Tag Archive | bed

The Power Of Not Knowing

Who Knows?

Any leader can shift from a place of knowing
To one of asking questions. Your knowing implies
That you’re better which everyone knows isn’t true.
What you know isn’t the most evolved part of you.
When you ask as a leader you capitalize
On what others know to get energy flowing.

A young mother has children aged six, four, and two.
What she goes through with them at bedtime can be quite
A chaotic adventure. She feels like the boss
Of unruly employees. She suffers the loss
Of her patience and energy. She gets uptight
As she wonders what on God’s green earth she could do.

Try speaking to your children only in the form
Of questions. Take it to the absolute extreme.
“What time is it now? What do we want to do first?”
Notice how they don’t feel like they’re being coerced.
You may find that you’re able to work as a team.
Asking questions produces the most favored norm.

“Who’s going to be the first to brush their teeth? Who
Needs help getting their pajamas on? What story
Will we read tonight?”
You’ll wonder how long they knew

What to do at bedtime. All they wanted to do
Is get you to ask questions. Behold the glory
Of ‘not knowing.’ It takes a big load off of you.

A Bedtime Process

Wellness Sleep

Before bedtime you want to get yourself into
A relaxed state. You want to release all the stress
That has been building up throughout your busy day.
Take some time to reflect on how things went your way.
Think of all the things that brought you some happiness.
Doing this before bedtime will benefit you.

Many things have occurred throughout your day so you
May remember things that were not very pleasant
But keep your focus on all the things that went well.
You know that by the way that you feel you can tell
How you’re doing with becoming nonresistant
In preparing yourself for a sleep rendezvous.

While your in bed try to recall some of the most
Uplifting things that happened then isolate one
And ponder it. Milk it for everything it’s got.
This process doesn’t really require a whole lot
Of effort on your part. It’s so easily done
That it’s possible to become fully engrossed.

Say to yourself, “I’m going to sleep now and I
Want to sleep well and wake up refreshed with a new
Wholesome feeling positive point of attraction.”

When you’ve made your intent to your satisfaction
Off to sleep you go. The next day will be for you
One in which throughout most of it you’re flying high.

Positive Aspects

Isolated Worth

Finding that golden nugget amid the darkness
Heir apparent is challenging if you believe
Something’s wrong with the planet or with our species
So it’s best to see the way your inner self sees.
In this way many helpful insights you’ll receive
Regarding your misperceptions of hopelessness.

Make lists of Positive Aspects and revel in
The perfection of this planet’s proximity
To others in their own orbits. Be aware of
All that’s good about existence and be in love
With all that you’ve created. You were meant to be
In a happy state and this is where to begin.

When you awaken speak your appreciation
For the new day. Thank the sun for having risen
Whether or not you can see it. “It’s a good day,”
Say to yourself. Then in a good mood you will stay.
Blessings of the universe will follow you when
You acknowledge the goodness of all creation.

You have such a good basis from which to begin.
All is well with you. Source Energy is aware
Of you and has your back. Everything that matters
To you it knows. Be mindful of all that occurs
On your way to more good times and take special care
Of your Point of Attraction. All starts from within.

Magical Day

Purple Passion

A new day has begun. Once again you’re awake.
You have reemerged back into the physical
From a place of pure spirit. Just lie there a while
And ponder anything that will put a big smile
In your heart. Decide that today is magical.
Bask in comfort as you usher in the daybreak.

Offer thoughts such as, “Today, no matter what I’m
Doing, it’s my dominant intent to feel good.”

Then throughout your day look for exactly those things
That feel good and be eager for what the day brings.
That you want to be happy is well understood
By your spirit who’s known you for such a long time.

There will be moments throughout your day when you feel
Negative emotion. It means only that you
Are focused on something you don’t want but you can
Ask yourself what you do want. It’s easier than
Not asking. The answer from your spirit is true.
Shift your focus to something that’s more ideal.

As you move through your day look for more reasons to
Laugh and have fun. Don’t take things too seriously
Then you’re not likely to notice the lack of things
That you want. Your detachment ultimately brings
It all to you. Pure joy is your reason to be.
May the day be an absolute pleasure for you.

A Bedtime Process

Joyful Slumber

It’s because of your action orientation
That you want to believe that it takes hard work to
Make things happen but as you learn to direct your
Thoughts deliberately you’ll find that you’ll have more
Power and leverage. So much more you can do
With your focus. It’s your creative foundation.

You can focus your thoughts more consistently in
The direction of your heart’s desire rather than
Squandering the power of your thought by thinking
Opposite to what you want. Like a ship sinking
It may be hard to rescue good thoughts but they can
Be recovered. Right now’s a good time to begin.

Once you’re in bed try to recall some of the most
Pleasant things that occurred today. There may be some
Things that happened that were a lot less than okay
But direct your intention. Do your best to stay
Focused on something that you got some pleasure from.
Find a good thought in which you can become engrossed.

Ponder it when you find it. Prime your positive
Pump by saying things such as, “This day was alright.
I like how that thing happened to turn out the way
That I wanted.”
Recall the best parts of your day

Then you will have a most restful sleep through the night.
In the morning you will have your best self to give.

Before Sleeping

Sleeping On Air

About one third of human life is spent sleeping.
It’s a huge chunk of time therefore it’s important
To prepare yourself properly for a good night
So that you will wake up feeling sunny and bright.
The next day will be problematic if you can’t
Give attention to your nocturnal upkeeping.

Sometimes you may wake up feeling way out of whack
For no reason apparent. You can incubate
Either good or bad feelings as you fall to sleep.
Naturally it comes down to what kind of sheep
You are counting. One does not have to speculate
On the cause of your feeling profoundly off track.

Eat at least three to four hours before going to
Sleep so that digestion is already complete.
Drink some water and take a nice lukewarm shower.
The sensation of water tends to empower
The body to relax. It’s important to treat
Yourself kindly. You’ll be rewarded when you do.

What you think is your body is not. So, remind
Yourself of this. Breathe in, “I am not the body.”
Then breathe out, “I am not the mind.” In this way you
Release lots of resistance. Besides, it is true.
You deserve to sleep soundly and wake up carefree
With the issues of yesterday left far behind.

Before I Sleep

Sleep Right

If I were hungry I wouldn’t tell you because
The whole world and everything within it is mine.
The cattle of a thousand hills are mine as well.
It would seem that there’s no reason for me to tell
Anyone of my troubles. I’m doing just fine.
The angels are delighted. I hear their applause.

For the most part this day has turned out as it should.
I thank God and the universe and I believe
That tomorrow I’ll be happier than today.
That I wake up to my true self is what I pray.
I would love to remain in the mood to receive
Heaven’s blessings, and heaven knows for me what’s good.

There’s nothing in particular I’m asking for.
I just want a good night sleep. I have no concern
That I wish to have carried into tomorrow
Lest I reactivate some forgotten sorrow.
From heaven I came down and to there I return
With each segment of slumber even if I snore.

I am not the object nor its shadow. What I
Truly am is the light of the world and I can
Change the object and therefore cast a new shadow
On the earth. In so doing I’m able to grow.
I only wish that tomorrow is better than
Today is – this damned hot final day of July.