Tag Archive | dreams

Never Beg


Never Beg someone to be in your life. If you
Text, call, and visit and still you’re being ignored
Then it’s time that you moved on. It’s called self-respect.
From your higher self you don’t want to disconnect
Because by that self you’re most profoundly adored.
Walk away. It’s the honorable thing to do.

Love yourself for what you are instead of hating
Yourself for what you’re not. When you feel insecure
You can either let jealousy consume you or
Use it as motivation for you to do more
To better yourself so do your best to ensure
That you know the reality you’re creating.

Those who love you for who you are – not for what you
Can do for them are the best kinds of people in
Your life so honor them. Never cry for any
Relationship ending as there will always be
Another. You can play this game of life to win.
Don’t give up on the loving that you feel is true.

Never bargain with what you really want to do.
One with big dreams is more powerful than the one
With all the facts and figures. Those who can uplift
You in hard times are a most valuable gift.
Once you know who you are a new life has begun.
Find things to do in life that will satisfy you.

Freak Out Less Frequently

Sheer Panic

Everyone Is On Your Side. Think of it this way.
It may seem so ridiculous to you because
Obviously some people are your enemies
But you can change your thinking so that you’re at ease
With the tough situation. Just take a brief pause.
In control of your vibration you want to stay.

From the broadest perspective we’re all much the same.
Everyone is on one side and one side only.
When you zoom in, confusion about things exists.
People must solve their problems by raising their fists,
Their voices, and their weapons. We don’t know that we
Are all players in a huge spiritual game.

Sometimes you get the old one-two-three punch and you
Start to freak out because you know deep down inside
That things should work out for you. When they don’t you feel
A pervasive injustice that you can’t conceal.
Feeling that all hope for you is being denied
Limited is your focus on what next to do.

You just have to relax and stop throwing a fit
When you’re not getting what you want right this moment.
Switch your point of attraction. You get to decide
How to feel and think and how to be satisfied.
You can change anything by your conscious intent.
Be aware of the vibration that you transmit.

Other People’s Approval

Happy Audience

Those who get the most approval in life are those
Who care the least about it and people who get
The least approval are those who go after it
With a passion perhaps because they feel unfit
Deep inside for approval. They often regret
Their decisions to go against what the heart knows.

Paradoxically if you want approval
Then you have to stop concerning yourself with it.
Think about those who get it. They couldn’t care less
About what others think of them. They have access
To the wisdom within them. They will not permit
Outside circumstances to affect their morale.

When you’re so busy being that you don’t have time
To notice what the neighbors are doing then you
Can concern yourself only with that which rings true
In your heart. Never mind what other people do.
One may think that this is a selfish point of view
And it is. It’s the only path to the sublime.

Put yourself before others. Stop people pleasing.
It’s important to compromise once in a while
But not always. Practicing saying ‘no’ kindly
Is essential to your being ultimately
In a place where you offer a genuine smile.
Your sense of self-worth is truly worth reseizing.

Reprogram Your Mind

Mind Puzzle

The subconscious mind is responsible for much
Of our thinking, behaviors, and actions and so
It determines much of our life circumstances.
We can think consciously but slim are the chances
That we change the subconscious mind. We cannot go
To that place easily due to nature and such.

Most people have a vague idea of how their
Subconscious minds impact them but they don’t fully
Understand it. They hear about it and think, “Oh
That’s entrancing but is it something I should know?”

So they never work at it intentionally.
It is hoped that this message is helpful to share.

Change the habit of something that doesn’t matter
Like which shoe to put on first. After a few weeks
Of your doing this consciously you’ll come to know
That you can break any habit and you will show
Yourself that you’re a master of subtle techniques.
Of your mind energy it takes but a smatter.

Negative thought creates tension in the body.
Take time to imagine yourself calm and relaxed.
The more your body becomes accustomed to it
The subconscious mind gains maximum benefit
From your conscious intention. It sucks to be taxed
By behaviors you can get rid of completely.

One Day It Will Be Over

Final Platform

I wish I didn’t take life so seriously.
It has gotten me nowhere but sick and confused.
I wish I had lived more and had given more to
Family. I wish I had a healthier view
Of my life. Were it not real I would be amused.
If I died tomorrow who then would bury me?

I wish I hadn’t given up on my dream so
Easily. One day life will flash before my eyes.
To make sure it’s worth watching becomes my life’s goal.
Had my purpose been aligned with that of my soul
Then I’d have been empowered, I now realize.
I wish I’d given my soul the freedom to grow.

Did my life mean anything to this world? Was I
Love by others? Did I love? And does it matter?
When I’m on my death bed I will not be concerned
About money, status, or degrees that I’ve earned.
All the hopes, dreams, and wishes of life will shatter.
What can I do to serve this world before I die?

I can make my life matter. It isn’t empty
Of the passion I once had. I still have wonder
For this whole life experience. I cannot take
It for granted and by becoming more awake
To my purpose I shall not be cast asunder
By the frightened and limited aspects of me.

It’s Not A Sin To Be Happy

Happy Family

Selfishness, pride, envy, greed… all of these can be
Considered to be terrible sins, but there’s no
Greater sin than not being happy. Life is too
Short to tiptoe through it while always feeling blue,
Suffering and complaining with nowhere to go
But deeper into conflict, fear, and misery.

Some may think that happiness is overrated.
Others say that it’s impossible to achieve.
Still others say that we created the concept
Which is why your impressions of it must be kept
Free of bias. In short, you must truly believe
In the happiness you’ve already created.

“Someday, somewhere – anywhere, unfailingly, you’ll
Find yourself, and that, and only that can be the
Happiest or the bitterest hour of your life.”

Who the hell wants to live their life in constant strife
When there’s every good reason to live happily?
We’re not put on the planet to act the damned fool.

Make the best use of your time. Care for your body.
It’s the temple of the Holy Spirit and it
Deserves your respect and affection. Be aware
Of the simple pleasures and find happiness there.
Breaking certain rules can be to your benefit
If with your inner guidance they do not agree.


Organized Time

Tomorrow is the most dangerous word in your
Vocabulary. Although it’s a symbol for
Hope, it can just as easily be the reason
That your dreams remain dreams. To get anything done
Is a struggle, yet your dreams you cannot ignore.
Tomorrow isn’t the palace where now you can store.

Tomorrow diminishes the significance
Of the air that you’re breathing right now. It tells you
That someday you can begin your journey and that
In comfort you can wait. But you’re not looking at
The big picture. Tomorrow has nothing to do
With this present moment and current circumstance.

Tomorrow masks itself as an escape for those
Held down by fear. They are most resistant to change.
They’ll encourage you to be content where you stand
And that you have your whole life to do what you’ve planned.
But to one who is present this message is strange.
It’s contrary to what the enlightened one knows.

There will never be a moment in your life more
Precious than the one you’re living now. Be aware
Of the present. Tomorrow can last forever.
Opportunities come to you almost never
When you take on the attitude that you don’t care.
This moment is the one that is worth living for.

Pleasure In The Now

Loving Life

This incredible dream that you’re moving toward
Gives you pleasure. A feeling of utter delight
Overwhelms you. You know that it has to come true,
And you know there is nothing that you need to do
But to stay elevated. The future is bright.
It’s a dream that in any way can’t be ignored.

But we want to talk about the current pleasure
You are having because it’s the key to being
Receptive to what you want. If you’re accepting
The pleasure of this moment, then you’re offering
To the world your best self, and you’ll end up seeing
Things occur in your life way beyond your measure.

There’s a bunch of things that are screwed up in this world.
Should you focus upon them? Should you take a stand
With one side or the other while pushing against
Your opponent? In this way you get yourself fenced
Into one hellish corner. Stay out of the land
Of the livid. Your path will then become unfurled.

How do you align even more with what you feel
Is forthcoming? …By loving where you are right now.
…By your being satisfied and eager for more.
When you get out ahead of what you’re asking for
You give the universe the okay to allow
Blessings to rain upon you. Is this not ideal?


Clarity Of Mind

The beginning of the rest of your life is right
At this moment. A new world can be frightening
And exciting all at once, and you’re protected
By divinity – the force that has directed
You thus far. You find life to be enlightening
For the most part. It seems that your future is bright.

Think outside the box. Don’t be afraid to explore
Your ideas with passion. Don’t be afraid to
Take chances and to fail in a very big way.
You have only one life. It has to be okay
To climb every mountain. The spirit within you
Keeps experiencing life and asking for more.

Dream big dreams but remember that dreams without goals
Are just dreams which if not acted on will decay
And fuel disappointment. Goals you can achieve
With consistency if in your heart you believe
That you’re worthy of having things work out your way.
You are living a life that no one else controls.

To achieve your goals discipline you must apply
Which you’re already doing. We don’t plan to fail,
But we fail to plan. What is your motivation
For continuing with this new life you’ve begun?
Ask yourself ‘why’ and answer in vivid detail
And your purpose the universe will satisfy.

Don’t Worry About What Others Think


People spend most of their lives in gut wrenching fear
Of what others may think of them. They lie awake
At night wondering how they would cope without the
Approval of others, and they obsessively
Change their image when they find the slightest mistake.
They can’t get satisfaction from how they appear.

To the verdicts of strangers we all surrender
Our freedom to fail gracefully. Those we don’t know
And don’t even like all that much we cater to.
Even though we don’t like being told what to do,
We do it without thinking. It causes us woe.
We play the role of the malignant pretender.

Don’t complain. Don’t explain yourself to anyone.
“Become independent of the good opinion
Of other people.”
Trust yourself. You and only

You know the enlightened one you were meant to be.
Don’t let other people’s judgments have dominion
Over how you feel. Then awareness has begun.

When we really mess up, almost no one will be
Looking or caring very much. They’re too involved
With their own issues. Our disgrace will be subsumed
Into social amnesia, so we’re never doomed
By unwanted attention. One who is evolved
Is above that kind of negative energy.


Life Is Great!

The old one-two-three punch can be devastating
If I’m not ready for it. When something goes wrong
And then something else until the day turns to crap,
I’m the first one to admit that there’s a big gap
Between me and my true self. It need not take long
For me to recover. It is called creating.

The entire universe is on my side. I know
That it’s rooting for me to get what I desire.
I can give up the hissy fit in its absence.
The feeling of injustice is vile and intense,
And I can’t be a reality denier
Unless spirit tells me it’s the best way to go.

A blanket of wellbeing I am wrapped up in.
As I look through the catalogs of life, I sift
And sort through it all in order to find out which
Is appealing. I can’t say that life is a bitch.
As a matter of fact, it’s a wonderful gift.
My enjoyment of life absolves me of all sin.

I get to vibrationally tune myself to
The frequency of who I truly am at heart,
Then many manifestations begin to flow
Into my life, but best of all, I get to know
The feeling of expansion. It is a new start
In the proper direction. I shall not be blue.

Play This Game

The Universe Invites You

Look for good feeling things. What a wonderful game!
It’s so easy to do that. It’s simply child’s play.
This wholesome affirmation is translated well
To adults who’ve forgotten the best way to tell
If they are in alignment. What you do this day
Reflects how much good feeling you’re willing to claim.

Remember the attitude you had as a child.
You appreciated everything you could see,
And you trusted that most people are truly good.
You had little resistance in early childhood.
You believed fun and happiness should always be
Important, and your dreams were most freely compiled.

Let that be then the tone of each and every day.
Go to sleep in a state of appreciation.
Think of things that uplift you, and be thankful for
All the aspects of your life that you most adore.
In the morning you will feel as bright as the sun.
From the start you will notice things going your way.

The feeling of detachment means that you’re aligned
With your true self. This is a supreme unfolding.
Your set point of vibration will change as will your
Point of attraction. Your happiness is the cure
For your ills. Be aware of the clay you’re molding.
You’ll become much wiser and enjoy peace of mind.

Finding Your Meaning

Pursuing Your Purpose

If you died today, what talents, abilities,
Gifts, ideas, and dreams would go along with you?
Recent studies say that most people hate their jobs.
What they do for a living provides, but it robs
Them of their sense of fulfillment. What can we do
To break out of a routine that will never please?

We all came here with talents. Each one of us has
Special blessings that life gives us. It’s most worthwhile
To find out what it is that you love offering
To the wild world that needs it more than anything,
And the best of your blessings is always your smile.
You must find out what gives your life umph and pizzazz.

We’ve all stopped and reflected on what’s happening
In the world. Shocking headlines cause people to ask
Where all of it is leading. What good can you do?
Simply being in touch with your heart that is true
Is more helpful sometimes than a specific task.
What is your worth? You do have purpose and meaning.

If you know what your work is, then start doing it.
In a dead end position, how far you can go
Is established. It will erode your self-esteem.
Inner turmoil and emptiness are not your dream.
Only when you have freedom will your spirit grow.
Everyone is here for everyone’s benefit.

Do Not Love Half Lovers

Accept Nothing But All

What is wholeness? It’s something I don’t think about
Very often. I take for granted everything
Is complete in its essence until something goes
Not quite my way then I am stuck in the shadows
Where my perceptions of lack leave me wondering
What has happened that I am consumed with such doubt.

I Do No Love Half Lovers. I take this advice
Knowing that my life as it is I can enjoy.
It is both exhilarating and magical.
If I decide to live my life fully I shall
Have the wisdom to create and not to destroy.
If I am to enjoy life I’ll pay the full price.

What often happens is that many of us live
By other people’s rules and their expectations
Instead of by our own vision and set of rules.
Each of us has a unique set of molecules.
Those who reflect on what they wish for are the ones
Who inherit this earth and have so much to give.

For my life, where do I draw the line in the sand?
What do I dream about, and what do I sand for?
What truly matters to me more than anything?
Until I map out my own path what I will bring
To the table is something that life will ignore.
Anything halfway done has no room to expand.

Dare To Dream

The Universe Through The Eyes Of Children

In this world full of wonder it’s so nice to know
That my freedom to dream is my God given gift
That I then give to others. It’s not my concern
What they do with what is given. All that I learn
About life supports always a positive shift
In my thinking. In this simple way I must grow.

Many people dream big dreams and small, but often
Negative beliefs and definitions keep some
From pursuing them. What exactly holds them back
Are the reasons things won’t work and feelings of lack.
But with creative effort they can overcome
Self-defeating activity time and again.

Like a child I have always been… quite immature
In the ways of the real world. My dreams are my own.
But to share them with others in humility
Is by now what is left of the best part of me.
What I have done to others hurts me to the bone.
A most vivid pre life review I shall endure.

This is not the whole story that I hope to tell.
It indeed is unending as I reach the end
Of a physical chapter in eternity.
It’s an honor reporting how I came to be.
The more hell that I take now the less I will spend
Catching up on my karma. I yearn to be well.

All that I dare to dream has already come true
In the moment that I realize it is so.
So, to now keep my focus on the final one
I have faith that I will get a whole lot more done
In the way of atonement. This life of sorrow
Is an elegant picture of what not to do.

The Universe Is On Your Side

All The Power There Is

Frequently one-two-three punches into the gut
Leave a mess for digestion of life as a meal.
Sustenance insufficient, the dark soul adrift
In a fog can recover by making a shift
In the way it is thinking. Life can be ideal.
Yes, you can be in fulfillment no matter what.

Those who hang out in spirit, who used to be here
Among us in the earth realm plus many others
That we can never know of whose numbers are vast
Have no better thing to do but lovingly cast
Good vibrations upon earth. Whatever occurs
That is unwanted is only due to your fear.

You cannot be impatient although you may know
Absolutely for certain that you deserve more.
Let it happen without giving it all your thought.
Finding joy in the process, you will not get caught
In the trap of poor thinking. You are destined for
All the best that you’ve dreamt since a long time ago.

Those who believe in fairies and unicorns are
In their right minds by spirit who takes form in ways
That are meant to return you to who you can be.
Forces do work in tandem for your harmony.
On the wings of your wishes, spirit offers praise
And reminds you that all that you seek isn’t far.


Humanity's Treasured Assets

Your children are not your children, this you should know.
Sons and daughters of life’s longing for itself, they
Come through you but not from you. Although they’re with you
They belong not to you. And for all that you do,
You may give them your love, but your thoughts, keep away
For their thoughts are their own as they wholesomely grow.

You may house their young bodies but never their souls.
For theirs dwell in the house of tomorrow which can’t
Be visited by you, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them, as their brightness beams.
But do not make them like you nor try to implant
Your beliefs into them. It’s the worst of all goals.

Life goes forward – not backward, and it tarries not
With the things that were yesterday’s. You are the bows
From which your children as living arrows are shot.
The Archer sees the path and will nurture its plot.
With the bow’s might, swift and far will go the arrows.
Through nature’s evolution the wise soul is taught.

Let you bending in the Archer’s hand be gladness
For the ongoing process of love’s expression.
Even as the Archer loves the arrow that flies
He loves also the bow who can well recognize
How to keep itself stable. Your work will be done
In complete loving guidance and pure truthfulness.

The Hereafter Is Here

There Is No Need To Search

The Hereafter Is Here. If I live it in fear
Then my life is of horror and has no meaning.
That it does in the first place is misconception.
All partake of this silly game. Sometimes it’s fun
Treating death like a breath of fresh air in the spring
When it is much more sacred than it does appear.

Don’t go looking for death in the graveyards at night.
Consciousness doesn’t hang out among dirt and stone
Yet it may on the cheap screen for entertainment.
Death occurs all around us. The fatal event
Can happen in an instant, and it can’t be known
How and when it will happen, which seems only right.

Everything that has meaning in form physical
Is the dust of the flat earth and will remain so.
Any means of survival requires energy
Otherwise it will definitely cease to be.
When mine runs out completely, then it’s time to go.
The dark tunnel of light is the next birth canal.

If I’m gone but a brief while before my return
To this earth man made wretched, then there is the chance
That I’ll start with a clean slate to try this again,
If this is my last life on earth, I await when
I’ll hang out with the angels, and we shall all dance
Happily ever after and without concern.

The Dream Of Life

...Yet It Seems Almost Real

Awaken from illusion? Which one would that be?
Just as black implies white, self implies the other.
Death brings meaning to life. This is fundamental.
Not a stranger am I in this place where I dwell.
Believing my existence was meant to occur,
Nothing short of a death wish can awaken me.

People are going crazy as far as I see
Or perhaps it’s been ongoing since time began.
We were all meant to be here. If this isn’t true
Then we might as well give up. The grand party zoo
Is far off the deep end and akin to the klan.
Colors true are most vibrant when one is dream free.

Nine eleven was done by the Arabs, so we
Came together as one nation, yet what happened
On the sixth of the first month is nothing to fear.
Perpetrated by white men, it’s perfectly clear
That one chunk of the nation cannot comprehend
What it means to be human most regrettably.

If I dreamed many lifetimes, each of many years,
And I could author all of them as I desire,
I would want for surprise after so many nights.
I would ask for a gamble so sometimes life bites.
God comes into each person that growth may transpire.
If that presence is ignored I nurture my fears.

Soft Lights

Ethereal Magic

Feeling somewhat artistic yet dreamy this day,
Dealings unrealistic are meant to evolve
In the way that is natural. Sunlight is shade
In divinity’s shadow where heart is conveyed
As soft hues of contentment completely absolve
The most sin-laden soul so that it learns to pray.

Inspiration can manifest in many ways
During times of reflection on life while alone
With oneself and the spirit that dwells in us all.
For today all the big issues shall remain small.
The business of reality I will postpone
Until I find transcendental peace in my daze.

Daydreaming is a blessing that time must allow.
Inalienable is the right we possess
To explore with abandon our cherished ideal.
In a world only I control, deep wounds I’ll heal.
My return to the real world with much reduced stress
Will be one where I function the best I know how.

The imagination, timeless honored and vast,
Is the fertile condition for self to unfold.
A new sense of compassion and feeling less weight
Comes about through intent and the drive to create.
The eternal adventure is yet to be told
With immutable passion that I have amassed.

May Your Dreams NOT Come True

Dream Come True

What becomes of the dreamers whose dreams are their goals,
Where a lifetime achieving them robs them of peace?
Situations are flexible, but goals are not.
When the former change, often the latter are shot.
This may lead to disaster. There is no release
From the grip of the timeline entrapping their souls.

What we dream of can only be of what we know.
With some exaggeration, we make it seem new.
We do this so unconsciously we often trick
Ourselves into believing that they’re fantastic.
I would wish that those kinds of dreams seldom come true.
Infinite possibilities make one’s life glow.

Let the things you can’t dream of unfold as they may.
Setting goals may be rigid and blind to the grace
That exists to enhance us in unconscious ways
To the vast opportunities just beyond gaze
Of the eyes that are focused well on time and place.
Let the universe enchant you in every way.