Tag Archive | isolate

Overcoming Depression

Out Of Sorts

Between pretty damned miserable and just plain
Devastated all of the time you seem to be.
Your stuck in a range on the emotional scale
Where only sick thinking is allowed to prevail.
A solution to your issue you cannot see
And your thinking about it brings on a migraine.

It’s a negative feedback loop. You get depressed.
You stop seeing your friends. You start to isolate
Then you get more depressed and you isolate more.
It becomes hard from this position to reach for
Better feeling thoughts. It becomes hard to create
Anything but confusion when you’re not your best.

You can check in with yourself every now and then
To find out where you’re sitting emotionally.
From feeling suicidal to feeling okay
Notice every emotion you feel through the day
Then the causes of your depression you may see.
Do believe that you can feel quite normal again.

You’ll notice that when you feel your life’s worth living
You’re with a certain person or group of people
Or it may be you’re doing something you adore.
Once you discover what it is then do it more.
Focus on ways to make your life more meaningful.
Concentrate only on things that are life-giving.

Surrender To Satisfaction

Happy Friendship

The emotional scale indicates the degree
You’re allowing or resisting the wellbeing
Ever present. At one end there’s blame, hurt, despair,
Revenge, anger, and hatred. Who isn’t aware
Of these feelings? Most people end up agreeing
That they suck. Is there a reason for them to be?

At the other end of the emotional scale
Is love, appreciation, passion, ecstasy,
And excitement. It’s not often people remain
In such states for a long time. There’s practical gain
At the scale’s center. It’s the place you want to be.
Be aware of the good life in vivid detail.

At the middle of the scale is satisfaction
And contentment. There’s no resistance in the mind
Or the heart as you have vibrational control
Of each moment. The secret to becoming whole
Is appreciating everything you can find.
This will greatly enhance your point of attraction.

The more time you spend looking for reasons to be
Satisfied then the more Law of Attraction brings
More rivers and streams of things that are just the same.
Satisfaction means that to the world you exclaim
Your surrender to happiness as your heart sings
Of the praises of your newfound reality.

The Power Of Your Example

Making It Clear

When someone is thriving it can make you feel more
Secure even though you’re detached from it a bit
Because it’s them and not you. When someone’s failing
It can shake you up. The vibration prevailing
Affects people, so it’s to one’s own benefit
To know what to attend to and what to ignore.

You can positively affect people by your
Example, but you cannot get well enough to
Make a sick person better. You’re not the center
Of the universe. All you can do is enter
A state of absolute wellbeing, and if you
Can do that much you’ll get what you’ve been aiming for.

Your attention to whether someone is thriving
Or not is what is causing it to affect you.
By the same token you have the ability
To hook up with pure positive Source Energy
And your focus can be of tremendous value.
Your healing powers people will be high fiving.

How can you be of greatest value to others?
Be of greatest value to yourself and be kind
In presenting yourself to the people you meet.
Your connection to your Source defines how you treat
Yourself and other people. Therein you will find
Wellbeing and contentment in all that occurs.