Tag Archive | decide

Just Decide To Be Happy

Happy Focus

You decide that you’re going to take full control
Of your relationship with who you really are.
When you do so it closes the gap between you
And who you truly are. You can start a brand new
Way of living. Your attitude can take you far
On your journey and it can help you become whole.

It’s merely a decision. If you’re not ready
To make it because you haven’t been up to speed
With the most evolved part of you then you can’t see
Any reason to waste your time being happy.
You cannot be receptive from your place of need.
Wait until your vibration is much more steady.

When you’re somewhere near hopefulness then you become
More receptive to thoughts that feel better to you.
There are so many things to be happy about.
Don’t let others give you any reason to doubt
The wellbeing that’s dominant. Don’t listen to
Those who march to the beat of a negative drum.

Now life is going to take a new form and shape.
You’ll feel exhilaration and satisfaction
In most moments of your whole life experience.
It’s like riding a bike. Once you learn how you hence
Won’t forget how to change your point of attraction.
From the world and its troubles you need an escape.

Expect Good Things To Happen

Beach Side Joy

A vibrational snob is what you want to be
Meaning that you prefer to be among those who
Are uplifting. You don’t want to be around those
Who are fraught with depression or those who oppose
Happiness and excitement. Have nothing to do
With those who offer you negative energy.

Make sure you’re not attracting it by consciously
Expecting good to happen. Don’t let the mindset
Of the world sleepwalk you into utter despair.
Hardly does it mean that about things you don’t care.
It means only that thinking of them is a threat
To your purpose, your pleasure, and your sanity.

You’re here to explore and decide what you prefer
From the contrast offered. Deservability
Was never an issue. You’re worthy beyond doubt.
Spend much more of your time ruminating about
What you want. Source is with you on your long journey.
Take more notice of God’s blessings as they occur.

You’ll make a whole lot happen in this world when you
Know that you have control over your vibration.
The support there is for what you want to create
Is immense and when you choose to stay in the state
Of allowing you get rid of much frustration.
Place your positive focus upon what is true.

The Holy Instant


How things came into being is not the question
To be asked by anyone. It has no answer
That can be understood. All that science can tell
With their theories is that some force had cast a spell
Then the universe happened. It is, as it were,
Not a topic conducive to one’s digestion.

This schoolhouse of creation had to come to be
Out of what is called nothingness. One can ask why
It exists in the first place. The answer to that
Is within your own consciousness. Take a look at
All the drama. The lessons one cannot deny.
Getting through them all can be done successfully.

All exists in an Instant in eternity
So you cannot determine the curriculum.
It’s been preset already. You cannot decide
On the teaching resources. To be satisfied
With the lessons is where the will to live comes from.
One accepts the Holy Instant ultimately.

The Atonement occurs in the purified mind
In the one Holy Instant. Realization
Of it happening keeps one in a constant state
Of becoming. The ego wants to complicate
The whole process. The subtle art of creation
Is mastered when with one’s spirit one is aligned.

Don’t Think Too Much

Wishing And Hoping

Letting go of attachment is like holding on
To detachment. In either case it can’t be done.
Your attention to something you don’t want will stay
Active in your vibration. You must find some way
To suspend you attention. You’re the only one
Who can do this and it’s a conclusion foregone.

There’s no law of attachment. No such thing exists.
There’s the Law of Attraction and that’s the only
One that’s important. You attract by how you feel.
Thinking too much about it is no way to deal
With the issue whatever it happens to be.
Your spirit wants its freedom but your mind resists.

What you want to do is make active the things that
You do want. Know that there’s a big conspiracy.
All nonphysical beings are pulling for you.
Does it matter if this is false or if it’s true?
Just believe it and in a short time you will see
Indications that you cannot shake a stick at.

It’s about your deciding what you want to do
Rather than working so hard on preventing what
You don’t want to do. Your inner being knows where
You are, where you want to be, and how to get there.
It knows how to lead you out of your psychic rut.
Feel your way toward deciding what’s best for you.

I Get To Decide


What I’m most thankful for is the freedom to be,
Do, or have anything, and I Get To Decide
How I feel in each moment which is important
To my point of attraction. Who says that I can’t
Find a way to keep myself always satisfied?
I’m thankful that this knowledge is now part of me.

There’s a much bigger picture. I’m fully aligned
With my purpose. Sometimes I have split energy
But I can quickly get back to being aware
Of my sense of wellbeing. I just have to care
More about feeling better than needing to be
Always right which makes people think that I’m unkind.

“If life is just a series of single events
Interacting with each other what’s it all mean?
What’s the point? Go ahead. Just tell me what to do.”

I once did have this rather parochial view
But by now quite a bit of wellbeing I’ve seen
And its absolute dominance makes perfect sense.

I’m here for the pleasure of life – for the pleasure
Of knowing the fullness of who I’ve come to be.
My inner being and I are two aspects of
The same thing. It tells me that I must learn to love
Everything about life unequivocally.
I’ve decided that life is an awesome treasure.

Get Out Of Your Way


As the momentum of life increases you might
Not be up to speed with it but you have control
Of the contrast. When you get out of your own way
In the morning then you’ll have a wonderful day
Happily co-creating and feeling quite whole.
Everything will go smoothly and turn out alright.

You can meditate, daydream, and appreciate
To put yourself in the perfect mode to receive
The wellbeing that’s dominant. When you decide
To feel good then to you nothing will be denied.
Feeling good isn’t a state that’s hard to achieve.
You decide what kind of life you want to create.

If you’ve got some big issue that’s causing you to
Not remember the wellbeing that everyone
Has access to then you need to give it a rest.
The universe is doing its absolute best
To work with you. There’s nothing you need to get done
But to hook up with the most evolved part of you.

Do you feel blessed enough to let yourself feel good?
You can trust in the worthiness of your being
And that things are always working out for you. Trust
In the process. When you do then everything must
Cater to you. It means you’re finally seeing.
The big picture. Wellbeing is well understood.

Get Out Of The Way

Open Road

The vibration of my Source Energy is high
All the time but my own vibration may not be.
If I let go of what I am worried about
My vibration rises so I know beyond doubt
That I master the contrast and it’s up to me
To stay focused on what my heart cannot deny.

Sometimes I’m like a dog on a bone trying to
Fix some problem. That’s how I introduce contrast
Into the picture. I may want something but I
Really don’t think I’ll get it. It’s the reason why
I don’t get it, however I remain steadfast
In becoming aware of the things I must do.

My beliefs need updating. A belief is just
A thought I keep on thinking incessantly so
How do I get around it? I could meditate,
Or daydream, or find something to appreciate.
Many ways I can find to get good thoughts to flow.
In the process of turning thoughts to things I trust.

Next of all I need to get out of my own way
And to let myself feel good no matter what the
Circumstances are. I know wellbeing abounds
And throughout all of existence blessing resounds.
I believe in my heart that I’m more than worthy
Of the blessing. I know that everything’s okay.

Enjoy Deliberately Doing Nothing


My relief is at issue. To not have to be
In control and to not have to put everything
Together would be a welcomed experience.
My heart tells me that I can afford the expense
Of a break from reality. Peace it would bring
To my life and my inner being would agree.

Deliberately doing nothing is doing
Something and it’s the smartest thing that I could do
Because in doing nothing I come to allow
Inspiration to do things to enter my now.
When I decide to pay much more attention to
How I feel it’s my spirit that I’m renewing.

Forcing myself to do something isn’t the way
Of my spirit which knows only joy and freedom.
I instead am concerned with what feels best to me.
When I feel my best my life unfolds perfectly
And the happier I feel the more I become
Energized and prepared for a wonderful day.

It’s about feeling better about what I do
Normally. Life is meant to be interesting
And delicious. This is my new identity.
After such long hard struggle it’s nice to be free
To just be and to not have to do anything.
How I feel reaffirms what I know to be true.

You’re Ready To Receive

Here You Are

Let it be a vibrational exercise first
And then watch the way it begins to manifest.
If you act before tending to your vibration
Then your action is harder. You can get more done
And with ease when your best vibration is expressed.
There’s no reason on earth to be thinking the worst.

You’re always on your path. Everything’s unfolding
As it should. You know you’re always doing just fine.
The universe delivers things to you without
Your having to struggle. Of this you have no doubt.
With the wholeness of you you’re able to align.
There’s nothing that the universe is withholding.

So don’t worry so much about where you are now
Or any given moment. Your on-your-way-ness
To a new something else-ness is felt within you.
Take full ownership of all the good things you do.
Life is good because now you have total access
To your spirit. You don’t even have to know how.

If life is good and getting better what does it
Do to where you are here and now? It is, of course,
Getting better. Your dominant intent always
Is to stay receptive so the better your days
Will become. Do know that you’re a powerful force
And you don’t have to tone it down one tiny bit.

Get Out Of The Way

Locomotive Progression

Like a dog on a bone, I’m trying to fix some
Problem that I’ve created. I’m focused upon
What is wrong, so I’m introducing more contrast
To the simple equation. Time doesn’t move fast
As I struggle. My confidence is all but gone.
It’s as if I don’t remember where I came from.

Yet, I know that the lager part of me does not
Share the same view as I do. It sees everything
As a great opportunity. That difference
In vibration is responsible for the sense
Of distress and confusion that I’m now feeling.
But does it know at all when I’m in a tough spot?

Yes! It does know. It always shows me the best way
Through an issue, but sometimes I’m not in a place
To receive inspiration. It keeps emitting
The exact signal that will ultimately bring
What I need. I’m receptive to infinite grace.
Happiness is the only price there is to pay.

I feel worthy enough to let myself feel good.
I trust that things are working out for me always
And that wellbeing is the natural order
Of the universe. Only good things can occur.
Getting out of my own way definitely pays.
The momentum I’ve created is understood.

You And Yourself

Rendezbous With Self

You And Yourself are different yet much the same.
The two are a composite. Yourself, the person,
Is a physical essence that has an ego
And a purpose which is to help your spirit grow
Through the contrast life offers. This self is the one
That others get to know, so it must have a name.

You decide that you’re going to take full control
Of your relationship with who you really are
Which is purely spiritual and far removed
From the earth’s negativity. Love is approved
As the only solution. You know it’s by far
The best feeling one because it can make you whole.

You, wherever you are, on whatever subject
That concerns you, are just a feeling away from
Reaching your inner being – the heart of your soul.
Your complete satisfaction is its only goal.
Rely on its guidance. It will help you become
And efficient creator in every aspect.

You are going to be exhilarated by
How your life is evolving. Your satisfaction
Will expand exponentially, just as will your
Expectation that good happenings you’ll adore.
Do not be so surprised that your life can be fun.
You can close the gap without your having to try.

Vibrational Snobbery

Enjoy The Good Life

You expect things to turn out the way that they should
Which is why you associate only with those
Who are of the same spirit. You choose to explore
The big wide world around you. All that you live for
Is the feeling of freedom. Your confidence flows
From the one source that is spiritual and good.

Deservability was never an issue.
You are so loved. You said before arriving here,
“I’ll go forth. I’ll explore and decide what for me
Is delightful.”
Your inner being must agree

With whatever you like. You are perfectly clear
In your purpose regarding everything you do.

Your inner being said, “I’ll hold the vibration
Of freedom that you offer, and I will call you
To what you have created. I’ll beam a signal
That you can follow easily. I am your pal.
Let me know whatever it is that I can do.
It is my totally loving obligation.”

You know when you’re receiving the signal by how
You are feeling. You can reach for a better thought
No matter what the circumstance, and as you do,
Dreams that had become stagnant will start to come true.
You have mastered the receiving of what is sought.
You are only as powerful as you allow.

Change Your Life

The Most Fundamental Decision

Disconnect from your busy world. Shut off your phone.
Power down your computer. Turn off the TV.
Sit your body down for a while, and close your eyes.
This is done regularly by people most wise.
Take a break from the routine so that you can be
Properly replenished. You must spend time alone.

Take some deep breaths and center yourself in right now.
Put you attention into the present moment.
You will have more energy with which to create.
After doing this little bit you will feel great.
When the mind wanders, as it will, do not lament.
Just return to the now. By now, you should know how.

Ask yourself, “Can I be defined by a vision
Of the future instead of perverse memories?
What do I want in my life?”
Answer truthfully.

Your are changing brain patterns most assuredly.
Decide on which emotions you would gladly seize
For your life moving forward into the long run.

Rehearse in your mind who you are going to be
When you open your eyes after meditation
Or when first waking up. What choices will you make?
You will be better focused while you are awake.
More efficiently you will be getting things done.
Keep this up and your life will change noticeably.