Tag Archive | injustice

No More Anger

Angry Teen

When becoming a spectacle of discontent
There’s no conscience to speak of. There’s only contempt
In the moment. You’re flustered. You don’t have control
Of yourself. You feel hate from the depths of your soul.
Not a human being on this earth is exempt
From this awful emotion of misalignment.

Whatever has you getting yourself so upset
That you fly off the handle has hooked onto you
Like a magnet and it’s a co-creative dance.
How do you get yourself out of this circumstance?
Step back from it. Do anything that you can do
To detach. Don’t do something that you will regret.

What do you do next? This is the question to ask
Of yourself. You don’t want to brood in it or talk
About it. Don’t use it as your excuse to be
Disconnected, uptight, and always ornery.
There’s no reason that you can’t learn to walk the walk
Of a different person. It’s not a huge task.

Talk yourself into knowing that it’s not okay
To deprive yourself of abundance, clarity,
Wellness, and all the things that you consider good
All to focus more on your injustice. You should
Count to ten. Breathe. Relax. There’s no reason to be
Reactive in a harmful or threatening way. 

Get Rid Of Anger?

Total Rage

What’s it like being hated for being hateful?
If discordant uncomfortable people are
Showing up in your life it means that you got hooked
Into that odd part of them that is overlooked
By your most evolved self who would rather be far
From the drama. For this you can be most grateful.

Feeling good is not the easiest thing to do
When you’ve got something bugging you incessantly
To the point where you can be perceived as a threat.
If you act out in anger then soon you’ll regret
Having done so. If this is your reality
Then the good news is that there is some hope for you.

It’s like touching a hot stove when suddenly you
Find yourself having a negative reaction
To someone or some circumstance. What you do next
Is important. Do you tell the world that you’re vexed?
Doing so gives you minimal satisfaction.
Do not sit and brood in it whatever you do.

Ask yourself how long you will keep yourself away
From abundance, wellbeing, joy, and clarity.
Are you willing to give up on life itself to
Focus on the injustice that was done to you?
You can’t be angry and also live happily.
In a state of alignment you were meant to stay.

Recipe For Receiving

Big Surprise

The basis of your life is your freedom to be
Who you are as a natural human being.
You quest is joy and the result is eternal
Expansion. By your keeping a feel good journal
You get to a point where you are only seeing
What you want which is happiness and harmony.

How can you find more clarity? Just get happy.
It’s the answer to anything you could ask for.
How do you solve a problem? Get happy and then
Things will work their way back to normalcy again.
After all, getting happy is not a huge chore.
You are here to be as happy as you can be.

How do you endure the injustice of the one
Who you live with? Now you have a big choice to make.
You cannot remain happy while looking where you
Are bombarded with instances of feeling blue.
It is up to you to become fully awake
To the issue that seems to have no solution.

Pet your cat. Take a walk. Do whatever it takes
To get happy. This is the best Recipe For
what you want. Improvement you will find

In your mood when you chill out and quiet you mind.
Keep your focus only on the things you adore.
You’ll be seen as someone who gets all of the breaks.

Freak Out Less Frequently

Sheer Panic

Everyone Is On Your Side. Think of it this way.
It may seem so ridiculous to you because
Obviously some people are your enemies
But you can change your thinking so that you’re at ease
With the tough situation. Just take a brief pause.
In control of your vibration you want to stay.

From the broadest perspective we’re all much the same.
Everyone is on one side and one side only.
When you zoom in, confusion about things exists.
People must solve their problems by raising their fists,
Their voices, and their weapons. We don’t know that we
Are all players in a huge spiritual game.

Sometimes you get the old one-two-three punch and you
Start to freak out because you know deep down inside
That things should work out for you. When they don’t you feel
A pervasive injustice that you can’t conceal.
Feeling that all hope for you is being denied
Limited is your focus on what next to do.

You just have to relax and stop throwing a fit
When you’re not getting what you want right this moment.
Switch your point of attraction. You get to decide
How to feel and think and how to be satisfied.
You can change anything by your conscious intent.
Be aware of the vibration that you transmit.

Your Natural Frequency

Colorful Vibrations

We want you to find ways where you can consciously
And deliberately allow your vortex to
Tune you right into Your Natural Frequency.
When you reach this state you most certainly will be
Yodeling down the canyons of life. Now if you
Are not tuned then a rather screwed up world you see.

When you’re not tuned to Your Natural Frequency
You’re complaining. You point out all the injustice
In the world. Although it’s something you can’t deny
To preserve your vibration indeed you must try
Focusing elsewhere. How things are you can dismiss
Long enough to recover complete sanity.

Blame feels a whole lot better than utter despair.
You can say that it’s their fault and feel some relief
But it won’t last a long time unfortunately.
You must let go of any negativity
In your daily routine. Don’t let things give you grief.
About how you feel is the only thing to care.

You cannot get others to behave in a way
That will please you. You have to find a way to be
Pleased apart from what other people are doing.
Your focus on your vibration needs renewing
Constantly. It’s up to you to get yourself free
Of resistance and in a good mood you will stay.

Never Be Angry


Like rats in a cage subjected to electric
Shock at erratic intervals, humanity
Is electrified constantly by negative
Emotion. It’s not the healthiest way to live.
If I’m angry what can anything offer me?
Being ornery all the time is no picnic.

When you’ve got a strong energy flowing through you
And something seems to be standing right in the way
Of your getting way past it you can’t help but be
Somewhat hateful but it robs you of energy.
In alignment with your Source is where you must stay.
You may find that getting there is easy to do.

Look at someone who you have extreme anger for
And tell them not directly but in the mind’s eye
That you haven’t decided yet how long you will
Allow them to prevent you from having the thrill
Of alignment and goodness. Then ask yourself why
You’ve allowed this vibration that you most deplore.

We all need to express anger but how long do
You hold onto it? How long do you want to stay
Cut off from clarity, abundance, and wellness?
You can answer these without your having to guess.
You can focus negative emotion away
By remembering what brings happiness to you.

The More I Appreciate The More I Receive

Occupational Joy

In the worst of times there are people who do well.
No matter what the economy is doing
There are those who prosper and those who suffer loss.
To the latter it’s as if life is a coin toss.
There’s fear in whatever they may be pursuing.
They have a continuing sad story to tell.

When you tune yourself into appreciation
For the beautiful things in your life you offer
A vibration that’s positive. Who then will you
Rendezvous with? The ones who are committed to
Their alignment will enter your life as it were
To assist in your magnificent creation.

Complaining is a technique used by people who
Have relinquished their power to turn thoughts to things.
They can’t jump on the good wheel. It spins way too fast.
They get thrown to the bushes. They cannot get past
The grand illusion of power and what it brings
To the table. It’s not what the wise one would do.

Law of Attraction gives everyone exactly
What they’re offering by their vibration, so you
Have the best reason to go for your heart’s desire
And your hard work and struggle it doesn’t require.
It is time to prepare for your dreams coming true.
To feel your very best is your reason to be.

Hip Pocket Philosophy

Thinking Statue

Intellectuals say simple things in hard ways
But artists say hard things in ways that are easy.
Does this have some significance to anything?
If it’s true then what manner of sense do I bring
To the world with my writing? I don’t want to be
Verbally enigmatic. But do I need praise?

If it turns out I’m needy then am I someone
Who will run from the rain yet take well to the sea?
Am I one who thinks of injustice only when
It is happening to me? What can I do then
To evolve into the person I want to be?
That I’ve erred is my life then pure retribution?

Poetry is what happens when nothing else can
In the moment. When the heart has something to say
It must say it in whatever language it speaks.
Self-expression is all that the happy heart seeks.
I can manipulate words as if it’s child’s play.
There is nothing wrong with my being my own fan.

About what matters in life I still am learning.
As a student I look up to those who are free
Of this schoolhouse and who also help me to write.
Channeling information brings me much delight.
Now It’s become my Hip Pocket Philosophy.
I trust that my desire becomes ever burning.


Faces In A Digital Maze

The truth simply exists. There’s no need for it to
Be deciphered and analyzed. It’s true that there
Are millions upon millions of absolute lies
About everything. Difficult to realize
Is this truth because lies can be found everywhere
Human speech occurs. What in the world can one do?

Innocently or by intent people will lie
Out of habit. It’s often done unconsciously.
Always there’s a war going on inside the mind
Between truth and the fantasy. It’s hard to find
Inner peace when the two versions do not agree.
The reality of life is hard to deny.

As close as possible to the truth words can get
But there are no words to explain truth because we
Are the truth. As we come into full awareness
Of the deep truth within us, we have more access
To the ultimate truth of this reality.
Human fear is a drama we’ve not conquered yet.

Don’t let the expectations and opinions of
Other people affect your decisions. It’s your
Life not theirs. You must live your own reality.
You must be the person you know yourself to be.
Do believe that your own truth is worth searching for.
You may find that the truth has much to do with love.

Prepare For Receiving

Happy Bracelet

What’s the question? How can I find more clarity?
How can I get my body to be at its best?
How can I find a lover who’s just right for me?
I would like for things to come to me easily.
The answer is, Get Happy, succinctly expressed.
I know deep in my heart it’s my reason to be.

How do I endure the injustice of this one
Person or thing that I have no control over?
This world can’t be an awful place, although there are
Pockets of negativity, but it is far
From upsetting the balance. It is, as it were,
A problem that will work out its own solution.

I just can’t look at things that make me unhappy.
I can’t do the impossible. I must decide
To be happy above all else. No condition
Is required. I can keep my main focus on fun.
How I feel on my journey is my only guide.
I can’t focus on all of the world’s cruelty.

The more I can get happy, then the easier
It becomes, and the easier it gets, the more
Joy I’ll find. I am offering a vibration
To where only the things that I want have begun
To become my reality. What I ask for
I receive. It is the life that I most prefer.

Speak Up For Yourself

A Meeting

This world gives you two choices. You either can be
A bully or a doormat. This kind of thinking
Can get you into troublesome situations
With others, but the wisest people are the ones
Who know there are more choices. They are unshrinking
In the ways of relating most positively.

How do you Speak Up For Yourself without being
Angry and aggressive? You are always speaking
Up for yourself vibrationally. This is true.
The entire universe is responding to you.
It will bring to you whatever you are seeking.
With the process you must be fully agreeing.

Getting in someone’s face is clearly not the way
To resolve any issue. It makes things much worse.
Come into alignment with what you want and then
Speak from pure inspiration. It is only when
You rely on the power of the universe
Are you given the appropriate words to say.

When you have a strong negative reaction to
Some injustice, the question becomes apparent.
Do you brood in it and talk to others about
Your mistreatment? Do you get a bullhorn and shout
To the world all about it? Don’t be declarant
Of perceived lack of power. It is within you.

Your Natural Frequency

Life Pulse

When you are finding ways where you can consciously
Allow your Vortex of Creation to tune you
To Your Natural Frequency, you own the world
Then your Vortex of Creation must be unfurled.
All the deliberate creating that you do,
You expect it to turn out magnificently.

When you’re not tuned to Your Natural Frequency,
Then you’re pointing the finger at some injustice,
Or you’re beating the drum of righteous guilt and blame,
Then you wonder why things keep on staying the same.
When you’re there, you are nowhere near a state of bliss.
Instead of complaining you can just let things be.

Letting things be does not mean that you have no care
For what’s happening in the world or down the street.
You’re much better off tending to your vibration.
In this way, you’ll succeed in getting more things done
On a level spiritual. Life can be sweet.
Nothing can be done with the mindset of despair.

By effectively utilizing the power
Of deliberate focus, you can get to where
You will be in a state of alignment mostly.
You can’t get others to be as you’d have them be,
But you can promise easily that you will care
More about how you feel despite what may occur.


Life Is Great!

The old one-two-three punch can be devastating
If I’m not ready for it. When something goes wrong
And then something else until the day turns to crap,
I’m the first one to admit that there’s a big gap
Between me and my true self. It need not take long
For me to recover. It is called creating.

The entire universe is on my side. I know
That it’s rooting for me to get what I desire.
I can give up the hissy fit in its absence.
The feeling of injustice is vile and intense,
And I can’t be a reality denier
Unless spirit tells me it’s the best way to go.

A blanket of wellbeing I am wrapped up in.
As I look through the catalogs of life, I sift
And sort through it all in order to find out which
Is appealing. I can’t say that life is a bitch.
As a matter of fact, it’s a wonderful gift.
My enjoyment of life absolves me of all sin.

I get to vibrationally tune myself to
The frequency of who I truly am at heart,
Then many manifestations begin to flow
Into my life, but best of all, I get to know
The feeling of expansion. It is a new start
In the proper direction. I shall not be blue.

A Magic Recipe

Conjured Panacea

The basis of your life is freedom, and your quest
Is to be happy. The result is expansion
Of who you are. The answer to any issue
Is, Get Happy. More than anything you can do,
How you feel has much to do with what you get done.
The most important thing is that you feel your best.

How do I find the love of my life? Get Happy!
What about my finances? The answer’s the same.
How do I deal with the injustice that exists
In a dangerous world where much hatred persists?
You must know that it is a small part of the game
That is played here. It’s not the way it has to be.

You’ve been trying the impossible for so long
By your looking at things that oppose who you are.
There will come a time when you will have to decide
Which is of more importance. Don’t take things in stride.
Stay away from those things that are not up to par
With you wishes. Your will, in this case, must be strong.

The more you practice looking in the direction
Of what you want, the easier it will become.
You’re offering a vibration where only good
Things can flow to you, and by all goodness, they should.
Recipes for alignment originate from
Being Happy. It is the only solution.

Don’t Get Angry

Controlling Negative Emotion

There’s so much to be angry about. Look around
At this world gone psychotic. People everywhere
Congregate with their hatred fully on display.
Discordant, uncomfortable things people say
To provoke confrontation reveal the despair
In the heart of humanity. It is profound.

If such people show up in my experience,
Even if it is only one other, it means
That I’m hooked into that part of them. It is by
My attention to ‘their’ issue. It’s best that I
Remain silent. Why can I not avoid such scenes?
Momentum preestablished is loud and intense.

I’ll do my best to feel good. It isn’t easy
When something important in my life is at stake.
Energy flowing through me bypasses the mind.
Strong reactions are normal, although they’re unkind.
I’ll relax and breath deeply. The time that I take
To detach from the negative is good for me.

Injustice teases anger. What next do I do?
Do I brood in it, spin with it, and talk about
It with others? For me, there’s a much better way
To deal with righteous anger. I’m willing to stay
Far away from circumstances that freak me out.
To this self who is peaceful, I must remain true.

One Last Thing

Indulge Your Divinity

Everything is of spirit. One cannot deny
That it’s so. The vibrational reality
Of existence is thought of as fundamental
Yet the physical world is not accidental.
It’s made of spirit scientifically.
Scientists spend their time now on wondering why.

The vibrational reality is more real
Than what is known as physical because from it
Comes the physical. This vortex of creation,
Through the Law of Attraction, gets everything done
In the physical universe. It will not quit
For another few eons. It’s not a bad deal.

Finding something to bask about puts you into
A state of alignment. Through appreciation
You can enter a high place and keep yourself there
For as long as you want if you’re willing to care
More about your alignment. What you will have done
Is create from a platform that is fresh and new.

Struggling, sifting, and sorting are done already.
Things are all done and lined up. Cooperative
Components are assembled. All you need to do
Is be more receptive and pay attention to
Things that conform to the way that you want to live.
All the good things in life come to you easily.

Never Be Angry?

Control Of The Inner Flame

Open flames give off heat. What a revelation!
It’s no wonder that when I touch one I get burned.
Logic dictates that it’s best for me to avoid
Anything that is painful or gets me annoyed.
Should my sources of agony be of concern?
When I am burning what should be the duration?

Discordant and uncomfortable people show
Up in my life because I’m hooked into that part
Of their energy. It’s a co-creative dance
That holds me in a most difficult circumstance.
Some people are like burners. It’s not very smart
To go near their direct flame. This much I do know.

If I have touched a hot stove, the question should be,
“What do I do next?” The answer comes right away.
“Take your hand off the hot stove immediately!
It’s not worth abundance, wellness, and clarity.
In this awful condition do you want to stay?”

That this is good advice I would have to agree.

The next time that I feel anger or injustice,
I might say to myself, “I’ve not yet decided
How long I will use you to not let myself be
In a state of wellbeing. You definitely
Did me wrong, and my anger can’t be derided,
But I’d rather be free to experience bliss.”

The World Will Not Be Fair To You

Life Is Generally Cruel

How much of our lives is due to our karmic past?
Injustice and unfairness cannot be ignored.
Every day life comes at you as you approach it.
It makes you cognizant of the acts you commit.
If you do well in this life then your just reward
Is a wonderful next life amid all contrast.

Even though horror punctuates our history
Lavishly, solace is in the fact that justice
Cannot be avoided. All eventually
Meet with their come up-in’s automatically.
Is there yet something shoddy in thinking like this?
Contrast is an earth lesson that’s offered for free.

Are you quite old enough now to not to expect
The world to be fair to you? Do you blame your past
For the pain you are suffering at this moment?
Like a school child do you find it inconvenient
That the world can’t become nice at bloody long last?
Whatever answer you offer would be correct.

The world will not be fair to you, but if you will
Dig deeply into yourself you will find a taste
For life far beyond your thoughts and your emotions.
You can be content no matter how the world runs.
Only things that support your life should be embraced
Then life can be fantastic and always a thrill.

One Last Thing

Get Happy!

The vortex of creation is a search engine
For the infinite universe. Many search terms
Represent our emotions. Each generous smile
Generates a vibration that is most worthwhile
For attracting the good life. Your feeling confirms
All the grace you’re allowing to find its way in.

So find something to bask about. Appreciate
Something you love already, then do it some more.
Meditation is also a tried and true way
To get into that vortex and hopefully stay.
Many good things about life there are to explore.
There are many avenues to your feeling great.

You have done all the legwork and all the sifting
And through data collection you’ve put it all there –
A lifetime of hopes, wishes, and dreams to come true.
There is One Last Thing that you are required to do.
Just let go and Get Happy. Take in the fresh air
 And let the universe do the heavy lifting.

Life is for your expansion. All that may occur
And how you feel about it, even the contrast,
Causes you to expand into a newer place.
The discord and injustice one cannot erase
But your inner alignment can keep you steadfast.
You can always decide to feel as you prefer.

A Message For These Times

Guidance Through Turbulent Momentum

Many roads lead to nowhere as the momentum
Of the fluid uncertainty bathes the weakness
In the soul of humanity. How could one not
Notice and respond to it. Somehow we are caught
In a sea of confusion, hatred, and distress.
Do we need to be fearful of what is to come?

…Not if it’s just a snapshot of how things appear
At this moment in history. The injustice
Cannot go away prior to feeling relief
From all thoughts that have grown to a rigid belief.
Those that do not feel helpful I need to dismiss.
I create my own existential atmosphere.

This journey is more fun than it is not, so I
Can keep reaching for better. To get out ahead
Of whatever is happening is to pre-pave
How my next moments unfold and how I’ll behave
No matter what the circumstance. Life I can tread
From a place of alignment where I need not try.

Constant knee jerk responding to talk in the news
Is the way to keep focused on how things are now.
At a turning point we are, and whichever way
It can turn is my pleasure, which means I will stay
In the state of receiving. The love I allow
Keeps me free of the turmoil. Thus I cannot lose.

The Recipe For Receiving

The Process Of Allowing

People have been trying the impossible task
For so long. It opposes who we truly are.
We will look at something that we clearly don’t want
And then try to be happy. This can only daunt
Anyone and deplete their life force reservoir.
The issue is resolved by learning how to ask.

The basis of your life is freedom, and your quest
Is pure joy which leads to eternal expansion.
So the answer to everything is: Get Happy.
We can’t look and injustice and hatred and be
In the receiving mode. Again, the solution
Is to focus only on the things that feel best.

What is going on right with the world is greater
By a billionfold than what’s perceived to be wrong.
Concentrating on good things that are happening
And doing things that feel good in essence will bring
Everything that is wanted. Magnetic and strong
One becomes… and a most powerful creator.

Look only in the direction of your desire.
All else is a distraction, so leave it alone.
Don’t fix things that are broken, and do have more fun.
This vibration, when practiced, is the only one
That will lead to receiving. Thus you have your own
Recipe for the things that you want to acquire.

Nigger Season

The Benefits Of Civil War

If I walk outside my house I may be shot dead
By some teen with a license which is his white skin.
It may be for no other reason than I’m black,
And a crime such as that is well worth an attack.
What can I do about my original sin?
Following this dark sequence is done with much dread.

But I have to go through it. I have not the choice
But to work out this puzzle witch fucks with the mind.
It’s not that I’m heartbroken. I’m now wide awake
To the hate that is due me. No hand may I shake
That is not mine in color. In this can I find
Some perverted assed reason for me to rejoice?

No I can’t. So, it’s best that I piss and move on.
Survival is a given until it is not.
I remain just as helpless as decades ago.
Civil rights was a pipe dream, and as the weeds grow
Hatred lingers and forces itself by gunshot.
‘Seems we’ll never live up to the manicured lawn.

The procession of seasons that nature provides
Is severely augmented by issues of race.
Responding to the gut punch, I find some relief.
And my role in the picture is that much more brief.
My death may be related to some lame court case.
That’s where I am. I now leave it up to my guides.

The Universe Is On Your Side

All The Power There Is

Frequently one-two-three punches into the gut
Leave a mess for digestion of life as a meal.
Sustenance insufficient, the dark soul adrift
In a fog can recover by making a shift
In the way it is thinking. Life can be ideal.
Yes, you can be in fulfillment no matter what.

Those who hang out in spirit, who used to be here
Among us in the earth realm plus many others
That we can never know of whose numbers are vast
Have no better thing to do but lovingly cast
Good vibrations upon earth. Whatever occurs
That is unwanted is only due to your fear.

You cannot be impatient although you may know
Absolutely for certain that you deserve more.
Let it happen without giving it all your thought.
Finding joy in the process, you will not get caught
In the trap of poor thinking. You are destined for
All the best that you’ve dreamt since a long time ago.

Those who believe in fairies and unicorns are
In their right minds by spirit who takes form in ways
That are meant to return you to who you can be.
Forces do work in tandem for your harmony.
On the wings of your wishes, spirit offers praise
And reminds you that all that you seek isn’t far.

The Recipe

The Way Of Good Living

All good things that are sought, created, and received
Are contained in The Recipe for wellbeing.
The basis of all life is freedom, and our quest
Is to seek out and find new joy and feel our best.
The command to get happy is worth obeying.
It’s the one best solution for all ills conceived.

How do I find my lover, or land that big job…
Or live happily ever after? Get Happy!
To get what I want, I have to get happy first,

Then all things that I’ve dreamed of are fully disbursed.
Staring down what I hate looking at too closely
Leads to failure, and self-confidence does it rob.

I can’t look at things that make me unhappy, then
Try to make myself joyful. That doesn’t work well.
Looking in the direction of what I prefer
Is the best way to get momentum to occur.
In a world of abundance my spirit must dwell.
I do not have to fix what I see as broken.

Practicing feeling wonderful narrows the gap
Between me and my wishes. They all can come true.
Anything I can do to distract myself from
The apparent dilemma can help overcome
The resistance I harbor. My fortune is due.
Universal forces I am willing to tap.