Tag Archive | endeavor

Guilt And Responsibility

Justice Street

It can impact one’s self-worth but guilt can also
Slip into life dressed as responsibility.
When you’ve done something awful you feel guilt and shame
And it’s difficult because you’ve no one to blame
But yourself. Your true self you’re not able to be
Even if what has happened was so long ago.

People go through a long process of letting go
Of their guilt and shame before they’re actually
Willing to allow themselves to experience
Responsibility in a positive sense.
You know that you’ve acted out of integrity
But let not that prevent you from wanting to grow.

Why wallow in self-judgment? By doing so you
Hold yourself in a place where you cannot allow
Energy to flow through you to get you aligned
With the next proper action. Don’t be so unkind
To yourself. Remember, that was then. This is now.
Keep yourself focused now on the right thing to do.

Burdensome is the feeling of negative space
In your soul. Guilt and shame are self-sabotaging.
Accept responsibility for what you do
And get on with your life. The evolved part of you
Will guide you in doing the appropriate thing.
What you will do from now on is what to embrace.

Other People’s Approval

Happy Audience

Those who get the most approval in life are those
Who care the least about it and people who get
The least approval are those who go after it
With a passion perhaps because they feel unfit
Deep inside for approval. They often regret
Their decisions to go against what the heart knows.

Paradoxically if you want approval
Then you have to stop concerning yourself with it.
Think about those who get it. They couldn’t care less
About what others think of them. They have access
To the wisdom within them. They will not permit
Outside circumstances to affect their morale.

When you’re so busy being that you don’t have time
To notice what the neighbors are doing then you
Can concern yourself only with that which rings true
In your heart. Never mind what other people do.
One may think that this is a selfish point of view
And it is. It’s the only path to the sublime.

Put yourself before others. Stop people pleasing.
It’s important to compromise once in a while
But not always. Practicing saying ‘no’ kindly
Is essential to your being ultimately
In a place where you offer a genuine smile.
Your sense of self-worth is truly worth reseizing.

Success And Feeling

Pure Happiness

Success is a feeling that most strive to achieve.
It’s the validation of your dedication,
Perseverance, and hard work. It’s satisfying
To succeed. The feeling is most gratifying.
Once it’s done then there’s reason for celebration.
It starts with having something in which to believe.

You advance confidently in the direction
Of your own dreams and endeavor to live the way
You had imagined. You will meet with a success
Unexpected in common hours. Your willingness
To let success chase after you helps you to stay
Receptive to the universe’s perfection.

If you can place into your imagination
What you want to attract and begin to feel it
Then that which you feel yourself to be you become
And you’re given that which you are. Give yourself some
Instant gratification. You want to permit
Your passion to invigorate your creation.

So, assume the feeling that would be yours if you
Were already in possession of your desire
Then your wish must be realized. Try it and see.
Feel your way to living your life successfully.
Anything that you want you’re able to acquire.
Get prepared for the dreams of your life coming true.

The Power Of We

Stronger Together

Where two or more are gathered in anyone’s name
Or where two or more just want to get together,
They are called ‘we’ if we are they, so the word ‘we’
Is a most powerful one. Within it we see
Potential to be organized. That is whether
They are people or particles. It’s all the same.

Behind every milestone, important endeavor…
Every hard won achievement is found the word ‘we.’
We accomplish more together – less when alone.
Positive reinforcement is by now well-known
To exist among plurals. Most definitely,
We can muster the power to do whatever.

We are the organization of healthy lives,
Of new skills, safer havens, and stronger first starts.
Giving voice to the voiceless is what we do best.
Any manner of problem is fully addressed
By The Power Of We. What’s closest to our hearts
Is found only in others. It’s all that survives.

We’re an unstoppable force for good everywhere.
We are changing the story to one that includes
Everyone on the planet. Civilization
On the rise is through all folks’ participation.
The word ‘we’ has the power to change attitudes.
The future is inherited by those who care.