Tag Archive | deep thought

Talk About What You Want

Verbal Bubbles

Talk only about what you want – not what you don’t.
That’s a given but many people fall into
The self-undoing habit of talking about
What they don’t want. Be more conscious of what comes out
Of your mouth about what you want. It’s up to you
To speak loudly your passion because others won’t.

They’re all lined up. It’s all about many engines
On the track pulling in opposite directions.
You get nowhere and you’re wasting your energy.
Speak only of the way that you want things to be.
Let it resonate throughout the mind’s reflections.
See the world and your life through a positive lens.

You will never ever really be satisfied
With something less than what you want so let it be
What you want then line up with it. Watch what happens
When you do so. The most evolved part of you spends
All its time helping you to live more happily.
You can look upon it as your happiness guide.

You’ve released enough resistance. Let your desire
Gain momentum. Give undivided attention
To your purpose and how you feel along the way.
Be aware that there’s power in all that you say
To the universe. Not beyond comprehension
Is the notion that anything you can acquire.

A Perfect Relationship

Happy Together

What does a lover feel like? How do you feel when
You’re in love? You might say it feels pretty damned good.
It feels like a homecoming and security.
Your heart skips a beat and it does so happily.
Believe that things work out exactly as they should.
You’ve been in love before and your there once again.

Love feels like being appreciated. It feels
Like wellbeing. It feels like a natural high.
Think about how love feels often then you’ll achieve
An attractive vibration so that you’ll receive
Clues and insights. It helps if you focus on why
You desire it. Accept what your true heart reveals.

Be patient. We are all works of art in progress.
When you finally meet someone set boundaries
Right up front and most clearly but in a nice way.
Do communicate nicely but do not betray
Any part of your true self in order to please
The other. Have respect for your own beingness.

You must know when to speak and when to keep quiet –
When to stand up strong and when to give up control
And speak only when words are better than silence.
When you are in love the whole universe makes sense.
Creating with another is good for the soul.
Get prepared for the blessing that hasn’t come yet.

Let Your Path Find You

Into The Sunset Together

There’s an error. The system cannot find the path
Specified. File explorer has crashed once again.
It searches endlessly yet it never gets there.
It’s a dumb machine anyway. Why would it care
Where my stuff is stored? I might be satisfied when
I discover a way of expressing my wrath.

How do I find my path? There has to be some way
To find it without having to go through a lot
Of searching most haphazardly and wasting time.
The way computers treat people should be a crime.
I can say that I’ve given it all that I’ve got.
There’s no reason for me to wallow in dismay.

I know that my vibration must be wobble free
Meaning without resistance. I need to highlight
Within me what’s important. I like the freedom
And the fun. I like the great ideas that come
With alignment and I like receiving insight
From the most extended and evolved part of me.

I like being of value. My path cannot be
Motivated. I must be exhilarated
Into action. My path isn’t for me to find.
It finds me. I just have to make sure I’m aligned
With my purpose then my path will be created.
It’ll be something that I’ll be able to see.

Just Find One Simple Thing

Joyful Moment

Of the many things happening in your life now
Just Find One Simple Thing to be happy about.
This will do wonders. Isn’t it interesting
How you can keep your vibration on the upswing
And create without figuring anything out?
You attract anything you want when you know how.

You can find optimism no matter what seems
To be happening elsewhere. The best you can do
For the world situation is leave it alone.
Keep your consciousness free of the bloody war zone.
Stay connected with the most evolved part of you.
Optimism will help you to fulfill your dreams.

Feel appreciation about something and give
It your undivided attention. Everything
In your life will improve automatically.
All you have to do is live your life happily.
Find something that without a doubt makes your heart sing.
Consider that this might be a good way to live.

It’s supposed to work out for you. It no big deal.
Just chill out. You’re where you are. Your stream is moving
Toward what you want and you came here for the ride
Of a lifetime. The universe is on your side.
If you want your life to continue improving
Then pay much more attention to the way you feel.

…Like The Air That You Breathe

Happy With Cash

You can think about money as if it were air.
When you inhale and exhale your body receives
All the oxygen it needs and gets rid of waste.
The cells of your body are rarely ever faced
With the lack of what they need. The one who believes
In abundance will find it indeed everywhere.

You can be a vibrational match to what’s in
Your Vortex of Creation by just feeling good.
When the thoughts that you’re thinking bring you much delight
Everything about your life will turn out alright.
As the laws of the universe are understood
Life becomes an exciting game that you can win.

Flashback to when you had a good conversation
With someone about something. The moment you shared
You can use as your reason for feeling good now.
Thinking little thoughts like these helps you to allow
Abundance and wellbeing. Get yourself prepared
For a life filled with wonder and fascination.

Believe that there’s something bigger going on here.
Universal forces keep everything aligned.
Hook up with your good feeling thoughts and you will be
At the center of a pleasant reality.
Take advantage of any good thought you can find.
Keep your focus only upon what you hold dear.

Incremental Unfolding

Plans Laid Out

Things go smoothly when you’re in the receiving mode.
Many exciting ideas come to you when
You tune into that on a regular basis
In the desert of life you find your oasis
As good things happen for you again and again.
Unto you many blessings of living are flowed.

Discover what non-resisted thought will bring you.
It’s the focus that actualizes all things
That you deem wonderful about your time and place.
Know that there’s nothing in the world you need to chase.
Just relax and allow what the universe brings
Right to you without your having a thing to do.

You have access to the energy that creates
Everything in existence and when you become
A vibrational match to this vast energy
Then you will come to know how happy life can be.
Take pride in the fact that you’re beating your own drum
To the tune of the satisfaction that awaits.

You’ve practiced yourself into alignment with it.
You’ve withstood all the harassment from people who
Can’t see what you can see from your place of knowing.
What you know will assist you in further growing
As a spirit. The most extended part of you
Exists solely for your personal benefit.

Momentum And Resistance

Atomic Level

The goal is to move up the emotional scale
Incrementally. It’s all about your control
Of each moment. If you’re in a state of despair
Then revenge feels much better but you can’t stay there
For a long time without doing harm to your soul.
Keep on climbing. To reach your goal you must prevail.

If you act when you’re in negative emotion
Things will only get worse yet there’s simple relief
In each piece of resistance that you let go of.
You want to be in a place somewhat far above
Satisfaction. Let not resistance be the thief
Of your spirit. To how you feel give devotion.

Between letting go of relief and having no
Resistance there’s a subtle and small difference.
It’s a bit of fine tuning but once you get there
You’ll find doors opening up for you everywhere.
The power you gain in your relief is immense.
You can feel the way you want by making it so.

When your in a state of constant satisfaction
Big things will start unfolding. You’ll slip right into
Feelings of passion and pure exhilaration.
Every step of the way is your own creation.
Just jump start the momentum. Your dreams will come true
As you take good care of your point of attraction.

Find The Frequency Of Freedom

Colorful Waveform

I’ve the freedom to do anything that I please –
To wake up feeling well rested and to breathe in
The fresh air and to exhale. Thank God I’m alive
For another day. Nothing on earth can deprive
Me of feeling my best. This new day shall begin
By my seeing the way my inner being sees.

I’ve the freedom to think clearly and to feel good.
There’s no chance that I won’t get to where I should be.
I can take my time and go as slowly or fast
As I want. There’s no thought of my coming in last.
Freedom I have to line up with the energy
That creates worlds. My purpose is well understood.

I’m so free that I could choose to be ornery
And impatient with people but I know that I
Have the freedom to consciously be more aware
Of my thoughts as I feel them. I must take great care
Not to think thoughts that in essence don’t satisfy
My existence – my eternal reason to be.

Thought by thought I can feel my way to alignment
With my inner being about any subject.
I’ve the freedom to know what it thinks about me
And I’ll come to know it by living happily.
Happiness and wellbeing is what I expect.
I believe in my freedom one hundred percent.

Pathways To Alignment


Many paths to alignment there are to choose from.
The process of selecting the right one for you
Can be fun and quite easy if you make it so.
The guidance within you tells you which way to go.
It reveals in each moment the best thing to do
To lead you to a most favorable outcome.

If you really want something but you focus on
Its absence more than its presence you will defeat
Your own purpose for wanting. You have to align
With your having it. You must decide to be fine
With its absence. Get to where you’re feeling complete
And secure with your passion to rely upon.

What you give your attention to always expands
Into more of what it is. If you’re noticing
The sickness within you, you keep activated
The damned illness that you probably created
By some form of resisting. You can do something
About it. Much of your health is in your own hands.

Moving up the emotional scale is how you
Find your way to alignment. Begin practicing
The Art of Allowing. You cannot get it wrong
Because it’s never done. You’re right where you belong.
You’ve the power to have, do, or be anything
That you give a whole lot of your attention to.

Feeling Better

Everything's Okay

All good feeling or what you might call positive
Emotion that you feel means but one simple thing.
You’re translating accurately the vibration
Of your Source. When you’re in a state of elation
There’s no limit to what your vibration can bring.
It would be nice if always this way you could live.

Your Source is constantly transmitting that signal
And when you feel good it means that you’ve received it.
Think about that. Does it not put everything in
Perfect context? It all makes sense when you begin
To believe that things happen for your benefit.
Things are working out for you and it’s natural.

Be nice to yourself. One of the biggest ways you
Can do that is by appreciating someone
Else. Allowing the adoration of Source to
Flow through you toward someone else gives you a new
Way of looking at life. Indeed what has begun
Is a habit of having a positive view.

Your connection to your Source may be diminished
For a while as you feel negative emotion
But you’re never completely cut off from your Source.
When you’re happy you become a powerful force.
Give how you are feeling your fervent devotion.
As the creation of your Source you’re unfinished.

The Dominance Of Wellbeing

Taking It In

You consist of vibration. When you’re up to speed
With who you truly are your whole world opens wide
To accept you. The larger part of you maintains
Your vibration. Relax as the good feeling gains
Momentum. Let the feeling that you have inside
Inundate you then at alignment you’ll succeed.

You can count on The Dominance Of Wellbeing
Despite all the insane chatter coming from those
Who insist that the whole world is falling apart.
Certainly there are those who are absent of heart
But the sheer perfection of the universe shows
That the divine is the essence of everything.

When you’re not up to speed you’re just not. It’s not an
Indictment of your worthiness. It’s a true guide
To help you to ascend the emotional scale.
When you feel this way don’t go into much detail.
Your goal in each moment is to be satisfied.
Emphasize what’s going well as much as you can.

Infinite Source is at your back now and always.
It’s so easy to let it in once you believe
That you’re made of vibration and that you can be
In a place where you’re living your life happily.
All you need do is allow yourself to receive
Your huge share of wellbeing throughout all your days.

Feel Your Best

Simple Happiness

Find just one simple thing that always makes you smile.
It can be something big or small or in-between
But your focus upon it must bring you delight.
That you can be joyful always only seems right.
Happiness is your own spiritual hygiene.
Every feeling and thought that you have is worthwhile.

Let the good feeling thought resonate within you.
Let it gather momentum. It’s most important
To stay with it and milk it for all that it’s got.
What comes true is what you do think about a lot.
There’s no law in the universe that says you can’t
Feel Your Best. It’s something easy for you to do.

We all have those things in our life experience
That can make us feel better as well as those things
That upset us. Which way to feel would you prefer?
If you want happiness in your life to occur
Then be receptive to the infinite wellsprings
Of wellbeing. The power you have is immense.

“I’ve asked and it’s been given. So won’t it be nice
When I rendezvous with it? I’m really going
To enjoy it and I’m gaining more clarity
About how I can live my life more happily
Ever after. I trust in my inner knowing.
I can count absolutely on its wise advice.”

The Magic Of Focus

Arial Target

When you’re in the middle of events, actions, and
Conversations you’re already too far along
The path to make big changes so be satisfied
With the here and now. You alone get to decide
Where to focus. Your power to do so is strong.
By focus consciousness is able to expand.

There’s a vibration that’s either in alignment
With who you really are or it isn’t so you
Must decide which it is and do something about
Your vibration if you have some lingering doubt
Of the infinite power that you’ve access to.
You achieve what you want through your conscious intent.

This vibration that’s at the root of everything
That you’re living is going to grow and evolve
Into something that you can fully recognize
As a manifestation. As you realize
What you can do then any problem you can solve.
Be delighted by what your vibration can bring.

“Hokus Pokus… Now Focus,” mom says to her young
As she gets them ready to get on the airplane.
You can look at life this way because it’s magic
When you focus. At this you cannot shake a stick
But a magic wand only. There’s so much to gain
When the song of your intimate focus is sung.

Decide What You Want To Attract Today

Pensively Considering

While it feels as if things are happening to you
It’s not so. By you it’s all being invited.
“Why would I invite rude people and why would I
Invite suffering?”
Your focus on it is why

It continues. Your hope may be unrequited
If your being aware of it is all you do.

You’re the inviter of everything that happens
In your life. As you give your attention to things
They become more. Is this a blessing or a curse?
You decide that along with the whole universe.
You invite what you want as your happy heart sings.
You can look at your life through a positive lens.

A rampage of selective sifting you can do.
Find ten favorite things about everything that
Is a part of your life now. Start orienting
Yourself to looking for all that’s complementing
To your fancy and after you get that down pat
Then only things that you prefer will come to you.

Everything in your experience begins to
Reflect the center from which you are attracting.
When you’re feeling low nothing can turn out your way.
When you’re happy you live life as if it’s child’s play.
Be aware of the vibration you’re transacting
So that you know exactly what’s coming to you.

Your Spiritual Essence

Spiritual Pattern

Humankind and injustice are peas in a pod
So it seems from this vantage point. Who can believe
That we’re all made of spirit? If you’re having doubt
That our enlightenment is what we’re all about
Then you’re not alone. Everything people perceive
Has an essence of evil which is a façade.

Everything is of spirit including the one
Who appears to be evil and in this earth school
Nothing matters but spiritual refinement.
Do we each come with a specific assignment?
Perhaps it’s simply to follow the golden rule
Which would mean that everyone should have lots of fun.

Your Vortex of Creation contains all that you
Have been wanting from day one. It’s vibrational
In essence. You access it when you feel your best.
When you do anything you want will manifest.
Feeling is your link to what is spiritual.
That you are a spiritual being it’s true.

You have come forth into this physical body
With the delicious intention of being a
Full-blown deliberate creator. Do your best
To remain in congruence with your happiest
Ever moments. Your expansion happens this way.
Be concerned with your growing vibrationally.

Change Your Expectation

A Better Outlook

Try to spend a little more time thinking about
What you want and a little less wondering how
You will get it. Your platform of expectation
Launches you into the very next creation
When a change in your outlook you learn to allow.
Take your focus off ‘what is’ if it causes doubt.

‘What is’ is so pervasive – so much in your face.
Difficult it is to escape its influence
As it gnaws at the psyche and swallows the soul
But you must know that you have absolute control
Of your thoughts and emotions. It makes perfect sense
That ‘what is’ is a thing you foolishly embrace.

‘What is’ changes to ‘what is’ as you notice it
And offer a vibration about it so that
It will manifest and you will notice it more.
The cycle continues and life seems like a chore.
‘What is’ isn’t really worth your looking hard at.
True change will come when to the future you commit.

When you merge together the platform from where you
Are with something that you want that is beyond it
That’s when expectation changes. Think more about
Where you’re going and know that things are working out
For you always. Lay off of ‘what is’ just a bit.
Raise your consciousness so you get a better view.

Love Is Knocking At Your Door

Love Enterance

You want someone in your life to give your love to.
That’s a given. But are you cooperating
Enough so that you’re being drawn into your own
Vortex of Creation? It’s tough being alone
When you want a companion more than anything
But don’t fret. Things are always working out for you.

Your Vortex is where your lover is and it’s where
Everything that you want is. Your vitality,
Clarity, and the answers to questions that you
Have been asking the universe give you a new
Effervescence as you entertain happily
The notion of togetherness with loving care.

Don’t be anxious about it. If you’re ornery
And you keep iterating the fact that you don’t
Have a lover yet you will begin to complain
That it isn’t fair and it will drive you insane.
With all the negative clutter you lover won’t
Happen for you and you’ll remain in misery.

You’re so right about wrongness but don’t focus there
Even though it’s pervasive. Prepare yourself for
Receiving all you’ve asked for – your lover as well.
Let the fairies of the universe cast a spell
That enhances your readiness forevermore.
Of all of your wishes coming true be aware.

Gravity, Inertia, Speed, And Momentum

Cosmic Tunnels

That which moves will keep moving unless there’s a force
Applied to it to keep it from going its way.
Force is equal to mass times acceleration
And when two masses meet due to some causation
They apply forces to each other. They obey
Laws of physics. This is but a matter of course.

Gravity is a weak force all bodies must feel
In this time space reality. It may appear
To be strong when witnessing human suffering
But it is a weak force it’s worth remembering.
It can be overcome easily with a mere
Act of kindness in a world that’s not ideal.

One can notice the human condition and be
Disillusioned. It’s difficult to reconcile
If you’re one of compassion. The grossly mundane
Is the gravity that has made people insane.
What goes on has been going on for quite a while
And it may keep going throughout eternity.

When you meditate on a regular basis
You become reconnected to your clarity
And your reason for being which is to create
A life for yourself that you can appreciate.
As you sync up with your positive energy
In the world’s desert you become an oasis.

Satisfied And Eager For More


It’s fun to be Satisfied And Eager For More.
You could not find a better emotional stance.
When you’re getting ready to be ready to be
Ever more fascinated with all that you see
Every moment of pleasure you use to enhance
The next moment. Indeed you’ve felt this way before.

It’s all about your vibrational readiness.
It’s not you figuring out the right time and place
Things should happen. It’s all about satisfaction
In you’re here and now. You’re worth a good distraction
From the contrast in life that’s so much in your face.
Happiness is the way to eliminate stress.

Your emotional state of being is the thing
That determines your readiness. If you’re one who
Usually is ornery you’re in no way
Ready for anything but regret and dismay
But if you’re bright and chipper then what comes to you
Are only circumstances that make your heart sing.

You have the ability to put yourself in
The receptive mode and to remain there as long
As you want to. When you feel exhilaration
Milk it because it’s your very own creation
And with practice your vibration will become strong.
This very moment is the best time to begin.

Get Some Momentum Going

Light Speed Color

When you feel good you want the good feeling to last
For a good while. You can imagine a nice day
With your friends while engaging in fun and laughter.
You just want to live happily ever after.
“I Love Life!” You can take on each moment this way
Then momentum toward happiness happens fast.

“I like this; not that so much. I could do without
This but I like that…”
This cannot build momentum

Because it’s inconsistent. Your focus must be
Only on things that you know will make you happy.
You have only your resistance to overcome
But you can do that easily without a doubt.

Prime your pump of wellbeing. Get way out ahead
Of it all by looking for positive aspects
And by segment intending and meditation.
Happiness in your life is your own creation.
Being happy should never be seen as complex.
About happiness there’s a whole lot to be said.

You’re a powerful being. Determination
On your part to be focused on thoughts that feel good
Is a must if you want to increase momentum.
Find something that is easy and then beat that drum.
Things will work out spectacularly as they should.
Life can be for you a constant celebration.

Worthiness And Receptivity

Lucky Break

Be more playful about life. Your seriousness
May be laced with resistance. Accept that the laws
Of the universe are powerful, consistent,
And unbiased. There’s nothing on earth to prevent
You from being as happy as ever because
To a wealth of wellbeing you do have access.

Lighten up in your rigid approach to it all.
You’re more worthy than you could ever know but you
Could be much more aware and allowing of it.
You can retell your life story as you see fit.
All things respond to a positive point of view.
You cannot sweat the small stuff and it all is small.

Everything that you care about is lined up for
You to see. Your ability to see it, though,
Is something that you practice so start with the things
That are easiest. Note what the universe brings
Into your life experience. You ought to know
That there’s so much wellbeing knocking at your door.

Gradually you can begin to focus on
Things that you’ve been practicing resistance about.
You can think about them in less resistant ways
Then the universe will do its best to amaze
And delight you. You have no good reason to doubt
That blessings coming to you will never be gone.

Freak Out Less Frequently

Sheer Panic

Everyone Is On Your Side. Think of it this way.
It may seem so ridiculous to you because
Obviously some people are your enemies
But you can change your thinking so that you’re at ease
With the tough situation. Just take a brief pause.
In control of your vibration you want to stay.

From the broadest perspective we’re all much the same.
Everyone is on one side and one side only.
When you zoom in, confusion about things exists.
People must solve their problems by raising their fists,
Their voices, and their weapons. We don’t know that we
Are all players in a huge spiritual game.

Sometimes you get the old one-two-three punch and you
Start to freak out because you know deep down inside
That things should work out for you. When they don’t you feel
A pervasive injustice that you can’t conceal.
Feeling that all hope for you is being denied
Limited is your focus on what next to do.

You just have to relax and stop throwing a fit
When you’re not getting what you want right this moment.
Switch your point of attraction. You get to decide
How to feel and think and how to be satisfied.
You can change anything by your conscious intent.
Be aware of the vibration that you transmit.

Your Natural Frequency

Colorful Vibrations

We want you to find ways where you can consciously
And deliberately allow your vortex to
Tune you right into Your Natural Frequency.
When you reach this state you most certainly will be
Yodeling down the canyons of life. Now if you
Are not tuned then a rather screwed up world you see.

When you’re not tuned to Your Natural Frequency
You’re complaining. You point out all the injustice
In the world. Although it’s something you can’t deny
To preserve your vibration indeed you must try
Focusing elsewhere. How things are you can dismiss
Long enough to recover complete sanity.

Blame feels a whole lot better than utter despair.
You can say that it’s their fault and feel some relief
But it won’t last a long time unfortunately.
You must let go of any negativity
In your daily routine. Don’t let things give you grief.
About how you feel is the only thing to care.

You cannot get others to behave in a way
That will please you. You have to find a way to be
Pleased apart from what other people are doing.
Your focus on your vibration needs renewing
Constantly. It’s up to you to get yourself free
Of resistance and in a good mood you will stay.

Focus Wheeling And Freedom

Cosmic Target

If you think you need to clean up some resistance
In your life on a specific topic you may
Do a focus wheel feeling that it’s all you need
To deal with it and without a doubt you’ll succeed
With your clean up and you’ll cast resistance away.
This works rather well under any circumstance.

The idea of cleaning up a vibration
Has some resistance in it because there’s something
To clean up and if you focus on it too long
Or too hard then you send the universe the wrong
Affirmation and what you don’t want it will bring.
Too much focus wheeling leads to your frustration.

So when you find yourself weary of the subject
It’s a sign that your offering too much effort.
At that point you can give up. “Enough Already!”
You can say to yourself. You have reason to be
Liberated. The process you need to abort
If you’re not getting from it what you would expect.

Once you give it up you reach an uncluttered space
Of becoming aware that you can start anew
On a fresh subject where there’s no cleaning to do.
Allow yourself to witness your dream coming true
By surrendering to the evolved part of you.
Shift you focus to something you fully embrace.

Your Vibrational Legacy

Supernatural Powers

You may not know that you have a huge legacy –
A vibrational reality. It contains
All that you’ve ever wanted since you were a child
Very young in your wanting when passion was wild.
You can learn how to enter the unseen domains.
It all amounts to finding ways to be happy.

You want to be the deliberate creator
Of your own life experience. Wiser are you
Than you know and you’re most deserving of every
Thing you want no matter what it happens to be.
All that’s needed is a positive point of view.
It’s something that you must learn sooner or later.

Let yourself hope for outrageously wonderful
Things to come into your life. The universe knows
What you want as you want it. Ask it to show you
Just how good you are. You can establish a new
Way of thinking by not thinking things that oppose
What you’re wanting. Stop grabbing the horns by the bull.

Play the game just a little bit differently.
Tell the universe a story it can believe
Which is any that you give your attention to.
Tell the one that brings maximum blessings to you.
Joyfulness is being in the mode to receive.
It’s truly part and parcel of your legacy.

Clues Are Being Given

Detailed Search

There exists not a person who’s without a clue
Contrary to the insult that often is used
Against others to make them feel unconnected
From reality. People should be respected.
If someone says, “You’re clueless.”, you’re wrongly accused.
Don’t believe what you know in your heart isn’t true.

You’ve put with great precision details into your
Own vortex of creation. You can’t remember
All that you’ve put there but your inner being knows
Everything about you and it constantly shows
You the way to fulfillment. All that you prefer
It’s aware of. It’s always knocking at your door.

It may be that sometimes you get in your own way
By not keeping yourself more consciously aware
Of the clues as they happen or you may not be
Happy with your most challenging reality
But you must know for certain that the clues are there.
They’re given to you throughout each and every day.

The path of least resistance is offered to you
By your own inner being with whom you’re in touch
At any given moment. You can easily
Find the clues that will lead to your being happy.
When you feel good the universe can give you much
Information and with it a much broader view.

You’re Not Here Being Tested

Freedom Of Youth

You’re Not Here Being Tested although it may seem
That you are at times but when you get out ahead
Of things then you’re not always out on the bleeding
Edge where every thought must be precise. Misleading
Is the notion that you can’t be happy instead
Of always having to paddle your way upstream.

Getting out ahead of things means being aware
Of how you want to feel in each moment and why
You deserve feeling happy. Every moment can
Be fulfilling if you make it so rather than
Letting things up and happen. Don’t act on the fly.
For each moment you must take the time to prepare.

You’re not being challenged by the universe. This
Is not a contest of wits. It’s a response to
Your vibrational output. Your split energy
Is the reason why your living happens to be
Not fulfilling. No one’s doing a thing to you.
There’s nothing that can keep you from a state of bliss.

Calibrate your vibration ahead of time by
Meditating and segment intending and you
Will control every moment. Create a bubble
Of wellbeing. It isn’t all that much trouble
To transmit a vibration that reaches out to
The ends of the universe. So keep flying high.

Changing Into Sameness

Simple Boredom

Well, it’s always been like this. I cannot recall
When life wasn’t so boring. So is this the way
It will be for as long as I remain alive?
The sheer lack of excitement is enough to drive
Anyone quite bananas. I spend everyday
Of my life contemplating on nothing at all.

“But things are always changing,” I hear people say.
“It can be any way that you want it to be.
You do not have to keep on regurgitating
What amounts to the same old uninteresting
Things about ‘what is.’ You can think differently.”

It makes sense. Would it help if I thought in this way?

‘What Is’ is what’s not changing and I want it to
Change to something refreshingly pleasing to me.
Things are changing but they change into the same thing
Unless I do something differently to bring
On the change that I’m seeking so diligently.
I’m ready more than ever now for what is new.

If I look at life through the lens of a broader
Perspective – through the eyes of my inner being –
I’ll begin catching glimpses and receiving clues,
Inspiration, and insights, all of which I’ll use
To develop a much better way of seeing.
‘What Is’ can change to ‘What Is To Be,’ as it were.

Inner Guidance

Specific Direction

Facing reality only regurgitates
It in essence. There’s plenty of reality
That you want to keep replicated but then there
Are things that only lead to much grief and despair.
If you focus too much on those things then you’ll be
Not your best self. Indeed you’ll be someone who hates.

Your emotions will tell you exactly what you
Need to know in each moment so pay attention
To what they have to say. They’re your guidance system.
If you choose you can gain much benefit from them.
How you feel cannot be beyond comprehension.
You can always be sure that what you feel is true.

When you’re driving on the expressway and you drift
Off the road then the rough pavement will let you know
That you’re getting off track. It’s an indication
Of that fact only. It’s not a condemnation
Of your action. Your emotions exist to show
How far off track you are. Consider them a gift.

If a thought doesn’t feel good then go general.
If it feels entertaining then get specific.
Milk it for all that it has and be satisfied
That the good feelings you get cannot be denied.
They can guide you to feeling rather fantastic.
You should know that your happiness should be normal.

Find Something To Feel Good About

Self Assured

Take it easy! Relax! Don’t make such a big deal
About getting aligned with who you truly are.
You are meant to be happy. Just remember that.
You can do that by choice no matter where you’re at.
From feeling a little better you’re never far.
It’s about taking care of the way that you feel.

Find Something To Feel Good About and be happy
About it then find something else that makes you feel
Good then feel good about it. As you continue
In this way you’ll always have a positive view
Of the world and your life. The real and the ideal
Harmonize when you’re as happy as you can be.

Don’t try to fix the world because it’s not broken.
Nothing needs to be rectified. Leave things alone
That don’t bring you fulfillment. Look only for things
That uplift you. Whatever the news cycle brings
To your consciousness you really don’t have to own.
Bring yourself back into your wellbeing again.

Be selfishly interested in the way you
Feel and let everyone else care for how they feel.
You’ll contribute to life in an emphatic way.
Look for things to feel good about throughout each day.
Feeling better must always be to your appeal.
Find something that you can pour your whole self into.


On The Spot

Worthiness was at issue. I needed a new
Place to work at because of utter frustration
With my purpose and how I was being treated.
I did not want my mistake to be repeated.
There was no tolerating my situation.
I knew perfectly well what I needed to do.

Several rounds of interviews I scheduled for.
I could not be successful in them because I
Had the imprint of anger in my vibration.
I was not happy with my messed up creation.
I went on for a long while without knowing why
I’d been harming myself by things that I abhor.

So I made peace with the people and policies
Of the place where I still worked and then I went on
To the next interview feeling so lighthearted
That I knew that I had it before it started.
The contempt that I once had was completely gone.
I engaged the interview with uncommon ease.

At the end of the interview they offered me
The position with the pay that I had in mind.
They augmented the job description to include
Things that I adore. My faith in life is renewed.
With my true self I had become fully aligned.
I’d lined up with the power of Source Energy.

Feel Your Way To Your Dreams


What you want is only a vibration away.
Your Vortex of Creation contains everything
That you’ve ever wished for and you access it by
Feeling good. You know that it’s best not to deny
How you feel. No matter what may be happening
In touch with who you truly are you always stay.

You can get up to speed with who you are right now
And there could be an instant manifestation
Because what you want is already a done deal.
Your work is to pay attention to how you feel.
You’re a master of deliberate creation
When at will you engage your freedom to allow.

You interpret the physical world easily
With your sense organs but you may not be as keen
At interpreting vibration and that’s okay
Because with practice you can improve in this way.
You have no problem keeping your vibration clean
As you learn to be as happy as you can be.

Your Vortex is a feeling place – a confirming
Place of the wholeness of who you are. How you feel
Is the way to experience all that is there.
Take a break from your issues and be more aware
Of your present wellbeing which is very real.
Always know that you can manifest anything.

Let The Universe Take Your Order

Culinary Skill

In a huge well-stocked kitchen The Chef operates
For the purpose of serving all of humankind.
All the good, bad, and ugly is on the menu.
It’s the contrast life offers that we all sift through.
As we choose preferences they become refined
In the mind as a wonderful meal it creates.

Now that you’ve placed your order kick back and relax.
Let the restaurant staff do their work faithfully
By not asking them how much longer it will take.
That would be rude and useless. The peace that you make
With your order will help you out enormously
So let your anticipation reach a climax.

As you’re waiting you can think about how the meal
Will bring to you much pleasure and satisfaction.
It’s absurd to be worried that it may not come.
It’s important then for you to stay away from
Negative thoughts by looking for some distraction
For a while from the thing with which you cannot deal.

If you aren’t selfish enough to care about how
You feel from moment to moment then you can’t tune
To the resources earmarked for you. You must be
Receptive to all the restaurant energy
And your meal will be delivered to you as soon
As you stop the resistance and learn to allow.

Dealing With ‘What Is’

Work Woe

Where I am is where I am. What else can I do
But accept where I am now? Were I to complain
Or worry I know that it would do little good.
I would praise and be hopeful if only I could.
Is there not a positive thought to entertain?
About my situation I’m feeling quite blue.

How can I look at it optimistically
When ‘What Is’ hijacks too much of my attention?
How do I make peace with it and be on my way?
I don’t function well when I’m in utter dismay.
Hopefulness is way beyond my comprehension
At this moment. This isn’t the way it should be.

I’ve lived long enough to know that this too shall pass.
‘What Is’ won’t last forever. The only reason
It continues to be is because I cling to
‘What Is’ so much that ‘What Could Be’ cannot get through
My resistance. I know that I’m the only one
Who’s responsible for closing the wide crevasse.

At some point I know that I will have to ignore
‘What Is’ long enough until I can find something
Totally off the subject that gives me relief
From my self-induced agony. It’s my belief
That I can change my thinking so that it will bring
Harmony to my situation and much more.

Momentum Convergence


Think a thought for about fourteen seconds and then
Another thought just like it will join it. If you
Keep on thinking then more thoughts will gather until
A huge convergence of your momentous thought will
Reach a point of combustion. This isn’t a new
Idea but it’s worth speaking of it again.

Law of Attraction is all about momentum
And the way that you’re feeling moment to moment.
You may introduce resistance into the mix
By thinking that you have a big problem to fix.
You control your creation one hundred percent
Without action or depending on an outcome.

As you focus you’re sitting by yourself and you’re
Contemplating something and you’re enjoying it.
You don’t offer resistance and you’re allowing
Provident forces of the universe to bring
Everything you want to you so you benefit
From a healthy vibration that’s vital and pure.

So when you’re in alignment with who you are you
Have the energy that creates worlds standing by
To fulfill all your wishes and as thoughts converge
Only good times and wonderful things will emerge.
A wellbeing explosion you cannot deny
Will occur as you’re practicing this point of view.

Connect To What You Want

Complete Satisfaction

People who have had the most enormous success
In terms of money, fame, and joy are obsessive
In their thinking. They get a lot of pleasure from
Thinking much about what they want. They beat the drum
Of its coming and their success is impressive.
They are focused on what they want and nothing less.

Once you know what you want nothing can cause you to
Waver in your vibrational expectation.
Your knowing is complete because you’ve practiced it
For a long while. The vibration that you transmit
Is the key to your deliberate creation.
This is how you can get good things to come to you.

So take pleasure in molding the thought in your mind.
In so doing you’re aligning the energy
Of your being to what you want and it must come.
Let nothing in this troubled world deter you from
Being the creator that you came here to be.
You can train your thinking to be pleasure inclined.

Feeling good is connection to what you desire.
You have to practice the connection until it
Becomes what is most natural. Focus only
Upon things guaranteed to make you feel happy.
Let nothing about life worry you one damned bit.
Nothing else of you does the universe require.

Shift Your Thoughts

Free Thought

Life is supposed to be good for you and you’ve done
A wonderful job of lining up many things
To desire from the contrast that life offers you.
You’re aware that you’ve nothing else on earth to do
But be happy in all of your undertakings
And you’re aware of the value of having fun.

When you think thoughts that are in opposition to
What you want you feel lousy. You want something but
You don’t feel that you’ll get it. This is resistance.
If you have it you have but a minuscule chance
Of receiving what you want. Your choice is clear-cut.
Thinking thoughts that are uplifting benefits you.

Your emotional guidance system lets you know
If you’re moving toward or away from your dream.
Sickness is a friendly indicator that lets
You know that there’s a problem but have no regrets
You can always enter into the wellness stream
And feel much better than you did a while ago.

It’s not difficult for you to notice when you
Aren’t on board with your purpose. You can be aware
Of when it first happens then you can do something
About it. Let the provident universe bring
All you’ve wanted right to you. You want to prepare
Yourself fully for receiving all that is due.

A Fantastic Reality

Hobbit Earth

Today you may be offering a vibration
Based on something that happened twenty years ago
That you may have forgotten, so unconsciously
You behave in a manner that doesn’t agree
With who you are today and all that you now know
About the art of deliberate creation.

The momentum built up already has nothing
To do with what you’re wanting, so focus upon
Something different long enough that you can feel
Some relief from what seems to be such an ordeal
For the heart and the psyche. When all hope is gone
Then upon anything uplifting you must cling.

Whatever you’re focused upon the universe
Responds to it. It doesn’t matter if it’s real
Or something conjured up in your mind. Just the fact
That you’re offering the vibration you attract
What you’re focused on to you. How’s that make you feel?
One would hope that it won’t make you feel any worse.

Who does not need distraction? Illness, poverty,
And confusion are things you must get away from
For a while by creating your own fantasy.
You can make everything just the way it should be.
Ignore now for the moment and soothe yourself some.
You are meant to be living your life happily.

Expect Good Things To Happen

Beach Side Joy

A vibrational snob is what you want to be
Meaning that you prefer to be among those who
Are uplifting. You don’t want to be around those
Who are fraught with depression or those who oppose
Happiness and excitement. Have nothing to do
With those who offer you negative energy.

Make sure you’re not attracting it by consciously
Expecting good to happen. Don’t let the mindset
Of the world sleepwalk you into utter despair.
Hardly does it mean that about things you don’t care.
It means only that thinking of them is a threat
To your purpose, your pleasure, and your sanity.

You’re here to explore and decide what you prefer
From the contrast offered. Deservability
Was never an issue. You’re worthy beyond doubt.
Spend much more of your time ruminating about
What you want. Source is with you on your long journey.
Take more notice of God’s blessings as they occur.

You’ll make a whole lot happen in this world when you
Know that you have control over your vibration.
The support there is for what you want to create
Is immense and when you choose to stay in the state
Of allowing you get rid of much frustration.
Place your positive focus upon what is true.

Be Kind To Yourself

Righteous Heart

You can get to the  general vibrational
Reason behind what you want by just asking why
Your desire is important. Begin practicing
The vibration of creative manifesting.
Answering the question ‘why?’ keeps you flying high.
What you’ve asked for is coming. You know that it shall.

The only question to ask is, “How long are you
Going to keep yourself from it?”
It all depends

On how much in the mode of receiving you are.
Since you’re speaking about how you feel you’re not far
From achieving your wishes. Spirit recommends
That you keep yourself happy in all that you do.

What’s the feeling of having and living your dream?
When the experience finally comes to be
How will you feel exactly? Go into detail
Until only feelings just like it can prevail.
The feelings of homecoming and security
Give you power and confidence in the extreme.

Law of Attraction is showing you how you feel
In each moment so that you can make decisions.
It’s about being kinder to yourself always
And all others. Make sure that your consciousness stays
Free of clutter and honor your inner visions.
Talk about your dream as if it has become real.

Things Are Working Out

Everything's Fine

Things are always working out for me. I believe
This wholeheartedly. Even though sometimes it seems
That they’re not, deep within me I know that they are.
I’ve practiced this belief so I rarely stray far
From my purpose in life. As I follow my dreams
It’s my intent to be in the mode to receive.

If the statement becomes too strong then I can say
That things often work out for me. More to what’s true
Is this keen observation. I’m fully aware
Often that Things Are Working Out. All that I care
About is my point of attraction – not what you
Or what anyone else thinks. I’m freed in this way.

I’m beginning to trust in my own worthiness
And wellbeing. I can feel that I’m the object
Of the attention of that which created all.
There’s no reason ever that I shouldn’t stand tall.
For the provident universe I have respect.
To the tools of creation I have full access.

Things Are Working Out always. I could smooth the flow
Out by trusting that more. It doesn’t have to take
A long time for it to happen but it’s okay
If it does. I shall have only good things to say
About my life which by now is a piece of cake.
That Things Are Working Out is a good thing to know.

Acknowledge The Blessings

Lakeside Joy

As soon as you acknowledge a burning desire
You’re also aware of the probability
Of the lack of the thing that you want. Focusing
On the lack doesn’t get it. In order to bring
It to you, in a state of receptivity
You must be. Nothing else does your wanting require.

It’s so easy to give far much more attention
To the lack of what you want. Its reality
Is apparent and visceral but it does not,
In terms of your own vibration, matter a lot.
Keep your focus on the way you want things to be.
In your self-talk, the lack you don’t have to mention.

The way you know the difference between whether
You’re focused upon what you want or on its lack
Is by the way it feels when you think about it.
If it doesn’t feel right you don’t have to permit
Negative thought to knock your whole game out of whack.
Do the best you can to keep it all together.

Look for positive aspects in all that you do
No matter where you are or in what circumstance.
Everywhere doors will open. You’ll be recognized
By the universe as someone who’s realized
That the good things in life do not happen by chance.
Look around for all the good that’s coming to you.

Wanting Without Penalty

Earnestly Hoping

Be more high minded with your thoughts. Make sure that they
Are resistance free. This world has the wherewithal
To deliver to you everything you desire
If indeed it has the potential to inspire
The wanting within you. Let your wanting enthrall
And delight you. Let it do so throughout your day.

Once you have a desire you cannot take it back.
There’s no regression. Life has caused you to expand
And you either go with it or stay where you are.
If the latter you do then you’ll stay very far
From the things that you’re wanting. As you understand
More about how this works nothing seems out of whack.

When you think about what you want focus on why
You desire it. Feel the life giving qualities
Of imagining just how you want things to be.
Think thoughts that will help you out vibrationally.
Things will manifest for you with relative ease.
You know well which laws of the universe apply.

You can focus upon the aspects of which you’re
Doing that feel the best until you purify
Your vibration. When feeling good is dominant
Then just like a genie the universe will grant
You your wishes. Indeed it can be your ally.
The wellbeing in your life will grow and endure.

Accept That It’s Done

No Problem Here

Knowing well that it’s done I can be on my way
Living life to its fullest. No reason have I
To be doubtful that it’s done vibrationally.
From that level is where everything comes to be.
I’ve asked for it and it’s done so I’m flying high.
In the state of acceptance of this I must stay.

Everything that I’ve asked for – a healthy body,
A relationship, money, and people who share
The same values that I do – all of it is done.
As I speak of what’s done momentum has begun
And because it’s done I need only be aware
Of what’s done and continue to live happily.

I don’t have to make it happen because it’s done.
I like talking about it because it feels good
To do so and to think of it incessantly
Is as pleasurable as having it for me.
That it’s done is by me more than well understood.
Because it’s done I’m perfectly free to have fun.

Insignificant is the bit of resistance
I may offer compared to what’s done already.
My vibrational escrow is magnificent
And it’s huge so I remain ever confident
That what I want is done and it always will be.
That it’s done decomposes the notion of chance.

Positive Aspects

Isolated Worth

Finding that golden nugget amid the darkness
Heir apparent is challenging if you believe
Something’s wrong with the planet or with our species
So it’s best to see the way your inner self sees.
In this way many helpful insights you’ll receive
Regarding your misperceptions of hopelessness.

Make lists of Positive Aspects and revel in
The perfection of this planet’s proximity
To others in their own orbits. Be aware of
All that’s good about existence and be in love
With all that you’ve created. You were meant to be
In a happy state and this is where to begin.

When you awaken speak your appreciation
For the new day. Thank the sun for having risen
Whether or not you can see it. “It’s a good day,”
Say to yourself. Then in a good mood you will stay.
Blessings of the universe will follow you when
You acknowledge the goodness of all creation.

You have such a good basis from which to begin.
All is well with you. Source Energy is aware
Of you and has your back. Everything that matters
To you it knows. Be mindful of all that occurs
On your way to more good times and take special care
Of your Point of Attraction. All starts from within.

Let The Money In

Money In Hand

There’s a bunch of abundance. It’s waiting for you
To behold and to have. It comes as no surprise
That your hopefulness leads to your satisfaction.
You know now that it’s never about the action.
It’s about allowing yourself to realize
All the pleasure of having your wishes come true.

You may be surrounded by those who don’t want you
To look foolish or in some way delusional.
They would rather you not stick your head in the sand
But the thing about life that they don’t understand
Is that when you ask it’s for certain that it shall
Be given. They have issues with this point of view.

‘Telling it like it is’ is highly regarded
But it will also hold ‘like it is’ forever
Where it is. You’ll be stuck there indefinitely.
Tell the world and the universe a new story
Where the wealth you envision will surely occur.
The story you’ve been telling can be discarded.

Whether it’s true or not makes not a difference
To the universe. It knows but the vibration
That has been activated. It will then respond
To your story with detail that reaches beyond
Your own wonderfully wild imagination.
Be prepared for magnificent times to commence.

Stop Looking For It And It Will Come

Big Looking

Something’s lost. You can’t find it. So what do you do?
You start looking all over the place once again.
Still it’s not showing up. Now you’re in panic mode.
At some point you approach a decisive crossroad.
You give up and forget about it which is when
Information about where it is comes to you.

When you know that the universe knows where things are
Then you know that the knowledge of their location
Is available to you. You have to chill out
And stop entertaining thoughts of worry and doubt.
Searching further will only lead to frustration.
Anything that is lost cannot be very far.

When you’re not spending so much time worrying where
It could possibly be you become open to
The impulse to look somewhere you wouldn’t expect
Otherwise. This information you can’t reject.
You’ll be stuck in eternal search mode if you do.
There are many things found in your life. Focus there.

There’s nothing outside of your reach. You just have to
Train yourself to the frequency of it and be
More trusting of the universe to deliver
What you need to know to you. It is the giver
Of all knowledge. Your goal is to live happily.
All that’s lost will then make its way to finding you.

If You Can Dream It…

Wide Awake

You can do, be, or have anything, it’s been said
Quite a bit by now and it’s worth saying again
And again until it becomes fully ingrained
In the consciousness where it can thus be maintained
As your mantra which you can recite now and then
To enhance all the perfectly good times ahead.

So are you a cooperative component?
Certainly if you don’t harbor worry or doubt.
When you’re free of resistance your dream will come true.
You must stay connected to the best part of you.
It’s the one who knows everything you’re all about.
As you dream you remain in extreme contentment.

Scientists come up with new science in this way.
They start out with a hypothesis then they get
Enough others to believe what once was a dream.
As you’re dreaming you’re letting yourself flow downstream
Straight toward what you’re after. A major asset
Is your dreaming so do it throughout every day.

You need not care if your dream comes to fruition.
In so doing you throw resistance in the mix.
If you dream enough for the joy of dreaming, you
Will be manifesting things from out of the blue.
It is the safest way for you to get your kicks.
You may become a master of acquisition.

Surrender To Satisfaction

Happy Friendship

The emotional scale indicates the degree
You’re allowing or resisting the wellbeing
Ever present. At one end there’s blame, hurt, despair,
Revenge, anger, and hatred. Who isn’t aware
Of these feelings? Most people end up agreeing
That they suck. Is there a reason for them to be?

At the other end of the emotional scale
Is love, appreciation, passion, ecstasy,
And excitement. It’s not often people remain
In such states for a long time. There’s practical gain
At the scale’s center. It’s the place you want to be.
Be aware of the good life in vivid detail.

At the middle of the scale is satisfaction
And contentment. There’s no resistance in the mind
Or the heart as you have vibrational control
Of each moment. The secret to becoming whole
Is appreciating everything you can find.
This will greatly enhance your point of attraction.

The more time you spend looking for reasons to be
Satisfied then the more Law of Attraction brings
More rivers and streams of things that are just the same.
Satisfaction means that to the world you exclaim
Your surrender to happiness as your heart sings
Of the praises of your newfound reality.

Have A Talk With Your Cells

Raw Blood

It’s an inaccurate assumption that the brain
Is the center of all thinking ability.
It’s not just the brain that transmits and receives thought.
Every cell of the body does this but we’re caught
In the mindset that the mind controls the body.
It’s a concept that you wouldn’t want to maintain.

If you don’t make decisions about what you want
Then the cells of your body receive influence
And direction from whatever mass consciousness
Is speaking. If they’re hearing nothing but distress
Then they’ll feel bad. You know that this makes common sense
Yet the propensity is to be nonchalant.

After climbing a mountain the body may be
In the morning sore and stiff from the exercise.
Speak this way to your body before the next climb,
“Listen up, cells. Indeed I’ve decided that I’m
Up for climbing this mountain. I pray that you guys
Get the perfect amount of blood and energy.”

“Tomorrow when I wake up I want to feel fine
And well rested.”
When you speak to your cells this way

They respond positively. You can override
Old beliefs. Remember that you get to decide
How you feel. In the best of health you want to stay.
You are meant to be healthy by nature’s design.