
Thought that will agonize me. How can I let go
Of the feeling that by the world I should be spurned?

We are all on a separate journey, but the
Beautiful thing about our lives here on this earth
Is that when people die, their survivors recall
Not successes. In sorrow they remember all
The good acts of the departed ever since birth.
Have I shown love and encouraged sufficiently?

Success is quite important to me but more so
Is knowing that I’ve not walked this planet in vain.
Have I touched people’s lives in a positive way?
Am I bothered that some folks will cheer on the day
That I perish? No longer will I cause them pain.
Have I blessed lives? I truly can say I don’t know.

The effect that I have on others is the most
Valuable currency there is. Everything
That I gain in life will rot and wither apart.
All that will remain is what’s contained in my heart.
Life gives me who I am. All that I have I bring
To the table. I can be a satisfied ghost.

The Best Teacher

The Wisest Advisor

Looking back on my school years, I personally
Had a rough time because I am mentally ill.
Way back then, diagnoses were nonexistent.
The odd way that I see things will often prevent
Understanding of social cues yet I can still
Function sufficiently well in society.

You’re expecting a nice story. I’ll give you one
Not about how my troubled life eats at my heart
But about how it’s possible to overcome
Feelings of inferiority that come from
Childhood trauma of which I have made a fine art.
Misery in my old age I now see as fun.

Normal folks have ‘best teachers’ – the ones who have made
A life long positive impression upon them.
Simple words spewed without thought will alienate
As will attitudes that radiate racial hate.
The best ones are happy to deal with your problem.
Above and beyond they work. They’re on a crusade.

Early on I was told that I wasn’t the same
As the others in my class in obvious ways
And one not as apparent. It turns out to be
A most powerfully creative part of me.
It’s not like I am giving my enemies praise.
The Best Teacher teaches how to live without shame.

Access The Power

Command The Energy

Writing down things is powerful. I’d like to share
Yet another technique that was offered to me.
It’s about manifesting. I know; “Not again!”
But my job is informative. I like it when
There’s a topic worth tackling. Not all may agree,
And obliged I am truly to say I don’t care.

List three things that you want on three sheets of paper.
Each sheet lists only one thing. So write at the top
“These are reasons I want this.” On the other side
List all of the reasons that you won’t be denied.
At some point in your listing you will have to stop
And behold what you’ve written and quite on the spur.

It is necessary only that you want it
With a positive passion. Writing enhances
The belief in your wanting. It forms a strong link
With the thing that you’re focused upon. Now, just think
Of the power of this improving your chances
Of obtaining things. This is of huge benefit.

Spend some time in your day… twenty minutes or so
To enter deep reflection. Examine your dream.
Let your dominant intention be to look for
Things that you find delightful and then look for more.
May your big boat of freedom be headed downstream.
Benefits of your focus will begin to flow.

Surrender And Everything Comes

The Natural Release of Effort

When an army surrenders there’s torture involved
So the word has some issues. There needs to be trust
That the thing one surrenders to is of value
In securing fulfillment. One can live anew
In releasing resistance. One need but adjust
To improved circumstances and problems resolved.

Negative connotations now pushed to the side,
There are good things that good people surrender to.
Anything that does not support my heart’s desire
I can let go of gladly. The peace I admire
And the freedom of not having so much to do.
I release my resistance and give up false pride.

I cannot stop desiring. I can’t surrender
Wanting things that I want. I will always want more.
But I do give up beliefs that keep me held back
Like my incessant struggle and feelings of lack
And my trying too hard to keep up a good score.
I relax and allow what life has to offer.

But there is a much better word. That is, Allow.
It’s a much clearer meaning. It puts everything
In proper perspective. The manifestation
That comes first is emotional. I am the one
Who allows infinite intelligence to bring
All the guidance that I need for right here and now.

Allow The Wellbeing

Release, Then Breathe In...

It comes down to allowing, but just what is that?
When one speaks of surrender, what enter my mind
Are such scenes where one army makes use of torture.
The most negative aspects are balanced, I’m sure,
By the myriad episodes that are more kind
And can happen almost at the drop of a hat.

To what must I surrender? What must I allow
That is both consciously and patiently waiting
To enter and fulfill me? Can I trust that it
Is a safe thing to let in? The fear, I’ll admit,
Is not justified, and it is aggravating
That I know what to do, yet I’m hung up on how.

Getting rid of resistance to my own desire
Increases my vibration. My trying too hard
With much effort and struggle cannot get things done.
Only when one exhausts oneself, something’s begun
To take place in one’s character. No longer barred
From the fruits of the spirit, one is lifted higher.

Things that work in the process we all know so well –
Turning thoughts into things – involves just a few things:
Energy, alignment, and clarity of thought.
When my purpose has passion, I’m no longer caught
In a quandary that only my feeding brings.
Worthiness is a system wherein we all dwell.