Tag Archive | elation

You Get What You Believe

Doctor Cat

You Get What You Believe. It’s as simple as that.
If you think that the world is coming to an end
Then it is but if you believe otherwise then
Things will turn out just that way. But what happens when
You believe in something others can’t comprehend
Like a well-meaning doctor disguised as a cat?

Your life is created by the conversations
That you have and by memories and how you feel
About things and you have the ability to
Feel quite differently about things than you do.
Any idea can turn into something real.
Be receptive to the positive vibrations.

The Law of Attraction, while it’s your very best
Friend, because of its consistency, it also
Gives you what you believe. What you know to be true
Is first pondered by the rational parts of you
And by then you can say to yourself that you know
What is true for you and disregard all the rest.

It’s not easy to hold thoughts that are different
Than the ones you’d prefer so you must overcome
Limiting belief systems that keep you apart
From the things that are special and dear to your heart.
Your belief in wellbeing delivers you from
Negative feelings such as doubt and discontent.

Ask And It Is Answered

Glowing Question

If taking that big leap sounds intimidating
Then don’t take it right now. Get it out of your mind.
Pay more attention to your point of attraction.
Focus on things that bring you deep satisfaction.
Action can wait until you’re properly aligned
With your true self which for you is advocating.

Your Vortex of Creation is a feeling place.
It contains every answer to every question
You’ve been asking since day one. It knows everything
That you want. Your knowing that it’s able to bring
It all to you should keep you the confident one
Even though it exists now beyond time and space.

Negative emotion tells you that you’re nowhere
Near alignment with your true self. It lets you know
That it’s not in agreement with the thought that you
Are now thinking and since how it sees things is true
It’s most wise that you allow it to run the show.
Be receptive to everything it wants to share.

Ask your inner being questions like, “Am I good?
And if so am I worthy of all I desire?
Am I morally bankrupt and good for nothing.”

When you ask each be aware of what you’re feeling.
If it’s not good can you be a truth denier?
Answers to all your questions will be understood.

How To Ask

A Sea Of Asking

If you feel good when you’re imagining the things
That you want most in life, then the spirit in you
Is in lock step agreement with your daydreaming
Because your inner being is always beaming
The highest of vibrations. That’s all it can do.
It’s in tune with your happiest mind wanderings.

Anytime that you feel negative emotion,
It means that your inner being is nowhere near
In alignment with the thought that has put you there.
Whatever the thought is, your spirit doesn’t share
The same view. It believes that everyone is dear.
It will consider not any other notion.

You can tell negative thoughts from those that are not.
How they feel should be noticed so you can decide
Whether or not to continue. Be more aware
Of your thoughts and emotions. The more that you care
About feeling your best, the less you are denied
Life’s blessings. Your vibration does matter a lot.

“Do you think that all things are possible for me?”
“What would you think if someone called me something bad?

Just keep asking questions of your inner being.
If you feel good when asking, then it’s agreeing
With whatever it is. You can only be glad
That you inner being is with you completely.

You Get What You Believe

Creating Your Reality

It’s a different orientation when you
Understand that you create your reality
And that you’re the attractor, by your attention
To the world around you. This space time dimension
Has enough contrast to sort through so you may be
Overwhelmed with excitement in all that you do.

Your life is created by the story you tell
To the world and the universe. Your memories
Of relations with others and conversations
And how you feel about things accumulate tons
Of experience. Your life is made up of these
Episodes of fulfillment that you know so well.

You’ve the ability to think differently
At any moment and about any issue.
Your power of creation is what you believe
To be yours by nature. All that you may perceive
Is consistent, but you can make it ever new
By selecting a more positive way to see.

Find something you can focus on, and feel your way
To a state of elation. Find your clarity
In alignment with feeling good most of the time.
When you feel lousy do know that it’s not a crime.
Watching your thoughts turn to things almost instantly,
You will find satisfaction all day every day.

The Vortex Is An Emotional State

Finding The Better Feeling

Don’t lament the fact that you don’t own your own place.
No one else is trying to put food on your shelf
Or to cook in your kitchen or sleep in your bed.
Your rent only. It’s okay. So you can instead
Be thankful that God made a safe place for yourself.
As you do you acknowledge divine loving grace.

Some have called it a Vortex – a state of being
Where you’re most in alignment. You feel whole and clear…
Full of passion and insight. Powerful is your
Confidence of attraction. All that you live for
Comes to focus all at once. It is from that sphere
That you find that everything is most agreeing.

It’s your response to living – the merging of you
With your truest self. It’s not a place or a thing.
It’s a wonderful feeling. It is emotion
At the notion of living and having more fun.
There is cause for excitement, for what it can bring
Is a profound fulfillment in all that you do.

Don’t get into the Vortex then try to keep score
With the way you are feeling. It will take you out.
What you want in the end is to feel satisfied.
When you get in the Vortex things can’t be denied.
Your power of attraction you know beyond doubt.
Focusing on the feeling does open the door.

You Get What You Believe

The Result of Deep Focus

It’s a different orientation when you
Understand that you create your reality.
You are the sole attractor of all that you get.
Whenever things come to you that you do regret
It’s because you’re not believing it completely.
Things that happen are because of your point of view.

Your life is created by the story you tell,
And by things you remember, and conversations.
It’s about how you feel about things and about
Finding ways to enjoy life… to mitigate doubt
That you are meant to be here. All the conditions
Are set up by the power intent does compel.

Do intend to be joyful in every moment.
Find something you can focus upon, and create
A magnificently clear point of attraction.
You do not have to think about getting things done.
You enhance your commitment to feeling just great
By acknowledging when things reflect your content.

Guide yourself to awareness and observations
Of things turning out your way as you get to know
How to tune yourself instantly into that space
Where you’re fed by the cosmos’ infinite grace.
Turning thoughts into things that will constantly flow
Is what you came here for. You’re among blessed ones.