Tag Archive | hopeful

Change Your Life


From a vantage point distant the earth may not seem
To be of any particular interest
But to us earth is special. It’s our only home.
All alone tucked away in a cosmic syndrome
Over eons consider how far we’ve progressed.
As a planet how would you rate our self-esteem?

Frequent misunderstandings among humankind
Spell disaster. World leaders cannot get along
For the most part. It’s been our reality since
The beginning. It’s not difficult to convince
Anyone into thinking that something is wrong
With someone. Hatefulness is so easy to find.

We delight in our self-imagined importance.
The delusion that we’ve some special position
In the universe is challenged by who we are
In reality – a species with a bizarre
Way of acting. Our spiritual condition
Keeps us bound in a most peculiar circumstance.

Each of us is a member of the human race
And as such we have a responsibility
To ourselves and the planet to continue to
Make progress as a species. The more you can do
To change something for the better the more you’ll be
Receptive to our evolution taking place.

Let The Money In

Money In Hand

There’s a bunch of abundance. It’s waiting for you
To behold and to have. It comes as no surprise
That your hopefulness leads to your satisfaction.
You know now that it’s never about the action.
It’s about allowing yourself to realize
All the pleasure of having your wishes come true.

You may be surrounded by those who don’t want you
To look foolish or in some way delusional.
They would rather you not stick your head in the sand
But the thing about life that they don’t understand
Is that when you ask it’s for certain that it shall
Be given. They have issues with this point of view.

‘Telling it like it is’ is highly regarded
But it will also hold ‘like it is’ forever
Where it is. You’ll be stuck there indefinitely.
Tell the world and the universe a new story
Where the wealth you envision will surely occur.
The story you’ve been telling can be discarded.

Whether it’s true or not makes not a difference
To the universe. It knows but the vibration
That has been activated. It will then respond
To your story with detail that reaches beyond
Your own wonderfully wild imagination.
Be prepared for magnificent times to commence.

The Emotional Process

Heartfelt Attachment

Ornery is the feeling. You must wonder why
Humankind is upsetting. The national news
Is of doom and destruction all done from within.
On the emotional scale where do you begin
Believing that how you feel you’re obliged to choose?
How does one react to a world that’s gone awry?

This vibrational point of entry does exist
Somewhere between hope and belief. Your hopefulness
About something puts you in the vicinity
Of what you want. You’re wanting to live happily
So you’re willing to go through the simple process
Of addressing your propensity to resist.

Don’t do that thing that you do that holds you apart
From what you want – from your Vortex of Creation.
When you stop it your Vortex will take you right in.
Do whatever you know that will put a big grin
On your face and give you a sense of elation.
Your Creative Vortex is accessed through the heart.

It won’t change anything in the world but it will
Make a difference in the way that you perceive
All that’s happening. You can remain in control
Of your feelings. Remember that you have a soul.
A state of alignment is what you will achieve
Then every segment of your life becomes a thrill.

A Vibrational Match

Colorful Frequencies

There exists a vibrational reality.
It has no physical substance yet consciousness
Is its nature because it’s just a state of mind.
Can the term be much more accurately defined?
Probably but the proper way is to access
It firsthand then you will understand completely.

This vibrational reality is as real
As are subatomic particles and their waves.
Our emotions are produced by thought energy.
Waves and particles do their thing rather oddly.
When consciousness is present then each one behaves
As if it knows it’s thought about. This is ideal.

If you’re in despair or you feel disappointment
You’re nowhere near receiving the inspiration
And the insight that will lead you to happiness.
If you’re hopeful then your prognosis for success
Is outstanding. You can solve your situation
By changing how you feel through your conscious intent.

You’ll get to the point where you know your worthiness
Without question. Become A Vibrational Match
To who you truly are and have fun on the way
To your dreams. The waves and particles want to play
With your creative powers. Get ready to catch
All the blessings thrown to you. You’re worth nothing less.

Become A Vibrational Match

Colorful Vibration

Everything in the universe is vibration.
Quantum physics explains in explicit detail
How the tiniest parts of things are energy
That vibrate at a particular frequency
And those which operate on a much larger scale
Orchestrate all the universe’s creation.

Conscious intent creates things, and as creation
Is occurring, vibrational reality
Had existed already. What has to take place
Is that the one creating does fully embrace
This vibrational reality one can’t see
At the moment, yet it’s cause for celebration.

The vibrational reality you create
By your living life and having preferences
Is more vivid and real than the reality
That’s apparent. Believe in it wholeheartedly
Even though you can’t use your physical senses
To perceive it. Remain in that positive state.

When you feel negative emotion you’re nowhere
Near your cherished vibrational reality
But if you’re feeling hopeful you’ll come to believe
Then from the universe you’ll begin to receive
Evidence to support your belief and you’ll be
Well on your way to knowing that for which you care.

Care About How You Feel

Happily Going

All that you want, you will get. Let’s start right from there.
Both the Law of Attraction and Source Energy
Are at work all the time lining up things for you.
Don’t take anyone’s word for it. You know it’s true.
You were meant to be as happy as you can be.
You can take your happiness with you anywhere.

Let the manifestation not be your main goal
For a little while. Be satisfied with the dream
And the wonderful feeling that clarity brings.
You cannot right now purchase magnificent things,
But you can chill and go have some cake and ice cream.
The point is, you have the magic of self-control.

If you care more about the manifestation
Than the feeling it brings you, then you interfere
With the natural process by being aware
Of the absence of what you want. You want to care
More about the excitement. You want to adhere
To the absolute knowing that everything’s done.

You are an emotional evaluator.
Make the way that you feel matter most so that you
Tune yourself into alignment with your desire.
More important than all the things you may acquire
Are the best feelings ever that all lead up to
The moment of your getting what you have asked for.

Your Happiness

Collection Of Contentment

It feels great to be happy. No one can argue.
It’s the motive of every act people perform.
“It’s Your Happiness, Stupid!” the angels will shout
To we humans. Life is supposed to be about
Abundance and wellbeing. These should be the norm.
Life is meant to be fun and exciting for you.

When you feel ornery, you’re vibrationally
Nowhere near satisfaction with the here and now.
But when you are hopeful, you are right on the brink
Of belief. Be aware of the thoughts that you think.
How much of your true self do you want to allow
To shine through you? How simple the answer can be!

The door to Your Happiness is somewhere between
Sincere hope and believing. When you enter there,
You are drawn easily into true happiness.
As you get used to it, you’ll accept nothing less
Than a life that is absolutely without care.
To the whole world your true self will clearly be seen.

The Law of Attraction will take you in when there
Is not enough resistance to keep you locked out.
When you stop doing that thing keeps you apart
From your happiness, then things in your life will start
Improving almost instantly, without a doubt.
Happiness is a personal hygiene affair.