Tag Archive | spend

Time Is Precious

Temporal Celestial Overlay

Sometimes you need to distance yourself from people.
If they care then they’ll notice. If they don’t then you
Know where you stand with them. Someday all the love you’ve
Given out will find its way back to you to prove
Its existence. Let its energy get you through
Your magnificent journey. Be ever grateful.

Studies show that men and women experience
The same amount of emotion but women tend
To show it more. A woman can love you deeply
And still never speak to you again. You can be
More open with your feelings and like and old friend
Showing how much you care makes a huge difference.

Sometimes you need bad things to happen to inspire
You to change and grow. Couples who spend at least ten
Minutes daily laughing together have stronger
And more positive relationships. The longer
You wait for a good feeling to happen again
The more you’re in sync with all the things you desire.

Time Is Precious. Make sure you spend it with the right
People. Give people time and respect in every
Situation. The effective solution to
All your difficulties is to be patient. You
Can feel proud to know you have the capacity
To live a life of freedom and utter delight.

Let Go And Move On

Serious Business

If you’re lucky enough to get a second chance
At something don’t waste it. Don’t look for happiness
In the same place you lost it. Real strength is letting
People lose you so you don’t end up regretting
Not having been chosen by them. Through the process
Of rejection you’re put in a tough circumstance.

The journey of your success will always begin
With the small step of taking the chance that will move
You out of your inaction. Sometimes people don’t
Want to hear the truth because they honestly won’t
Give up on their illusions so it’s hard to prove
Things to them. In an argument you will not win.

If you can’t take care of yourself you can’t take care
Of others. Your own health is the most important.
Putting off until tomorrow is your weakness.
Taking care of it right now leads to your success.
You’re the only one who can tell yourself you can’t
Find your place of alignment and keep yourself there.

Be careful who you share your weaknesses with. Some
People can’t wait for the opportunity to
Up and use them against you. It’s time to move on
When the feeling of hope for renewing is gone
But be grateful. Doing so will benefit you
In the long run. Stay focused on what is to come.

Energy And Attraction

Energy Focus

How important is energy to your success
In business and relationships? From one to ten
On a scale where one represents being near dead
And ten means that you are bouncing off the bulkhead
Where are you usually? Every now and then
An immense amount of energy you possess.

It’s been studied. Most people say they operate
At about six or seven. Would you do business
With a six or a seven? Why do you remain
At your energy level? The answer is plain
And simple. The people you hang out with are less
Energetic than you and you drop to their state.

What has all this to do with Law of Attraction?
A direct correlation between energy
And the manifestation of all things desired
Does exist. Joy gives you the energy required
To attract like a magnet and quite easily.
It all starts with the feeling of satisfaction.

How you feel is important so pay attention
To it always. It tells you how much energy
You’re allowing to flow through you in each moment.
You can feel your way to joy by conscious intent.
You have more energy as you live happily.
Blessings that come will be beyond comprehension.

Think About It

Serious Thought

Think about sight and think about all the things that
You could look at. Much beauty there is to behold
Everywhere. Think about why you were given this
Wonderful gift. About nature nothing’s amiss.
Images often you cherish as if they’re gold.
Of course it all depends on what you’re looking at.

Your body has all these sensory perceivers
For the purpose of bringing you awesome pleasure.
What other reason would there be for this to be?
If you can’t think of one then it’s easy to see
That your five senses have value beyond measure
And it’s healthy to be among true believers.

People think to solve problems and that’s not to say
That that’s not a good purpose but start reaching for
A good thought for the pleasure that it brings to you.
Your perceptions and how you feel help you get through
Difficult situations so value them more.
As you do in a state of happiness you’ll stay.

Focus and awareness of what your focus brings
Is encouraged. Your vibrational currency
Is replenished as you spend it so spend away.
Your world will surprise and delight you every day.
It is your main intention to live happily.
You were meant to experience wonderful things.

Change Your Expectation

A Better Outlook

Try to spend a little more time thinking about
What you want and a little less wondering how
You will get it. Your platform of expectation
Launches you into the very next creation
When a change in your outlook you learn to allow.
Take your focus off ‘what is’ if it causes doubt.

‘What is’ is so pervasive – so much in your face.
Difficult it is to escape its influence
As it gnaws at the psyche and swallows the soul
But you must know that you have absolute control
Of your thoughts and emotions. It makes perfect sense
That ‘what is’ is a thing you foolishly embrace.

‘What is’ changes to ‘what is’ as you notice it
And offer a vibration about it so that
It will manifest and you will notice it more.
The cycle continues and life seems like a chore.
‘What is’ isn’t really worth your looking hard at.
True change will come when to the future you commit.

When you merge together the platform from where you
Are with something that you want that is beyond it
That’s when expectation changes. Think more about
Where you’re going and know that things are working out
For you always. Lay off of ‘what is’ just a bit.
Raise your consciousness so you get a better view.

Why You’re Not Happy

Strong Consideration

You’re about to leave college. The future although
Is uncertain for so many reasons. Your friends
Feel the same way. You don’t know what you want to do
With your life. You don’t know what the world’s coming to.
You’re not one to be naïve or one who pretends
That the world is without injustice and sorrow.

What makes you itch? What sort of a situation
Is ideal to you? What would you most like to do?
Ask this but leave money out of the equation.
Having done this you may have come up with just one
Thing that really excites the daylights out of you.
It’s most important that what you’re doing is fun.

Many people spend their lives in sheer misery
Doing what they don’t want in order to survive.
They’re not happy. Their dreams are not being fulfilled.
They no longer have the memory of what thrilled
Them from jump. They’re concerned about staying alive.
They’re not actualizing their reason to be.

It’s up to you to change the world that exists now.
We old ones have done quite enough damage and you
Are the hope of the future. Choose to be happy
In whatever you’re doing then the world will see
Better times. ‘Out with the old and in with the new’
Is your motto. The freedom of growth you’ll allow.

Make Your Short List

Joy Of Writing

Think about your gift of sight and think about all
The things that you could look at, then to yourself say,
“I have this gift of sight for the pleasure that it
Brings to me. It’s simply for my own benefit.”
In alignment with your inner being you’ll stay.

What you do to get there is both easy and small.

Think about all your senses. They’re for your pleasure.
What other reason is there for them to exist?
You did not just get planted here. You came to feel
This whole physical experience which is real
To your senses. Nothing about them is dismissed.
To your body they’re a valuable treasure.

You came with the ability to think for the
Pleasure of it. Do Not use it to solve problems.
Start reaching for the thoughts that are pleasurable.
In a short time you’ll find that they’re quite plentiful.
Be thankful for your internal guidance systems.
You are designed to think good thoughts naturally.

Make a short list of things that you would like to see
Manifested – not things that have any value –
Just some things that you’re interested in seeing.
You’ll be shocked by how fast they come into being.
Once you’ve mastered the small stuff you can advance to
The next level of conscious creativity.

Never Look Back

Broad Horizon

There’s a part of you that cannot ever look back.
It’s your inner being – the spirit within you
That can only look forward as you lag behind
In the past or the present. Even if you find
Some delight there, your spirit desires something new.
Of the past your inner being doesn’t keep track.

Your inner being distracts you from what’s back there
Because that’s really old news. What’s manifesting
In the present is neither of interest to
Your spirit and you can tell what it wants to do
By the way that you’re feeling while you’re requesting
Clarity. What you want is to be more aware.

Spend less time analyzing things and just do more
Romping and laughing with your friends knowing that you
Don’t have to look for trouble. You can’t weed things out.
It will only create more confusion and doubt.
From the past there is nothing you can apply to
What’s becoming and all that is worth living for.

The only battle going on is between you
And your own inner being and you are the one
Waging battle. Your inner being just says, “Hey,
You told me that you wanted to have a great day
And I certainly can help you to get that done.”

May you become accustomed to its point of view.